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Compiler/virtual machine interpreter: Difference between revisions

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count is: 8
count is: 9</pre>
{{works with|ratfor77|[https://sourceforge.net/p/chemoelectric/ratfor77/ public domain 1.0]}}
{{works with|gfortran|11.2.1}}
{{works with|f2c|20100827}}
<lang ratfor>######################################################################
# The Rosetta Code code virtual machine in Ratfor 77.
# The implementation assumes your FORTRAN compiler supports 1-byte
# INTEGER*1 and 4-byte INTEGER*4. Integer storage will be
# native-endian, achieved via EQUIVALENCE. (GNU Fortran and f2c both
# should work.)
# How to deal with FORTRAN 77 input is a problem. I use formatted
# input, treating each line as an array of type CHARACTER--regrettably
# of no more than some predetermined, finite length. It is a very
# simple method and presents no significant difficulties, aside from
# the restriction on line length of the input.
# On a POSIX platform, the program can be compiled with f2c and run
# somewhat as follows:
# ratfor77 vm-in-ratfor.r > vm-in-ratfor.f
# f2c -C -Nc40 vm-in-ratfor.f
# cc vm-in-ratfor.c -lf2c
# ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.vm
# With gfortran, a little differently:
# ratfor77 vm-in-ratfor.r > vm-in-ratfor.f
# gfortran -fcheck=all -std=legacy vm-in-ratfor.f
# ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.vm
# I/O is strictly from default input and to default output, which, on
# POSIX systems, usually correspond respectively to standard input and
# standard output. (I did not wish to have to deal with unit numbers;
# these are now standardized in ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, but that is not
# available in FORTRAN 77.)
# Some parameters you may wish to modify.
define(LINESZ, 256) # Size of an input line.
define(OUTLSZ, 1024) # Size of an output line.
define(STRNSZ, 4096) # Size of the string pool.
define(STCKSZ, 4096) # Size of stacks.
define(MAXVAR, 256) # Maximum number of variables.
define(MAXSTR, 256) # Maximum number of strings.
define(CODESZ, 16384) # Maximum size of a compiled program.
define(STRSZ, 2) # Size of an entry in the VM strings array.
define(STRI, 1) # Index of the string within strngs.
define(STRN, 2) # Length of the string.
define(NEWLIN, 10) # The Unix newline character (ASCII LF).
define(DQUOTE, 34) # The double quote character.
define(BACKSL, 92) # The backslash character.
define(OPHALT, 1)
define(OPADD, 2)
define(OPSUB, 3)
define(OPMUL, 4)
define(OPDIV, 5)
define(OPMOD, 6)
define(OPLT, 7)
define(OPGT, 8)
define(OPLE, 9)
define(OPGE, 10)
define(OPEQ, 11)
define(OPNE, 12)
define(OPAND, 13)
define(OPOR, 14)
define(OPNEG, 15)
define(OPNOT, 16)
define(OPPRTC, 17)
define(OPPRTI, 18)
define(OPPRTS, 19)
define(OPFTCH, 20)
define(OPSTOR, 21)
define(OPPUSH, 22)
define(OPJMP, 23)
define(OPJZ, 24)
function issp (c)
# Is a character a space character?
implicit none
character c
logical issp
integer ic
ic = ichar (c)
issp = (ic == 32 || (9 <= ic && ic <= 13))
function isalph (c)
# Is c character code for a letter?
implicit none
integer c
logical isalph
# The following is correct for ASCII and Unicode, but not for
isalph = (ichar ('a') <= c && c <= ichar ('z')) _
|| (ichar ('A') <= c && c <= ichar ('Z'))
function isdgt (c)
# Is c character code for a digit?
implicit none
integer c
logical isdgt
isdgt = (ichar ('0') <= c && c <= ichar ('9'))
function skipsp (str, i, imax)
# Skip past spaces in a string.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipsp
logical issp
logical done
skipsp = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipsp)
done = .true.
else if (!issp (str(skipsp)))
done = .true.
skipsp = skipsp + 1
function skipns (str, i, imax)
# Skip past non-spaces in a string.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipns
logical issp
logical done
skipns = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipns)
done = .true.
else if (issp (str(skipns)))
done = .true.
skipns = skipns + 1
function trimrt (str, n)
# Find the length of a string, if one ignores trailing spaces.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer n
integer trimrt
logical issp
logical done
trimrt = n
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (trimrt == 0)
done = .true.
