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Compiler/code generator: Difference between revisions

m (Better variable names; convert obscure code to a function)
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65 halt</pre>
Reusing parse.e from the [[Compiler/syntax_analyzer#Phix|Syntax Analyzer task]]<br>
Deviates somewhat from the task specification in that it generates executable machine code.
<lang Phix>--
-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\cgen.e
-- ============================
-- The reusable part of cgen.exw
include parse.e
global sequence vars = {},
strings = {},
stringptrs = {}
global integer chain = 0
global sequence code = {}
function var_idx(sequence inode)
if inode[1]!=tk_Identifier then ?9/0 end if
string ident = inode[2]
integer n = find(ident,vars)
if n=0 then
vars = append(vars,ident)
n = length(vars)
end if
return n
end function
function string_idx(sequence inode)
if inode[1]!=tk_String then ?9/0 end if
string s = inode[2]
integer n = find(s,strings)
if n=0 then
strings = append(strings,s)
stringptrs = append(stringptrs,0)
n = length(strings)
end if
return n
end function
function gen_size(object t)
-- note: must be kept precisely in sync with gen_rec!
-- (relentlessly tested via estsize/actsize)
integer size = 0
if t!=NULL then
integer n_type = t[1]
string node_type = tkNames[n_type]
switch n_type do
case tk_Sequence:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += gen_size(t[3])
case tk_assign:
size += gen_size(t[3])+6
case tk_Integer:
size += 5
case tk_Identifier:
size += 6
case tk_String:
size += 5
case tk_while:
-- emit: @@:<condition><topjmp(@f)><body><tailjmp(@b)>@@:
size += gen_size(t[2])+3
integer body = gen_size(t[3])
integer stail = iff(size+body+2>128?5:2)
integer stop = iff(body+stail >127?6:2)
size += stop+body+stail
case tk_lt:
case tk_le:
case tk_ne:
case tk_eq:
case tk_gt:
case tk_ge:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += gen_size(t[3])
size += 10
case tk_add:
case tk_and:
case tk_sub:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += gen_size(t[3])
size += 4
case tk_mul:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += gen_size(t[3])
size += 5
case tk_div:
case tk_mod:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += gen_size(t[3])
size += 6
case tk_putc:
case tk_Printi:
case tk_Prints:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += 5
case tk_if:
size += gen_size(t[2])+3
if t[3][1]!=tk_if then ?9/0 end if
integer truesize = gen_size(t[3][2])
integer falsesize = gen_size(t[3][3])
integer elsejmp = iff(falsesize=0?0:iff(falsesize>127?5:2))
integer mainjmp = iff(truesize+elsejmp>127?6:2)
size += mainjmp+truesize+elsejmp+falsesize
case tk_not:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += 9
case tk_neg:
size += gen_size(t[2])
size += 4
end switch
end if
return size
end function
procedure gen_rec(object t)
-- the recursive part of code_gen
if t!=NULL then
integer initsize = length(code)
integer estsize = gen_size(t) -- (test the gen_size function)
integer n_type = t[1]
string node_type = tkNames[n_type]
switch n_type do
case tk_Sequence:
case tk_assign:
integer n = var_idx(t[2])
code &= {0o217,0o005,chain,1,n,0} -- pop [i]
chain = length(code)-3
case tk_Integer:
integer n = t[2]
code &= 0o150&int_to_bytes(n) -- push imm32
case tk_while:
-- emit: @@:<condition><topjmp(@f)><body><tailjmp(@b)>@@:
integer looptop = length(code)
code &= {0o130, -- pop eax
0o205,0o300} -- test eax,eax
integer bodysize = gen_size(t[3])
-- can we use short jumps?
-- disclaimer: size calcs are not heavily tested; if in
-- doubt reduce 128/7 by 8, and if that works
-- then yep, you just found a boundary case.
