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Line 621:
PLAYER 3 buys the drinks!</pre>
<lang Nim>import math, random, sequtils, strformat, strutils, terminal
const Test = true
proc getNumber(prompt: string; min, max: int; showMinMax: bool): int =
while true:
stdout.write prompt
stdout.write if showMinMax: &" from {min} to {max}: " else: ": "
result = stdin.readLine().parseInt()
except ValueError:
echo "Wrong input"
except EOFError:
quit "\nEnd of file encountered. Quitting", QuitFailure
if result in min..max: break
echo "Value out of range"
proc play() =
players = getNumber("Number of players", 2, 9, true)
coins = getNumber("Number of coins per player", 3, 6, true)
remaining = toSeq(1..players)
first = rand(1..players)
round = 1
echo "The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for"
echo "each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER"
echo "it will be erased so that the other players, who should look"
echo "away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess"
echo "the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'."
while true:
echo &"\nROUND {round:}\n"
n = first
hands = newSeq[int](players + 1)
guesses = repeat(- 1, players + 1)
while true:
echo &" PLAYER {n}:"
echo " Please come to the computer and press ENTER"
hands[n] = rand(coins)
let plural = if hands[n] > 1: "s" else: ""
stdout.write &" <There are {hands[n]} coin{plural} in your hand>"
discard stdin.readLine()
if not Test:
stdout.write '\r'
while true:
let min = hands[n]
let max = remaining.high * coins + hands[n]
let guess = getNumber(" Guess the total", min, max, false)
if guess notin guesses:
guesses[n] = guess
echo " Already guessed by another player, try again"
let index = remaining.find(n)
n = remaining[(index + 1) mod remaining.len]
if n == first: break
let total = sum(hands)
echo " Total coins held = ", total
var eliminated = false
for i, n in remaining:
if guesses[n] == total:
echo &" PLAYER {n} guessed correctly and is eliminated"
eliminated = true
if not eliminated:
echo " No player guessed correctly in this round"
if remaining.len == 1:
echo &"\nPLAYER {remaining[0]} buys the drinks!"
let index = remaining.find(n)
first = remaining[(index + 1) mod remaining.len]
inc round
Sample game in test mode.
<pre>Number of players from 2 to 9: 3
Number of coins per player from 3 to 6: 3
The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for
each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER
it will be erased so that the other players, who should look
away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess
the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.
Please come to the computer and press ENTER
<There are 3 coins in your hand>
Guess the total: 6
Please come to the computer and press ENTER
<There are 0 coin in your hand>
Guess the total: 5
Please come to the computer and press ENTER
<There are 1 coin in your hand>
Guess the total: 4
Total coins held = 4
PLAYER 3 guessed correctly and is eliminated
Please come to the computer and press ENTER
<There are 0 coin in your hand>
Guess the total: 3
Please come to the computer and press ENTER
<There are 0 coin in your hand>
Guess the total: 0
Total coins held = 0
PLAYER 1 guessed correctly and is eliminated
PLAYER 2 buys the drinks!</pre>

Revision as of 15:30, 12 July 2021

Spoof game is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Create Spoof game. See details: Spoof game


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <time.h>
  1. define TRUE 1
  2. define FALSE 0
  3. define ESC 27
  4. define TEST TRUE /* set to 'false' to erase each player's coins */

typedef int bool;

int get_number(const char *prompt, int min, int max, bool show_mm) {

   int n;
   char *line = NULL;
   size_t len = 0;
   ssize_t read;
   do {
       printf("%s", prompt);
       if (show_mm)
           printf(" from %d to %d : ", min, max);
           printf(" : ");
       read = getline(&line, &len, stdin);
       if (read < 2) continue;
       n = atoi(line);
   while (n < min || n > max);
   return n;


int compare_int(const void *a, const void* b) {

   int i = *(int *)a;
   int j = *(int *)b;
   return i - j;


