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Geohash: Difference between revisions

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* [[wp:Geohash|Wikipedia article - Geohash]].
<lang 11l>V ch32 = Array(‘0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz’)
V bool2ch = Dict(enumerate(ch32), (i, ch) -> (bin(i).zfill(5), ch))
V ch2bool = Dict(bool2ch.items(), (k, v) -> (v, k))
F bisect(val, =mn, =mx, =bits)
V mid = (mn + mx) / 2
I val < mid
bits <<= 1
mx = mid
bits = bits << 1 [|] 1
mn = mid
R (mn, mx, bits)
F encoder(lat, lng, pre)
V (latmin, latmax) = (-90.0, 90.0)
V (lngmin, lngmax) = (-180.0, 180.0)
V bits = Int64(0)
L(i) 0 .< pre * 5
I i % 2 != 0
(latmin, latmax, bits) = bisect(lat, latmin, latmax, bits)
(lngmin, lngmax, bits) = bisect(lng, lngmin, lngmax, bits)
V b = bin(bits).zfill(pre * 5)
V geo = ((0 .< pre).map(i -> :bool2ch[@b[i * 5 .< (i + 1) * 5]]))
R geo.join(‘’)
F decoder(geo)
V (minmaxes, latlong) = ([[-90.0, 90.0], [-180.0, 180.0]], 1B)
L(c) geo
L(bit) :ch2bool[c]
minmaxes[latlong][bit != ‘1’] = sum(minmaxes[latlong]) / 2
latlong = !latlong
R minmaxes
L(lat, lng, pre) [(51.433718, -0.214126, 2),
(51.433718, -0.214126, 9),
(57.64911, 10.40744, 11)]
print(‘encoder(lat=#.6, lng=#.6, pre=#.) = '#.'’.format(lat, lng, pre, encoder(lat, lng, pre)))</lang>
encoder(lat=51.433718, lng=-0.214126, pre=2) = 'gc'
encoder(lat=51.433718, lng=-0.214126, pre=9) = 'gcpue5hp4'
encoder(lat=57.649110, lng=10.407440, pre=11) = 'u4pruydqqvj'


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