Red black tree sort/Phix

From Rosetta Code
Library: Phix/online

With extra validation. You can run this online here. The output will of course be different every time you open (or F5 reload) that, and not quite match that below.

-- demo\rosetta\Red_Black_Tree.exw
-- ===============================
with javascript_semantics
constant SENTINEL=1
sequence rbtree = {} -- node indices are 1(""),6,11,16,21,etc.
constant PARENT = 0, COLOUR = 1, VALUE = 2, LEFT = 3, RIGHT = 4
--(also uses the builtin constants BLACK = 0 and RED = 4)
integer root = SENTINEL,
        freelist = NULL

function new_node(object key, integer colour=RED)
    integer res = freelist
    if res then
        freelist = rbtree[freelist]
        res = length(rbtree)+1
        rbtree &= repeat(0,5)
    end if
    rbtree[res+PARENT] = NULL
    rbtree[res+COLOUR] = colour
    rbtree[res+VALUE] = key
    rbtree[res+LEFT] = SENTINEL
    rbtree[res+RIGHT] = SENTINEL
    return res
end function

procedure release_node(integer n)
    rbtree[n] = freelist
    freelist = n
end procedure

procedure rotate(integer x, d)
    --      x                        y  
    --     / \                      / \
    --    y   c     == right ==>   a   x
    --   / \        <== left ==       / \
    --  a   b                        b   c
    -- (param x is the top node, for d=LEFT 
    --  swap x and y in the above diagram.)
    assert(x!=NULL and x!=SENTINEL)
    assert(d=LEFT or d=RIGHT)
    integer e = LEFT+RIGHT-d,
            y = rbtree[x+e],
            b = rbtree[y+d],
            p = rbtree[x+PARENT],
            q = iff(x=rbtree[p+RIGHT]?RIGHT:LEFT)
    rbtree[x+e] = b
    if b != SENTINEL then
        rbtree[b+PARENT] = x
    end if
    rbtree[y+PARENT] = p
    if p == NULL then
        root = y
        rbtree[p+q] = y
    end if
    rbtree[y+d] = x
    rbtree[x+PARENT] = y
end procedure 

procedure fix_up_insertion(integer k)
    integer p = rbtree[k+PARENT]
    while rbtree[p+COLOUR] == RED do
        integer gp = rbtree[p+PARENT],
                 d = iff(p=rbtree[gp+RIGHT]?LEFT:RIGHT),
                rd = LEFT+RIGHT-d,
             uncle = rbtree[gp+d]
        if uncle!=SENTINEL and rbtree[uncle+COLOUR] == RED then
            rbtree[uncle+COLOUR] = BLACK
            rbtree[p+COLOUR] = BLACK
            rbtree[gp+COLOUR] = RED
            k = gp  // repeat with grandparent
            if k == rbtree[p+d] then
                k = p
                p = rbtree[k+PARENT]
            end if
            rbtree[p+COLOUR] = BLACK
            rbtree[gp+COLOUR] = RED
        end if
        if k == root then exit end if
        p = rbtree[k+PARENT]
    end while
    rbtree[root+COLOUR] = BLACK
end procedure 

procedure insert_node(object key)
    integer node = new_node(key),
            y = NULL, x = root, d
    // y := (sentinel) position for new node
    // (nb as-is this allows duplicates, it
    //  may want to be more like delete_node)
    while x!=SENTINEL do
        y = x
        d = iff(key<rbtree[x+VALUE]?LEFT:RIGHT)
        x = rbtree[x+d]
    end while

    rbtree[node+PARENT] = y
    if y == NULL then
        root = node
        assert(rbtree[y+d] = SENTINEL)
        rbtree[y+d] = node
    end if

    if y == NULL then
        rbtree[node+COLOUR] = BLACK
    elsif rbtree[y+PARENT] != NULL then
    end if
end procedure

procedure fix_up_deletion(integer x)
    -- (Don't think I could adequately comment this even if I tried,
    --  but it is basically the same as several of the other entries.
    --  This routine needs that sentinal and is why we can't use NULL)
    while x!=root and rbtree[x+COLOUR] == BLACK do
        integer parent = rbtree[x+PARENT],
               d = iff(x=rbtree[parent+LEFT]?RIGHT:LEFT),
              rd = RIGHT+LEFT-d,
         sibling = rbtree[parent+d]
        if rbtree[sibling+COLOUR] == RED then
            rbtree[sibling+COLOUR] = BLACK
            rbtree[parent+COLOUR] = RED
            sibling = rbtree[parent+d]
        end if
        if rbtree[rbtree[sibling+LEFT]+COLOUR] == BLACK 
        and rbtree[rbtree[sibling+RIGHT]+COLOUR] == BLACK then
            rbtree[sibling+COLOUR] = RED
            x = parent
            if rbtree[rbtree[sibling+d]+COLOUR] == BLACK then
                rbtree[rbtree[sibling+rd]+COLOUR] = BLACK
                rbtree[sibling+COLOUR] = RED
                sibling = rbtree[parent+d]
            end if 
            rbtree[sibling+COLOUR] = rbtree[parent+COLOUR]
            rbtree[parent+COLOUR] = BLACK
            rbtree[rbtree[sibling+d]+COLOUR] = BLACK
            x = root
        end if
    end while
    rbtree[x+COLOUR] = BLACK
end procedure
procedure rb_transplant(integer u, v)
    integer p = rbtree[u+PARENT]
    if p=NULL then
        root = v
    elsif u=rbtree[p+LEFT] then
        rbtree[p+LEFT] = v
        rbtree[p+RIGHT] = v
    end if
    rbtree[v+PARENT] = p
end procedure 