integer stail = iff(length(code)+bodysize+4-looptop>128?5:2)
integer offset = bodysize+stail
integer stop = iff(offset>127?6:2)
if stop=2 then
code &= {0o164,offset} -- jz (short) end
code &= {0o017,0o204}&int_to_bytes(offset) -- jz (long) end
end if
offset = looptop-(length(code)+stail)
if stail=2 then
code &= 0o353&offset -- jmp looptop (short)
code &= 0o351&int_to_bytes(offset) -- jmp looptop (long)
end if
case tk_lt:
case tk_le:
case tk_gt:
case tk_ge:
case tk_ne:
case tk_eq:
integer xrm
if n_type=tk_ne then xrm = 0o225 -- (#95)
elsif n_type=tk_lt then xrm = 0o234 -- (#9C)
elsif n_type=tk_ge then xrm = 0o235 -- (#9D)
elsif n_type=tk_le then xrm = 0o236 -- (#9E)
elsif n_type=tk_gt then xrm = 0o237 -- (#9F)
else ?9/0
end if
code &= { 0o061,0o300, -- xor eax,eax
0o132, -- pop edx
0o131, -- pop ecx
0o071,0o321, -- cmp ecx,edx
0o017,xrm,0o300, -- setcc al
0o120} -- push eax
case tk_add:
case tk_or:
case tk_and:
case tk_sub:
integer op = find(n_type,{tk_add,tk_or,0,0,tk_and,tk_sub})
op = 0o001 + (op-1)*0o010
code &= { 0o130, -- pop eax
op,0o004,0o044} -- add/or/and/sub [esp],eax
case tk_mul:
code &= { 0o131, -- pop ecx
0o130, -- pop eax
0o367,0o341, -- mul ecx
0o120} -- push eax
case tk_div:
case tk_mod:
integer push = 0o120+(n_type=tk_mod)*2
code &= { 0o131, -- pop ecx
0o130, -- pop eax
0o231, -- cdq (eax -> edx:eax)
0o367,0o371, -- idiv ecx
push} -- push eax|edx
case tk_Identifier:
integer n = var_idx(t)
code &= {0o377,0o065,chain,1,n,0} -- push [n]
chain = length(code)-3
case tk_putc:
case tk_Printi:
case tk_Prints:
integer n = find(n_type,{tk_putc,tk_Printi,tk_Prints})
code &= {0o350,chain,3,n,0} -- call :printc/i/s
chain = length(code)-3
case tk_String:
integer n = string_idx(t)
code &= {0o150,chain,2,n,0} -- push RawStringPtr(string)
chain = length(code)-3
case tk_if:
-- emit: <condition><mainjmp><truepart>[<elsejmp><falsepart>]
code &= {0o130, -- pop eax
0o205,0o300} -- test eax,eax
if t[3][1]!=tk_if then ?9/0 end if
integer truesize = gen_size(t[3][2])
integer falsesize = gen_size(t[3][3])
integer elsejmp = iff(falsesize=0?0:iff(falsesize>127?5:2))
integer offset = truesize+elsejmp
integer mainjmp = iff(offset>127?6:2)
if mainjmp=2 then
code &= {0o164,offset} -- jz (short) else/end
code &= {0o017,0o204}&int_to_bytes(offset) -- jz (long) else/end
end if
if falsesize!=0 then
offset = falsesize
if elsejmp=2 then
code &= 0o353&offset -- jmp end if (short)
code &= 0o351&int_to_bytes(offset) -- jmp end if (long)
end if
end if
case tk_not:
code &= {0o132, -- pop edx
0o061,0o300, -- xor eax,eax
0o205,0o322, -- test edx,edx
0o017,0o224,0o300, -- setz al
0o120} -- push eax
case tk_neg:
code &= {0o130, -- pop eax
0o367,0o330, -- neg eax
0o120} -- push eax
error("error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator\n", {n_type})
end switch
integer actsize = length(code)
if initsize+estsize!=actsize then ?"9/0" end if -- (test gen_size)
end if
end procedure
global procedure code_gen(object t)
-- Generates proper machine code.
-- Example: i=10; print "\n"; print i; print "\n"
-- Result in vars, strings, chain, code (declared above)
-- where vars is: {"i"},
-- strings is {"\n"},
-- code is { 0o150,#0A,#00,#00,#00, -- 1: push 10
-- 0o217,0o005,0,1,1,0 -- 6: pop [i]
-- 0o150,8,2,1,0, -- 12: push ("\n")
-- 0o350,13,3,3,0, -- 17: call :prints
-- 0o377,0o065,18,1,1,0, -- 22: push [i]
-- 0o350,24,3,2,0, -- 28: call :printi
-- 0o150,29,2,1,0, -- 33: push ("\n")
-- 0o350,34,3,3,0, -- 38: call :prints
-- 0o303} -- 43: ret
-- and chain is 39 (->34->29->24->18->13->8->0)
-- The chain connects all places where we need an actual address before
-- the code is executed, with the byte after the link differentiating
-- between var(1), string(2), and builtin(3), and the byte after that
-- determining the instance of the given type - not that any of them
-- are actually limited to a byte in the above intermediate form, and
-- of course the trailing 0 of each {link,type,id,0} is just there to
-- reserve the space we will need.
