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Compiler/lexical analyzer: Difference between revisions

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22 26 Integer 32
23 1 End_of_input</pre>
=={{header|Emacs Lisp}}==
{{works with|Emacs|GNU 27.2}}
<lang lisp>#!/usr/bin/emacs --script
;; The Rosetta Code lexical analyzer in GNU Emacs Lisp.
;; Migrated from the ATS. However, Emacs Lisp is not friendly to the
;; functional style of the ATS implementation; therefore the
;; differences are vast.
;; (A Scheme migration could easily, on the other hand, have been
;; almost exact. It is interesting to contrast Lisp dialects and see
;; how huge the differences are.)
;; The script currently takes input only from standard input and
;; writes the token stream only to standard output.
(require 'cl-lib)
;;; The type of a character, consisting of its code point and where it
;;; occurred in the text.
(cl-defstruct (ch_t (:constructor make-ch (ichar line-no column-no)))
ichar line-no column-no)
(defun ch-ichar (ch)
(ch_t-ichar ch))
(defun ch-line-no (ch)
(ch_t-line-no ch))
(defun ch-column-no (ch)
(ch_t-column-no ch))
;;; The type of an "inputter", consisting of an open file for the
;;; text, a pushback buffer (which is an indefinitely deep stack of
;;; ch_t), an input buffer for the current line, and a position in the
;;; text.
(cl-defstruct inp_t file pushback line line-no column-no)
(defun make-inp (file)
"Initialize a new inp_t."
(make-inp_t :file file
:pushback '()
:line ""
:line-no 0
:column-no 0))
(defvar inp (make-inp t)
"A global inp_t.")
(defun get-ch ()
"Get a ch_t, either from the pushback buffer or from the input."
(pcase (inp_t-pushback inp)
(`(,ch . ,tail)
;; Emacs Lisp has only single value return, so the results come
;; back as a list rather than multiple values.
(setq inp (make-inp_t :file (inp_t-file inp)
:pushback tail
:line (inp_t-line inp)
:line-no (inp_t-line-no inp)
:column-no (inp_t-column-no inp)))
(let ((line (inp_t-line inp))
(line-no (inp_t-line-no inp))
(column-no (inp_t-column-no inp)))
(when (string= line "")
;; Refill the buffer.
(let ((text
(condition-case nil (read-string "")
nil (error 'eoi))))
(if (eq text 'eoi)
(setq line 'eoi)
(setq line (format "%s%c" text ?\n)))
(setq line-no (1+ line-no))
(setq column-no 1)))
(if (eq line 'eoi)
(setq inp (make-inp_t :file (inp_t-file inp)
:pushback (inp_t-pushback inp)
:line line
:line-no line-no
:column-no column-no))
(make-ch 'eoi line-no column-no))
(let ((c (elt line 0))
(line (substring line 1)))
(setq inp (make-inp_t :file (inp_t-file inp)
:pushback (inp_t-pushback inp)
:line line
:line-no line-no
:column-no (1+ column-no)))
(make-ch c line-no column-no)))))))
(defun get-new-line (file)
;; Currently "file" is ignored and the input must be from stdin.
(read-from-minibuffer "" :default 'eoi))
(defun push-back (ch)
"Push back a ch_t."
(setq inp (make-inp_t :file (inp_t-file inp)
:pushback (cons ch (inp_t-pushback inp))
:line (inp_t-line inp)
:line-no (inp_t-line-no inp)
:column-no (inp_t-column-no inp))))
(defun get-position ()
"Return the line-no and column-no of the next ch_t to be
returned by get-ch, assuming there are no more pushbacks
(let* ((ch (get-ch))
(line-no (ch-line-no ch))
(column-no (ch-column-no ch)))
(push-back ch)
(list line-no column-no)))
(defun scan-text (outf)
"The main loop."
(cl-loop for toktup = (get-next-token)
do (print-token outf toktup)
until (string= (elt toktup 0) "End_of_input")))
(defun print-token (outf toktup)
"Print a token, along with its position and possibly an
;; Currently outf is ignored, and the output goes to stdout.
(pcase toktup
(`(,tok ,arg ,line-no ,column-no)
(princ (format "%5d %5d %s" line-no column-no tok))
(pcase tok
("Identifier" (princ (format " %s\n" arg)))
("Integer" (princ (format " %s\n" arg)))
("String" (princ (format " %s\n" arg)))
(_ (princ "\n"))))))
(defun get-next-token ()
"The token dispatcher. Returns the next token, as a list along
with its argument and text position."
