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The ISAAC cipher: Difference between revisions

Added a Forth implementation
m (Thundergnat moved page The ISAAC Cipher to The ISAAC cipher: capitalization policy)
(Added a Forth implementation)
Line 1,455:
decrypted: a Top Secret secret
<lang forth>
Tested for VFX Forth and GForth 64bit in Linux
The code was based on and debugged v python
\ ******* Words for 32 bit fetching and storing *******
\ * Implement words for 32 bit fields (assuming 64 bit Forth) *
\ *************************************************************
: halves 4 * ; \ half a cell.
\ VFX Forth
\ : h@ L@ ; : h! L! ; : h+! L+! ;
: h@ UL@ ; : h! L! ; : h+! DUP h@ ROT + SWAP h! ;
\ a 32 bit Forth
\ : h@ @ ; : h! ! ; : h+! +! ;
: half-array \ n <'name'> -- ; DOES> n -- a ;
\ Use: 8 half-array test - creates an array of 8 32 bit elements.
\ Does> 4 test - returns the address of the 4th element of test.
DOES> SWAP halves + ;
\ ***** Words to implement an isaac rng *****
8 half-array ]init-state
: init+! \ ix-tgt ix-src -- ;
]init-state h@ SWAP ]init-state h+! ;
: init-right-xor! \ ix-tgt ix-src shift-bits -- ;
SWAP ]init-state h@ SWAP RSHIFT SWAP ]init-state TUCK h@ XOR SWAP h! ;
: init-left-xor! \ ix-tgt ix-src shift-bits -- ;
SWAP ]init-state h@ SWAP LSHIFT SWAP ]init-state TUCK h@ XOR SWAP h! ;
: mix
0 1 11 init-left-xor! 3 0 init+! 1 2 init+!
1 2 2 init-right-xor! 4 1 init+! 2 3 init+!
2 3 8 init-left-xor! 5 2 init+! 3 4 init+!
3 4 16 init-right-xor! 6 3 init+! 4 5 init+!
4 5 10 init-left-xor! 7 4 init+! 5 6 init+!
5 6 4 init-right-xor! 0 5 init+! 6 7 init+!
6 7 8 init-left-xor! 1 6 init+! 7 0 init+!
7 0 9 init-right-xor! 2 7 init+! 0 1 init+! ;
\ State variables and arrays
256 half-array ]mm
256 half-array ]result
\ Jump table of xts used in isaac-iteration
: shift-xor0 aa DUP h@ DUP 13 LSHIFT XOR SWAP h! ; \ -- ;
: shift-xor1 aa DUP h@ DUP 6 RSHIFT XOR SWAP h! ; \ -- ;
: shift-xor2 aa DUP h@ DUP 2 LSHIFT XOR SWAP h! ; \ -- ;
: shift-xor3 aa DUP h@ DUP 16 RSHIFT XOR SWAP h! ; \ -- ;
' shift-xor0 , ' shift-xor1 , ' shift-xor2 , ' shift-xor3 ,
CONSTANT shift-xor-xts
: ]execute-shift-xorn \ ix -- ; Executes the xt in shift-xor-xts
CELLS shift-xor-xts + @ EXECUTE ;
: isaac-iteration \ -- ;
1 cc h+! cc h@ bb h+!
256 0 DO \ Python code
I ]mm h@ \ x = mm[i] Store mm[i] on the stack
I 3 AND ]execute-shift-xorn
\ Executes shift-xor0 .. 3 from shift-xor-xts above.
aa DUP h@ I 128 XOR ]mm h@ + SWAP h! \ aa = (mm[i^128] + aa)
DUP 2 RSHIFT 0xFF AND ]mm h@ aa h@ + bb h@ + \ mm[(x>>2) & 0xFF] + aa + bb)
DUP I ]mm h! \ y = mm[i] = ; Store in ]mm leave y on the stack
10 RSHIFT 0xFF AND ]mm h@ + \ mm[(y>>10) & 0xFF] + x)
DUP bb h! I ]result h! \ result[i] = self.bb = ; store in bb and result[i]
0 rand-count ! ;
256 half-array ]seed
: zero-fill \ a ct -- ;
halves ERASE ;
: seed-mt 0 ]seed 256 zero-fill ;
: string>seed \ a ct -- ;
seed-mt 256 MIN ]seed 0 ]seed ?DO COUNT I h! 4 +LOOP DROP ;
: mm-mt 0 ]mm 256 zero-fill ;
: init-vars 0 aa ! 0 bb ! 0 cc ! 256 rand-count ! ;
: res-mt 0 ]result 256 zero-fill ;
: base-init-state
8 ]init-state 0 ]init-state DO 0x9e3779b9 i h! 4 +LOOP
mix mix mix mix ;
: init>mm-ix \ ix -- ;
0 ]init-state SWAP ]mm 8 halves MOVE ;
: init>mm \ -- ;
256 0 DO mix I init>mm-ix 8 +LOOP
0 aa h! 0 bb h! 0 cc h! ;
: default-seed \ -- ;
base-init-state init>mm ;
: seed>init-state>mm
256 0 DO
8 0 DO I J + ]seed h@ I ]init-state h+! LOOP
0 ]init-state I ]mm 8 halves MOVE
8 +LOOP ;
: init-mm-mix
256 0 DO
8 0 DO I J + ]mm h@ I ]init-state h+! LOOP
I init>mm-ix
8 +LOOP ;
: string-seed \ str ct -- ;
string>seed base-init-state seed>init-state>mm
init-mm-mix init-vars res-mt ;
: random-next \ -- h ; 32 bit result
rand-count @ 255 > IF isaac-iteration 0 rand-count ! THEN
rand-count @ DUP ]result h@ SWAP 1+ rand-count ! ;
: rand-char \ -- ch ;
random-next 95 MOD 32 + ;
\ Encode, Decode and display.
