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Stable marriage problem: Difference between revisions

Added Powershell, Conversion of already existing C#-code.
(Added Powershell, Conversion of already existing C#-code.)
Line 5,258:
gay likes jon better than gav and jon likes gay better than bea
bea likes fred better than jon and fred likes bea better than abi</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="PowerShell">
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
class Person{
hidden [int] $_candidateIndex;
[string] $Name
#[System.Collections.Generic.List[Person]] $Prefs
[List[Person]] $Prefs
[Person] $Fiance
Person([string] $name) {
$this.Name = $name;
$this.Prefs = $null;
$this.Fiance = $null;
$this._candidateIndex = 0;
[bool] Prefers([Person] $p) {
return $this.Prefs.FindIndex({ param($o) $o -eq $p }) -lt $this.Prefs.FindIndex({ param($o) $o -eq $this.Fiance });
[Person] NextCandidateNotYetProposedTo() {
if ($this._candidateIndex -ge $this.Prefs.Count) {return $null;}
return $this.Prefs[$this._candidateIndex++];
[void] EngageTo([Person] $p) {
if ($p.Fiance -ne $null) {$p.Fiance.Fiance = $null};
$p.Fiance = $this;
if ($this.Fiance -ne $null){$this.Fiance.Fiance = $null};
$this.Fiance = $p;
class MainClass
static [bool] IsStable([List[Person]] $men) {
[List[Person]] $women = $men[0].Prefs;
foreach ($guy in $men){
foreach ($gal in $women) {
if ($guy.Prefers($gal) -and $gal.Prefers($guy))
{return $false};
return $true;
static [void] DoMarriage() {
[Person] $abe = [Person]::new("abe");
[Person] $bob = [Person]::new("bob");
[Person] $col = [Person]::new("col");
[Person] $dan = [Person]::new("dan");
[Person] $ed = [Person]::new("ed");
[Person] $fred = [Person]::new("fred");
[Person] $gav = [Person]::new("gav");
[Person] $hal = [Person]::new("hal");
[Person] $ian = [Person]::new("ian");
[Person] $jon = [Person]::new("jon");
[Person] $abi = [Person]::new("abi");
[Person] $bea = [Person]::new("bea");
[Person] $cath = [Person]::new("cath");
[Person] $dee = [Person]::new("dee");
[Person] $eve = [Person]::new("eve");
[Person] $fay = [Person]::new("fay");
[Person] $gay = [Person]::new("gay");
[Person] $hope = [Person]::new("hope");
[Person] $ivy = [Person]::new("ivy");
[Person] $jan = [Person]::new("jan");
$abe.Prefs =[Person[]]@($abi, $eve, $cath, $ivy, $jan, $dee, $fay, $bea, $hope, $gay)
$bob.Prefs = [Person[]] @($cath, $hope, $abi, $dee, $eve, $fay, $bea, $jan, $ivy, $gay);
$col.Prefs = [Person[]] @($hope, $eve, $abi, $dee, $bea, $fay, $ivy, $gay, $cath, $jan);
$dan.Prefs = [Person[]] @($ivy, $fay, $dee, $gay, $hope, $eve, $jan, $bea, $cath, $abi);
$ed.Prefs = [Person[]] @($jan, $dee, $bea, $cath, $fay, $eve, $abi, $ivy, $hope, $gay);
$fred.Prefs = [Person[]] @($bea, $abi, $dee, $gay, $eve, $ivy, $cath, $jan, $hope, $fay);
$gav.Prefs = [Person[]] @($gay, $eve, $ivy, $bea, $cath, $abi, $dee, $hope, $jan, $fay);
$hal.Prefs = [Person[]] @($abi, $eve, $hope, $fay, $ivy, $cath, $jan, $bea, $gay, $dee);
$ian.Prefs = [Person[]] @($hope, $cath, $dee, $gay, $bea, $abi, $fay, $ivy, $jan, $eve);
$jon.Prefs = [Person[]] @($abi, $fay, $jan, $gay, $eve, $bea, $dee, $cath, $ivy, $hope);
$abi.Prefs = [Person[]] @($bob, $fred, $jon, $gav, $ian, $abe, $dan, $ed, $col, $hal);
$bea.Prefs = [Person[]] @($bob, $abe, $col, $fred, $gav, $dan, $ian, $ed, $jon, $hal);
$cath.Prefs = [Person[]] @($fred, $bob, $ed, $gav, $hal, $col, $ian, $abe, $dan, $jon);
$dee.Prefs = [Person[]] @($fred, $jon, $col, $abe, $ian, $hal, $gav, $dan, $bob, $ed);
$eve.Prefs = [Person[]] @($jon, $hal, $fred, $dan, $abe, $gav, $col, $ed, $ian, $bob);
$fay.Prefs = [Person[]] @($bob, $abe, $ed, $ian, $jon, $dan, $fred, $gav, $col, $hal);
$gay.Prefs = [Person[]] @($jon, $gav, $hal, $fred, $bob, $abe, $col, $ed, $dan, $ian);
$hope.Prefs = [Person[]] @($gav, $jon, $bob, $abe, $ian, $dan, $hal, $ed, $col, $fred);
$ivy.Prefs = [Person[]] @($ian, $col, $hal, $gav, $fred, $bob, $abe, $ed, $jon, $dan);
$jan.Prefs = [Person[]] @($ed, $hal, $gav, $abe, $bob, $jon, $col, $ian, $fred, $dan);
[List[Person]] $men = [List[Person]]::new($abi.Prefs);
[int] $freeMenCount = $men.Count;
while ($freeMenCount -gt 0) {
foreach ($guy in $men) {
if ($guy.Fiance -eq $null) {
[Person]$gal = $guy.NextCandidateNotYetProposedTo();
if ($gal.Fiance -eq $null) {
if ($gal.Prefers($guy)) {
foreach ($guy in $men) {
write-host $guy.Name " is engaged to " $guy.Fiance.Name
write-host "Stable = " ([MainClass]::IsStable($men))
write-host "Switching fred & jon's partners";
[Person] $jonsFiance = $jon.Fiance;
[Person] $fredsFiance = $fred.Fiance;
write-host "Stable = " ([MainClass]::IsStable($men));
static [void] Main([string[]] $args)
bob is engaged to cath
fred is engaged to bea
jon is engaged to abi
gav is engaged to gay
ian is engaged to hope
abe is engaged to ivy
dan is engaged to fay
ed is engaged to jan
col is engaged to dee
hal is engaged to eve
Stable = True
Switching fred & jon's partners
Stable = False
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