Terminal control/Coloured text: Difference between revisions

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<lang fortran>! Standard Fortran, should work with any modern compiler (tested gfortran 9)
! and ANSI supporting terminal (tested Linux, various terminals).
program coloured_terminal_text
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: ERROR_UNIT
implicit none

! Some parameters for our ANSI escape codes
character(*), parameter :: esc = achar(27) ! Escape character.
character(*), parameter :: reset = esc // '[0m' ! Terminates an ANSI code.
! Foreground(font) Colours
character(*), parameter :: red = esc // '[31m'
character(*), parameter :: green = esc // '[32m'
character(*), parameter :: yellow = esc // '[33m'
character(*), parameter :: blue = esc // '[34m'
character(*), parameter :: magenta = esc // '[35m'
character(*), parameter :: cyan = esc // '[36m'
character(*), parameter :: grey = esc // '[90m' !Bright-Black
! One background colour
character(*), parameter :: background_green = esc // '[42m'
! Some other formatting
character(*), parameter :: bold = esc // '[1m'
character(*), parameter :: bold_blink = esc // '[1;5m'

! Write to terminal (stderr, use OUTPUT_UNIT for stdout)
write(ERROR_UNIT, '(a)') bold // 'Coloured words:' // reset
write(ERROR_UNIT, '(4x, a)') &
red // 'Red' // reset, &
green // 'Green' // reset, &
yellow // 'Yellow' // reset, &
blue // 'Blue' // reset, &
magenta // 'Magenta' // reset, &
cyan // 'Cyan' // reset, &
grey // 'Grey' // reset
write(ERROR_UNIT, '(a)') bold_blink // 'THE END ;-)' // reset

write(ERROR_UNIT, '(a)') background_green // 'Bonus Round' // reset
end program coloured_terminal_text</lang>

===Intel Fortran on Windows===
===Intel Fortran on Windows===
Using Windows API functions, see for instance '''[https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686047.aspx SetConsoleTextAttribute]''' in MSDN. On can set foreground and background colors, available attributes are [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682088.aspx here]. It's not possible to cause blinking without using a thread to change attributes at time intervals. The program reverts the console attributes to the preceding values. Failing to do that, it is still possible to reset console colors with the '''color''' command, without arguments.
Using Windows API functions, see for instance '''[https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686047.aspx SetConsoleTextAttribute]''' in MSDN. On can set foreground and background colors, available attributes are [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682088.aspx here]. It's not possible to cause blinking without using a thread to change attributes at time intervals. The program reverts the console attributes to the preceding values. Failing to do that, it is still possible to reset console colors with the '''color''' command, without arguments.