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(here, the letter 'r' separates the numerator from the denominator)
(here, the letter 'r' separates the numerator from the denominator)

We construct the matrix A that relates voltage v on each node to the injected current b via Av=b, and then we simply solve the linear system to find the resulting voltages (from unit currents at the indicated nodes, i and j) and hence the resistance. Because the grid of resistors is rectangular, we can construct A from a Kronecker product of "one-dimensional" A1 matrices corresponding to a linear sequence of resistors. The A1 matrices, in turn, are a product of difference matrices D: a matrix D that computes the net current flowing into each node (via the difference of currents flowing in and out) and a matrix –D<sup>T</sup> that computes the voltage differences between nodes, so that the product A1=–DD<sup>T</sup> computes the voltage differences, multiplies by the admittances (= 1) to get currents, and then computes the current differences to get the net current flowing in or out of each node.
<lang julia>N = 10
D = [ [1.0 zeros(1,N-2)]; diagm(ones(N-2),1) - eye(N-1) ]
A1 = -D*D'
I = eye(N)
A = kron(A1, I) + kron(I, A1)
b = zeros(N^2)
i, j = N*1 + 2, N*7+7
b[i], b[j] = -1, +1
v = A \ b
Here, we are using dense-matrix algebra (via Julia's built-in LAPACK support) to solve the linear system, which is reasonable for a 10&times;10 grid (100&times;100 matrix). For a much larger grid of resistors, one would want to use sparse matrices for efficiency, which can be accomplished simply by changing the above code to <code>A1 = sparse(-D*D')</code> and <code>I = speye(N)</code> (for example).


Revision as of 22:09, 7 November 2013

Resistor mesh
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given 10 × 10 grid nodes interconnected by 1Ω resistors as shown, find the resistance between point A and B.

See also [[1]]


Translation of: C

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure ResistMesh is

  H, W : constant Positive := 10;
  rowA, colA : constant Positive := 2; -- row/col indexed from 1
  rowB : constant Positive := 7;
  colB : constant Positive := 8;
  type Ntype is (A, B, Free);
  type Vtype is digits 15;
  type Node is record
     volt : Vtype := 0.0;
     name : Ntype := Free;
  end record;
  type NodeMesh is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Node;
  package IIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Vtype);
  mesh, dmesh : NodeMesh (1 .. H, 1 .. W);
  curA, curB, diff : Vtype;
  procedure set_AB (mesh : in out NodeMesh) is begin
     mesh (rowA, colA).volt :=  1.0;  mesh (rowA, colA).name := A;
     mesh (rowB, colB).volt := -1.0;  mesh (rowB, colB).name := B;
  end set_AB;
  function sides (i : Positive; j : Positive) return Vtype is
     s : Integer := 0;
     if i /= 1 and i /= H then s := s + 2; else s := s + 1; end if;
     if j /= 1 and j /= W then s := s + 2; else s := s + 1; end if;
     return Vtype (s);
  end sides;
  procedure calc_diff (mesh : NodeMesh; dmesh : out NodeMesh;
     total : out Vtype)  is
     n : Natural;
     v : Vtype := 0.0;
     total := 0.0;
     for i in Positive range 1 .. H loop
        for j in Positive range 1 .. W loop
           n := 0;    v := 0.0;
           if  i /= 1 then v := v + mesh (i - 1, j).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           if j /= 1 then  v := v + mesh (i, j - 1).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           if i < H then v := v + mesh (i + 1, j).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           if j < W then v := v + mesh (i, j + 1).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           v := mesh (i, j).volt - v / Vtype (n);
           dmesh (i, j).volt := v;
           if mesh (i, j).name = Free then total := total + v ** 2; end if;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end calc_diff;


     set_AB (mesh);
     calc_diff (mesh, dmesh, diff);
     exit when diff < 1.0e-40;
     for i in Positive range 1 .. H loop
        for j in Positive range 1 .. W loop
           mesh (i, j).volt := mesh (i, j).volt - dmesh (i, j).volt;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end loop;
  curA := dmesh (rowA, colA).volt * sides (rowA, colA);
  curB := dmesh (rowB, colB).volt * sides (rowB, colB);
  diff := 4.0 / (curA - curB);
  IIO.Put (diff, Exp => 0); New_Line;

end ResistMesh;</lang>



Translation of: Maxima

<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"ARRAYLIB"

