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Chat server: Difference between revisions

Adding R implementation
(Updated JavaScript to newer syntaxes)
(Adding R implementation)
Line 2,809:
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
This implementation relies on the new server socket connection type introduced in R 4.0.0.
<lang R>
chat_loop <- function(server, sockets, delay = 0.5) {
repeat {
Sys.sleep(delay) # Saves CPU resources
## Exhausts queue each iteration
while (in_queue(server))
sockets <- new_socket_entry(server, sockets)
## Update which sockets have sent messages
sockets <- check_messages(sockets)
## No sockets, nothing to do
if (nrow(sockets) == 0)
## No new messages, nothing to do
if (all(!sockets$message_ready))
sockets <- read_messages(sockets) # Messages are stored until sent
sockets <- drop_dead(sockets) # Dead = ready to read, but no data
## In case all sockets were dropped
if (nrow(sockets) == 0)
sockets <- update_nicknames(sockets)
sockets <- send_messages(sockets) # Only to users with nicknames
check_messages <- function(sockets) {
if (nrow(sockets) != 0)
sockets$message_ready <- socketSelect(sockets$conn, timeout = 0)
drop_dead <- function(sockets) {
lapply(with(sockets, conn[!alive]), close)
dropped <- with(sockets, nickname[nickname_exists(sockets) & !alive])
sockets <- sockets[sockets$alive, ]
if (length(dropped) != 0) {
send_named(sockets, paste0(dropped, " has disconnected."))
in_queue <- function(server) socketSelect(list(server), timeout = 0)
is_valid_name <- function(nicks) gsub("[A-Za-z0-9]*", "", nicks) == ""
message_exists <- function(sockets) !is.na(sockets$message)
new_row <- function(df) {
df[nrow(df) + 1, ] <- NA
new_socket_entry <- function(server, sockets) {
sockets <- new_row(sockets)
n <- nrow(sockets)
within(sockets, {
conn[[n]] <- new_user(server)
alive[n] <- TRUE
message_ready[n] <- FALSE
new_user <- function(server) {
conn <- socketAccept(server)
writeLines("Hello! Please enter a nickname.", conn)
nickname_exists <- function(sockets) !is.na(sockets$nickname)
read_messages <- function(sockets) {
if (all(!sockets$message_ready))
msgs <- lapply(with(sockets, conn[message_ready]), readLines, n = 1)
empty_msgs <- sapply(msgs, identical, character(0))
sockets <- within(sockets, alive[message_ready & empty_msgs] <- FALSE)
msgs <- unlist(ifelse(empty_msgs, NA, msgs))
within(sockets, message[message_ready] <- msgs)
send_messages <- function(sockets) {
named_message <- message_exists(sockets) & nickname_exists(sockets)
if (all(!named_message))
rows <- which(named_message)
socksub <- sockets[rows, ]
time <- format(Sys.time(), "[%H:%M:%S] ")
with(socksub, send_named(sockets, paste0(time, nickname, ": ", message)))
within(sockets, message[rows] <- NA)
send_named <- function(sockets, msg) {
has_nickname <- nickname_exists(sockets)
invisible(lapply(sockets$conn[has_nickname], writeLines, text = msg))
start_chat_server <- function(port = 50525) {
server <- serverSocket(port) # Start listening
on.exit(closeAllConnections()) # Cleanup connections
## All socket data is stored and passed using this object
sockets <- data.frame(conn = I(list()), nickname = character(),
message = character(), alive = logical(),
message_ready = logical())
## Main event loop
chat_loop(server, sockets)
update_nicknames <- function(sockets) {
sent_nickname <- message_exists(sockets) & !nickname_exists(sockets)
nickname_valid <- is_valid_name(sockets$message)
if (all(!sent_nickname))
is_taken <- with(sockets, (tolower(message) %in% tolower(sockets$nickname)) &
sent_ok <- sent_nickname & nickname_valid & !is_taken
sockets <- within(sockets, {
nickname[sent_ok] <- message[sent_ok]
message[sent_nickname] <- NA
lapply(conn[sent_nickname & !nickname_valid], writeLines,
text = "Alphanumeric characters only. Try again.")
lapply(conn[is_taken], writeLines,
text = "Name already taken. Try again.")
if (any(sent_ok))
send_named(sockets, paste0(sockets$nickname[sent_ok], " has connected."))
Anonymous user
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