Snake: Difference between revisions

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(Adding an example of Snake in FSharp)
Line 2,212: Line 2,212:
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnCreate = FormCreate

=={{header|F Sharp}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">

open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Threading

module SnakeGame =

/// 🚏 Directions on our grid:
type Movement =
| Left of Position
| Right of Position
| Down of Position
| Up of Position
| InvalidMove

/// 🐍 Sort of like a list, but not:
and Snake<'Position> =
| Head of Position * Snake<'Position>
| Belly of Position * Snake<'Position>
| Tail

/// 🕹ī¸ Our basic runtime information:
and Game =
| GameRunning of Movement * Snake<Position> * Grid * Eaten:int * Food
| GameOver of Grid * Eaten:int

/// 🧭 x & y in our plane:
and Position = int * int

/// 🍎 The food our snake will eat:
and Food = Position * string
/// 🌐 A simple two dimensional plane:
and Grid = string[][]

/// Making a list of positions from a Snake 🐍
let snakeUnzip (snake:Snake<Position>) =
let rec unzip snake carry =
match snake with
| Head (p, rest) -> unzip rest <| carry @ [p]
| Belly (p, rest) -> unzip rest <| carry @ [p]
| Tail -> carry
unzip snake []
/// Making a Snake from a list of positions 🐍
let snakeZip (positions:list<Position>) (upto:int) =
let correctLength = (List.take upto positions)
let rec zip (carry:Snake<Position>) (rest:list<Position>) =
match rest with
| head::[] -> zip (Head(head, carry)) []
| back::front -> zip (Belly (back, carry)) front
| [] -> carry
zip Tail (List.rev correctLength)

module Graphics =
let private random = new Random()
let private head = "đŸ¤ĸ"
let private belly = "đŸŸĸ"
let private display = "âŦœ"
let private errorDisplay = "đŸŸĨ"

let private food = [|"🐁";"🐀";"đŸĨ";"đŸĒē";"🐸";"🐛";"đŸĒ°";"🐞";"đŸĻ—"|]
let private randomFood () = food.[random.Next(food.Length - 1)]

let isFood square = Array.contains square food
let isFreeSpace square = square = display || square = errorDisplay
let isOccupied square =
match square with
| square when isFreeSpace square -> false
| square when isFood square -> false
| _ -> true

let makeGrid (dimensionsSquared) : Grid =
let row _ = Array.init dimensionsSquared (fun _ -> display)
Array.init dimensionsSquared row

let clearGrid (grid:Grid) : unit =
Array.iteri (fun i row ->
Array.iteri (fun j _ ->
grid.[i].[j] <- display
) row
) grid

let render (grid:Grid) : unit =
Array.iter (fun (row:string array) ->
let prettyprint = String.concat "" row
printfn $"{prettyprint}") grid
printfn "Snake Game in FSharp by @wiredsister"
printfn "Controls: âŦ…ī¸ ↕ī¸ ➡ī¸"
printfn "Press Ctrl+C to Quit Game"
Console.Title <- "FSharp Snake 🐍"

let getFreeSpaces (grid:Grid) : list<Position> =
let results : Position list ref = ref []
for i in 0..(grid.Length-1) do
for j in 0..(grid.Length-1) do
if isFreeSpace grid.[i].[j]
then results.Value <- results.Value @ [i,j]
else ()

let getFood (grid:Grid) : Food =
let freeSpaces =
getFreeSpaces grid
|> Array.ofList
let food = randomFood ()
let randomPos = freeSpaces.[random.Next(freeSpaces.Length - 1)]
randomPos, food

let dropFood (grid:Grid) (food:Food) =
let (x, y), animal = food
grid.[x].[y] <- animal

let slither (snake:Snake<Position>) (grid:Grid) : unit =
let rec slithering (body:Snake<Position>) =
match body with
| Head(p, s) ->
let row, column = p
grid.[row].[column] <- head
slithering s
| Belly(p, s) ->
let row, column = p
grid.[row].[column] <- belly
slithering s
| Tail -> ()
do slithering snake
with _ -> failwith "ERROR: Could not slither snake!"
let endGame (grid:Grid) : unit =
Array.iteri (fun i row ->
Array.iteri (fun j _ ->
grid.[i].[j] <- errorDisplay
) row
) grid
Array.iter (fun (row:string array) ->
let prettyprint = String.concat "" row
printfn $"{prettyprint}") grid

module GamePlay =

let moveUp (snake:Snake<Position>) (grid:Grid) (eaten:int) (food:Food) : Game =
match snake with
| Head (p, rest:Snake<Position>) ->
let x, y = p
let shiftUp = ((x-1), y)
match shiftUp with
| (row,column) when Graphics.isOccupied grid.[row].[column] ->
GameOver (grid, eaten)
| (row, column) when Graphics.isFood grid.[row].[column] ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (shiftUp, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped (eaten+1)
let nextFood = Graphics.getFood grid
GameRunning (Up shiftUp, newSnake, grid, eaten+1, nextFood)
| pivot ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (pivot, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped eaten
GameRunning (Up pivot, newSnake, grid, eaten, food)
with _ -> GameOver (grid, eaten)
| _ -> failwith "ERROR: No head!"