     *FLOAT 64
     @% = &F0F
     PRINT "Resistance = "; FNresistormesh(10, 10, 1, 1, 7, 6) " ohms"
     DEF FNresistormesh(ni%, nj%, ai%, aj%, bi%, bj%)
     LOCAL c%, i%, j%, k%, n%, A(), B()
     n% = ni% * nj%
     DIM A(n%-1, n%-1), B(n%-1, 0)
     FOR i% = 0 TO ni%-1
       FOR j% = 0 TO nj%-1
         k% = i% * nj% + j%
         IF i% = ai% AND j% = aj% THEN
           A(k%, k%) = 1
           c% = 0
           IF (i% + 1) < ni% c% += 1 : A(k%, k% + nj%) = -1
           IF i% > 0         c% += 1 : A(k%, k% - nj%) = -1
           IF (j% + 1) < nj% c% += 1 : A(k%, k% + 1)   = -1
           IF j% > 0         c% += 1 : A(k%, k% - 1)   = -1
           A(k%, k%) = c%
     k% = bi% * nj% + bj%
     B(k%, 0) = 1
     B() = A().B()
     = B(k%, 0)</lang>
Resistance = 1.60899124173071 ohms


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  1. define S 10

typedef struct { double v; int fixed; } node;

  1. define each(i, x) for(i = 0; i < x; i++)

node **alloc2(int w, int h) { int i; node **a = calloc(1, sizeof(node*)*h + sizeof(node)*w*h); each(i, h) a[i] = i ? a[i-1] + w : (node*)(a + h); return a; }

void set_boundary(node **m) { m[1][1].fixed = 1; m[1][1].v = 1; m[6][7].fixed = -1; m[6][7].v = -1; }

double calc_diff(node **m, node **d, int w, int h) { int i, j, n; double v, total = 0; each(i, h) each(j, w) { v = 0; n = 0; if (i) v += m[i-1][j].v, n++; if (j) v += m[i][j-1].v, n++; if (i+1 < h) v += m[i+1][j].v, n++; if (j+1 < w) v += m[i][j+1].v, n++;

d[i][j].v = v = m[i][j].v - v / n; if (!m[i][j].fixed) total += v * v; } return total; }

double iter(node **m, int w, int h) { node **d = alloc2(w, h); int i, j; double diff = 1e10; double cur[] = {0, 0, 0};

while (diff > 1e-24) { set_boundary(m); diff = calc_diff(m, d, w, h); each(i,h) each(j, w) m[i][j].v -= d[i][j].v; }

each(i, h) each(j, w) cur[ m[i][j].fixed + 1 ] += d[i][j].v * (!!i + !!j + (i < h-1) + (j < w -1));

free(d); return (cur[2] - cur[0])/2; }

int main() { node **mesh = alloc2(S, S); printf("R = %g\n", 2 / iter(mesh, S, S)); return 0; }</lang>


Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.traits;

enum Node.FP differenceThreshold = 1e-40;

struct Node {

   alias real FP;
   enum Kind : size_t { free, A, B }
   FP voltage = 0.0;
   private Kind kind =;
   @property Kind fixed() const pure nothrow { return kind; }


Node.FP iter(size_t w, size_t h)(ref Node[w][h] m) pure nothrow {

   static void enforceBoundaryConditions(ref Node[w][h] m)
   pure nothrow {
       m[1][1].voltage =  1.0;
       m[6][7].voltage = -1.0;
   static Node.FP calcDifference(in ref Node[w][h] m,
                                 ref Node[w][h] d) pure nothrow {
       Node.FP total = 0.0;
       foreach (i; 0 .. h)
           foreach (j; 0 .. w) {
               Node.FP v = 0.0;
                   size_t n = 0;
                   if (i != 0)  { v += m[i - 1][j].voltage; n++; }
                   if (j != 0)  { v += m[i][j - 1].voltage; n++; }
                   if (i < h-1) { v += m[i + 1][j].voltage; n++; }
                   if (j < w-1) { v += m[i][j + 1].voltage; n++; }
                   v = m[i][j].voltage - v / n;
               d[i][j].voltage = v;
               if (m[i][j].fixed ==
                   total += v ^^ 2;
       return total;
   Node[w][h] difference;
   while (true) {
       if (calcDifference(m, difference) < differenceThreshold)
       foreach (i, const(Node[]) di; difference)
           foreach (j, ref const(Node) dij; di)
               m[i][j].voltage -= dij.voltage;
   Node.FP[EnumMembers!(Node.Kind).length] cur = 0.0;
   foreach (i, const(Node[]) di; difference)
       foreach (j, ref const(Node) dij; di)
           cur[m[i][j].fixed] += dij.voltage *
               (!!i + !!j + (i < h-1) + (j < w-1));
   return (cur[Node.Kind.A] - cur[Node.Kind.B]) / 2.0;