code = append(code,0o303) -- ret (0o303=#C3)
end procedure
include builtins/VM/puts1.e -- low-level console i/o routines
function setbuiltins()
atom printc,printi,prints
jmp :setbuiltins
lea edi,[esp+4]
mov esi,1
call :%puts1ediesi -- (edi=raw text, esi=length)
ret 4
mov eax,[esp+4]
push 0 -- no cr
call :%putsint -- (nb limited to +/-9,999,999,999)
ret 4
mov edi,[esp+4]
mov esi,[edi-12]
call :%puts1ediesi -- (edi=raw text, esi=length)
ret 4
mov eax,:printc
lea edi,[printc]
call :%pStoreMint
mov eax,:printi
lea edi,[printi]
call :%pStoreMint
mov eax,:prints
lea edi,[prints]
call :%pStoreMint
return {printc,printi,prints}
end function
global constant builtin_names = {"printc","printi","prints"}
global constant builtins = setbuiltins()
global atom var_mem, code_mem
function RawStringPtr(integer n) -- (based on IupRawStringPtr from pGUI.e)
-- Returns a raw string pointer for s, somewhat like allocate_string(s), but using the existing memory.
-- NOTE: The return is only valid as long as the value passed as the parameter remains in existence.
atom res
string s = strings[n]
mov eax,[s]
lea edi,[res]
shl eax,2
call :%pStoreMint
stringptrs[n] = res
return res
end function
global procedure fixup()
var_mem = allocate(length(vars)*4)
code_mem = allocate(length(code))
while chain!=0 do
integer this = chain
chain = code[this]
integer ftype = code[this+1]
integer id = code[this+2]
switch ftype do
case 1: -- vars
case 2: -- strings
case 3: -- builtins
end switch
end while
end procedure</lang>
And a simple test driver for the specific task:
<lang Phix>--
-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\cgen.exw
-- ==============================
-- Generates 32-bit machine code (see note in vm.exw)
include cgen.e
function get_var_name(atom addr)
integer n = (addr-var_mem)/4+1
if n<1 or n>length(vars) then ?9/0 end if
return vars[n]
end function
function hxl(integer pc, object oh, string fmt, sequence args={})
-- helper routine to display the octal/hex bytes just decoded,
-- along with the code offset and the human-readable text.
if length(args) then fmt = sprintf(fmt,args) end if
sequence octhex = {}
atom base = code_mem+pc
integer len = 0
if integer(oh) then -- all octal
for i=1 to oh do
octhex = append(octhex,sprintf("0o%03o",peek(base)))
base += 1
end for
len = oh
else -- some octal and some hex
for i=1 to length(oh) by 2 do
for j=1 to oh[i] do
octhex = append(octhex,sprintf("0o%03o",peek(base)))
base += 1
end for
len += oh[i]
for j=1 to oh[i+1] do
octhex = append(octhex,sprintf("#%02x",peek(base)))
base += 1
end for
len += oh[i+1]
end for
end if
printf(output_file,"%4d: %-30s %s\n",{pc+1,join(octhex,","),fmt})
return len
end function
constant cccodes = {"o?" ,"no?","b?" ,"ae?","z" ,"ne" ,"be?","a?",
-- 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ,
"s?" ,"ns?","pe?","po?","l" ,"ge" ,"le" ,"g" }
-- 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
constant regs = {"eax","ecx","edx"} -- (others as/when needed)
procedure decode()
-- for a much more complete (and better organised) disassembler, see p2asm.e
integer pc = 0, -- nb 0-based
opcode, xrm
while pc<length(code) do
opcode = peek(code_mem+pc)
xrm = -1
switch opcode do
case 0o150:
atom vaddr = peek4s(code_mem+pc+1)
integer n = find(vaddr,stringptrs)
object arg = iff(n?enquote(strings[n])
pc += hxl(pc,{1,4},"push %s",{arg})
case 0o217:
case 0o377:
integer n = find(opcode,{0o217,0o377})