(let* ((ch (get-ch))
(ln (ch-line-no ch))
(cn (ch-column-no ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch)
('eoi (list "End_of_input" "" ln cn))
(?, (list "Comma" "," ln cn))
(?\N{SEMICOLON} (list "Semicolon" ";" ln cn))
(?\N{LEFT PARENTHESIS} (list "LeftParen" "(" ln cn))
(?\N{RIGHT PARENTHESIS} (list "RightParen" ")" ln cn))
(?{ (list "LeftBrace" "{" ln cn))
(?} (list "RightBrace" "}" ln cn))
(?* (list "Op_multiply" "*" ln cn))
(?/ (list "Op_divide" "/" ln cn))
(?% (list "Op_mod" "%" ln cn))
(?+ (list "Op_add" "+" ln cn))
(?- (list "Op_subtract" "-" ln cn))
(?< (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?= (list "Op_lessequal" "<=" ln cn))
(_ (push-back ch1)
(list "Op_less" "<" ln cn)))))
(?> (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?= (list "Op_greaterequal" ">=" ln cn))
(_ (push-back ch1)
(list "Op_greater" ">" ln cn)))))
(?= (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?= (list "Op_equal" "==" ln cn))
(_ (push-back ch1)
(list "Op_assign" "=" ln cn)))))
(?! (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?= (list "Op_notequal" "!=" ln cn))
(_ (push-back ch1)
(list "Op_not" "!" ln cn)))))
(?& (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?& (list "Op_and" "&&" ln cn))
(_ (unexpected-character ln cn (get-ichar ch))))))
(?| (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?| (list "Op_or" "||" ln cn))
(_ (unexpected-character ln cn (get-ichar ch))))))
(?\N{QUOTATION MARK} (push-back ch) (scan-string-literal))
(?\N{APOSTROPHE} (push-back ch) (scan-character-literal))
((pred digitp) (push-back ch) (scan-integer-literal))
((pred identifier-start-p)
(push-back ch)
(c (unexpected-character ln cn c)))))
(defun skip-spaces-and-comments ()
"Skip spaces and comments. A comment is treated as equivalent
to a run of spaces."
(cl-loop for ch = (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?/ (let* ((ch2 (get-ch))
(line-no (ch-line-no ch1))
(column-no (ch-column-no ch1))
(position `(,line-no ,column-no)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch2)
(?* (scan-comment position)
(_ (push-back ch2)
(_ ch1)))
while (spacep (ch-ichar ch))
finally do (push-back ch)))
(defun scan-comment (position)
(cl-loop for ch = (get-ch)
for done = (comment-done-p ch position)
until done))
(defun comment-done-p (ch position)
(pcase (ch-ichar ch)
('eoi (apply 'unterminated-comment position))
(?* (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
('eoi (apply 'unterminated-comment position))
(?/ t)
(_ nil))))
(_ nil)))
(defun scan-integer-literal ()
"Scan an integer literal, on the assumption that a digit has
been seen and pushed back."
(let* ((position (get-position))
(lst (scan-word))
(s (list-to-string lst)))
(if (all-digits-p lst)
`("Integer" ,s . ,position)
(apply 'illegal-integer-literal `(,@position , s)))))
(defun scan-identifier-or-reserved-word ()
"Scan an identifier or reserved word, on the assumption that a
legal first character (for an identifier) has been seen and
pushed back."
(let* ((position (get-position))
(lst (scan-word))
(s (list-to-string lst))
(tok (pcase s
("else" "Keyword_else")
("if" "Keyword_if")
("while" "Keyword_while")
("print" "Keyword_print")
("putc" "Keyword_putc")
(_ "Identifier"))))
`(,tok ,s . ,position)))
(defun scan-word ()
(cl-loop for ch = (get-ch)
while (identifier-continuation-p (ch-ichar ch))
collect (ch-ichar ch)
finally do (push-back ch)))
(defun scan-string-literal ()
"Scan a string literal, on the assumption that a double quote
has been seen and pushed back."
(let* ((ch (get-ch))
(_ (cl-assert (= (ch-ichar ch) ?\N{QUOTATION MARK})))
(line-no (ch-line-no ch))
(column-no (ch-column-no ch))
(position `(,line-no ,column-no))
(lst (scan-str-lit position))
`("String" ,(list-to-string lst) . ,position)))
(defun scan-str-lit (position)
(cl-loop for ch = (get-ch)
until (= (ch-ichar ch) ?\N{QUOTATION MARK})
collect (process-str-lit-character
(ch-ichar ch) position))))
(defun process-str-lit-character (c position)
;; NOTE: This script might insert a newline before any eoi, so that
;; "end-of-input-in-string-literal" never actually occurs. It is a
;; peculiarity of the script's input mechanism.
