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Red/Black Trees in C#
== CodeC# ==
<lang csharp>// Set6 - Red/Black (3State) Sets
// Set6 - Red/Black (3State) Sets
using System;
Line 748 ⟶ 747:
public EntryAlreadyExistsException() : base(message) { }
== Standard ML ==
<lang sml>(* These red-black trees are manipulated using zippers.
* It is up to the user to insert the elements in the correct place.
* However, the implementation guarantees that, when a tree is rebalanced,
* the relative order of the elements will be respected.
signature SEARCH_TREE =
type 'a tree
type 'a leaf
type 'a hole
datatype 'a focus = Leaf of 'a leaf | Node of 'a * 'a hole
val empty : 'a tree
val root : 'a tree -> 'a focus
val left : 'a * 'a hole -> 'a focus
val right : 'a * 'a hole -> 'a focus
val insert : 'a * 'a leaf -> 'a tree
val update : 'a * 'a hole -> 'a tree
val delete : 'a hole -> 'a tree
val splay : 'a leaf -> 'a tree
val fromAsc : 'a list -> 'a tree
val fromDesc : 'a list -> 'a tree
structure RedBlackTree :> SEARCH_TREE =
datatype 'a tree
= Empty
| Red of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
| Black of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
val empty = Empty
fun pure x = Red (Empty, x, Empty)
fun l2 ((a,x,b),y,c) = (a, x, Red (b,y,c))
fun r2 (a,x,(b,y,c)) = (Red (a,x,b), y, c)
fun u3 (a,x,b,y,c) = Black (a, x, Red (b,y,c))
fun l3 (a,x,b,y,c) = Red (Black a, x, Black (b,y,c))
fun r3 (a,x,b,y,c) = Red (Black (a,x,b), y, Black c)
fun m3 (a,x,(b,y,c),z,d) = Red (Black (a,x,b), y, Black (c,z,d))
datatype 'a step = L of 'a * 'a tree | R of 'a tree * 'a | T | W
fun upd (Red xs, T :: ss) = upd (Black xs, ss)
| upd (a, L (x,b) :: ss) = upd (Red (a,x,b), ss)
| upd (b, R (a,x) :: ss) = upd (Red (a,x,b), ss)
| upd (xs, _) = xs
fun ins (Red a, L (x,b) :: L (y,c) :: T :: ss) = ins (l3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| ins (Red b, R (a,x) :: L (y,c) :: T :: ss) = ins (m3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| ins (Red b, L (y,c) :: R (a,x) :: T :: ss) = ins (m3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| ins (Red c, R (b,y) :: R (a,x) :: T :: ss) = ins (r3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| ins (Red xs, nil) = Black xs
| ins xs = upd xs
fun del (a, T :: L (x, Red (b,y,c)) :: ss) = del (a, T :: L (x,b) :: L (y,c) :: ss)
| del (c, T :: R (Red (a,x,b), y) :: ss) = del (c, T :: R (b,y) :: R (a,x) :: ss)
| del (a, T :: L (x, Black (Red b,y,c)) :: ss) = upd (m3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| del (c, T :: R (Black (a,x,Red b), y) :: ss) = upd (m3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| del (a, T :: L (x, Black b) :: ss) = del (Black (r2 (a,x,b)), ss)
| del (b, T :: R (Black a, x) :: ss) = del (Black (l2 (a,x,b)), ss)
| del xs = upd xs
fun old (Red b, W :: L (y,c) :: R (a,x) :: ss) = old (m3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| old (Red a, W :: L (x,b) :: ss) = old (Red (l2 (a,x,b)), ss)
| old (Red b, W :: R (a,x) :: ss) = old (Red (r2 (a,x,b)), ss)
| old xs = upd xs
fun new (b, W :: L (y,c) :: R (a,x) :: ss) = new (u3 (a,x,b,y,c), ss)
| new (a, W :: L (x,b) :: ss) = old (Red (a,x,b), ss)
| new (b, W :: R (a,x) :: ss) = old (Red (a,x,b), ss)
| new xs = del xs
fun cut (Black (a,x,b), Black (c,y,d), ss) = cut (b, c, W :: L (y,d) :: R (a,x) :: ss)
| cut (a, Red (b,x,c), ss) = cut (a, b, W :: L (x,c) :: ss)
| cut (Red (a,x,b), c, ss) = cut (b, c, W :: R (a,x) :: ss)
| cut (xs, _, ss) = new (xs, ss)
type 'a leaf = 'a step list
type 'a hole = 'a tree * 'a tree * 'a step list
fun splay ss = upd (Empty, ss)
fun update (x, (a, b, ss)) = upd (Red (a,x,b), ss)
fun insert (x, ss) = ins (pure x, ss)
val delete = cut
datatype 'a focus = Leaf of 'a leaf | Node of 'a * 'a hole
fun focus (Empty, ss) = Leaf ss
| focus (Red (a,x,b), ss) = Node (x, (a, b, ss))
| focus (Black (a,x,b), ss) = Node (x, (a, b, T :: ss))
fun root xs = focus (xs, nil)
fun left (x, (a, b, ss)) = focus (a, L (x,b) :: ss)
fun right (x, (a, b, ss)) = focus (b, R (a,x) :: ss)
datatype 'a step = ^ of 'a tree * 'a
fun upd (a ^ x, b) = Black (a,x,b)
fun rot (a ^ x, b ^ y) = Red (a,x,b) ^ y
fun cut (us, vs) = foldl op:: us vs
fun ins (Red a ^ x :: us, vs) = ins (us, Black a ^ x :: vs)
| ins (u :: us, v :: vs) = cut (us, rot (u, v) :: vs)
| ins xs = cut xs
fun cons (x, ss) = ins (ss, Empty ^ x :: nil)
fun fromAsc xs = foldl upd Empty (foldl cons nil xs)
datatype 'a step = ^ of 'a * 'a tree
fun upd (x ^ b, a) = Black (a,x,b)
fun rot (x ^ a, y ^ b) = x ^ Red (a,y,b)
fun cut (us, vs) = foldl op:: vs us
fun ins (us, x ^ Red a :: vs) = ins (x ^ Black a :: us, vs)
| ins (u :: us, v :: vs) = cut (rot (u, v) :: us, vs)
| ins xs = cut xs
fun cons (x, ss) = ins (x ^ Empty :: nil, ss)
fun fromDesc xs = foldl upd Empty (foldl cons nil xs)
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