void main() {

   enum size_t w = 10,
               h = w;
   Node[w][h] mesh;
   // Set A and B Nodes.
   mesh[1][1] = Node( 1.0, Node.Kind.A);
   mesh[6][7] = Node(-1.0, Node.Kind.B);
   writefln("R = %.19f", 2 / iter(mesh));


R = 1.6089912417307296556

Euler Math Toolbox

The functions for this have been implemented in Euler already. Thus the following commands solve this problem.

<lang Euler Math Toolbox> >load incidence; >{u,r}=solvePotentialX(makeRectangleX(10,10),12,68); r,



The necessary functions in the file incidence.e are as follows. There are versions with full matrices. But the functions listed here use compressed matrices and the conjugate gradient method.

<lang> function makeRectangleX (n:index,m:index)

    1. Make the incidence matrix of a rectangle grid in compact form.
    2. see: makeRectangleIncidence

K=zeros(n*(m-1)+m*(n-1),3); k=1; for i=1 to n; for j=1 to m-1; K[k,1]=(i-1)*m+j; K[k,2]=(i-1)*m+j+1; K[k,3]=1; k=k+1; end; end; for i=1 to n-1; for j=1 to m; K[k,1]=(i-1)*m+j; K[k,2]=i*m+j; K[k,3]=1; k=k+1; end; end; H=cpxzeros([n*m,n*m]); H=cpxset(H,K); H=cpxset(H,K[:,[2,1,3]]); return H; endfunction

function solvePotentialX (A:cpx, i:index ,j:index)

    1. Solve the potential problem of resistance in a graph.
    2. This functions uses the conjugate gradient method.
    3. A is a compressed incidence matrix.
    4. Return the potential u for the nodes in A,
    5. such that u[i]=1, u[j]=-1, and the flow
    6. to each knot is equal to the flow from the knot,
    7. and the flow from i to j is (u[i]-u[j])*A[i,j].
    8. see: makeIncidence

n=size(A)[1]; b=ones(n,1); f=-cpxmult(A,b); h=1:n; B=cpxset(A,h'|h'|f); B=cpxset(B,i|h'|0); B=cpxset(B,[i,i,1]); B=cpxset(B,j|h'|0); B=cpxset(B,[j,j,1]); v=zeros(n,1); v[i]=1; v[j]=-1; u=cpxfit(B,v); f=(-f[i])*u[i]-cpxmult(A,u)[i]; return {u,2/f} endfunction </lang>

Here is the code for the conjugate gradient method for compressed, sparse matrices from cpx.e.

<lang> function cgX (H:cpx, b:real column, x0:real column=none, f:index=10)

    1. Conjugate gradient method to solve Hx=b for compressed H.
    2. This is the method of choice for large, sparse matrices. In most
    3. cases, it will work well, fast, and accurate.
    4. H must be positive definite. Use cpxfit, if it is not.
    5. The accuarcy can be controlled with an additional parameter
    6. eps. The algorithm stops, when the error gets smaller then eps, or
    7. after f*n iterations, if the error gets larger. x0 is an optional
    8. start vector.
    9. H : compressed matrix (nxm)
    10. b : column vector (mx1)
    11. x0 : optional start point (mx1)
    12. f : number of steps, when the method should be restarted
    13. See: cpxfit, cg, cgXnormal

if isvar("eps") then localepsilon(eps); endif; n=cols(H); if x0==none then x=zeros(size(b)); else; x=x0; endif; loop 1 to 10 r=b-cpxmult(H,x); p=r; fehler=r'.r; loop 1 to f*n if sqrt(fehler)~=0 then return x; endif; Hp=cpxmult(H,p); a=fehler/(p'.Hp); x=x+a*p; rn=r-a*Hp; fehlerneu=rn'.rn; p=rn+fehlerneu/fehler*p; r=rn; fehler=fehlerneu; end; end; return x; endfunction </lang>


