String matching: Difference between revisions

Added F# version
(It occurs to me that no one really cares (apart from a few million Hindi and Urdu speakers) what can go wrong with "roko mat jane do".)
(Added F# version)
Line 538:
'qwertyuiop' does not end with 'uio'
<lang fsharp>[<EntryPoint>]
let main args =
let text = "一二三四五六七八九十"
let starts = "一二"
let ends = "九十"
let contains = "五六"
let notContains = "百"
printfn "text = %A" text
printfn "starts with %A: %A" starts (text.StartsWith(starts))
printfn "starts with %A: %A" ends (text.StartsWith(ends))
printfn "ends with %A: %A" ends (text.EndsWith(ends))
printfn "ends with %A: %A" starts (text.EndsWith(starts))
printfn "contains %A: %A" contains (text.Contains(contains))
printfn "contains %A: %A" notContains (text.Contains(notContains))
printfn "substring %A begins at position %d (zero-based)" contains (text.IndexOf(contains))
let text2 = text + text
printfn "text = %A" text2
Seq.unfold (fun (n : int) ->
let idx = text2.IndexOf(contains, n)
if idx < 0 then None else Some (idx, idx+1)) 0
|> Seq.iter (printfn "substring %A begins at position %d (zero-based)" contains)
<pre>text = "一二三四五六七八九十"
starts with "一二": true
starts with "九十": false
ends with "九十": true
ends with "一二": false
contains "五六": true
contains "百": false
substring "五六" begins at position 4 (zero-based)
text = "一二三四五六七八九十一二三四五六七八九十"
substring "五六" begins at position 4 (zero-based)
substring "五六" begins at position 14 (zero-based)</pre>
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