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Particle swarm optimization: Difference between revisions

Added D
(→‎{{header|Kotlin}}: Fixed bug though results unaffected)
(Added D)
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<lang D>import std.math;
import std.random;
import std.stdio;
alias Func = double function(double[]);
struct Parameters {
double omega, phip, phig;
struct State {
int iter;
double[] gbpos;
double gbval;
double[] min;
double[] max;
Parameters parameters;
double[][] pos;
double[][] vel;
double[][] bpos;
double[] bval;
int nParticles;
int nDims;
void report(string testfunc) {
writeln("Test Function : ", testfunc);
writeln("Iterations : ", iter);
writefln("Global Best Position : [%(%.16f, %)]", gbpos);
writefln("Global Best Value : %.16f", gbval);
State psoInit(double[] min, double[] max, Parameters parameters, int nParticles) {
auto nDims = min.length;
double[][] pos;
pos.length = nParticles;
pos[] = min;
double[][] vel;
vel.length = nParticles;
for (int i; i<nParticles; i++) vel[i].length = nDims;
double[][] bpos;
bpos.length = nParticles;
bpos[] = min;
double[] bval;
bval.length = nParticles;
bval[] = double.infinity;
auto iter = 0;
double[] gbpos;
gbpos.length = nDims;
gbpos[] = double.infinity;
auto gbval = double.infinity;
return State(iter, gbpos, gbval, min, max, parameters, pos, vel, bpos, bval, nParticles, nDims);
State pso(Func fn, State y) {
auto p = y.parameters;
double[] v;
v.length = y.nParticles;
double[][] bpos;
bpos.length = y.nParticles;
bpos[] = y.min;
double[] bval;
bval.length = y.nParticles;
double[] gbpos;
gbpos.length = y.nDims;
auto gbval = double.infinity;
foreach (j; 0..y.nParticles) {
// evaluate
v[j] = fn(y.pos[j]);
// update
if (v[j] < y.bval[j]) {
bpos[j] = y.pos[j];
bval[j] = v[j];
} else {
bpos[j] = y.bpos[j];
bval[j] = y.bval[j];
if (bval[j] < gbval) {
gbval = bval[j];
gbpos = bpos[j];
auto rg = uniform01();
double[][] pos;
pos.length = y.nParticles;
for (int i; i<pos.length; i++) pos[i].length = y.nDims;
double[][] vel;
vel.length = y.nParticles;
for (int i; i<vel.length; i++) vel[i].length = y.nDims;
foreach (j; 0..y.nParticles) {
// migrate
auto rp = uniform01();
bool ok = true;
vel[j][] = 0;
pos[j][] = 0;
foreach (k; 0..y.nDims) {
vel[j][k] = p.omega * y.vel[j][k] +
p.phip * rp * (bpos[j][k] - y.pos[j][k]) +
p.phig * rg * (gbpos[k] - y.pos[j][k]);
pos[j][k] = y.pos[j][k] + vel[j][k];
ok = ok && y.min[k] < pos[j][k] && y.max[k] > pos[j][k];
if (!ok) {
foreach (k; 0..y.nDims) {
pos[j][k] = y.min[k] + (y.max[k] - y.min[k]) * uniform01();
auto iter = 1 + y.iter;
return State(iter, gbpos, gbval, y.min, y.max, y.parameters, pos, vel, bpos, bval, y.nParticles, y.nDims);
State iterate(Func fn, int n, State y) {
auto r = y;
auto old = y;
if (n == int.max) {
while (true) {
r = pso(fn, r);
if (r == old) break;
old = r;
} else {
foreach (_; 0..n) r = pso(fn, r);
return r;
double mccormick(double[] x) {
auto a = x[0];
auto b = x[1];
return sin(a + b) + (a - b) * (a - b) + 1.0 + 2.5 * b - 1.5 * a;
double michalewicz(double[] x) {
auto m = 10;
auto d = x.length;
auto sum = 0.0;
foreach (i; 1..d) {
auto j = x[i - 1];
auto k = sin(i * j * j / PI);
sum += sin(j) * k^^(2.0*m);
return -sum;
void main() {
auto state = psoInit(
[-1.5, -3.0],
[4.0, 4.0],
Parameters(0.0, 0.6, 0.3),
state = iterate(&mccormick, 40, state);
writefln("f(-.54719, -1.54719) : %.16f", mccormick([-.54719, -1.54719]));
state = psoInit(
[0.0, 0.0],
[PI, PI],
Parameters(0.3, 0.3, 0.3),
state = iterate(&michalewicz, 30, state);
state.report("Michalewicz (2D)");
writefln("f(2.20, 1.57) : %.16f", michalewicz([2.2, 1.57]));
<pre>Test Function : McCormick
Iterations : 40
Global Best Position : [-0.5673174452967942, -1.5373177402652800]
Global Best Value : -1.9122776571457756
f(-.54719, -1.54719) : -1.9132229548822735
Test Function : Michalewicz (2D)
Iterations : 30
Global Best Position : [2.1907380816516597, 1.5608474620076016]
Global Best Value : -1.7949374368688056
f(2.20, 1.57) : -1.8011407184738251</pre>


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