string op = {"pop","push"}[n]
xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
if n!=find(xrm,{0o005,0o065}) then exit end if
atom addr = peek4u(code_mem+pc+2)
pc += hxl(pc,{2,4},"pop [%s]",{get_var_name(addr)})
case 0o061:
case 0o071:
case 0o205:
integer n = find(opcode,{0o061,0o071,0o205})
string op = {"xor","cmp","test"}[n]
xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
if and_bits(xrm,0o300)!=0o300 then exit end if
string r1 = regs[and_bits(xrm,0o070)/0o010+1]
string r2 = regs[and_bits(xrm,0o007)+1]
pc += hxl(pc,2,"%s %s,%s",{op,r1,r2})
case 0o017:
xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
switch xrm do
case 0o224:
case 0o225:
case 0o234:
case 0o235:
case 0o236:
case 0o237:
string cc = cccodes[and_bits(xrm,0o017)+1]
if peek(code_mem+pc+2)=0o300 then
pc += hxl(pc,3,"set%s al",{cc})
end if
case 0o204:
integer offset = peek4s(code_mem+pc+2)
pc += hxl(pc,{2,4},"jz %d",{pc+6+offset+1})
end switch
case 0o120:
case 0o122:
case 0o130:
case 0o131:
case 0o132:
string op = {"push","pop"}[find(and_bits(opcode,0o070),{0o020,0o030})]
string reg = regs[and_bits(opcode,0o007)+1]
pc += hxl(pc,1,"%s %s",{op,reg})
case 0o231:
pc += hxl(pc,1,"cdq")
case 0o164:
case 0o353:
string jop = iff(opcode=0o164?"jz":"jmp")
integer offset = peek1s(code_mem+pc+1)
pc += hxl(pc,{1,1},"%s %d",{jop,pc+2+offset+1})
case 0o351:
integer offset = peek4s(code_mem+pc+1)
pc += hxl(pc,{1,4},"jmp %d",{pc+5+offset+1})
case 0o303:
pc += hxl(pc,1,"ret")
case 0o350:
integer offset = peek4s(code_mem+pc+1)
atom addr = offset+code_mem+pc+5
integer n = find(addr,builtins)
pc += hxl(pc,{1,4},"call :%s",{builtin_names[n]})
case 0o001:
case 0o041:
case 0o051:
integer n = find(opcode,{0o001,0o041,0o051})
string op = {"add","and","sub"}[n]
xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
switch xrm do
case 0o004:
if peek(code_mem+pc+2)=0o044 then
pc += hxl(pc,3,"%s [esp],eax",{op})
end if
end switch
case 0o367:
xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
if and_bits(xrm,0o300)!=0o300 then exit end if
integer n = find(and_bits(xrm,0o070),{0o030,0o040,0o070})
if n=0 then exit end if
string op = {"neg","mul","idiv"}[n]
string reg = regs[and_bits(xrm,0o007)+1]
pc += hxl(pc,2,"%s %s",{op,reg})
end switch
end while
if pc<length(code) then
if xrm=-1 then
?{pc+1,sprintf("0o%03o 0o%03o",{opcode,xrm})}
end if
end if
end procedure
procedure main(sequence cl)
toks = lex()
object t = parse()
end procedure
1: 0o150,#2F,#04,#00,#00 push 1071
6: 0o217,0o005,#70,#BE,#73,#00 pop [a]
12: 0o150,#05,#04,#00,#00 push 1029
17: 0o217,0o005,#74,#BE,#73,#00 pop [b]
23: 0o377,0o065,#74,#BE,#73,#00 push [b]
29: 0o150,#00,#00,#00,#00 push 0
34: 0o061,0o300 xor eax,eax
36: 0o132 pop edx
37: 0o131 pop ecx
38: 0o071,0o321 cmp edx,ecx
40: 0o017,0o225,0o300 setne al
43: 0o120 push eax
44: 0o130 pop eax
45: 0o205,0o300 test eax,eax
47: 0o164,#32 jz 99
49: 0o377,0o065,#74,#BE,#73,#00 push [b]
55: 0o217,0o005,#78,#BE,#73,#00 pop [new_a]
61: 0o377,0o065,#70,#BE,#73,#00 push [a]
67: 0o377,0o065,#74,#BE,#73,#00 push [b]
73: 0o131 pop ecx
74: 0o130 pop eax
75: 0o231 cdq
76: 0o367,0o371 idiv ecx
78: 0o122 push edx
79: 0o217,0o005,#74,#BE,#73,#00 pop [b]
85: 0o377,0o065,#78,#BE,#73,#00 push [new_a]
91: 0o217,0o005,#70,#BE,#73,#00 pop [a]
97: 0o353,#B4 jmp 23
99: 0o377,0o065,#70,#BE,#73,#00 push [a]
105: 0o350,#2F,#49,#0B,#00 call :printi
110: 0o303 ret


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