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Dating agency: Difference between revisions

Added Perl
(Added Perl)
Line 133:
Dating service should NOT offer a date with Shelly
<lang perl>use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
use List::Util <max head>;
for my $name ( qw( Adam Bob Conrad Drew Eddie Fred George Harry Ian Jake Ken Larry Mike
Ned Oscar Peter Quincy Richard Sam Tom Uriah Victor Will Yogi Zach ) ) {
$laddies{$name}{loves} = hex substr sha1_hex($name), 0, 4;
$laddies{$name}{lovable} = hex substr sha1_hex($name), -4, 4;
for my $name ( < Elizabeth Swift Rip > ) {
$taylors{$name}{loves} = hex substr sha1_hex($name), 0, 4;
$taylors{$name}{lovable} = hex substr sha1_hex($name), -4, 4;
sub rank_by {
my($subk,$k,$t,$l) = @_;
sort { abs $$t{$k}{$subk} - $$l{$a}{$subk} <=> abs $$t{$k}{$subk} - $$l{$b}{$subk} } keys %$l;
for my $taylor (sort keys %taylors) {
printf "%9s will like: %s\n", $taylor, join ', ', my @likes = head 10, rank_by('loves', $taylor, \%taylors, \%laddies);
printf " Is liked by: %s\n", join ', ', my @liked = head 10, rank_by('lovable',$taylor, \%taylors, \%laddies);
my($max,%matches) = 0;
$matches{$liked[$_]} = @liked-$_ for reverse 0..$#liked;
$matches{$likes[$_]} += @likes-$_ for reverse 0..$#likes;
$matches{$_} < $max or $max = $matches{$_} for keys %matches;
print 'Best match(s): ' . join(', ', sort grep { $matches{$_} == $max } keys %matches) . "\n\n";
<pre>Elizabeth will like: Adam, Conrad, Ian, Jake, Larry, Bob, Drew, Quincy, Mike, Victor
Is liked by: Ian, Mike, Uriah, Jake, Tom, Richard, Drew, George, Victor, Larry
Best match(s): Ian
Rip will like: Jake, Larry, Bob, Drew, Quincy, Mike, Adam, Conrad, Ian, Victor
Is liked by: Ned, Will, Eddie, Oscar, Quincy, Conrad, George, Richard, Jake, Uriah
Best match(s): Jake, Quincy
Swift will like: Ken, Oscar, Zach, Ned, Sam, Tom, Will, Yogi, Fred, Uriah
Is liked by: Ken, Adam, Yogi, Sam, Larry, Victor, Drew, Bob, Tom, Ian
Best match(s): Ken</pre>


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