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Same fringe: Difference between revisions

C++ entry
m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring, marked p2js incompatible)
(C++ entry)
Line 639:
True Compare worked
False Compare worked
Walk through the trees using C++20 coroutines.
<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>
#include <coroutine>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <variant>
using namespace std;
class BinaryTree
// C++ does not have a built in tree type. The binary tree is a recursive
// data type that is represented by an empty tree or a node the has a value
// and a left and right sub-tree. A tuple represents the node and unique_ptr
// represents an empty vs. non-empty tree.
using Node = tuple<BinaryTree, int, BinaryTree>;
unique_ptr<Node> m_tree;
// Provide ways to make trees
BinaryTree() = default; // Make an empty tree
BinaryTree(BinaryTree&& leftChild, int value, BinaryTree&& rightChild)
: m_tree {make_unique<Node>(move(leftChild), value, move(rightChild))} {}
BinaryTree(int value) : BinaryTree(BinaryTree{}, value, BinaryTree{}){}
BinaryTree(BinaryTree&& leftChild, int value)
: BinaryTree(move(leftChild), value, BinaryTree{}){}
BinaryTree(int value, BinaryTree&& rightChild)
: BinaryTree(BinaryTree{}, value, move(rightChild)){}
// Test if the tree is empty
explicit operator bool() const
return (bool)m_tree;
// Get the value of the root node of the tree
int Value() const
return get<1>(*m_tree);
// Get the left child tree
const BinaryTree& LeftChild() const
return get<0>(*m_tree);
// Get the right child tree
const BinaryTree& RightChild() const
return get<2>(*m_tree);
// Define a promise type to be used for coroutines
struct TreeWalker {
struct promise_type {
int val;
suspend_never initial_suspend() noexcept {return {};}
suspend_never return_void() noexcept {return {};}
suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept {return {};}
void unhandled_exception() noexcept { }
TreeWalker get_return_object()
return TreeWalker{coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this)};
suspend_always yield_value(int x) noexcept
return {};
coroutine_handle<promise_type> coro;
TreeWalker(coroutine_handle<promise_type> h): coro(h) {}
if(coro) coro.destroy();
// Define an iterator type to work with the coroutine
class Iterator
const coroutine_handle<promise_type>* m_h = nullptr;
Iterator() = default;
constexpr Iterator(const coroutine_handle<promise_type>* h) : m_h(h){}
Iterator& operator++()
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int)
auto old(*this);
return old;
int operator*() const
return m_h->promise().val;
bool operator!=(monostate) const noexcept
return !m_h->done();
return m_h && !m_h->done();
bool operator==(monostate) const noexcept
return !operator!=(monostate{});
constexpr Iterator begin() const noexcept
return Iterator(&coro);
constexpr monostate end() const noexcept
return monostate{};
// Allow the iterator to be used like a standard library iterator
namespace std {
class iterator_traits<TreeWalker::Iterator>
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using value_type = int;
using pointer = int*;
using reference = int&;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
// A coroutine that iterates though all of the fringe nodes
TreeWalker WalkFringe(const BinaryTree& tree)
auto& left = tree.LeftChild();
auto& right = tree.RightChild();
if(!left && !right)
// a fringe node because it has no children
co_yield tree.Value();
for(auto v : WalkFringe(left))
co_yield v;
for(auto v : WalkFringe(right))
co_yield v;
// Print a tree
void PrintTree(const BinaryTree& tree)
cout << "(";
cout << tree.Value();
cout <<")";
// Compare two trees
void Compare(const BinaryTree& tree1, const BinaryTree& tree2)
// Create a lazy range for both trees
auto walker1 = WalkFringe(tree1);
auto walker2 = WalkFringe(tree2);
// Compare the ranges.
bool sameFringe = ranges::equal(walker1.begin(), walker1.end(),
walker2.begin(), walker2.end());
// Print the results
cout << (sameFringe ? " has same fringe as " : " has different fringe than ");
cout << "\n";
int main()
// Create two trees that that are different but have the same fringe nodes
BinaryTree tree1(BinaryTree{6}, 77, BinaryTree{BinaryTree{3}, 77,
BinaryTree{77, BinaryTree{9}}});
BinaryTree tree2(BinaryTree{BinaryTree{BinaryTree{6}, 77}, 77, BinaryTree{
BinaryTree{3}, 77, BinaryTree{9}}});
// Create a tree with a different fringe
BinaryTree tree3(BinaryTree{BinaryTree{BinaryTree{6}, 77}, 77, BinaryTree{77, BinaryTree{9}}});
// Compare the trees
Compare(tree1, tree2);
Compare(tree1, tree3);
((6)77((3)77(77(9)))) has same fringe as (((6)77)77((3)77(9)))
((6)77((3)77(77(9)))) has different fringe than (((6)77)77(77(9)))


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