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Three word location: Difference between revisions

Added AutoHotkey
(Added AutoHotkey)
Line 132:
<lang applescript>{{28.3852, -81.5638}, {"quote", "hygiene", "aristotelean"}, {28.3852, -81.5638}}</lang>
Conversion based on Wren<br>
WordList From link suggested by Symsyn
<lang AutoHotkey>URLDownloadToFile, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jlawler/wordlist, % A_Temp "\wordlist.txt"
FileRead, wordList, % A_Temp "\wordlist.txt"
LL := [28.3852, -81.5638]
num := LL2num(LL)
words := LL2words(wordList, LL)
LL2 := words2LL(wordList, words)
MsgBox, 262144, , % result := "
LL = " LL.1 ", " LL.2 "
LL2num = " num.1 ", " num.2 ", " num.3 "
LL2words = " words.1 ", " words.2 ", " words.3 "
words2LL = " LL2.1 ", " LL2.2 "
LL2words(wordList, LL){ ; Latitude/Longitude to 3 words
num := LL2num(LL)
wli := wordList(wordList).1
return [wli[num.1], wli[num.2], wli[num.3]]
words2LL(wordList, w){ ; 3 words to Latitude/Longitude
iow := wordList(wordList).2
LL := num2LL([iow[w.1], iow[w.2], iow[w.3]])
return [ll.1, ll.2]
wordList(wordList){ ; word list to two arrays
wli:=[], iow:=[] ; word list index, index of word
for i, word in StrSplit(wordList, "`n", "`r")
if (word ~= "^[a-z]+$") && (StrLen(word) <= 8) && (StrLen(word) > 3)
wli.Push(word), iow[word] := wli.MaxIndex()
return [wli, iow]
LL2num(LL){ ; Latitude/Longitude to 3 numbers
ilat := LL.1*10000 + 900000
ilon := LL.2*10000 + 1800000
latlon := (ilat << 22) + ilon
return [(latlon >> 28) & 0x7fff, (latlon >> 14) & 0x3fff, latlon & 0x3fff]
num2LL(w){ ; 3 numbers to Latitude/Longitude
latlon := (w.1 << 28) | (w.2 << 14) | w.3
ilat := latlon >> 22
ilon := latlon & 0x3fffff
return [(ilat-900000)/10000, (ilon-1800000)/10000]
<pre>LL = 28.3852, -81.5638
LL2num = 18497, 11324, 1322
LL2words = malleus, fasten, analytic
words2LL = 28.385200, -81.563800</pre>


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