let moveDown (snake:Snake<Position>) (grid:Grid) (eaten:int) (food:Food) : Game =
match snake with
| Head (p, rest:Snake<Position>) ->
let x, y = p
let shiftDown = ((x+1), y)
match shiftDown with
| (row,column) when Graphics.isOccupied grid.[row].[column] ->
GameOver (grid, eaten)
| (row, column) when Graphics.isFood grid.[row].[column] ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (shiftDown, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped (eaten+1)
let nextFood = Graphics.getFood grid
GameRunning (Down shiftDown, newSnake, grid, (eaten+1), nextFood)
| pivot ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (pivot, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped eaten
GameRunning (Down pivot, newSnake, grid, eaten, food)
with _ -> GameOver (grid, eaten)
| _ -> failwith "ERROR: No head!"

let moveLeft (snake:Snake<Position>) (grid:Grid) (eaten:int) (food:Food) : Game =
match snake with
| Head (p, rest:Snake<Position>) ->
let x, y = p
let shiftLeft = (x, (y-1))
match shiftLeft with
| (row,column) when Graphics.isOccupied grid.[row].[column] ->
GameOver (grid, eaten)
| (row, column) when Graphics.isFood grid.[row].[column] ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (shiftLeft, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped (eaten+1)
let nextFood = Graphics.getFood grid
GameRunning (Left shiftLeft, newSnake, grid, eaten+1, nextFood)
| pivot ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (pivot, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped eaten
GameRunning (Left pivot, newSnake, grid, eaten, food)
with _ -> GameOver (grid, eaten)
| _ -> failwith "ERROR: No head!"

let moveRight (snake:Snake<Position>) (grid:Grid) (eaten:int) (food:Food) : Game =
match snake with
| Head (p, rest:Snake<Position>) ->
let (x: int), y = p
let shiftRight = (x, (y+1))
match shiftRight with
| (row,column) when Graphics.isOccupied grid.[row].[column] ->
GameOver (grid, eaten)
| (row, column) when Graphics.isFood grid.[row].[column] ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (shiftRight, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped (eaten+1)
let nextFood = Graphics.getFood grid
GameRunning (Right shiftRight, newSnake, grid, eaten+1, nextFood)
| pivot ->
let unzipped = snakeUnzip (Head (pivot, (Belly (p, rest))))
let newSnake = snakeZip unzipped eaten
GameRunning (Right pivot, newSnake, grid, eaten, food)
with _ -> GameOver (grid, eaten)
| _ -> failwith "ERROR: No head!"

open SnakeGame

let main _ =

/// A gentle slope function for making the snake go faster:
let tick (eaten:int) = 100./log10(float eaten) |> int

let getNextMove prev snake grid eaten food : Task<Game> =
task {
do! Task.Delay(tick(eaten))
if not Console.KeyAvailable
match prev with
| Up _ -> return GamePlay.moveUp snake grid eaten food
| Down _ -> return GamePlay.moveDown snake grid eaten food
| Right _ -> return GamePlay.moveRight snake grid eaten food
| Left _ -> return GamePlay.moveLeft snake grid eaten food
| InvalidMove -> return GameOver (grid, eaten)
match Console.ReadKey() with
| keystroke when keystroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.UpArrow) ->
return GamePlay.moveUp snake grid eaten food
| keystroke when keystroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.DownArrow) ->
return GamePlay.moveDown snake grid eaten food
| keystroke when keystroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.RightArrow) ->
return GamePlay.moveRight snake grid eaten food
| keystroke when keystroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) ->
return GamePlay.moveLeft snake grid eaten food
| _ ->
match prev with
| Up _ -> return GamePlay.moveUp snake grid eaten food
| Down _ -> return GamePlay.moveDown snake grid eaten food
| Right _ -> return GamePlay.moveRight snake grid eaten food
| Left _ -> return GamePlay.moveLeft snake grid eaten food
| InvalidMove -> return GameOver (grid, eaten)

let gridDimension = 20
let segments = [(0,3); (0,2); (0,1); (0,0)]
let youngSnake : Snake<Position> = snakeZip segments segments.Length
let startingGrid = Graphics.makeGrid gridDimension
let startingFood = Graphics.getFood startingGrid
let start = GamePlay.moveRight youngSnake startingGrid segments.Length startingFood
let rec gameLoop (game:Game) =
match game with
| GameRunning (prev, snake, grid, eaten, food) ->
do Graphics.clearGrid grid
do Graphics.dropFood grid food
do Graphics.slither snake grid
do Graphics.render grid
let eitherPlayerOrCursor = getNextMove prev snake grid eaten food
do eitherPlayerOrCursor.Wait()
gameLoop eitherPlayerOrCursor.Result
| GameOver (grid,eaten) ->
do Graphics.endGame grid
printfn $"Game Over! Snake ate {eaten-segments.Length} critters!"
do Thread.Sleep(1000)
let rec wantToPlayAgain () =
match Console.ReadKey() with
| keystroke when keystroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.Y) -> gameLoop start
| keystroke when keystroke.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.N) -> ()
| _ -> wantToPlayAgain ()
printfn $"Restart? Type Y to continue..."

do gameLoop start