int main() {

   int i, j, n, players, coins, first, round = 1, rem_size;
   int min, max, guess, index, index2, total;
   int remaining[9], hands[10], guesses[10];
   bool found, eliminated;
   char c;
   players = get_number("Number of players", 2, 9, TRUE);
   coins = get_number("Number of coins per player", 3, 6, TRUE);
   for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) remaining[i] = i + 1;
   rem_size = players;
   first = 1 + rand() % players;
   printf("The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for");
   printf("\neach round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER");
   printf("\nit will be erased so that the other players, who should look");
   printf("\naway until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess");
   printf("\nthe total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.\n");
   while(TRUE) {
       printf("\nROUND %d:\n", round);
       n = first;
       for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
           hands[i] = 0; guesses[i] = -1;
       do {
           printf("  PLAYER %d:\n", n);
           printf("    Please come to the computer and press ENTER\n");
           hands[n] = rand() % (coins + 1);
           printf("      <There are %d coin(s) in your hand>", hands[n]);
           while (getchar() != '\n');
           if (!TEST) {
               printf("%c[1A", ESC);  // move cursor up one line
               printf("%c[2K", ESC);  // erase line
               printf("\r\n");        // move cursor to beginning of line
           else printf("\n");
           while (TRUE) {
               min = hands[n];
               max = (rem_size - 1) * coins + hands[n];
               guess = get_number("    Guess the total", min, max, FALSE);
               found = FALSE;
               for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
                   if (guess == guesses[i]) {
                       found = TRUE;
               if (!found) {
                   guesses[n] = guess;
               printf("    Already guessed by another player, try again\n");
           index = -1;
           for (i = 0; i < rem_size; ++i) {
               if (remaining[i] == n) {
                   index = i;
           if (index < rem_size - 1)
               n = remaining[index + 1];
               n = remaining[0];
       while (n != first);
       total = 0;
       for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i) total += hands[i];
       printf("  Total coins held = %d\n", total);
       eliminated = FALSE;
       for (i = 0; i < rem_size; ++i) {
           j = remaining[i];
           if (guesses[j] == total) {
               printf("  PLAYER %d guessed correctly and is eliminated\n", j);
               remaining[i] = 10;
               qsort(remaining, players, sizeof(int), compare_int);
               eliminated = TRUE;
       if (!eliminated)
           printf("  No players guessed correctly in this round\n");
       else if (rem_size == 1) {
           printf("\nPLAYER %d buys the drinks!\n", remaining[0]);
       index2 = -1;
       for (i = 0; i < rem_size; ++i) {
           if (remaining[i] == first) {
               index2 = i;
       if (index2 < rem_size - 1)
           first = remaining[index2 + 1];
           first = remaining[0];
   return 0;



Sample game (TEST == true):

Number of players from 2 to 9 : 2

Number of coins per player from 3 to 6 : 4

The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for
each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER
it will be erased so that the other players, who should look
away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess
the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 4 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 6

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 3

  Total coins held = 4
  No players guessed correctly in this round

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 4 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 5

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 7

  Total coins held = 7
  PLAYER 1 guessed correctly and is eliminated

PLAYER 2 buys the drinks!


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang go>package main

import (



const (

   esc  = "\033"
   test = true // set to 'false' to erase each player's coins


var scanner = bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)

func indexOf(s []int, el int) int {

   for i, v := range s {
       if v == el {
           return i
   return -1


func getNumber(prompt string, min, max int, showMinMax bool) (int, error) {

   for {
       if showMinMax {
           fmt.Printf(" from %d to %d : ", min, max)
       } else {
           fmt.Printf(" : ")
       if scerr := scanner.Err(); scerr != nil {
           return 0, scerr
       input, err := strconv.Atoi(scanner.Text())
       if err == nil && input >= min && input <= max {
           return input, nil


func check(err error, text string) {

   if err != nil {
       log.Fatalln(err, text)