\ Working buffers
1024 CONSTANT buff-size
CREATE buff-in buff-size ALLOT
CREATE xor-out buff-size ALLOT
CREATE caesar-out buff-size ALLOT
: buff-count \ adr -- addr+cell count ; \ Prepares buff for TYPE
: buff. buff-count TYPE ; \ addr -- ;
: byte>hexstr \ b -- str ct ; \ Generates a 2 character hex string.
BASE @ SWAP HEX 0 <# # # #> ROT BASE ! ;
: buff-hex. \ addr --- ;
buff-count BOUNDS ?DO I C@ byte>hexstr TYPE LOOP ;
: buff-empty 0 SWAP ! ; \ addr -- ; \ Empty the buffer. Sets length to zero.
: char-append \ ch adr -- ; \ Append ch to the buffer
tuck buff-count + C! 1 SWAP +! ;
: buff-copy \ src dest -- ; \ Copy buffer to buffer
: buff-fill \ str ct buff -- ; \ Fill buffer with the contents of str ct
\ ***** XOR encode/decode *****
: xor-byte \ b -- b' ;
rand-char XOR ;
: xor-code \ str ct -- ;
xor-out buff-empty
BOUNDS ?DO I C@ xor-byte xor-out char-append LOOP ;
: init-rng" [CHAR] " WORD COUNT string-seed ;
: xor-code-with" \ str ct <key"> -- ; str ct points to the text to encode
\ Use: s" Message" encode-xor-key" This is the key."
\ Prints the encoded bytes in hex to the terminal.
init-rng" xor-code ;
\ ***** Caesar encode/decode *****
DEFER op \ ' + for encode, ' - for decode in caesar-code-ch
: encode ['] + IS op ; \ Add the offset while encoding.
: decode ['] - IS op ; \ Substract it to decode
: caesar-code-ch \ c -- c' ;
rand-char op 32 - 95 MOD
: caesar \ str ct -- ;
\ The direction of caesar-code is modified by the encode / decode words
\ eg. encode s" Message" caesar
\ decode s" DntP8hg" caesar
caesar-out buff-empty
BOUNDS ?DO I C@ caesar-code-ch caesar-out char-append LOOP ;
: caesar-with" \ str ct <key" -- ;
\ The direction of caesar-code is modified by the encode / decode words
\ eg. encode s" Message" caesar-with" Key"
\ decode s" DntP8hg" caesar-with" Key"
init-rng" caesar ;
\ ***** Demonstrate the encode/decode working *****
: message s" a Top Secret secret" ;
: out>in \ buff-out -- buff-in' count ;
buff-in buff-copy buff-in buff-count ;
: xor>in xor-out out>in ; \ -- buff-in' ct ;
: caesar>in caesar-out out>in ; \ -- buff-in' ct ;
: examples
CR ." Raw message : " message TYPE
CR ." First encode."
s" this is my secret key" string-seed \ Set key
message xor-code
CR ." XOR encoded as hex : " xor-out buff-hex.
message encode caesar
CR ." Caesar encoded as hex: " caesar-out buff-hex.
CR ." Now decode "
s" this is my secret key" string-seed \ Set key
xor>in xor-code
CR ." XOR decoded : " xor-out buff.
caesar>in decode caesar
CR ." Caesar decoded : " caesar-out buff. ;
message xor-code-with" this is my secret key" ok
CR ." XOR encoded as hex : " xor-out buff-hex.
XOR encoded as hex : 1C0636190B1260233B35125F1E1D0E2F4C5422 ok
message encode caesar ok
CR ." Caesar encoded as hex: " caesar-out buff-hex.
Caesar encoded as hex: 734270227D36772A783B4F2A5F206266236978 ok
xor>in xor-code-with" this is my secret key" ok
CR ." XOR decoded : " xor-out buff.
XOR decoded : a Top Secret secret ok
caesar>in decode caesar ok
CR ." Caesar decoded : " caesar-out buff.
Caesar decoded : a Top Secret secret ok
Raw message : a Top Secret secret
First encode.
XOR encoded as hex : 1C0636190B1260233B35125F1E1D0E2F4C5422
Caesar encoded as hex: 734270227D36772A783B4F2A5F206266236978
Now decode
XOR decoded : a Top Secret secret
Caesar decoded : a Top Secret secret ok
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