Translation of: C

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

const ( S = 10 )

type node struct { v float64 fixed int }

func alloc2(w, h int) [][]node { a := make([][]node, h)

for i := range a { a[i] = make([]node, w) } return a }

func set_boundary(m [][]node) { m[1][1].fixed = 1 m[1][1].v = 1 m[6][7].fixed = -1 m[6][7].v = -1 }

func calc_diff(m [][]node, d [][]node, w, h int) float64 { total := 0.0 for i := 0; i < h; i++ { for j := 0; j < w; j++ { v := 0.0 n := 0 if i != 0 { v += m[i-1][j].v n++ } if j != 0 { v += m[i][j-1].v n++ } if i+1 < h { v += m[i+1][j].v n++ } if j+1 < w { v += m[i][j+1].v n++ }

v = m[i][j].v - v/float64(n) d[i][j].v = v if m[i][j].fixed == 0 { total += v * v } } } return total }

func iter(m [][]node, w, h int) float64 { d := alloc2(w, h) diff := 1.0e10 cur := []float64{0, 0, 0}

for diff > 1e-24 { set_boundary(m) diff = calc_diff(m, d, w, h) for i := 0; i < h; i++ { for j := 0; j < w; j++ { m[i][j].v -= d[i][j].v } } }

for i := 0; i < h; i++ { for j := 0; j < w; j++ { t := 0 if i != 0 { t += 1 } if j != 0 { t += 1 } if i < h-1 { t += 1 } if j < w-1 { t += 1 } cur[m[i][j].fixed+1] += d[i][j].v * float64(t) } } return (cur[2] - cur[0]) / 2 }

func main() { mesh := alloc2(S, S) fmt.Printf("R = %g\n", 2/iter(mesh, S, S)) } </lang>


We represent the mesh as a Ybus matrix with B as the reference node and A as the first node and invert it to find the Z bus (which represents resistance). The first element of the first row of this Z matrix is the resistance between nodes A and B.

<lang J>nodes=: 10 10 #: i. 100 nodeA=: 1 1 nodeB=: 6 7

conn =: [: (#~ e.~/@|:~&0 2) ([ ,: +)"1 ref =: ~. nodeA,nodes-.nodeB wiring=: /:~ ref i. ,/ nodes conn"2 1 (,-)=i.2 Yii=: _1 _1 }. (* =@i.@#) #/.~ {."1 wiring Yij=: - _1 _1 }. 1:`(<"1@[)`]}&(+/~ 0*i.1+#ref) wiring Y=: Yii+Yij</lang>

Here, the result of nodes conn offset represents all pairs of nodes where we can connect the argument nodes to neighboring nodes at the specified offset, and wiring is a list of index pairs representing all connections made by all resistors (note that each connection is represented twice -- node e is connected to node f AND node f is connected to node e). Yii contains the values for the diagonal elements of the Y bus while Yij contains the values for the off diagonal elements of the Y bus.


<lang J> {.{. %. Y 1.60899</lang>

Or, if we want an exact answer (this is slow), we can assume our resistors are perfect:

<lang J> {.{.%. x:Y 455859137025721r283319837425200</lang>

(here, the letter 'r' separates the numerator from the denominator)


We construct the matrix A that relates voltage v on each node to the injected current b via Av=b, and then we simply solve the linear system to find the resulting voltages (from unit currents at the indicated nodes, i and j) and hence the resistance. Because the grid of resistors is rectangular, we can construct A from a Kronecker product of "one-dimensional" A1 matrices corresponding to a linear sequence of resistors. The A1 matrices, in turn, are a product of difference matrices D: a matrix D that computes the net current flowing into each node (via the difference of currents flowing in and out) and a matrix –DT that computes the voltage differences between nodes, so that the product A1=–DDT computes the voltage differences, multiplies by the admittances (= 1) to get currents, and then computes the current differences to get the net current flowing in or out of each node. <lang julia>N = 10 D = [ [1.0 zeros(1,N-2)]; diagm(ones(N-2),1) - eye(N-1) ] A1 = -D*D' I = eye(N) A = kron(A1, I) + kron(I, A1) b = zeros(N^2) i, j = N*1 + 2, N*7+7 b[i], b[j] = -1, +1 v = A \ b v[i]-v[j]</lang> Output:


Here, we are using dense-matrix algebra (via Julia's built-in LAPACK support) to solve the linear system, which is reasonable for a 10×10 grid (100×100 matrix). For a much larger grid of resistors, one would want to use sparse matrices for efficiency, which can be accomplished simply by changing the above code to A1 = sparse(-D*D') and I = speye(N) (for example).


