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Compiler/code generator: Difference between revisions

Line 3,724:
65 halt
</pre >
{lang Nim}import os, re, streams, strformat, strutils, tables, std/decls
# AST node types.
NodeKind = enum
nIdentifier = "Identifier"
nString = "String"
nInteger = "Integer"
nSequence = "Sequence"
nIf = "If"
nPrtc = "Prtc"
nPrts = "Prts"
nPrti = "Prti"
nWhile = "While"
nAssign = "Assign"
nNegate = "Negate"
nNot = "Not"
nMultiply = "Multiply"
nDivide = "Divide"
nMod = "Mod"
nAdd = "Add"
nSubtract = "Subtract"
nLess = "Less"
nLessEqual = "LessEqual"
nGreater = "Greater"
nGreaterEqual = "GreaterEqual"
nEqual = "Equal"
nNotEqual = "NotEqual"
nAnd = "And"
nOr = "Or"
# Ast node description.
Node = ref object
left: Node
right: Node
case kind: NodeKind
of nString: stringVal: string
of nInteger: intVal: int
of nIdentifier: name: string
else: nil
# Virtual machine opcodes.
OpCode = enum
opFetch = "fetch"
opStore = "store"
opPush = "push"
opJmp = "jmp"
opJz = "jz"
opAdd = "add"
opSub = "sub"
opMul = "mul"
opDiv = "div"
opMod = "mod"
opLt = "lt"
opgt = "gt"
opLe = "le"
opGe = "ge"
opEq = "eq"
opNe = "ne"
opAnd = "and"
opOr = "or"
opNeg = "neg"
opNot = "not"
opPrtc = "prtc"
opPrti = "prti"
opPrts = "prts"
opHalt = "halt"
opInvalid = "invalid"
# Code generator context.
CodeGen = object
address: int # Current address in code part.
instr: seq[string] # List of instructions.
vars: Table[string, int] # Mapping variable name -> variable index.
strings: seq[string] # List of strings.
# Node ranges.
UnaryOpNode = range[nNegate..nNot]
BinaryOpNode = range[nMultiply..nOr]
PrintNode = range[nPrtc..nPrti]
# Mapping unary operator Node -> OpCode.
UnOp: array[UnaryOpNode, OpCode] = [opNeg, opNot]
# Mapping binary operator Node -> OpCode.
BinOp: array[BinaryOpNode, OpCode] = [opMul, opDiv, opMod, opAdd, opSub, opLt,
opLe, opGt, opGe, opEq, opNe, opAnd, opOr]
# Mapping print Node -> OpCode.
PrintOp: array[PrintNode, OpCode] = [opPrtc, opPrts, opPrti]
# Code generator.
proc genSimpleInst(gen: var CodeGen; opcode: OpCode) =
## Build a simple instruction (no operand).
gen.instr.add &"{gen.address:>5} {opcode}"
proc genMemInst(gen: var CodeGen; opcode: OpCode; memIndex: int) =
## Build a memory access instruction (opFetch, opStore).
gen.instr.add &"{gen.address:>5} {opcode:<5} [{memIndex}]"
proc genJumpInst(gen: var CodeGen; opcode: OpCode): int =
## Build a jump instruction. We use the letters X and Y as placeholders
## for the offset and the target address.
result = gen.instr.len
gen.instr.add &"{gen.address:>5} {opcode:<5} (X) Y"
proc genPush(gen: var CodeGen; value: int) =
## Build a push instruction.
gen.instr.add &"{gen.address:>5} {opPush:<5} {value}"
proc updateJumpInst(gen: var CodeGen; index: int; jumpAddress, targetAddress: int) =
## Update the offset and the target address of a jump instruction.
var instr {.byAddr.} = gen.instr[index]
let offset = targetAddress - jumpAddress - 1
for idx in countdown(instr.high, 0):
case instr[idx]
of 'Y':
instr[idx..idx] = $targetAddress
of 'X':
instr[idx..idx] = $offset
proc process(gen: var CodeGen; node: Node) =
## Generate code for a node.
if node.isNil: return
case node.kind:
of nInteger:
inc gen.address, 5
of nIdentifier:
if node.name notin gen.vars:
gen.vars[node.name] = gen.vars.len
gen.genMemInst(opFetch, gen.vars[node.name])
inc gen.address, 5
of nString:
var index = gen.strings.find(node.stringVal)
if index < 0:
index = gen.strings.len
inc gen.address, 5
of nAssign:
if node.left.name notin gen.vars:
gen.vars[node.left.name] = gen.vars.len
gen.genMemInst(opStore, gen.vars[node.left.name])
inc gen.address, 5
of UnaryOpNode.low..UnaryOpNode.high:
inc gen.address
of BinaryOpNode.low..BinaryOpNode.high:
inc gen.address
of PrintNode.low..PrintNode.high:
inc gen.address
of nIf:
# Generate condition expression.
# Generate jump if zero.
let jzAddr = gen.address
let jzInst = gen.genJumpInst(opJz)