(pcase c
('eoi (apply 'end-of-input-in-string-literal position))
(?\n (apply 'end-of-line-in-string-literal position))
(?\\ (let ((ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
(?n '(?\\ ?n))
(?\\ '(?\\ ?\\))
(c (unsupported-escape (ch-line-no ch1)
(ch-column-no ch1)
(c c)))
(defun scan-character-literal ()
"Scan a character literal, on the assumption that an ASCII
single quote (that is, a Unicode APOSTROPHE) has been seen and
pushed back."
(let* ((toktup (scan-character-literal-without-checking-end))
(line-no (elt toktup 2))
(column-no (elt toktup 3))
(position (list line-no column-no)))
(check-char-lit-end position)
(defun check-char-lit-end (position)
(let ((ch (get-ch)))
(unless (and (integerp (ch-ichar ch))
(= (ch-ichar ch) ?\N{APOSTROPHE}))
(push-back ch)
(loop-to-char-lit-end position))))
(defun loop-to-char-lit-end (position)
(cl-loop for ch = (get-ch)
until (or (eq (ch-ichar ch) 'eoi)
(= (ch-ichar ch) ?\N{APOSTROPHE}))
finally do (if (eq (ch-ichar ch) 'eoi)
(apply 'unterminated-character-literal
(apply 'multicharacter-literal position))))
(defun scan-character-literal-without-checking-end ()
(let* ((ch (get-ch))
(_ (cl-assert (= (ch-ichar ch) ?\N{APOSTROPHE})))
(line-no (ch-line-no ch))
(column-no (ch-column-no ch))
(position (list line-no column-no))
(ch1 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch1)
('eoi (apply 'unterminated-character-literal position))
(?\\ (let ((ch2 (get-ch)))
(pcase (ch-ichar ch2)
('eoi (apply 'unterminated-character-literal position))
(?n `("Integer" ,(format "%d" ?\n) . ,position))
(?\\ `("Integer" ,(format "%d" ?\\) . ,position))
(c (unsupported-escape (ch-line-no ch1)
(ch-column-no ch1)
(c `("Integer" ,(format "%d" c) . ,position)))))
(defun spacep (c)
(and (integerp c) (or (= c ?\N{SPACE})
(and (<= 9 c) (<= c 13)))))
(defun digitp (c)
(and (integerp c) (<= ?0 c) (<= c ?9)))
(defun lowerp (c)
;; Warning: in EBCDIC, this kind of test for "alphabetic" is no
;; good. The letters are not contiguous.
(and (integerp c) (<= ?a c) (<= c ?z)))
(defun upperp (c)
;; Warning: in EBCDIC, this kind of test for "alphabetic" is no
;; good. The letters are not contiguous.
(and (integerp c) (<= ?A c) (<= c ?Z)))
(defun alphap (c)
(or (lowerp c) (upperp c)))
(defun identifier-start-p (c)
(and (integerp c) (or (alphap c) (= c ?_))))
(defun identifier-continuation-p (c)
(and (integerp c) (or (alphap c) (= c ?_) (digitp c))))
(defun all-digits-p (thing)
(cl-loop for c in thing
if (not (digitp c)) return nil
finally return t))
(defun list-to-string (lst)
"Convert a list of characters to a string."
(apply 'string lst))
(defun flatten (lst)
"Flatten nested lists. (The implementation is recursive and not
for very long lists.)"
(pcase lst
('() '())
(`(,head . ,tail)
(if (listp head)
(append (flatten head) (flatten tail))
(cons head (flatten tail))))))
(defun unexpected-character (line-no column-no c)
(error (format "unexpected character '%c' at %d:%d"
c line-no column-no)))
(defun unsupported-escape (line-no column-no c)
(error (format "unsupported escape \\%c at %d:%d"
c line-no column-no)))
(defun illegal-integer-literal (line-no column-no s)
(error (format "illegal integer literal \"%s\" at %d:%d"
s line-no column-no)))
(defun unterminated-character-literal (line-no column-no)
(error (format "unterminated character literal starting at %d:%d"
line-no column-no)))
(defun multicharacter-literal (line-no column-no)
(error (format
"unsupported multicharacter literal starting at %d:%d"
line-no column-no)))
(defun end-of-input-in-string-literal (line-no column-no)
(error (format "end of input in string literal starting at %d:%d"
line-no column-no)))
(defun end-of-line-in-string-literal (line-no column-no)
(error (format "end of line in string literal starting at %d:%d"
line-no column-no)))
(defun unterminated-comment (line-no column-no)
(error (format "unterminated comment starting at %d:%d"
line-no column-no)))
(defun main ()
(setq inp (make-inp t))
(scan-text t))


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