S-expressions: Difference between revisions

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m (typo)
m (→‎{{header|Pike}}: change order)
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this version doesn't yet handle int and float and it doesn't remove unneeded quotes from simple strings
this version doesn't yet handle int and float and it doesn't remove unneeded quotes from simple strings
<lang pike>string input = "((data \"quoted data\" 123 4.5)\n (data (!@# (45) \"(more\" \"data)\")))";
<lang pike>array tokenizer(string input)

array tokenizer(string input)
array output = ({});
array output = ({});
Line 347: Line 345:

string input = "((data \"quoted data\" 123 4.5)\n (data (!@# (45) \"(more\" \"data)\")))";
array data = group(tokenizer(input))[0];
array data = group(tokenizer(input))[0];
string output = sexp(data);</lang>
string output = sexp(data);</lang>

Revision as of 09:45, 16 October 2011

S-expressions is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

S-Expressions are one convenient way to parse and store data.

Write a simple reader and writer for S-Expressions that handles quoted and unquoted strings, integers and floats.

The reader should read a single but nested S-Expression from a string and store it in a suitable datastructure (list, array, etc). Newlines and other whitespace may be ignored unless contained within a quoted string. () inside quoted strings are not interpreted, but treated as part of the string. Handling escaped quotes inside a string is optional. thus (foo"bar) maybe treated as a string 'foo"bar', or as an error.

Languages that support it may treat unquoted strings as symbols.

Note that with the exception of ()" (\ if escaping is supported) and whitespace there are no special characters. Anything else is allowed without quotes.

The reader should be able to read the following input <lang lips>((data "quoted data" 123 4.5)

(data (!@# (4.5) "(more" "data)")))</lang>

and eg. in python produce a list as:

<lang python>[["data", "quoted data", 123, 4.5]

["data", ["!@#", [4.5], "(more", "data)"]]]</lang>

The writer should be able to take the produced list and turn it into a new S-Expression. Strings that don't contain whitespace or parentheses () don't need to be quoted in the resulting S-Expression, but as a simplification, any string may be quoted.


The file SExpr.mli:

<lang ocaml>(** This module is a very simple parsing library for S-expressions. *) (* Copyright (C) 2009 Florent Monnier, released under MIT license. *)

type sexpr = Atom of string | Expr of sexpr list (** the type of S-expressions *)

val parse_string : string -> sexpr list (** parse from a string *)

val parse_ic : in_channel -> sexpr list (** parse from an input channel *)

val parse_file : string -> sexpr list (** parse from a file *)

val parse : (unit -> char option) -> sexpr list (** parse from a custom function, [None] indicates the end of the flux *)

val print_sexpr : sexpr list -> unit (** a dump function for the type [sexpr] *)

val print_sexpr_indent : sexpr list -> unit (** same than [print_sexpr] but with indentation *)

val string_of_sexpr : sexpr list -> string (** convert an expression of type [sexpr] into a string *)

val string_of_sexpr_indent : sexpr list -> string (** same than [string_of_sexpr] but with indentation *)</lang>

The file SExpr.ml:

<lang ocaml>(** This module is a very simple parsing library for S-expressions. *) (* Copyright (C) 2009 Florent Monnier, released under MIT license. *) (* modified to match the task description *)

type sexpr = Atom of string | Expr of sexpr list

type state =

 | Parse_root of sexpr list
 | Parse_content of sexpr list
 | Parse_word of Buffer.t * sexpr list
 | Parse_string of bool * Buffer.t * sexpr list

let parse pop_char =

 let rec aux st =
   match pop_char() with
   | None ->
       begin match st with
       | Parse_root sl -> (List.rev sl)
       | Parse_content _
       | Parse_word _
       | Parse_string _ ->
           failwith "Parsing error: content not closed by parenthesis"
   | Some c ->
       match c with
       | '(' ->
           begin match st with
           | Parse_root sl ->
               let this = aux(Parse_content []) in
               aux(Parse_root((Expr this)::sl))
           | Parse_content sl ->
               let this = aux(Parse_content []) in
               aux(Parse_content((Expr this)::sl))
           | Parse_word(w, sl) ->
               let this = aux(Parse_content []) in
               aux(Parse_content((Expr this)::Atom(Buffer.contents w)::sl))
           | Parse_string(_, s, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char s c;
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
       | ')' ->
           begin match st with
           | Parse_root sl ->
               failwith "Parsing error: closing parenthesis without openning"
           | Parse_content sl -> (List.rev sl)
           | Parse_word(w, sl) -> List.rev(Atom(Buffer.contents w)::sl)
           | Parse_string(_, s, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char s c;
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
       | ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' ->
           begin match st with
           | Parse_root sl -> aux(Parse_root sl)
           | Parse_content sl -> aux(Parse_content sl)
           | Parse_word(w, sl) -> aux(Parse_content(Atom(Buffer.contents w)::sl))
           | Parse_string(_, s, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char s c;
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
       | '"' ->
           (* '"' *)
           begin match st with
           | Parse_root _ -> failwith "Parse error: double quote at root level"
           | Parse_content sl ->
               let s = Buffer.create 74 in
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
           | Parse_word(w, sl) ->
               let s = Buffer.create 74 in
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, Atom(Buffer.contents w)::sl))
           | Parse_string(true, s, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char s c;
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
           | Parse_string(false, s, sl) ->
               aux(Parse_content(Atom(Buffer.contents s)::sl))
       | '\\' ->
           begin match st with
           | Parse_string(true, s, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char s c;
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
           | Parse_string(false, s, sl) ->
               aux(Parse_string(true, s, sl))
           | _ ->
               failwith "Parsing error: escape character in wrong place"
       | _ ->
           begin match st with
           | Parse_root _ ->
               failwith(Printf.sprintf "Parsing error: char '%c' at root level" c)
           | Parse_content sl ->
               let w = Buffer.create 16 in
               Buffer.add_char w c;
               aux(Parse_word(w, sl))
           | Parse_word(w, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char w c;
               aux(Parse_word(w, sl))
           | Parse_string(_, s, sl) ->
               Buffer.add_char s c;
               aux(Parse_string(false, s, sl))
 aux (Parse_root [])