<lang maxima>/* Place a current souce between A and B, providing 1 A. Then we are really looking

  for the potential at A and B, since I = R (V(B) - V(A)) where I is given and we want R.
  Atually, we will compute potential at each node, except A where we assume it's 0.
  Without with assumption, there would be infinitely many solutions since potential
  is known up to a constant. For A we will simply write the equation V(A) = 0, to
  keep the program simple.
  Hence, for a general grid of p rows and q columns, there are n = p * q nodes,
  so n unknowns, and n equations. Write Kirchhoff's current law at each node.
  Be careful with the node A (equation A = 0) and the node B (there is a constant
  current to add, from the source, that will go in the constant terms of the system).
  Finally, we have a n x n linear system of equations to solve. Simply use Maxima's
  builtin LU decomposition.
  Since all computations are exact, the result will be also exact, written as a fraction.
  Also, the program can work with any grid, and any two nodes on the grid.
  For those who want more speed and less space, notice the system is sparse and necessarily
  symmetric, so one can use conjugate gradient or any other sparse symmetric solver. */

/* Auxiliary function to get rid of the borders */ ongrid(i, j, p, q) := is(i >= 1 and i <= p and j >= 1 and j <= q)$

grid_resistor(p, q, ai, aj, bi, bj) := block(

  [n: p * q, A, B, M, k, c, V],
  A: zeromatrix(n, n),
  for i thru p do
     for j thru q do (
        k: (i - 1) * q + j,
        if i = ai and j = aj then
           A[k, k]: 1
        else (
           c: 0,
           if ongrid(i + 1, j, p, q) then (c: c + 1, A[k, k + q]: -1),
           if ongrid(i - 1, j, p, q) then (c: c + 1, A[k, k - q]: -1),
           if ongrid(i, j + 1, p, q) then (c: c + 1, A[k, k + 1]: -1),
           if ongrid(i, j - 1, p, q) then (c: c + 1, A[k, k - 1]: -1),
           A[k, k]: c
  B: zeromatrix(n, 1),
  B[k: (bi - 1) * q + bj, 1]: 1,
  M: lu_factor(A),
  V: lu_backsub(M, B),
  V[k, 1]


grid_resistor(10, 10, 2, 2, 8, 7); 455859137025721 / 283319837425200

bfloat(%), fpprec = 40; 1.608991241730729655954495520510088761201b0

/* Some larger example */ grid_resistor(20, 20, 1, 1, 20, 20); 129548954101732562831760781545158173626645023 / 33283688571680493510612137844679320717594861

bfloat(%), fpprec = 40; 3.89226554090400912102670691601064387507b0</lang>


Translation of: Maxima

<lang mathematica>gridresistor[p_, q_, ai_, aj_, bi_, bj_] :=

 Block[{A, B, k, c, V}, A = ConstantArray[0, {p*q, p*q}];
  Do[k = (i - 1) q + j;
   If[{i, j} == {ai, aj}, Ak, k = 1, c = 0;
    If[1 <= i + 1 <= p && 1 <= j <= q, c++; Ak, k + q = -1];
    If[1 <= i - 1 <= p && 1 <= j <= q, c++; Ak, k - q = -1];
    If[1 <= i <= p && 1 <= j + 1 <= q, c++; Ak, k + 1 = -1];
    If[1 <= i <= p && 1 <= j - 1 <= q, c++; Ak, k - 1 = -1];
    Ak, k = c], {i, p}, {j, q}];
  B = SparseArray[(k = (bi - 1) q + bj) -> 1, p*q];
  LinearSolve[A, B]k];

N[gridresistor[10, 10, 2, 2, 8, 7], 40]</lang>


Works with: Mathematica version 9.0

<lang mathematica>graphresistor[g_, a_, b_] :=

   SparseArray[{{a, a} -> 1, {i_, i_} :> Length@AdjacencyList[g, i], 
     Alternatives @@ Join[#, Reverse /@ #] &[
       List @@@ EdgeList[VertexDelete[g, a]]] -> -1}, {VertexCount[
      g], VertexCount[g]}], SparseArray[b -> 1, VertexCount[g]]]b;