else if (!issp (str(trimrt)))
done = .true.
trimrt = trimrt - 1
function skipal (str, i, imax)
# Skip past alphabetic characters in a string.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipal
logical isalph
logical done
skipal = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipal)
done = .true.
else if (!isalph (ichar (str(skipal))))
done = .true.
skipal = skipal + 1
function skipdg (str, i, imax)
# Skip past digits in a string.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipdg
logical isdgt
logical done
skipdg = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipdg)
done = .true.
else if (!isdgt (ichar (str(skipdg))))
done = .true.
skipdg = skipdg + 1
function skipnd (str, i, imax)
# Skip past nondigits in a string.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipnd
logical isdgt
logical done
skipnd = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipnd)
done = .true.
else if (isdgt (ichar (str(skipnd))))
done = .true.
skipnd = skipnd + 1
function skipd1 (str, i, imax)
# Skip past digits and '-' in a string.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipd1
logical isdgt
logical done
skipd1 = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipd1)
done = .true.
else if (!isdgt (ichar (str(skipd1))) && str(skipd1) != '-')
done = .true.
skipd1 = skipd1 + 1
function skipn1 (str, i, imax)
# Skip past nondigits in a string, except '-'.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipn1
logical isdgt
logical done
skipn1 = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipn1)
done = .true.
else if (isdgt (ichar (str(skipn1))) || str(skipn1) == '-')
done = .true.
skipn1 = skipn1 + 1
function tolowr (c)
implicit none
character c
character tolowr
integer ic
# The following is correct for ASCII, and will work with Unicode
# code points, but is incorrect for EBCDIC.
ic = ichar (c)
if (ichar ('A') <= ic && ic <= ichar ('Z'))
ic = ic - ichar('A') + ichar('a')
tolowr = char (ic)
subroutine addstq (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)
# Add a quoted string to the string pool.
implicit none
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character src(*) # Source string.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length in source string.
integer i, n # Index and length in string pool.
integer j
logical done
1000 format ('attempt to treat an unquoted string as a quoted string')
if (src(i0) != char (DQUOTE) || src(i0 + n0 - 1) != char (DQUOTE))
write (*, 1000)
i = istrng
n = 0
j = i0 + 1
done = .false.
while (j != i0 + n0 - 1)
if (i == STRNSZ)
write (*, '(''string pool exhausted'')')
else if (src(j) == char (BACKSL))
if (j == i0 + n0 - 1)
write (*, '(''incorrectly formed quoted string'')')
if (src(j + 1) == 'n')
strngs(istrng) = char (NEWLIN)
else if (src(j + 1) == char (BACKSL))
strngs(istrng) = src(j + 1)
write (*, '(''unrecognized escape sequence'')')
istrng = istrng + 1
n = n + 1
j = j + 2
strngs(istrng) = src(j)
istrng = istrng + 1
n = n + 1
j = j + 1
subroutine push (stack, sp, i)
implicit none
integer stack(STCKSZ)
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer i # Value to push.
if (sp == STCKSZ)
write (*, '(''stack overflow in push'')')
stack(sp) = i
sp = sp + 1
function pop (stack, sp)
implicit none
integer stack(STCKSZ)
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer pop
if (sp == 1)
write (*, '(''stack underflow in pop'')')
sp = sp - 1
pop = stack(sp)
function nstack (sp)
implicit none
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer nstack
nstack = sp - 1 # Current cardinality of the stack.
subroutine flushl (outbuf, noutbf)
# Flush a line from the output buffer.
implicit none
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
character*20 fmt
integer i
if (noutbf == 0)
write (*, '()')
write (fmt, 1000) noutbf
1000 format ('(', I10, 'A)')
write (*, fmt) (outbuf(i), i = 1, noutbf)
noutbf = 0
subroutine wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, ch)
# Write a character to output.
implicit none
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
character ch # The character to output.