func main() {

   players, err := getNumber("Number of players", 2, 9, true)
   check(err, "when getting players")
   coins, err2 := getNumber("Number of coins per player", 3, 6, true)
   check(err2, "when getting coins")
   remaining := make([]int, players)
   for i := range remaining {
       remaining[i] = i + 1
   first := 1 + rand.Intn(players)
   fmt.Println("The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for")
   fmt.Println("each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER")
   fmt.Println("it will be erased so that the other players, who should look")
   fmt.Println("away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess")
   fmt.Println("the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.")
   for round := 1; ; round++ {
       fmt.Printf("\nROUND %d:\n\n", round)
       n := first
       hands := make([]int, players+1)
       guesses := make([]int, players+1)
       for i := range guesses {
           guesses[i] = -1
       for {
           fmt.Printf("  PLAYER %d:\n", n)
           fmt.Println("    Please come to the computer and press ENTER")
           hands[n] = rand.Intn(coins + 1)
           fmt.Print("      <There are ", hands[n], " coin(s) in your hand>")
           check(scanner.Err(), "when pressing ENTER")
           if !test {
               fmt.Print(esc, "[1A") // move cursor up one line
               fmt.Print(esc, "[2K") // erase line
               fmt.Println("\r")     // move cursor to beginning of line
           } else {
           for {
               min := hands[n]
               max := (len(remaining)-1)*coins + hands[n]
               guess, err3 := getNumber("    Guess the total", min, max, false)
               check(err3, "when guessing the total")
               if indexOf(guesses, guess) == -1 {
                   guesses[n] = guess
               fmt.Println("    Already guessed by another player, try again")
           index := indexOf(remaining, n)
           if index < len(remaining)-1 {
               n = remaining[index+1]
           } else {
               n = remaining[0]
           if n == first {
       total := 0
       for _, hand := range hands {
           total += hand
       fmt.Println("  Total coins held =", total)
       eliminated := false
       for _, v := range remaining {
           if guesses[v] == total {
               fmt.Println("  PLAYER", v, "guessed correctly and is eliminated")
               r := indexOf(remaining, v)
               remaining = append(remaining[:r], remaining[r+1:]...)
               eliminated = true
       if !eliminated {
           fmt.Println("  No players guessed correctly in this round")
       } else if len(remaining) == 1 {
           fmt.Println("\nPLAYER", remaining[0], "buys the drinks!")
       index2 := indexOf(remaining, n)
       if index2 < len(remaining)-1 {
           first = remaining[index2+1]
       } else {
           first = remaining[0]



Sample game. Note that lines enclosed in angle brackets will be erased after the player presses ENTER if TEST = false.

Number of players from 2 to 9 : 2

Number of coins per player from 3 to 6 : 4

The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for
each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER
it will be erased so that the other players, who should look
away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess
the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 3

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 2 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 4

  Total coins held = 2
  No players guessed correctly in this round


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 4 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 6

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 7

  Total coins held = 7
  PLAYER 2 guessed correctly and is eliminated

PLAYER 1 buys the drinks!


Translation of: Ring

<lang julia>function queryint(prompt)

   while true
       print("\n", prompt, " (supply an integer) => ")
       (n = tryparse(Int, strip(readline(stdin)))) != nothing && return n


function spoofgamefortwo()

   spoof = 0:6
   mypot, myguess, yourpot, yourguess = 0, 0, 0, 0
   ngames = queryint("How many games do you want?")
   for _ in 1:ngames
       while true
           mypot = rand(1:3)
           myguess = rand(1:6)
           if mypot + 3 < myguess
       println("I have put my pot and guess.")
       while true
           yourpot = queryint("Your pot?")
           yourguess = queryint("Your guess?")
           if 0 <= yourpot <= 6 && 0 <= yourguess <= 6 && (yourpot + 4 > yourguess)
       println("My put is: $mypot")
       println("My guess is: $myguess")
       pot = mypot + yourpot
       if myguess == pot && yourguess == pot
       elseif myguess == pot
           println("I won!")
       elseif yourguess == pot
           println("You won!")
           println("No winner!")




How many games do you want? (supply an integer) => 2
I have put my pot and guess.

Your pot? (supply an integer) => 1

Your guess? (supply an integer) => 3
My put is: 2
My guess is: 6
You won!
I have put my pot and guess.

Your pot? (supply an integer) => 2

Your guess? (supply an integer) => 4
My put is: 1
My guess is: 5
No winner!