let string_pop_char str =

 let len = String.length str in
 let i = ref(-1) in
 (function () -> incr i; if !i >= len then None else Some(str.[!i]))

let parse_string str =

 parse (string_pop_char str)

let ic_pop_char ic =

 (function () ->
    try Some(input_char ic)
    with End_of_file -> (None))

let parse_ic ic =

 parse (ic_pop_char ic)

let parse_file filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let res = parse_ic ic in
 close_in ic;

let contains s ch =

 let len = String.length s in
 let rec aux i =
   if i >= len then false
   else if s.[i] = ch then true
   else aux (succ i)
 aux 0

let contains_whitespace s =

 List.exists (contains s) [' '; '\n'; '\r'; '\t'; '('; ')']

let quote s =

 "\"" ^ s ^ "\""

let protect s =

 let s = String.escaped s in
 if contains_whitespace s then quote s else s

let string_of_sexpr s =

 let rec aux acc = function
 | (Atom tag)::tl -> aux ((protect tag)::acc) tl
 | (Expr e)::tl ->
     let s =
       "(" ^
       (String.concat " " (aux [] e))
       ^ ")"
     aux (s::acc) tl
 | [] -> (List.rev acc)
 String.concat " " (aux [] s)

let print_sexpr s =

 print_endline (string_of_sexpr s)

let string_of_sexpr_indent s =

 let rec aux i acc = function
 | (Atom tag)::tl -> aux i ((protect tag)::acc) tl
 | (Expr e)::tl ->
     let s =
       "\n" ^ (String.make i ' ') ^ "(" ^
       (String.concat " " (aux (succ i) [] e))
       ^ ")"
     aux i (s::acc) tl
 | [] -> (List.rev acc)
 String.concat "\n" (aux 0 [] s)

let print_sexpr_indent s =

 print_endline (string_of_sexpr_indent s)</lang>

Then we compile this small module and test it in the interactive loop:

$ ocamlc -c SExpr.mli
$ ocamlc -c SExpr.ml
$ ocaml SExpr.cmo 
        Objective Caml version 3.11.2

# open SExpr ;;

# let s = read_line () ;;
((data "quoted data" 123 4.5) (data (123 (4.5) "(more" "data)")))
val s : string =
  "((data \"quoted data\" 123 4.5) (data (!@# (4.5) \"(more\" \"data)\")))"

# let se = SExpr.parse_string s ;;
val se : SExpr.sexpr list =
    [Expr [Atom "data"; Atom "quoted data"; Atom "123"; Atom "4.5"];
      [Atom "data";
       Expr [Atom "!@#"; Expr [Atom "4.5"]; Atom "(more"; Atom "data)"]]]]

# SExpr.print_sexpr se ;;
((data "quoted data" 123 4.5) (data (!@# (4.5) "(more" "data)")))
- : unit = ()

# SExpr.print_sexpr_indent se ;;

 (data "quoted data" 123 4.5) 
   (4.5) "(more" "data)")))
- : unit = ()


this version doesn't yet handle int and float and it doesn't remove unneeded quotes from simple strings <lang pike>array tokenizer(string input) {

   array output = ({}); 
   for(int i=0; i<sizeof(input); i++)
           case '(': output+= ({"("}); break; 
           case ')': output += ({")"}); break; 
           case '"': //"
                     output+=array_sscanf(input[++i..], "%s\"%[ \t\n]")[0..0]; 
           case ' ': 
           case '\t': 
           case '\n': break; 
           default: output+=array_sscanf(input[i..], "%s%[) \t\n]")[0..0]; 
                    i+=sizeof(output[-1])-1; break; 
   return output;


// this function is based on the logic in Parser.C.group() in the pike library; array group(array tokens) {

   ADT.Stack stack=ADT.Stack();
   array ret =({});
   foreach(tokens;; string token)
           case "(": stack->push(ret); ret=({}); break;
           case ")":
                   if (!sizeof(ret) || !stack->ptr) 
                     // Mismatch
                       werror ("unmatched close parenthesis\n");
                       return ret;
                   ret=stack->pop()+({ ret }); 
           default: ret+=({token}); break;
   return ret;


string sexp(array input) {

   array output = ({});
   foreach(input;; mixed item)
       if (arrayp(item))
           output += ({ sexp(item) });
           output += ({ sprintf("%O", item) });
   return "("+output*" "+")";


string input = "((data \"quoted data\" 123 4.5)\n (data (!@# (45) \"(more\" \"data)\")))"; array data = group(tokenizer(input))[0]; string output = sexp(data);</lang>


({({"data", "quoted data", "123", "4.5"}), ({"data", ({"!@#", ({"45"}), "(more", "data)"})})})
(("data" "quoted data" "123" "4.5") ("data" ("!@#" ("45") "(more" "data)")))