# This routine silently truncates anything that goes past the buffer
# boundary.
if (ch == char (NEWLIN))
call flushl (outbuf, noutbf)
else if (noutbf < OUTLSZ)
noutbf = noutbf + 1
outbuf(noutbf) = ch
subroutine wrtstr (outbuf, noutbf, str, i, n)
# Write a substring to output.
implicit none
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
character str(*) # The string from which to output.
integer i, n # Index and length of the substring.
integer j
for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 1)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, str(i + j))
subroutine wrtint (outbuf, noutbf, ival, colcnt)
# Write an integer to output.
implicit none
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
integer ival # The non-negative integer to print.
integer colcnt # Column count, or zero for free format.
integer skipsp
character*40 buf
integer i, j
write (buf, '(I40)') ival
i = skipsp (buf, 1, 41)
if (0 < colcnt)
for (j = 1; j < colcnt - (40 - i); j = j + 1)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, ' ')
while (i <= 40)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, buf(i:i))
i = i + 1
function strnat (str, i, n)
# Convert a string to a non-negative integer.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i, n
integer strnat
integer j
strnat = 0
for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 1)
strnat = (10 * strnat) + (ichar (str(i + j)) - ichar ('0'))
function strint (str, i, n)
# Convert a string to an integer
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i, n
integer strint
integer strnat
if (str(i) == '-')
strint = -strnat (str, i + 1, n - 1)
strint = strnat (str, i, n)
subroutine put1 (code, i, opcode)
# Store a 1-byte operation.
implicit none
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # Byte code.
integer i # Address to put the code at.
integer*1 opcode
if (CODESZ - i < 1)
write (*, '(''address beyond the size of memory'')')
code(i) = opcode
subroutine put5 (code, i, opcode, ival)
# Store a 5-byte operation.
implicit none
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # Byte code.
integer i # Address to put the code at.
integer*1 opcode #
integer ival # Immediate integer value.
integer*4 ival32
integer*1 ival8(4)
equivalence (ival32, ival8)
if (CODESZ - i < 5)
write (*, '(''address beyond the size of memory'')')
code(i) = opcode
# Native-endian storage.
ival32 = ival
code(i + 1) = ival8(1)
code(i + 2) = ival8(2)
code(i + 3) = ival8(3)
code(i + 4) = ival8(4)
function getimm (code, i)
# Get an immediate value from the code, at address i.
implicit none
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # Byte code.
integer i # Address at which the integer resides.
integer getimm # Immediate integer value.
integer*4 ival32
integer*1 ival8(4)
equivalence (ival32, ival8)
if (i < 0 || CODESZ <= i + 3)
write (*, '(''code address out of range'')')
# Native-endian storage.
ival8(1) = code(i)
ival8(2) = code(i + 1)
ival8(3) = code(i + 2)
ival8(4) = code(i + 3)
getimm = ival32
subroutine rdhead (datsiz, strsiz)
# Read the header line.
implicit none
integer datsiz
integer strsiz
integer skipnd
integer skipdg
integer strnat
character line(LINESZ)
character*20 fmt
integer i1, j1, i2, j2
# Read a line of text as an array of characters.
write (fmt, '(''('', I10, ''A)'')') LINESZ
read (*, fmt) line
i1 = skipnd (line, 1, LINESZ + 1)
j1 = skipdg (line, i1, LINESZ + 1)
i2 = skipnd (line, j1, LINESZ + 1)
j2 = skipdg (line, i2, LINESZ + 1)
if (i1 == j1 || i2 == j2)
write (*, '(''bad header line'')')
datsiz = strnat (line, i1, j1 - i1)
strsiz = strnat (line, i2, j2 - i2)
subroutine rdstrs (strs, strsiz, strngs, istrng)
implicit none
integer strs(1:STRSZ, 0 : MAXSTR - 1)
integer strsiz
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer trimrt
integer skipsp
character line(LINESZ)
character*20 fmt
integer j
integer i, n
integer i0, n0
# Read lines of text as an array of characters.
write (fmt, '(''('', I10, ''A)'')') LINESZ
for (j = 0; j < strsiz; j = j + 1)
read (*, fmt) line
n0 = trimrt (line, LINESZ)
i0 = skipsp (line, 1, n0 + 1)
if (i0 == n0 + 1)
write (*, '(''blank line where a string should be'')')
call addstq (strngs, istrng, line, i0, n0 - i0 + 1, i, n)
strs(STRI, j) = i
strs(STRN, j) = n
function stropc (str, i, n)