This program has a TEST mode. If you set it to true, the number of coins allocated to each player for each round won't be erased after he/she presses ENTER, which allows you to check it is working out the total for the round correctly. <lang scala>// Version 1.2.40

import java.util.Random

const val ESC = '\u001B' const val TEST = true // set to 'false' to erase each player's coins

fun getNumber(prompt: String, min: Int, max: Int, showMinMax: Boolean) : Int {

   var input: Int?
   do {
       if (showMinMax)
           print(" from $min to $max : ")
           print(" : ")
       input = readLine()!!.toIntOrNull()
   while (input == null || input !in min..max)
   return input


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val rand = Random()
   val players = getNumber("Number of players", 2, 9, true)
   val coins = getNumber("Number of coins per player", 3, 6, true)
   var remaining = MutableList(players) { it + 1 }
   var first = 1 + rand.nextInt(players)
   var round = 1
   println("The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for")
   println("each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER")
   println("it will be erased so that the other players, who should look")
   println("away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess")
   println("the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.")
   while(true) {
       println("\nROUND $round:\n")
       var n = first
       val hands = IntArray(players + 1)
       val guesses = IntArray(players + 1) { -1 }
       do {
           println("  PLAYER $n:")
           println("    Please come to the computer and press ENTER")
           hands[n] = rand.nextInt(coins + 1)
           print("      <There are ${hands[n]} coin(s) in your hand>")
           do {} while (readLine() == null)
           if (!TEST) {
               print("${ESC}[1A")  // move cursor up one line
               print("${ESC}[2K")  // erase line
               println("\r")       // move cursor to beginning of line
           else println()
           while (true) {
               val min = hands[n]
               val max = (remaining.size - 1) * coins + hands[n]
               val guess = getNumber("    Guess the total", min, max, false)
               if (guess !in guesses) {
                   guesses[n] = guess
               println("    Already guessed by another player, try again")
           val index = remaining.indexOf(n)
           n = if (index < remaining.lastIndex) remaining[index + 1]
               else remaining[0]
       while (n != first)
       val total = hands.sum()
       println("  Total coins held = $total")
       var eliminated = false
       for (i in remaining) {
           if (guesses[i] == total) {
               println("  PLAYER $i guessed correctly and is eliminated")
               eliminated = true
       if (!eliminated)
           println("  No players guessed correctly in this round")
       else if (remaining.size == 1) {
           println("\nPLAYER ${remaining[0]} buys the drinks!")
       val index2 = remaining.indexOf(n)
       first = if (index2 < remaining.lastIndex) remaining[index2 + 1]
               else remaining[0]



Sample game. Note that lines enclosed in angle brackets will be erased after the player presses ENTER if TEST = false.

Number of players from 2 to 9 : 3

Number of coins per player from 3 to 6 : 3

The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for
each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER
it will be erased so that the other players, who should look
away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess
the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 2 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 6

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 7

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 8

  Total coins held = 8
  PLAYER 2 guessed correctly and is eliminated


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 2 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 4

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 3

  Total coins held = 2
  No players guessed correctly in this round


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 4

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total : 3

  Total coins held = 3
  PLAYER 1 guessed correctly and is eliminated

PLAYER 3 buys the drinks!


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang Nim>import math, random, sequtils, strformat, strutils, terminal

const Test = true

proc getNumber(prompt: string; min, max: int; showMinMax: bool): int =

 while true:
   stdout.write prompt
   stdout.write if showMinMax: &" from {min} to {max}: " else: ": "
     result = stdin.readLine().parseInt()
   except ValueError:
     echo "Wrong input"
   except EOFError:
     quit "\nEnd of file encountered. Quitting", QuitFailure
   if result in min..max: break
   echo "Value out of range"

proc play() =

   players = getNumber("Number of players", 2, 9, true)
   coins = getNumber("Number of coins per player", 3, 6, true)
   remaining = toSeq(1..players)
   first = rand(1..players)
   round = 1
 echo "The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for"
 echo "each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER"
 echo "it will be erased so that the other players, who should look"
 echo "away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess"
 echo "the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'."
 while true:
   echo &"\nROUND {round:}\n"
     n = first
     hands = newSeq[int](players + 1)
     guesses = repeat(- 1, players + 1)
   while true:
     echo &"  PLAYER {n}:"
     echo "    Please come to the computer and press ENTER"
     hands[n] = rand(coins)
     let plural = if hands[n] > 1: "s" else: ""
     stdout.write &"      <There are {hands[n]} coin{plural} in your hand>"
     discard stdin.readLine()
     if not Test:
       stdout.write '\r'
     while true:
       let min = hands[n]
       let max = remaining.high * coins + hands[n]
       let guess = getNumber("    Guess the total", min, max, false)
       if guess notin guesses:
           guesses[n] = guess
       echo "    Already guessed by another player, try again"
     let index = remaining.find(n)
     n = remaining[(index + 1) mod remaining.len]
     if n == first: break
   let total = sum(hands)
   echo "  Total coins held = ", total
   var eliminated = false
   for i, n in remaining:
     if guesses[n] == total:
       echo &"  PLAYER {n} guessed correctly and is eliminated"
       eliminated = true
   if not eliminated:
     echo "  No player guessed correctly in this round"
     if remaining.len == 1:
       echo &"\nPLAYER {remaining[0]} buys the drinks!"
   let index = remaining.find(n)
   first = remaining[(index + 1) mod remaining.len]
   inc round

