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Longest palindromic substrings: Difference between revisions

(Realize in F#)
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===MahacherManacher Function===
<lang fsharp>
// Mahacher Function. Nigel Galloway: October 1st., 2020
let MahacherManacher(s:string) = let oddP,evenP=Array.zeroCreate s.Length,Array.zeroCreate s.Length
let rec fN i g e (l:int[])=match g>=0 && e<s.Length && s.[g]=s.[e] with true->l.[i]<-l.[i]+1; fN i (g-1) (e+1) l |_->()
let rec fGo n g Ʃ=match Ʃ<s.Length with
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<lang fsharp>
let fN g=if g=[||] then (0,0) else g|>Array.mapi(fun n g->(n,g))|>Array.maxBy snd
let lpss s=let n,g=MahacherManacher s in let n,g=fN n,fN g in if (snd n)*2+1>(snd g)*2 then s.[(fst n)-(snd n)..(fst n)+(snd n)] else s.[(fst g)-(snd g)+1..(fst g)+(snd g)]
let test = ["three old rotators"; "never reverse"; "stable was I ere I saw elbatrosses"; "abracadabra"; "drome"; "the abbatial palace"; ""]
test|>List.iter(fun n->printfn "A longest palindromic substring of \"%s\" is \"%s\"" n (lpss n))
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A longest palindromic substring of "" is ""


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