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Cycle detection: Difference between revisions

→‎Functional Python: Added a scalable (non recursive) version, updated tests and output for lists of 10000+ items
(→‎Functional Python: Added a scalable (non recursive) version, updated tests and output for lists of 10000+ items)
Line 1,624:
return v
return lambda f: lambda x: go(f, x)</lang>
and now it all works again, with the structure conserved but recursion removed.
The Python no longer falls out of the tree at the sight of an ouroboros, and we can happily search for cycles in lists of several thousand items:
<lang python>'''Cycle detection'''
from itertools import (chain, cycle, islice)
from operator import (eq)
# cycleFound :: Eq a => [a] -> Maybe ([a], Int, Int)
def cycleFound(xs):
'''Just the first cycle found, with its length
and start index, or Nothing if no cycle seen.
return bind(cycleLength(xs))(
lambda n: bind(
findIndex(uncurry(eq))(zip(xs, xs[n:]))
)(lambda iStart: Just(
(xs[iStart:iStart + n], n, iStart)
# cycleLength :: Eq a => [a] -> Maybe Int
def cycleLength(xs):
'''Just the length of the first cycle found,
or Nothing if no cycle seen.'''
# f :: (Int, Int, Int, [Int]) -> (Int, Int, Int, [Int])
def f(tpl):
pwr, lng, x, ys = tpl
y, *yt = ys
return (2 * pwr, 1, y, yt) if (
lng == pwr
) else (pwr, 1 + lng, x, yt)
# p :: (Int, Int, Int, [Int]) -> Bool
def p(tpl):
_, _, x, ys = tpl
return (not ys) or x == ys[0]
if xs:
_, lng, x, ys = until(p)(f)(
(1, 1, xs[0], xs[1:])
return (
Just(lng) if (x == ys[0]) else Nothing()
) if ys else Nothing()
return Nothing()
# TEST ----------------------------------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():
'''Reports of any cycle detection.'''
'First cycle detected, if any:\n'
)(fst)(maybe('No cycle found')(
'cycle([1, 2, 3])',
take(10000)(cycle([1, 2, 3]))
), (
'[0..10000] + cycle([1..8])',
), (
), (
'f(x) = (x*x + 1) modulo 255',
lambda x: (1 + (x * x)) % 255
# DISPLAY -------------------------------------------------
# showList :: [a] -> String
def showList(xs):
''''Compact stringification of a list,
(no spaces after commas).
return ''.join(repr(xs).split())
# showCycle :: ([a], Int, Int) -> String
def showCycle(cli):
'''Stringification of cycleFound tuple.'''
c, lng, iStart = cli
return showList(c) + ' (from:' + str(iStart) + (
', length:' + str(lng) + ')'
# GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
# Just :: a -> Maybe a
def Just(x):
'''Constructor for an inhabited Maybe (option type) value.'''
return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': False, 'Just': x}
# Nothing :: Maybe a
def Nothing():
'''Constructor for an empty Maybe (option type) value.'''
return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': True}
# bind (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
def bind(m):
'''bindMay provides the mechanism for composing a
sequence of (a -> Maybe b) functions.
If m is Nothing, it is passed straight through.
If m is Just(x), the result is an application
of the (a -> Maybe b) function (mf) to x.'''
return lambda mf: (
m if m.get('Nothing') else mf(m.get('Just'))
# compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
def compose(g):
'''Right to left function composition.'''
return lambda f: lambda x: g(f(x))
# concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
# concat :: [String] -> String
def concat(xxs):
'''The concatenation of all the elements in a list.'''
xs = list(chain.from_iterable(xxs))
unit = '' if isinstance(xs, str) else []
return unit if not xs else (
''.join(xs) if isinstance(xs[0], str) else xs
# enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int]
def enumFromTo(m):
'''Integer enumeration from m to n.'''
return lambda n: list(range(m, 1 + n))
# findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
def findIndex(p):
'''Just the first index at which an
element in xs matches p,
or Nothing if no elements match.'''
def go(xs):
return Just(next(
i for i, x in enumerate(xs) if p(x)
except StopIteration:
return Nothing()
return lambda xs: go(xs)
# fst :: (a, b) -> a
def fst(tpl):
'''First member of a pair.'''
return tpl[0]
# fTable :: String -> (a -> String) ->
# (b -> String) ->
# (a -> b) -> [a] -> String
def fTable(s):
'''Heading -> x display function -> fx display function ->
f -> value list -> tabular string.'''
def go(xShow, fxShow, f, xs):
w = max(map(compose(len)(xShow), xs))
return s + '\n' + '\n'.join([
xShow(x).rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + fxShow(f(x)) for x in xs
return lambda xShow: lambda fxShow: (
lambda f: lambda xs: go(
xShow, fxShow, f, xs
# iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> Gen [a]
def iterate(f):
'''An infinite list of repeated
applications of f to x.'''
def go(x):
v = x
while True:
yield v
v = f(v)
return lambda x: go(x)
# maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
def maybe(v):
'''Either the default value v, if m is Nothing,
or the application of f to x,
where m is Just(x).'''
return lambda f: lambda m: v if m.get('Nothing') else (
# snd :: (a, b) -> b
def snd(tpl):
'''Second member of a pair.'''
return tpl[1]
# take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
# take :: Int -> String -> String
def take(n):
'''The prefix of xs of length n,
or xs itself if n > length xs.'''
return lambda xs: (
if isinstance(xs, list)
else list(islice(xs, n))
# uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)
def uncurry(f):
'''A function over a tuple
derived from a default or
curried function.'''
return lambda xy: f(xy[0], xy[1])
# until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
def until(p):
'''The result of repeatedly applying f until p holds.
The initial seed value is x.'''
def go(f, x):
v = x
while not p(v):
v = f(v)
return v
return lambda f: lambda x: go(f, x)
# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
<pre>First cycle detected, if any:
cycle([1, 2, 3]) -> [1,2,3] (from:0, length:3)
[0..10000] + cycle([1..8]) -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] (from:10001, length:8)
[1..10000] -> No cycle found
f(x) = (x*x + 1) modulo 255 -> [101,2,5,26,167,95] (from:2, length:6)</pre>


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