randomize() play()</lang>


Sample game in test mode.

Number of players from 2 to 9: 3

Number of coins per player from 3 to 6: 3

The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for
each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER
it will be erased so that the other players, who should look
away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess
the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coins in your hand>

    Guess the total: 6

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin in your hand>

    Guess the total: 5

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 1 coin in your hand>

    Guess the total: 4

  Total coins held = 4
  PLAYER 3 guessed correctly and is eliminated


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin in your hand>

    Guess the total: 3

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin in your hand>

    Guess the total: 0

  Total coins held = 0
  PLAYER 1 guessed correctly and is eliminated

PLAYER 2 buys the drinks!


Translation of: Julia

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say';

sub query_for_integer {

   my ($prompt) = @_;
   while (1) {
       print "$prompt " and chop($_ = <>);
       /^\d+$/ ? return $_ : say '(need an integer)';


sub spoof_for_2 {

   my ($mypot, $myguess, $yourpot, $yourguess) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
   my $ngames = query_for_integer('How many games do you want?');
   for (1 .. $ngames) {
       while (1) {
           $mypot   = 1 + int rand 3;
           $myguess = 1 + int rand 6;
           last if $mypot+3 < $myguess;
       say 'I have set my pot and guess.';
       while (1) {
           $yourpot   = query_for_integer('Your pot?'  );
           $yourguess = query_for_integer('Your guess?');
           last if (0 <= $yourpot and $yourpot <= 6) and (0 <= $yourguess and $yourguess <= 6) and $yourpot+4 > $yourguess;
       say "My pot is: $mypot\nMy guess is: $myguess";
       my $pot = $mypot + $yourpot;
       if ($myguess == $pot and $yourguess == $pot) { say 'Draw!'      }
       elsif ($myguess == $pot)                     { say 'I won!'     }
       elsif ($yourguess == $pot)                   { say 'You won!'   }
       else                                         { say 'No winner!' }



How many games do you want? 1
Your pot? 2
Your guess? 3
I have set my pot and guess.
My pot is: 1
My guess is: 6
You won!


<lang Phix>function get_number(string prompt, integer lo, hi, pot, bool show=false)

   if show then prompt &= sprintf(" from %d to %d",{lo,hi}) end if
   printf(1,prompt&" : ")
   integer n = -1
   while n<lo or n>hi do
       n = wait_key()-'0'
       if n='!'-'0' and not show then
           printf(1,"\rYou have %d coins in your hand, max guess is %d\r",{lo,hi})
           printf(1,"                                                 \r")
           printf(1,prompt&" : ")
       end if
   end while
   if n=pot then
   end if
   return n

end function

constant help = """ Guess the total number of coins in everybody's hands. Inputs/guesses between 1 and 9 can be entered using the keys 1 to 9, but just to make life a little more interesting, guesses of 10 .. 54 must be entered using :;<=>?@AB ... XYZ[\]^_`abcdef (no return key required). Use ! to see your hand, obviously only when no-one else is looking. You may not guess less than the number of coins in your hand, or more than that plus (players-1)*maxcoins, or any already known wrong guess.