# Convert substring to an opcode.
implicit none
character str(*)
integer i, n
integer*1 stropc
stropc = -1
if (n == 2)
if (str(i) == 'l')
if (str(i + 1) == 't')
stropc = OPLT
else if (str(i + 1) == 'e')
stropc = OPLE
else if (str(i) == 'g')
if (str(i + 1) == 't')
stropc = OPGT
else if (str(i + 1) == 'e')
stropc = OPGE
else if (str(i) == 'e' && str(i + 1) == 'q')
stropc = OPEQ
else if (str(i) == 'n' && str(i + 1) == 'e')
stropc = OPNE
else if (str(i) == 'o' && str(i + 1) == 'r')
stropc = OPOR
else if (str(i) == 'j' && str(i + 1) == 'z')
stropc = OPJZ
else if (n == 3)
if (str(i) == 'a')
if (str(i + 1) == 'd' && str(i + 2) == 'd')
stropc = OPADD
else if (str(i + 1) == 'n' && str(i + 2) == 'd')
stropc = OPAND
else if (str(i) == 'm')
if (str(i + 1) == 'o' && str(i + 2) == 'd')
stropc = OPMOD
else if (str(i + 1) == 'u' && str(i + 2) == 'l')
stropc = OPMUL
else if (str(i) == 'n')
if (str(i + 1) == 'e' && str(i + 2) == 'g')
stropc = OPNEG
else if (str(i + 1) == 'o' && str(i + 2) == 't')
stropc = OPNOT
else if (str(i) == 's' && str(i + 1) == 'u' _
&& str(i + 2) == 'b')
stropc = OPSUB
else if (str(i) == 'd' && str(i + 1) == 'i' _
&& str(i + 2) == 'v')
stropc = OPDIV
else if (str(i) == 'j' && str(i + 1) == 'm' _
&& str(i + 2) == 'p')
stropc = OPJMP
else if (n == 4)
if (str(i) == 'p')
if (str(i + 1) == 'r' && str(i + 2) == 't')
if (str(i + 3) == 'c')
stropc = OPPRTC
else if (str(i + 3) == 'i')
stropc = OPPRTI
else if (str(i + 3) == 's')
stropc = OPPRTS
if (str(i + 1) == 'u' && str(i + 2) == 's' _
&& str(i + 3) == 'h')
stropc = OPPUSH
else if (str(i) == 'h' && str(i + 1) == 'a' _
&& str(i + 2) == 'l' && str(i + 3) == 't')
stropc = OPHALT
else if (n == 5)
if (str(i) == 'f' && str(i + 1) == 'e' && str(i + 2) == 't' _
&& str(i + 3) == 'c' && str(i + 4) == 'h')
stropc = OPFTCH
if (str(i) == 's' && str(i + 1) == 't' && str(i + 2) == 'o' _
&& str(i + 3) == 'r' && str(i + 4) == 'e')
stropc = OPSTOR
if (stropc == -1)
write (*, '(''unrecognized opcode name'')')
subroutine rdops (code)
# Read the opcodes and their immediate values.
implicit none
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # The byte code.
integer trimrt
integer skipsp
integer skipal
integer skipdg
integer skipd1
integer skipn1
integer strnat
integer strint
integer*1 stropc
character tolowr
character line(LINESZ)
character*20 fmt
integer stat
integer n
integer j
integer iaddr, jaddr # Address index and size.
integer iopnm, jopnm # Opcode name index and size.
integer iarg, jarg
integer addr
integer arg
integer*1 opcode
# Read lines of text as an array of characters.
write (fmt, '(''('', I10, ''A)'')') LINESZ
read (*, fmt, iostat = stat) line
while (stat == 0)
n = trimrt (line, LINESZ)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j = j + 1)
line(j) = tolowr (line(j))
iaddr = skipsp (line, 1, n + 1)
jaddr = skipdg (line, iaddr, n + 1)
addr = strnat (line, iaddr, jaddr - iaddr)
iopnm = skipsp (line, jaddr, n + 1)
jopnm = skipal (line, iopnm, n + 1)
opcode = stropc (line, iopnm, jopnm - iopnm)
if (opcode == OPPUSH || opcode == OPFTCH || opcode == OPSTOR _
|| opcode == OPJMP || opcode == OPJZ)
iarg = skipn1 (line, jopnm, n + 1)
jarg = skipd1 (line, iarg, n + 1)
arg = strint (line, iarg, jarg - iarg)
call put5 (code, addr, opcode, arg)
call put1 (code, addr, opcode)
read (*, fmt, iostat = stat) line
subroutine rdcode (strs, strngs, istrng, code)
# Read and parse the "assembly" code.
implicit none
integer strs(1:STRSZ, 0 : MAXSTR - 1)
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # The byte code.