N[graphresistor[GridGraph[{10, 10}], 12, 77], 40]</lang>



Translation of: C

<lang perl>use strict;

my ($w, $h) = (9, 9); my @v = map([ (0) x ($w + 1) ], 0 .. $h); # voltage my @f = map([ (0) x ($w + 1) ], 0 .. $h); # fixed condition my @d = map([ (0) x ($w + 1) ], 0 .. $h); # diff

my @n; # neighbors for my $i (0 .. $h) { push @{$n[$i][$_]}, [$i, $_ - 1] for 1 .. $w; push @{$n[$i][$_]}, [$i, $_ + 1] for 0 .. $w - 1; } for my $j (0 .. $w) { push @{$n[$_][$j]}, [$_ - 1, $j] for 1 .. $h; push @{$n[$_][$j]}, [$_ + 1, $j] for 0 .. $h - 1; }

sub set_boundary { $f[1][1] = 1; $f[6][7] = -1; $v[1][1] = 1; $v[6][7] = -1; }

sub calc_diff { my $total_diff; for my $i (0 .. $h) { for my $j (0 .. $w) { my ($p, $v) = $n[$i][$j]; $v += $v[$_->[0]][$_->[1]] for @$p; $d[$i][$j] = $v = $v[$i][$j] - $v / scalar(@$p); $total_diff += $v * $v unless $f[$i][$j]; } } $total_diff; }

sub iter { my $diff = 1; while ($diff > 1e-24) { # 1e-24 is overkill (12 digits of precision) set_boundary(); $diff = calc_diff(); print "error^2: $diff\r"; for my $i (0 .. $h) { for my $j (0 .. $w) { $v[$i][$j] -= $d[$i][$j]; } } } print "\n";

my @current = (0) x 3; for my $i (0 .. $h) { for my $j (0 .. $w) { $current[ $f[$i][$j] ] += $d[$i][$j] * scalar(@{$n[$i][$j]}); } } return ($current[1] - $current[-1]) / 2; }

print "R = @{[2 / iter()]}\n";</lang>

Perl 6

Translation of: c

<lang perl6>my $S = 10;

my @fixed;

sub allocmesh ($w, $h) {

   gather for ^$h {

take [0 xx $w];



sub force-fixed(@f) {

   @f[1][1] =  1;
   @f[6][7] = -1;


sub force-v(@v) {

   @v[1][1] =  1;
   @v[6][7] = -1;


sub calc_diff(@v, @d, Int $w, Int $h) {

   my $total = 0;
   for ^$h X ^$w -> $i, $j {
       my @neighbors = grep *.defined, @v[$i-1][$j], @v[$i][$j-1], @v[$i+1][$j], @v[$i][$j+1];
       my $v = [+] @neighbors;
       @d[$i][$j] = $v = @v[$i][$j] - $v / +@neighbors;
       $total += $v * $v unless @fixed[$i][$j];
   return $total;


sub iter(@v, Int $w, Int $h) {

   my @d = allocmesh($w, $h);
   my $diff = 1e10;
   my @cur = 0, 0, 0;
   while $diff > 1e-24 {
       $diff = calc_diff(@v, @d, $w, $h);
       for ^$h X ^$w -> $i, $j {
           @v[$i][$j] -= @d[$i][$j];
   for ^$h X ^$w -> $i, $j {
       @cur[ @fixed[$i][$j] + 1 ]
           += @d[$i][$j] * (?$i + ?$j + ($i < $h - 1) + ($j < $w - 1));
   return (@cur[2] - @cur[0]) / 2;


my @mesh = allocmesh($S, $S);

@fixed = allocmesh($S, $S); force-fixed(@fixed);

say 2 / iter(@mesh, $S, $S);</lang>



Translation of: D

<lang python>DIFF_THRESHOLD = 1e-40

class Fixed:

   FREE = 0
   A = 1
   B = 2

class Node:

   __slots__ = ["voltage", "fixed"]
   def __init__(self, v=0.0, f=Fixed.FREE):
       self.voltage = v
       self.fixed = f

def set_boundary(m):

   m[1][1] = Node( 1.0, Fixed.A)
   m[6][7] = Node(-1.0, Fixed.B)

def calc_difference(m, d):

   h = len(m)
   w = len(m[0])
   total = 0.0
   for i in xrange(h):
       for j in xrange(w):
           v = 0.0
           n = 0
           if i != 0:  v += m[i-1][j].voltage; n += 1
           if j != 0:  v += m[i][j-1].voltage; n += 1
           if i < h-1: v += m[i+1][j].voltage; n += 1
           if j < w-1: v += m[i][j+1].voltage; n += 1
           v = m[i][j].voltage - v / n
           d[i][j].voltage = v
           if m[i][j].fixed == Fixed.FREE:
               total += v ** 2
   return total

def iter(m):

   h = len(m)
   w = len(m[0])
   difference = [[Node() for j in xrange(w)] for i in xrange(h)]
   while True:
       set_boundary(m) # Enforce boundary conditions.
       if calc_difference(m, difference) < DIFF_THRESHOLD:
       for i, di in enumerate(difference):
           for j, dij in enumerate(di):
               m[i][j].voltage -= dij.voltage
   cur = [0.0] * 3
   for i, di in enumerate(difference):
       for j, dij in enumerate(di):
           cur[m[i][j].fixed] += (dij.voltage *
               (bool(i) + bool(j) + (i < h-1) + (j < w-1)))
   return (cur[Fixed.A] - cur[Fixed.B]) / 2.0

def main():

   w = h = 10
   mesh = [[Node() for j in xrange(w)] for i in xrange(h)]
   print "R = %.16f" % (2 / iter(mesh))


R = 1.6089912417307286


Translation of: Ada

This version allows specification of the grid size and the location of the A & B points. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates resistance between any 2 points on a resister grid*/ numeric digits 20 /*use moderate digits (precision)*/ minVal=(1'e-'||(digits()*2)) / 1 /*calculate the threshold min val*/ if 1=='f1'x then ohms = 'ohms' /*EBCDIC machine? Use 'ohms'. */

            else ohms = 'ea'x         /* ASCII machine?    Use Greek Ω.*/

parse arg wide high Arow Acol Brow Bcol . say 'minVal = ' format(minVal,,,,0)  ; say say 'resistor mesh is of size: ' wide "wide, " high 'high.'  ; say say 'point A is at (row,col): ' Arow","Acol say 'point B is at (row,col): ' Brow","Bcol @.=0; cell.=1

              do  until  $ <= minVal;    $=0;         v = 0
              @.Arow.Acol = +1 ;         cell.Arow.Acol = 0
              @.Brow.Bcol = -1 ;         cell.Brow.Bcol = 0
                   do i  =1  for high;   im=i-1;   ip=i+1
                     do j=1  for wide;   jm=j-1;   jp=j+1;   n=0;   v=0
                     if i\==1  then do;;   n=n+1;   end
                     if j\==1  then do;;   n=n+1;   end
                     if i<high then do;   v=v+@.ip.j;   n=n+1;   end
                     if j<wide then do;;   n=n+1;   end
                     v=@.i.j-v/n;   #.i.j=v;   if cell.i.j then $=$+v*v
                     end   /*j*/
                   end     /*i*/
                                   do   r=1  for High
                                     do c=1  for Wide;  @.r.c=@.r.c-#.r.c
                                     end   /*c*/
                                   end     /*r*/
              end   /*until*/

say Acur = #.Arow.Acol * sides(Arow,Acol) Bcur = #.Brow.Bcol * sides(Brow,Bcol) say 'resistance between point A and point B is: ' 4/(Acur-Bcur) ohms exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────sides subroutine────────────────────*/ sides: parse arg i,j;  !=0; if i\==1 & i\==high then  !=!+2

                                                       else  !=!+1
                                  if j\==1 & j\==wide  then  !=!+2
                                                       else  !=!+1

return !</lang> output when using the input of: 10 10 2 2 7 8

minVal =  1E-40

resistor mesh is of size:  10 wide,  10 high.

point A is at (row,col):  2,2
point B is at (row,col):  7,8

resistance between point A and point B is:  1.6089912417307296559 Ω


Translation of: C

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6; # Or 8.5 with the TclOO package

  1. This code is structured as a class with a little trivial DSL parser so it is
  2. easy to change what problem is being worked on.

