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Modular arithmetic: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: removed a spurious ?)
(Add swift)
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<pre>1 「mod 13」</pre>
<lang swift>protocol Ring {
associatedtype RingType: Numeric
var one: Self { get }
static func +(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
static func *(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
static func **(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Int) -> Self
extension Ring {
static func **(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Int) -> Self {
var ret = lhs.one
for _ in stride(from: rhs, to: 0, by: -1) {
ret = ret * lhs
return ret
struct ModInt: Ring {
typealias RingType = Int
var value: Int
var modulo: Int
var one: ModInt { ModInt(1, modulo: modulo) }
init(_ value: Int, modulo: Int) {
self.value = value
self.modulo = modulo
static func +(lhs: ModInt, rhs: ModInt) -> ModInt {
precondition(lhs.modulo == rhs.modulo)
return ModInt((lhs.value + rhs.value) % lhs.modulo, modulo: lhs.modulo)
static func *(lhs: ModInt, rhs: ModInt) -> ModInt {
precondition(lhs.modulo == rhs.modulo)
return ModInt((lhs.value * rhs.value) % lhs.modulo, modulo: lhs.modulo)
func f<T: Ring>(_ x: T) -> T { (x ** 100) + x + x.one }
let x = ModInt(10, modulo: 13)
let y = f(x)
print("x ^ 100 + x + 1 for x = ModInt(10, 13) is \(y)")</lang>
<pre>x ^ 100 + x + 1 for x = ModInt(10, 13) is ModInt(value: 1, modulo: 13)</pre>
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