integer datsiz
integer strsiz
call rdhead (datsiz, strsiz)
if (MAXVAR < datsiz)
write (*, '(''too many variables'')')
if (MAXSTR < strsiz)
write (*, '(''too many strings'')')
call rdstrs (strs, strsiz, strngs, istrng)
call rdops (code)
subroutine stkbin (sp)
implicit none
integer sp
if (sp < 3)
write (*, '(''stack underflow in binary operation'')')
subroutine stkun (sp)
implicit none
integer sp
if (sp < 2)
write (*, '(''stack underflow in unary operation'')')
function logl2i (b)
implicit none
logical b
integer logl2i
if (b)
logl2i = 1
logl2i = 0
subroutine rncode (strs, strngs, code, outbuf, noutbf)
# Run the code.
implicit none
integer strs(1:STRSZ, 0 : MAXSTR - 1)
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # The byte code.
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
integer logl2i
integer getimm
integer pop
integer stack(STCKSZ)
integer data(0 : MAXVAR - 1)
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer pc # Program counter.
integer ip # Instruction pointer.
equivalence (pc, ip) # LOL, use either name. :)
integer i, n
integer*1 opcode
logical done
sp = 1
ip = 0
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (ip < 0 || CODESZ <= ip)
write (*, '(''code address out of range'')')
opcode = code(ip)
ip = ip + 1
if (opcode == OPADD)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = stack (sp - 1) + stack(sp)
else if (opcode == OPSUB)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = stack (sp - 1) - stack(sp)
else if (opcode == OPMUL)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = stack (sp - 1) * stack(sp)
else if (opcode == OPDIV)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = stack (sp - 1) / stack(sp)
else if (opcode == OPMOD)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = mod (stack (sp - 1), stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPLT)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack (sp - 1) < stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPGT)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack (sp - 1) > stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPLE)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack (sp - 1) <= stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPGE)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack (sp - 1) >= stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPEQ)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack (sp - 1) == stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPNE)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack (sp - 1) != stack(sp))
else if (opcode == OPAND)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = _
logl2i (stack (sp - 1) != 0 && stack(sp) != 0)
else if (opcode == OPOR)
call stkbin (sp)
sp = sp - 1
stack(sp - 1) = _
logl2i (stack (sp - 1) != 0 || stack(sp) != 0)
else if (opcode == OPNEG)
call stkun (sp)
stack(sp - 1) = -stack(sp - 1)
else if (opcode == OPNOT)
call stkun (sp)
stack(sp - 1) = logl2i (stack(sp - 1) == 0)
else if (opcode == OPPRTC)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, char (pop (stack, sp)))
else if (opcode == OPPRTI)
call wrtint (outbuf, noutbf, pop (stack, sp), 0)
else if (opcode == OPPRTS)
i = pop (stack, sp)
if (i < 0 || MAXSTR <= i)
write (*, '(''string address out of range'')')
n = strs(STRN, i)
i = strs(STRI, i)
call wrtstr (outbuf, noutbf, strngs, i, n)
else if (opcode == OPFTCH)
i = getimm (code, ip)
ip = ip + 4
if (i < 0 || MAXVAR <= i)
write (*, '(''data address out of range'')')
call push (stack, sp, data(i))
else if (opcode == OPSTOR)
i = getimm (code, ip)
ip = ip + 4
if (i < 0 || MAXVAR <= i)
write (*, '(''data address out of range'')')
data(i) = pop (stack, sp)
else if (opcode == OPPUSH)
call push (stack, sp, getimm (code, ip))
ip = ip + 4
else if (opcode == OPJMP)
ip = ip + getimm (code, ip)
else if (opcode == OPJZ)
if (pop (stack, sp) == 0)
ip = ip + getimm (code, ip)
ip = ip + 4
# Halt on OPHALT or any unrecognized code.
done = .true.
program vm
implicit none
integer strs(1:STRSZ, 0 : MAXSTR - 1)
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer*1 code(0 : CODESZ - 1) # The byte code.
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
integer j
istrng = 1
noutbf = 0
for (j = 0; j < CODESZ; j = j + 1)
code(j) = OPHALT
call rdcode (strs, strngs, istrng, code)
call rncode (strs, strngs, code, outbuf, noutbf)
if (noutbf != 0)
call flushl (outbuf, noutbf)


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