oo::class create ResistorMesh {

   variable forcePoints V fixed w h
   constructor {boundaryConditions} {

foreach {op condition} $boundaryConditions { switch $op { size { lassign $condition w h set fixed [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0]] set V [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0.0]] } fixed { lassign $condition j i v lset fixed $i $j [incr ctr] lappend forcePoints $j $i $v } } }

   method CalculateDifferences {*dV} {

upvar 1 ${*dV} dV set error 0.0 for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { set v 0.0 set n 0 if {$i} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V [expr {$i-1}] $j]}] incr n } if {$j} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V $i [expr {$j-1}]]}] incr n } if {$i+1 < $h} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V [expr {$i+1}] $j]}] incr n } if {$j+1 < $w} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V $i [expr {$j+1}]]}] incr n } lset dV $i $j [set v [expr {[lindex $V $i $j] - $v/$n}]] if {![lindex $fixed $i $j]} { set error [expr {$error + $v**2}] } } } return $error

   method FindCurrentFixpoint {epsilon} {

set dV [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0.0]] set current {0.0 0.0 0.0} while true { # Enforce the boundary conditions foreach {j i v} $forcePoints { lset V $i $j $v } # Compute the differences and the error set error [my CalculateDifferences dV] # Apply the differences for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { lset V $i $j [expr { [lindex $V $i $j] - [lindex $dV $i $j]}] } } # Done if the error is small enough if {$error < $epsilon} break } # Compute the currents from the error for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { lset current [lindex $fixed $i $j] [expr { [lindex $current [lindex $fixed $i $j]] + [lindex $dV $i $j] * (!!$i+!!$j+($i<$h-1)+($j<$w-1))}] } } # Compute the actual current flowing between source and sink return [expr {([lindex $current 1] - [lindex $current 2]) / 2.0}]

   # Public entry point
   method solveForResistance Template:Epsilon 1e-24 {

set voltageDifference [expr { [lindex $forcePoints 2] - [lindex $forcePoints 5]}] expr {$voltageDifference / [my FindCurrentFixpoint $epsilon]}


}</lang> Setting up and solving this particular problem: <lang tcl>ResistorMesh create mesh {

   size  {10 10}
   fixed {1 1  1.0}
   fixed {6 7 -1.0}

} puts [format "R = %.12g" [mesh solveForResistance]]</lang>

R = 1.60899124173


Translation of: C

<lang XPL0>code real RlRes=46, RlOut=48; def S = 10;

proc SetBoundary(MV, MF); real MV; int MF; [MF(1,1):= 1; MV(1,1):= 1.0;

MF(6,7):= -1; MV(6,7):= -1.0;


func real CalcDiff(MV, MF, DV, W, H); real MV; int MF; real DV; int W, H; int I, J, N; real V, Total; [Total:= 0.0; for I:= 0 to H-1 do

   for J:= 0 to W-1 do
       [V:= 0.0;  N:= 0;
       if I then [V:= V + MV(I-1,J);  N:= N+1];
       if J then [V:= V + MV(I,J-1);  N:= N+1];
       if I+1 < H then [V:= V + MV(I+1,J);  N:= N+1];
       if J+1 < W then [V:= V + MV(I,J+1);  N:= N+1];
       V:= MV(I,J) - V/float(N);  DV(I,J):= V;
       if MF(I,J) = 0 then Total:= Total + V*V;

return Total; ];

func real Iter(MV, MF, W, H); real MV; int MF, W, H; real DV, Diff, Cur; int I, J; [DV:= RlRes(W); for I:= 0 to W-1 do DV(I):= RlRes(H); Diff:= 1E10; Cur:= [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; while Diff > 1E-24 do

       [SetBoundary(MV, MF);
       Diff:= CalcDiff(MV, MF, DV, W, H);
       for I:= 0 to H-1 do
           for J:= 0 to W-1 do
               MV(I,J):= MV(I,J) - DV(I,J);

for I:= 0 to H-1 do

   for J:= 0 to W-1 do
       Cur(MF(I,J)+1):= Cur(MF(I,J)+1) +
               DV(I,J) * float(-(I>0) - (J>0) - (I<H-1) - (J<W-1));
                               \middle=4; side=3; corner=2

return (Cur(2)-Cur(0))/2.0; ];

real MeshV(S,S); int MeshF(S,S); RlOut(0, 2.0 / Iter(MeshV, MeshF, S, S))</lang>