inc gen.address, 5
# Generate then branch expression.
# If there is an "else" clause, generate unconditional jump
var jmpAddr, jmpInst: int
let hasElseClause = not node.right.right.isNil
if hasElseClause:
jmpAddr = gen.address
jmpInst = gen.genJumpInst(opJmp)
inc gen.address, 5
# Update JZ offset.
gen.updateJumpInst(jzInst, jzAddr, gen.address)
# Generate else expression.
if hasElseClause:
# Update JMP offset.
gen.updateJumpInst(jmpInst, jmpAddr, gen.address)
of nWhile:
let condAddr = gen.address
# Generate condition expression.
# Generate jump if zero.
let jzAddr = gen.address
let jzInst = gen.genJumpInst(opJz)
inc gen.address, 5
# Generate loop code.
# Generate unconditional jump.
let jmpAddr = gen.address
let jmpInst = gen.genJumpInst(opJmp)
inc gen.address, 5
# Update JMP offset.
gen.updateJumpInst(jmpInst, jmpAddr, condAddr)
# Update JZ offset.
gen.updateJumpInst(jzInst, jzAddr, gen.address)
of nSequence:
proc run(gen: var CodeGen; ast: Node) =
## Run the code generator on the AST.
# Process recursively the nodes.
gen.genSimpleInst(opHalt) # Add a Halt operator at the end.
# Output header.
echo &"Datasize: {gen.vars.len} Strings: {gen.strings.len}"
# Output strings.
for s in gen.strings:
echo s.escape().replace("\\x0A", "\\n")
# Output code.
for inst in gen.instr:
echo inst
# AST loader.
proc newNode(kind: NodeKind; left: Node; right: Node = nil): Node =
## Create a new node with given left and right children.
result = Node(kind: kind, left: left, right: right)
proc loadAst(stream: Stream): Node =
## Load a linear AST and build a binary tree.
let line = stream.readLine().strip()
if line.startsWith(';'):
return nil
var fields = line.split(' ', 1)
let kind = parseEnum[NodeKind](fields[0])
if kind in {nIdentifier, nString, nInteger}:
if fields.len < 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "Missing value field for " & fields[0])
fields[1] = fields[1].strip()
case kind
of nIdentifier:
return Node(kind: nIdentifier, name: fields[1])
of nString:
let str = fields[1].replacef(re"([^\\])(\\n)", "$1\n").replace(r"\\", r"\").replace("\"", "")
return Node(kind: nString, stringVal: str)
of nInteger:
return Node(kind: nInteger, intVal: parseInt(fields[1]))
if fields.len > 1:
raise newException(ValueError, "Extra field for " & fields[0])
let left = stream.loadAst()
let right = stream.loadAst()
result = newNode(kind, left, right)
var stream: Stream
var toClose = false
var codegen: CodeGen
if paramCount() < 1:
stream = newFileStream(stdin)
stream = newFileStream(paramStr(1))
toClose = true
let ast = loadAst(stream)
if toClose: stream.close()
The code produced is compliant with the specification and can be executed by the virtual machine interpreter.
Example with ASCII Mandelbrot (https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Compiler/Sample_programs#Ascii_Mandlebrot).
<pre>Datasize: 15 Strings: 0
0 push 420
5 neg
6 store [0]
11 push 300
16 store [1]
21 push 300
26 store [2]
31 push 300
36 neg
37 store [3]
42 push 7
47 store [4]
52 push 15
57 store [5]
62 push 200
67 store [6]
72 fetch [2]
77 store [7]
82 fetch [7]
87 fetch [3]
92 gt
93 jz (329) 423
98 fetch [0]
103 store [8]
108 fetch [8]
113 fetch [1]
118 lt
119 jz (276) 396
124 push 0
129 store [9]
134 push 0
139 store [10]
144 push 32
149 store [11]
154 push 0
159 store [12]
164 fetch [12]
169 fetch [6]
174 lt
175 jz (193) 369
180 fetch [10]
185 fetch [10]
190 mul
191 push 200
196 div
197 store [13]
202 fetch [9]
207 fetch [9]
212 mul
213 push 200
218 div
219 store [14]
224 fetch [13]
229 fetch [14]
234 add
235 push 800
240 gt
241 jz (56) 298
246 push 48
251 fetch [12]
256 add
257 store [11]
262 fetch [12]
267 push 9
272 gt
273 jz (14) 288
278 push 64
283 store [11]
288 fetch [6]
293 store [12]
298 fetch [10]
303 fetch [9]
308 mul
309 push 100
314 div
315 fetch [7]
320 add
321 store [9]
326 fetch [13]
331 fetch [14]
336 sub
337 fetch [8]
342 add
343 store [10]
348 fetch [12]
353 push 1
358 add
359 store [12]
364 jmp (-201) 164
369 fetch [11]
374 prtc
375 fetch [8]
380 fetch [4]
385 add
386 store [8]
391 jmp (-284) 108
396 push 10
401 prtc
402 fetch [7]
407 fetch [5]
412 sub
413 store [7]
418 jmp (-337) 82
423 halt</pre>
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