procedure main()

   integer players = get_number("Number of players", 2, 9, -1, show:=true),
           maxcoins = get_number("Max coins per player", 3, 6, -1, show:=true),
           first = rand(players), next = first
   printf(1,"player%d goes first\n",first)
   sequence hands = sq_sub(sq_rand(repeat(maxcoins+1,players)),1),
            remaining = tagset(players),
            game_log = repeat("",players),
            guessed = {}
   for i=1 to players do
       game_log[i] = sprintf("player%d:%s",{i,iff(i<first?" -":"")})
   end for
   integer pot = sum(hands),
           rm1 = (players-1)*maxcoins
   while length(remaining)>1 do
       integer player = remaining[next],
               hp = hands[player],
               guess = get_number(sprintf("player%d guess",player),hp,hp+rm1,pot)
       if find(guess,guessed) then
           printf(1,"Already guessed by another player, try again\n");
           game_log[player] &= sprintf(" %d",guess)
           if guess==pot then
               printf(1,"player%d guessed correctly and is eliminated!\n",player)
               remaining[next..next] = {}
               guessed &= guess
               next += 1
           end if
           if next>length(remaining) then next = 1 end if
       end if
   end while
   printf(1,"hands: %s\n",{sprint(hands)})
   printf(1,"Game log:\n")
   printf(1,"pot:%d, player%d buys the drinks!\n",{pot,remaining[1]})
   {} = wait_key()

end procedure main()</lang>

Guess the total number of coins in everybody's hands.
Inputs/guesses between 1 and 9 can be entered using the keys 1 to 9, but
just to make life a little more interesting, guesses of 10 .. 54 must be
entered using :;<=>?@AB ... XYZ[\]^_`abcdef (no return key required).
Use ! to see your hand, obviously only when no-one else is looking.
You may not guess less than the number of coins in your hand, or more
than that plus (players-1)*maxcoins, or any already known wrong guess.

Number of players from 2 to 9 : 3
Max coins per player from 3 to 6 : 6
player3 goes first
player3 guess : 18
player1 guess : 17
player2 guess : 13
player3 guess : **
player3 guessed correctly and is eliminated!
player1 guess : 9
player2 guess : 11
player1 guess : **
player1 guessed correctly and is eliminated!
hands: {5,1,6}
Game log:
{"player1: - 17 9 12",
 "player2: - 13 11",
 "player3: 18 12"}
pot:12, player2 buys the drinks!


(formerly Perl 6)

Translation of: Perl

<lang perl6>sub query_for_integer ($prompt) { loop { ($_ = prompt "$prompt ") ~~ /^ \d+ $/ ?? return $_ !! say '(need an integer)'; } }

sub spoof_for_2 {

   my ($mypot, $myguess, $yourpot, $yourguess) = 0, 0, 0, 0;
   my $ngames = query_for_integer('How many games do you want?');
   for 1 .. $ngames {
       repeat {
           $mypot   = 1 + 3.rand.Int;
           $myguess = 1 + 6.rand.Int;
       } until $mypot+3 < $myguess;
       say 'I have set my pot and guess.';
       repeat {
           $yourpot   = query_for_integer('Your pot?'  );
           $yourguess = query_for_integer('Your guess?');
       } until 0 <= $yourpot & $yourguess <= 6 and $yourpot+4 > $yourguess;
       say "My pot is: $mypot\nMy guess is: $myguess";
       given $mypot + $yourpot {
           when $myguess & $yourguess { say 'Draw!'      }
           when $myguess              { say 'I won!'     }
           when            $yourguess { say 'You won!'   }
           default                    { say 'No winner!' }



How many games do you want? 1
Your pot? 2
Your guess? 3
I have set my pot and guess.
My pot is: 1
My guess is: 5
You won!


A method was used to enable a player to play the "same" game over again.

A little extra code was added to add verbiage for various error conditions. <lang rexx>/*REXX program plays the "spoof" game with a human player (does presentation & scoring).*/ parse arg seed .; if datatype(seed, 'W') then call random ,,seed /*use RANDOM seed? */ __= copies('─', 9) /*literal used in the game's prompting.*/

