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Abbreviations, simple: Difference between revisions

(Ada: Simplify using Find_Token)
Line 1,625:
output: RIGHT REPEAT *error* PUT MOVE RESTORE *error* *error* *error* POWERINPUT
NOTE: Type Hints have been added here to indicate the types of function arguments and to make the program faster. They are not strictly necessary, since Clojure is a dynamically typed language (i.e., variable types are determined at runtime).
<lang clojure>
(defn words
"Split string into words"
[^String str]
(.split (.stripLeading str) "\\s+"))
(defn join-words
"Join words into a single string"
^String [strings]
(String/join " " strings))
;; SOURCE: https://www.stackoverflow.com/a/38947571/12947681
(defn starts-with-ignore-case
"Does string start with prefix (ignoring case)?"
^Boolean [^String string, ^String prefix]
(.regionMatches string true 0 prefix 0 (count prefix)))
(defrecord CommandWord [^String word, ^long min-abbr-size])
(defn parse-cmd-table
"Parse list of strings in command table into list of words and numbers
If number is missing for any word, then the word is not included"
(parse-cmd-table cmd-table 0 []))
([cmd-table i ans]
(let [cmd-count (count cmd-table)]
(if (= i cmd-count)
(let [word (nth cmd-table i),
[i num] (try [(+ i 2)
(Integer/parseInt ^String (nth cmd-table (inc i)))]
(catch NumberFormatException _
[(inc i) 0]))]
(recur cmd-table i (conj ans (CommandWord. word num))))))))
;; cmd-table is a list of objects of type CommandWord (defined above)
(def cmd-table
"add 1 alter 3 backup 2 bottom 1 Cappend 2 change 1 Schange Cinsert 2 Clast 3
compress 4 copy 2 count 3 Coverlay 3 cursor 3 delete 3 Cdelete 2 down 1 duplicate
3 xEdit 1 expand 3 extract 3 find 1 Nfind 2 Nfindup 6 NfUP 3 Cfind 2 findUP 3 fUP 2
forward 2 get help 1 hexType 4 input 1 powerInput 3 join 1 split 2 spltJOIN load
locate 1 Clocate 2 lowerCase 3 upperCase 3 Lprefix 2 macro merge 2 modify 3 move 2
msg next 1 overlay 1 parse preserve 4 purge 3 put putD query 1 quit read recover 3
refresh renum 3 repeat 3 replace 1 Creplace 2 reset 3 restore 4 rgtLEFT right 2 left
2 save set shift 2 si sort sos stack 3 status 4 top transfer 3 type 1 up 1"
(defn abbr?
"Is abbr a valid abbreviation of this command?"
^Boolean [^String abbr, ^CommandWord cmd]
(let [{:keys [word min-abbr-size]} cmd]
(and (<= min-abbr-size (count abbr) (count word))
(starts-with-ignore-case word abbr))))
(defn solution
"Find word matching each abbreviation in input (or *error* if not found),
and join results into a string"
^String [^String str]
(join-words (for [abbr (words str)]
(if-let [{:keys [word]} (first (filter #(abbr? abbr %) cmd-table))]
(.toUpperCase ^String word)
;; Print solution for given test case
(println (solution "riG rePEAT copies put mo rest types fup. 6 poweRin"))
<pre>RIGHT REPEAT *error* PUT MOVE RESTORE *error* *error* *error* POWERINPUT</pre>
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