Tarjan: Difference between revisions

1,844 bytes added ,  3 years ago
(Add's my C (c99) implementation of Tarjan's algorithm)
Line 585:
{{lang Nim>import sequtils, strutils, tables
Node = ref object
val: int
index: int
lowLink: int
onStack: bool
Nodes = seq[Node]
DirectedGraph = object
nodes: seq[Node]
edges: Table[int, Nodes]
func initNode(n: int): Node =
Node(val: n, index: -1, lowLink: -1, onStack: false)
func `$`(node: Node): string = $node.val
func tarjan(g: DirectedGraph): seq[Nodes] =
var index = 0
var s: seq[Node]
var sccs: seq[Nodes]
func strongConnect(v: Node) =
# Set the depth index for "v" to the smallest unused index.
v.index = index
v.lowLink = index
inc index
s.add v
v.onStack = true
# Consider successors of "v".
for w in g.edges[v.val]:
if w.index < 0:
# Successor "w" has not yet been visited; recurse on it.
v.lowLink = min(v.lowLink, w.lowLink)
elif w.onStack:
# Successor "w" is in stack "s" and hence in the current SCC.
v.lowLink = min(v.lowLink, w.index)
# If "v" is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC.
if v.lowLink == v.index:
var scc: Nodes
while true:
let w = s.pop()
w.onStack = false
scc.add w
if w == v: break
sccs.add scc
for v in g.nodes:
if v.index < 0:
result = move(sccs)
when isMainModule:
let vs = toSeq(0..7).map(initNode)
let es = {0: @[vs[1]],
1: @[vs[2]],
2: @[vs[0]],
3: @[vs[1], vs[2], vs[4]],
4: @[vs[5], vs[3]],
5: @[vs[2], vs[6]],
6: @[vs[5]],
7: @[vs[4], vs[7], vs[6]]}.toTable
var g = DirectedGraph(nodes: vs, edges: es)
let sccs = g.tarjan()
echo sccs.join("\n")</lang>
<pre>@[2, 1, 0]
@[6, 5]
@[4, 3]
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