 do forever                                     /*$ = computer;   @ = human or CBLF.   */
      do until $pot+3<$g;  $pot = random(0, 3)  /*get a computer number for the pot.   */
                           $g   = random(0, 6)  /* "  "    "        "    "   "  guess. */
      end   /*until*/
 say copies('─', 55);      say __ "The computer has got a pot and a guess."
 @pot= 0
 @pot= prompt(__ 'What is your pot?         (or  QUIT)'    )
 @g=   prompt(__ 'What is your guess?       (or  QUIT)',  .)
 say __  "The computer's  pot  is: "  $pot
 say __  "The computer's guess is: "  $g
 pot= $pot + @pot
        when $g==pot  &  @g==pot  then say __ 'This game is a draw.'
        when $g==pot              then say __ 'This game won by the computer.'
        when @g==pot              then say __ 'This game won by you.    Congratulations!'
        otherwise                      say __ 'This game has no winner.'
        end   /*select*/
 end          /*forever*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ prompt: do forever; er= __ '***error*** '; say arg(1); parse pull # y . 1 _,?

        upper #;      if abbrev('QUIT', #, 1)  then exit 1       /*user wants to quit? */
        if #==             then do; say er "no argument entered."        ; iterate; end
        if y\==            then do; say er "too many arguments:"        _; iterate; end
        if \datatype(#,'N')  then do; say er "argument isn't numeric:"    #; iterate; end
        if \datatype(#,'W')  then do; say er "argument isn't an integer:" #; iterate; end
        if ?==. & @pot+3>=#  then do; say er "illegal input for guess:"   #; iterate; end
        #= # / 1;            return #
        end   /*forever*/</lang>
output :
───────── The computer has got a pot and a guess.
───────── What is your pot?         (or  QUIT)
1                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
───────── What is your guess?       (or  QUIT)
2                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
───────── The computer's  pot  is:  1
───────── The computer's guess is:  6

───────── This game won by you.    Congratulations!

───────── The computer has got a pot and a guess.
───────── What is your pot?         (or  QUIT)
3                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
───────── What is your guess?       (or  QUIT)
4                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
───────── The computer's  pot  is:  2
───────── The computer's guess is:  6

───────── This game has no winner.

───────── The computer has got a pot and a guess.
───────── What is your pot?         (or  QUIT)
4                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
───────── What is your guess?       (or  QUIT)
2                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.
───────── The computer's  pot  is:  1
───────── The computer's guess is:  5

───────── This game won by the computer.

───────── The computer has got a pot and a guess.
───────── What is your pot?         (or  QUIT)
q                                                ◄■■■■■■■■■■■ user input.


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Spoof game

spoof = 0:6 see "How many games you want? " give games

for n = 1 to games

    while true
            mypot = random(3)
            myguess = random(6)
            if mypot + 3 >= myguess
    see "I have put my pot and guess" + nl
    while true
            see "Your pot? "
            give yourpot
            see "Your guess? "
            give yourguess
            if ascii(yourpot) < 48 or ascii(yourpot) > 54 or ascii(yourguess) < 48 or ascii(yourguess) > 54
            if yourpot + 3 >= yourguess
               see "Bad input! Try again" + nl
    see "My put is: " + mypot + nl
    see "My guess is: " + myguess + nl
    pot = mypot + yourpot
    if myguess = pot and yourguess = pot
       see "Draw!" + nl
    elseif myguess = pot
       see "I won!" + nl
    elseif yourguess = pot
       see "You won!" + nl
       see "No winner!" + nl

next </lang> Output:

How many games you want? 4
I have put my pot and guess
Your pot? 1
Your guess? 3
My put is: 2
My guess is: 6
You won!
I have put my pot and guess
Your pot? 1
Your guess? 4
My put is: 2
My guess is: 5
No winner!
I have put my pot and guess
Your pot? 3
Your guess? 6
My put is: 3
My guess is: 6
I have put my pot and guess
Your pot? 2
Your guess? 4
My put is: 0
My guess is: 5
No winner!


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-ioutil
Library: Wren-math

<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/ioutil" for Input, Output, Stdin import "/math" for Nums

var TEST = true // set to 'false' to erase each player's coins

var getNumber = Fn.new { |prompt, min, max, showMinMax|

   prompt = prompt + (showMinMax ? " from %(min) to %(max) : " : " :  ")
   var input = Input.integer(prompt, min, max)
   return input


var rand = Random.new() var players = getNumber.call("Number of players", 2, 9, true) var coins = getNumber.call("Number of coins per player", 3, 6, true) var remaining = List.filled(players, 0) for (i in 0...players) remaining[i] = i + 1 var first = 1 + rand.int(players) var round = 1 System.print("The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for") System.print("each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER") System.print("it will be erased so that the other players, who should look") System.print("away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess") System.print("the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.") while(true) {

