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Literals/String: Difference between revisions

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(Added Rust example)
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This will not interpolate: #{a}
A <code>char</code> in Rust is a Unicode scalar value. A char type in Rust is always four bytes in size and can be denoted by single quotes:
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
let char01: char = 'a';
let char02: char = '\u{25A0}'; // Black square
let char03: char = '❤'; // Heart
Rust has two common string types: <code>&str</code> and <code>String</code>. These different string types are used depending if it's a fixed string literal that is saved into the executable and lives throughout the program execution (usually borrowed as a <code>&str</code>), a string slice that references a contiguous sequence of elements (borrowed as a <code>&str</code>), or a <code>String</code> which allows for a growable heap allocated valid UTF-8 string. Only the <code>String</code> type is fully owned by its variable, and the other two are only interacted through the reference <code>&str</code>. The <code>&str</code> string slice type may point to a string literal or a heap-allocated string.
The String type in Rust is intended to always contain a valid UTF-8 string. UTF-8 is a "variable width" encoding, and therefore Strings are going to be typically smaller than an array of the same Rust <code>char</code>'s. For example, the String "hi" is all within ASCII, and therefore a UTF-8 String of "hi" represents each character as one byte each. On the other hand, a char array ['h', 'i'] would take up 8 bytes in total. A string is denoted by double quotes:
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
const string_literal_str1: &str = "Hi Rust!";
let string_slice_str1: &str = string_literal_str1; // Creating a string slice from a string literal
let string_slice_str2: &str = "hello str"; // String slice pointing to string literal "hello str"
let string1: String = "hi".to_string();
let string2: String = "bye".to_owned();
let string3: String = "see you soon".into();
// The "to_string()", "to_owned" or "into" are all equivalent in the code above.
// The "to_string()", "to_owned" or "into" methods are needed so that a string slice (&str) or a string literal (&str) is explicitly converted into a heap-allocated fully-owned String type. Otherwise the compiler's type checker will complain "expected struct `String`, found `&str` (string slice)"
let string4: String = string_slice_str2.to_owned(); // Explictly converting the string_slice_str2 into a heap-allocated fully-owned String. This can be done with "to_string()", "to_owned" or "into".
// String slices can also point to heap allocated strings:
let string_slice_str3: &str = &string1; // Creating a string slice to a heap-allocated String.
let string5: String = string_slice_str3.to_string(); // Converting string_slice_str3 into a heap-allocated fully-owned String copy, resulting in a new independent owned string copy of the original String. This can be done with "to_string()", "to_owned" or "into".
Rust supports verbatim strings and here-strings by putting <code>r#</code> before the first double quotes, and the end is marked by adding a <code>#</code> after the final double quotes. If there is a <code>"#</code> inside the contents of your here-string or your verbatim string then you can just add more <code>#</code>'s as required in both the beggining and the end:
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
let verbatim_here_string01: &str = r#"A \verbatim string\, line breaks in programming use \n and tabs \t"#;
let verbatim_here_string02: &str = r#"
A \multi-line\ string, in programming
line breaks use the characters \n
and for tabs we use the characters \t
let verbatim_here_string03: &str = r##"
Part number "#001": 1
Part number "#002": 2
Part number "#003": 3
To expand variables in Rust we have 3 options: we can use the "format!" macro, the "print!" macro or the "println!" macro.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
let number: i32 = 42;
let number_string: String = format!("Number: {}", number);
println!("The result in string form is '{}'.", number_string);
print!("The number is {}. ", number); // Print without line break
println!("Again, it's {}", number); // Print with line break
// The above prints:
// The result in string form is 'Number: 42'.
// The number is 42. Again, it's 42
In Rust, there are other string types that are specialized to specific string requirements, such as working with system strings (OsString and OsStr), working with C strings (CString and CStr), and working with system paths (Path and PathBuf).
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