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<lang racket>#lang racket

(require syntax/parse/define
(for-syntax racket/syntax))

(struct node (name index low-link on?) #:transparent #:mutable
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc v port mode) (fprintf port "~a" (node-name v)))])

(define-syntax-parser change!
[(_ x:id f) #'(set! x (f x))]
[(_ accessor:id v f)
#:with mutator! (format-id this-syntax "set-~a!" #'accessor)
#'(mutator! v (f (accessor v)))])

(define (tarjan g)
(define sccs '())
(define index 0)
(define s '())

(define (dfs v)
(set-node-index! v index)
(set-node-low-link! v index)
(set-node-on?! v #t)
(change! s (cons v _))
(change! index add1)

(for ([w (in-list (hash-ref g v '()))])
(match-define (node _ index low-link on?) w)
[(not index) (dfs w)
(change! node-low-link v (min (node-low-link w) _))]
[on? (change! node-low-link v (min low-link _))]))

(when (= (node-low-link v) (node-index v))
(define-values (scc* s*) (splitf-at s (λ (w) (not (eq? w v)))))
(set! s (rest s*))
(define scc (cons (first s*) scc*))
(for ([w (in-list scc)]) (set-node-on?! w #f))
(change! sccs (cons scc _))))

(for* ([(u vs) (in-hash g)]
[w (in-list (cons u vs))]
#:when (not (node-index w))) (dfs w))

(define (make-graph h)
(define store (make-hash))
(define (make-node v) (hash-ref! store v (thunk (node v #f #f #f))))
;; it's important that we use hasheq instead of hash so that we compare
;; reference instead of actual value. Had we use the actual value,
;; the key would be a mutable value, which causes undefined behavior
(for/hasheq ([(u vs) (in-hash h)]) (values (make-node u) (map make-node vs))))

(tarjan (make-graph #hash([0 . (1)]
[2 . (0)]
[5 . (2 6)]
[6 . (5)]
[1 . (2)]
[3 . (1 2 4)]
[4 . (5 3)]
[7 . (4 7 6)])))</lang>


'((7) (3 4) (5 6) (2 1 0))