   System.print("\nROUND %(round):\n")
   var n = first
   var hands = List.filled(players + 1, 0)
   var guesses = List.filled(players + 1, -1)
   while (true) {
       System.print("  PLAYER %(n):")
       System.print("    Please come to the computer and press ENTER")
       hands[n] = rand.int(coins + 1)
       Output.fwrite("      <There are %(hands[n]) coin(s) in your hand>")
       if (!TEST) {
           System.write("\e[1A")  // move cursor up one line
           System.write("\e[2K")  // erase line
           System.print("\r")     // move cursor to beginning of line
       } else System.print()
       while (true) {
           var min = hands[n]
           var max = (remaining.count - 1) * coins + hands[n]
           var guess = getNumber.call("    Guess the total", min, max, false)
           if (!guesses.contains(guess)) {
               guesses[n] = guess
           System.print("    Already guessed by another player, try again")
       var index = remaining.indexOf(n)
       n = (index < remaining.count - 1) ? remaining[index + 1] : remaining[0]
       if (n == first) break
   var total = Nums.sum(hands)
   System.print("  Total coins held = %(total)")
   var eliminated = false
   for (i in remaining) {
       if (guesses[i] == total) {
           System.print("  PLAYER %(i) guessed correctly and is eliminated")
           eliminated = true
   if (!eliminated) {
       System.print("  No players guessed correctly in this round")
   } else if (remaining.count == 1) {
       System.print("\nPLAYER %(remaining[0]) buys the drinks!")
   var index2 = remaining.indexOf(n)
   first = (index2 < remaining.count - 1) ? remaining[index2 + 1] : remaining[0]
   round = round + 1



Sample game:

Number of players from 2 to 9 : 3

Number of coins per player from 3 to 6 : 3

The number of coins in your hand will be randomly determined for
each round and displayed to you. However, when you press ENTER
it will be erased so that the other players, who should look
away until it's their turn, won't see it. When asked to guess
the total, the computer won't allow a 'bum guess'.


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total :  7

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total :  5

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 0 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total :  3

  Total coins held = 3
  PLAYER 2 guessed correctly and is eliminated


    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 3 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total :  5

    Please come to the computer and press ENTER
      <There are 2 coin(s) in your hand>

    Guess the total :  4

  Total coins held = 5
  PLAYER 1 guessed correctly and is eliminated

PLAYER 3 buys the drinks!


Translation of: Ring

<lang zkl>do(getNum("How many games you want? ")){

  reg mypot,yourpot,myguess,yourguess;
  do{ mypot,myguess = (0).random(4),(0).random(7);  // 0..3, 0..6
     }while(mypot + 3 <= myguess);
  println("I have put my pot and guess.");
     yourpot  =getNum("Your pot? ");
     yourguess=getNum("Your guess? ");
     if(((0<=yourpot<=6) and (0<=yourguess<=6)) and 
        yourpot + 3 >= yourguess) break;
     println("Bad input! Try again");
  pot:=mypot + yourpot;
  println("My pot is: ",mypot, ".  My guess is: ",myguess, ".  Pot is ",pot);
  if(myguess==pot==yourguess) println("Draw!\n");
  else if(myguess==pot)       println("I won!\n");
  else if(yourguess==pot)     println("You won!\n");
  else 		       println("No winner!\n");

} fcn getNum(msg){

  try{ return(ask(msg).strip().toInt()) }
  catch{ println("ack"); return(self.fcn(msg)) }  // tail recursion


How many games you want? 4
I have put my pot and guess.
Your pot? 2
Your guess? 3
My pot is: 1.  My guess is: 0.  Pot is 3
You won!

I have put my pot and guess.
Your pot? 1
Your guess? 0
My pot is: 2.  My guess is: 3.  Pot is 3
I won!

I have put my pot and guess.
Your pot? 4
Your guess? 5
My pot is: 1.  My guess is: 1.  Pot is 5
You won!

I have put my pot and guess.
Your pot? 2
Your guess? 1
My pot is: 3.  My guess is: 2.  Pot is 5
No winner!