Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Lang-tag bot

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 15:45, 19 November 2009 by Underscore (talk | contribs) (UnderBot is live.)


I've just perfected UnderBot, a program to add lang tags where they're missing and fix them where they're present. By fixing lang tags, I mean changing them to use the right identifier (e.g., "cfm" rather than "coldfusion") and getting rid of excessive whitespace. UnderBot isn't perfect, since it has to guess a great deal, but I've polished it to the point that I think unleashing it upon Rosetta Code would fix a lot more than it would break. Here are UnderBot's last six edits:

(Full disclosure: I did manually change a few characters in one of these edits. But it was one of those special cases that's so rare it's not worth implementing.)

So, I just want to ask permission of Rosetta Code in general, and Mike Mol in particular, to let this program edit 330 pages without supervision. I also want to ask what's a good number of seconds (or minutes, or hours) to pause between edits so as to avoid excessive strain on the server. Oh, and I request that dummy language files for ALGOL 68, APL, and TI-89 BASIC be installed into Rosetta Code's GeSHi (just make copies of text.php and name them algol68.php, apl.php, and ti89b.php), to guard against this bug.

Lastly, everyone: even if you don't know Perl or don't want to check the bulk of my code, glance at the %langtags hash in the source and see if you agree with the lang-tag identifiers I've chosen for the languages you know. —Underscore (Talk) 20:03, 14 November 2009 (UTC)

Can you put a kill switch in place? Such as if a string appears on a particular page? Then give it an edit rate of one every ten minutes or so. If someone sees it misbehaving, they can trigger the kill behavior. --Michael Mol 23:50, 14 November 2009 (UTC)
Okay. Now, if you insert the string "stopediting" here, UnderBot will stop editing. —Underscore (Talk) 16:02, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
IIRC (really not sure) it's standard on Wikipedia that any edit to the talk page stops the bot. --Kevin Reid 18:20, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
Do you have a user for the bot? I'll give it bot privs, which lets it use the API. --Michael Mol 21:11, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
nm. I'm some kind of idiot, I guess. It's got privs now. --Michael Mol 21:12, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
As of this morning, UnderBot is active. I turn off my computer at night, so it'll only be editing during the day. —Underscore (Talk) 15:45, 19 November 2009 (UTC)