Topological sort/Extracted top item: Difference between revisions

Tcl implementation added
(Tcl implementation added)
Line 714:
3 des1
4 top1 top2
The <tt>topsort</tt> proc is taken from [[Topological sort#Tcl]] with <tt>{*}</tt> removed from the line commented so that results are returned by level:
<lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.5
proc topsort {data} {
# Clean the data
dict for {node depends} $data {
if {[set i [lsearch -exact $depends $node]] >= 0} {
set depends [lreplace $depends $i $i]
dict set data $node $depends
foreach node $depends {dict lappend data $node}
# Do the sort
set sorted {}
while 1 {
# Find available nodes
set avail [dict keys [dict filter $data value {}]]
if {![llength $avail]} {
if {[dict size $data]} {
error "graph is cyclic, possibly involving nodes \"[dict keys $data]\""
return $sorted
lappend sorted $avail ;# change here: [[Topological sort]] had {*}$avail
# Remove from working copy of graph
dict for {node depends} $data {
foreach n $avail {
if {[set i [lsearch -exact $depends $n]] >= 0} {
set depends [lreplace $depends $i $i]
dict set data $node $depends
foreach node $avail {
dict unset data $node
# The changes to $data in this proc offer an interesting reflection on value semantics.
# Consider the value of $data seen by [dict for], by each invocation of [dict keys]
# and [dict unset] and how that affects the soundness of the loops.
proc tops {data} {
dict for {k v} $data {
foreach t [dict keys $data] {
if {$t in $v} {
dict unset data $t
dict keys $data
proc withdeps {dict tops {res {}}} {
foreach top $tops {
if {[dict exists $dict $top]} {
set deps [dict get $dict $top]
set res [dict merge $res [dict create $top $deps] [withdeps $dict $deps]]
return $res
proc parsetop {t} {
set top {}
foreach l [split $t \n] {
catch {dict lappend top {*}$l}
return $top
set inputData {
top1 des1 ip1 ip2
top2 des1 ip2 ip3
ip1 extra1 ip1a ipcommon
ip2 ip2a ip2b ip2c ipcommon
des1 des1a des1b des1c
des1a des1a1 des1a2
des1c des1c1 extra1
set d [parsetop $inputData]
pdict $d
set tops [tops $d]
puts "Tops: $tops\n"
set targets [list $tops {*}$tops]
foreach target $targets {
puts "Target: $target"
set i 0
foreach deps [topsort [withdeps $d $target]] {
puts "\tround [incr i]:\t$deps"
<pre>Tops: top1 top2
Target: top1 top2
round 1: des1b des1a1 des1a2 des1c1 extra1 ip1a ipcommon ip2a ip2b ip2c ip3
round 2: des1a des1c ip1 ip2
round 3: des1
round 4: top1 top2
Target: top1
round 1: des1b des1a1 des1a2 des1c1 extra1 ip1a ipcommon ip2a ip2b ip2c
round 2: des1a des1c ip1 ip2
round 3: des1
round 4: top1
Target: top2
round 1: ip3 des1b des1a1 des1a2 des1c1 extra1 ip2a ip2b ip2c ipcommon
round 2: des1a des1c ip2
round 3: des1
round 4: top2
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