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Raster bars: Difference between revisions

5,725 bytes added ,  10 months ago
Added X86 Assembly example.
(Added XPL0 example.)
(Added X86 Assembly example.)
Line 860:
var Game = RasterBars.new(500, 500)</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|X86 Assembly}}==
256 byte executable. Translation of XPL0. Output is the same.
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
page 240, 132 ;minimize annoying page headers
;Assemble with:
; tasm
; tlink /t
.model tiny
org 100h
;MS-DOS loads .com files with registers set this way:
; ax=0, bx=0, cx=00FFh, dx=cs, si=0100h, di=-2, bp=09xx, sp=-2, es=ds=cs=ss
;The direction flag (d) is clear (incrementing).
if 0 ;if debug then must initialize registers
mov cx, 00FFh
mov dx, cs
mov si, 0100h
mov di, -2
mov bp, 0955h
mov al,13h ;call BIOS to set graphic mode 13h
int 10h ; 320x200 with 256 colors (ah = 0)
;Set up color registers with sequential shades of red and green (gives yellow,
; gold, copper, brown, etc.). Since the hardware only allows 64 levels of
; intensity, the shades are not continuous. Code from SHR's YEW2 demo program.
yew10: mov al,cl ;cx is assumed set to 00ffh by loader
mov dx,03c8h ;select color register ffh down thru 01h
out dx,al
inc dx ;point to corresponding RGB registers
out dx,al ;set red intensity
aam ;set green intensity to 7/8 of red value
org $-1 ;ah <- al/8; al <- rem
db 8 ;(values other than 0a work just fine)
mov al,cl
sub al,ah
out dx,al
xor ax,ax ;set blue intensity to 0
out dx,al
loop yew10 ;loop for 255 color registers (ff-01)
fninit ;initialize math coprocessor (FPU)
fldz ;push (load) 0.0 onto FPU stack
fstp angle ; Angle:= 0.;
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Main Loop - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mov dx, 03dah
wait10: in al, dx ;wait for vertical retrace to go away
and al, 08h
jne short wait10
wait20: in al, dx ;wait for vertical retrace
and al, 08h
je short wait20
;Erase buffer
mov di, offset buffer
mov cx, 200*320/2
xor ax, ax
rep stosw ;es:[di++]:= ax; cx--
; for N:= 2 to 9 do
mov dx, 2 ;dx = N
mov N, dx
;Phase:= float(N)*0.4;
fild N ;can't use dx here; must be memory loc
fld n4
fstp phase
;Y:= fix(80.*Sin(Angle+Phase));
fld n80
fld angle
fld phase
fsin ;return the sine in one instruction!
push ax
mov bp, sp
fistp word ptr [bp]
pop ax
;ShowBar(Y+100, 2*N, 64*((3&N)+1)-1);
add ax, 100
mov sbY0, ax
imul ax, dx, 2
mov sbR, ax
mov ax, dx
and ax, 3
inc ax
shl ax, 6
dec ax
mov sbC0, ax
call ShowBar
inc N
mov dx, N
cmp dx, 9
jle short ras70
;Copy buffer to video RAM
mov cx, 320*200/2
mov si, offset buffer
xor di, di
push 0A000h
pop es
rep movsw ;es:[di++] <- ds:[si++]; cx--
push cs
pop es
; Angle:= Angle + 0.04;
fld angle
fld n04
fstp angle
mov ah, 1 ;a keystroke terminates the program
int 16h
je ras60 ;loop back if no keystroke
mov ah, 0 ;eat the keystroke
int 16h ; so it isn't echoed on the display
mov ax, 0003h ;restore the normal text display mode
int 10h
; proc ShowBar(Y0, R, C0); \Display cylindrical rod with its center
; int Y0, R, C0; \ at Y0, radius R, and center color C0
; for Y:= -R to +R do
mov ax, sbR
mov bp, ax ;bp = 'for' loop limit
neg ax
mov si, ax ;si = 'for' loop control variable
;C:= C0 - 31*abs(Y)/R; \(looks better than a circular surface)
mov ax, si
sb45: neg ax
jl short sb45
imul ax, 31
idiv sbR
neg ax
add ax, sbC0
;Line(319, Y+Y0, C); \draw horizontal line from left to right
mov cx, 320
mov di, si
add di, sbY0
imul di, 320
add di, offset buffer
rep stosb ;es:[di++]:= al; cx--
inc si
cmp si, bp
jle short sb40
n4 dd 0.4 ;single precision 'float' constants
n04 dd 0.04
n80 dd 80.0
N dw ?
angle dd ?
phase dd ?
sbY0 dw ?
sbR dw ?
sbC0 dw ?
buffer db 320*200 dup(?) ;stack starts above this at top of 64K
end start


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