Textonyms: Difference between revisions

3,199 bytes added ,  3 years ago
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m (Swift - simplified code)
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<lang 11l>[Char = String] CH2NUM
L(chars) ‘abc def ghi jkl mno pqrs tuv wxyz’.split(‘ ’)
V num = L.index + 2
L(ch) chars
CH2NUM[ch] = String(num)
F mapnum2words(words)
DefaultDict[String, [String]] number2words
V reject = 0
L(word) words
number2words[word.map(ch -> :CH2NUM[ch]).join(‘’)].append(word)
X.catch KeyError
R (number2words, reject)
V words = File(‘unixdict.txt’).read().rtrim("\n").split("\n")
print(‘Read #. words from 'unixdict.txt'’.format(words.len))
V wordset = Set(words)
V (num2words, reject) = mapnum2words(words)
F interactiveconversions()
L(inp) (‘rosetta’, ‘code’, ‘2468’, ‘3579’)
print("\nType a number or a word to get the translation and textonyms: "inp)
I all(inp.map(ch -> ch C ‘23456789’))
I inp C :num2words
print(‘ Number #. has the following textonyms in the dictionary: #.’.format(inp, (:num2words[inp]).join(‘, ’)))
print(‘ Number #. has no textonyms in the dictionary.’.format(inp))
E I all(inp.map(ch -> ch C :CH2NUM))
V num = inp.map(ch -> :CH2NUM[ch]).join(‘’)
print(‘ Word #. is#. in the dictionary and is number #. with textonyms: #.’.format(inp, (I inp C :wordset {‘’} E ‘n't’), num, (:num2words[num]).join(‘, ’)))
print(‘ I don't understand '#.'’.format(inp))
V morethan1word = sum(num2words.keys().filter(w -> :num2words[w].len > 1).map(w -> 1))
V maxwordpernum = max(num2words.values().map(values -> values.len))
There are #. words in #. which can be represented by the Textonyms mapping.
They require #. digit combinations to represent them.
#. digit combinations represent Textonyms.’.format(words.len - reject, ‘'unixdict.txt'’, num2words.len, morethan1word))
print("\nThe numbers mapping to the most words map to #. words each:".format(maxwordpernum))
V maxwpn = sorted(num2words.filter((key, val) -> val.len == :maxwordpernum))
L(num, wrds) maxwpn
print(‘ #. maps to: #.’.format(num, wrds.join(‘, ’)))
Read 25104 words from 'unixdict.txt'
There are 24978 words in 'unixdict.txt' which can be represented by the Textonyms mapping.
They require 22903 digit combinations to represent them.
1473 digit combinations represent Textonyms.
The numbers mapping to the most words map to 9 words each:
269 maps to: amy, any, bmw, bow, box, boy, cow, cox, coy
729 maps to: paw, pax, pay, paz, raw, ray, saw, sax, say
Type a number or a word to get the translation and textonyms: rosetta
Word rosetta is in the dictionary and is number 7673882 with textonyms: rosetta
Type a number or a word to get the translation and textonyms: code
Word code is in the dictionary and is number 2633 with textonyms: bode, code, coed
Type a number or a word to get the translation and textonyms: 2468
Number 2468 has the following textonyms in the dictionary: ainu, chou
Type a number or a word to get the translation and textonyms: 3579
Number 3579 has no textonyms in the dictionary.
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