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def spiral(n):
def spiral(n):
array = [[None]*n for j in range(n)]
array = [[None]*n]*n
for x in range(n):
for x in range(n):
for y in range(n):
for y in range(n):

Revision as of 05:25, 14 August 2008

Spiral matrix
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Produce a spiral array. A spiral array is a square arrangement of the first N2 natural numbers, where the numbers increase sequentially as you go around the edges of the array spiralling inwards.

For example, given 5, produce this array:

 0  1  2  3  4
15 16 17 18  5
14 23 24 19  6
13 22 21 20  7
12 11 10  9  8


<ada>-- Spiral Square with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io; with Ada.Integer_Text_Io; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;

procedure Spiral_Square is

  type Array_Type is array(Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Natural;
  function Spiral (N : Positive) return Array_Type is
     Result  : Array_Type(1..N, 1..N);
     Row     : Natural := 1;
     Col     : Natural := 1;
     Max_Row : Natural := N;
     Max_Col : Natural := N;
     Min_Row : Natural := 1;
     Min_Col : Natural := 1;
     for I in 0..N**2 - 1 loop
        Result(Row, Col) := I;
        if Row = Min_Row then
           Col := Col + 1;
           if Col > Max_Col then
              Col := Max_Col;
              Row := Row + 1;
           end if;
        elsif Col = Max_Col then
           Row := Row + 1;
           if Row > Max_Row then
              Row := Max_Row;
              Col := Col - 1;
           end if;
        elsif Row = Max_Row then
           Col := Col - 1;
           if Col < Min_Col then
              Col := Min_Col;
              Row := Row - 1;
           end if;
        elsif Col = Min_Col then
           Row := Row - 1;
           if Row = Min_Row then  -- Reduce spiral
              Min_Row := Min_Row + 1;
              Max_Row := Max_Row - 1;
              Row := Min_Row;
              Min_Col := Min_Col + 1;
              Max_Col := Max_Col - 1;
              Col := Min_Col;
           end if;
        end if;
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end Spiral;
  procedure Print(Item : Array_Type) is
     Num_Digits : constant Float := Log(X => Float(Item'Length(1)**2), Base => 10.0);
     Spacing    : constant Positive := Integer(Num_Digits) + 2;
     for I in Item'range(1) loop
        for J in Item'range(2) loop
           Put(Item => Item(I,J), Width => Spacing);
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Print;



end Spiral_Square; </Ada> The following is a variant using a different algorithm (which can also be used recursively): <Ada>

  function Spiral (N : Positive) return Array_Type is
     Result : Array_Type (1..N, 1..N);
     Left   : Positive := 1;
     Right  : Positive := N;
     Top    : Positive := 1;
     Bottom : Positive := N;
     Index  : Natural  := 0;
     while Left < Right loop
        for I in Left..Right - 1 loop
           Result (Top, I) := Index;
           Index := Index + 1;
        end loop;
        for J in Top..Bottom - 1 loop
           Result (J, Right) := Index;
           Index := Index + 1;
        end loop;
        for I in reverse Left + 1..Right loop
           Result (Bottom, I) := Index;
           Index := Index + 1;
        end loop;
        for J in reverse Top + 1..Bottom loop
           Result (J, Left) := Index;
           Index := Index + 1;
        end loop;
        Left   := Left   + 1;
        Right  := Right  - 1;
        Top    := Top    + 1;
        Bottom := Bottom - 1;
     end loop;
     Result (Top, Left) := Index;
     return Result;
  end Spiral;



This function is the result of some beautiful insights:

   spiral =. ,~ $ [: /: }.@(2 # >:@i.@-) +/\@# <:@+: $ (, -)@(1&,)

   spiral 5
 0  1  2  3 4
15 16 17 18 5
14 23 24 19 6
13 22 21 20 7
12 11 10  9 8

Would you like some hints that will allow you to reimplement it in another language?

These inward spiralling arrays are known as "involutes"; we can also generate outward-spiraling "evolutes", and we can start or end the spiral at any corner, and go in either direction (clockwise or counterclockwise). See the first link (to JSoftware.com).


<python> def spiral(n):

   dx,dy = 1,0            # Starting increments
   x,y = 0,0              # Starting location
   i = 0                  # starting value
   myarray = [[None]* n for j in range(n)]
   while i < n**2:
       myarray[x][y] = i
       i += 1
       nx,ny = x+dx, y+dy
       if 0<=nx<n and 0<=ny<n and myarray[nx][ny] == None:
           x,y = nx,ny
           dx,dy = (-dy,dx) if dy else (dy,dx)
           x,y = x+dx, y+dy
   return myarray

def printspiral(myarray):

   n = range(len(myarray))
   for y in n:
       for x in n:
           print "%2i" % myarray[x][y],

printspiral(spiral(5)) </python> Sample output:

 0  1  2  3  4
15 16 17 18  5
14 23 24 19  6
13 22 21 20  7
12 11 10  9  8

Recursive Solution

<python> def spiral_part(x,y,n):

   if x==-1 and y==0:
       return -1
   if y==(x+1) and x<(n/2):
       return spiral_part(x-1, y-1, n-1) + 4*(n-y)
   if x<(n-y) and y<=x:
       return spiral_part(y-1, y, n) + (x-y) + 1
   if x>=(n-y) and y<=x:
       return spiral_part(x, y-1, n) + 1
   if x>=(n-y) and y>x:
       return spiral_part(x+1, y, n) + 1
   if x<(n-y) and y>x:
       return spiral_part(x, y-1, n) - 1

def spiral(n):

   array = [[None]*n]*n
   for x in range(n):
       for y in range(n):
           array[x][y] = spiral_part(x,y,n)
   return array


Adding a cache for the spiral_part function it could be quite efficient.

Another way, based on preparing lists ahead

<Python> def spiral(n):

   dat = [[None] * n for i in range(n)]
   le = [[i + 1, i + 1] for i in reversed(range(n))]
   le = sum(le, [])[1:]  # for n = 5 le will be [5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
   dxdy = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]] * ((len(le) + 4) / 4)  # long enough
   x, y, val = -1, 0, -1
   for steps, (dx, dy) in zip(le, dxdy):
       x, y, val = x + dx, y + dy, val + 1
       for j in range(steps):
           dat[y][x] = val
           if j != range(steps)[-1]:
               x, y, val = x + dx, y + dy, val + 1
   return dat

for row in spiral(5): # calc spiral and print it

   print ' '.join('%3s' % x for x in row)