function find_node(integer node, object key)
    while node != SENTINEL do
        integer c = compare(key,rbtree[node+VALUE])
        if c == 0 then exit end if -- found!
        node = rbtree[node+iff(c=-1?LEFT:RIGHT)]
    end while
    return node
end function
procedure delete_node(object key)
    integer z = find_node(root,key)
    if z == SENTINEL then
        printf(1,"Key %d not present in Tree !!\n",key)
    end if

    integer y = z, x,
            y_original_color = rbtree[y+COLOUR]
    if rbtree[z+LEFT] == SENTINEL then
        x = rbtree[z+RIGHT]
        rb_transplant(z, x)
    elsif rbtree[z+RIGHT] == SENTINEL then
        x = rbtree[z+LEFT]
        rb_transplant(z, x)
    else // z has both child nodes
        -- y := minimum/leftmost in right subtree:
        y = rbtree[z+RIGHT]
        while rbtree[y+LEFT] != SENTINEL do
            y = rbtree[y+LEFT]
        end while
        y_original_color = rbtree[y+COLOUR]
        x = rbtree[y+RIGHT]
        if rbtree[y+PARENT] == z then
            rbtree[x+PARENT] = y
            rb_transplant(y, x)
            integer r = rbtree[z+RIGHT]
            rbtree[y+RIGHT] = r
            rbtree[r+PARENT] = y
        end if
        rb_transplant(z, y)
        integer l = rbtree[z+LEFT]
        rbtree[y+LEFT] = l
        rbtree[l+PARENT] = y
        rbtree[y+COLOUR] = rbtree[z+COLOUR]
    end if
    if y_original_color == BLACK then
    end if
end procedure 

procedure visualise_tree(integer tree=root, string prefix="+---")
    if tree=SENTINEL then
        string colour = iff(rbtree[tree+COLOUR]=RED?"RED":"BLACK")
        integer v = rbtree[tree+VALUE],
                left = rbtree[tree+LEFT],
                right = rbtree[tree+RIGHT]
        integer g = prefix[-4]
        if left!=SENTINEL then
            string g4 = prefix[-4..-1]
            prefix[-4..-1] = iff(g='L' or g='+'?"    ":"|   ")
            prefix[-4..-1] = g4
        end if
        string plus = iff(left!=SENTINEL or right!=SENTINEL?"+":"")
        printf(1,"%s%s %v (%s)\n",{prefix,plus,v,colour})
        if right!=SENTINEL then
            prefix[-4..-1] = iff(g='L'?"|   ":"    ")
        end if
    end if
end procedure

function isBalanced(integer node)
    if node != SENTINEL then
        integer {lok, lmxh, lmnh} = isBalanced(rbtree[node+LEFT]),
                {rok, rmxh, rmnh} = isBalanced(rbtree[node+RIGHT]),
                             maxh = max(lmxh, rmxh) + 1,
                             minh = min(lmnh, rmnh) + 1;
        if lok and rok and maxh <= 2*minh then
            return {true,maxh,minh}
        end if
    end if
    return {node==SENTINEL,0,0}
end function

function BlackHeight(integer node)
    if node == SENTINEL then return 1 end if
    integer leftBlackHeight = BlackHeight(rbtree[node+LEFT]),
           rightBlackHeight = BlackHeight(rbtree[node+RIGHT])
    if leftBlackHeight != 0 
    and rightBlackHeight != 0
    and leftBlackHeight == rightBlackHeight then
        return rightBlackHeight + (rbtree[node+COLOUR]=BLACK)
    end if
    return 0
end function

procedure validate_tree()
    string why = iff(not isBalanced(root)[1]?"balance":
    if length(why) then
    end if
end procedure

printf(1,"State of the tree after inserting 30 keys:\n")
for x in shuffle(tagset(30)) do
end for

printf(1,"\nState of the tree after deleting 15 keys:\n")
for x in shuffle(tagset(30))[1..15] do
end for
State of the tree after inserting 30 keys:
                L--- 1 (RED)
            L---+ 2 (BLACK)
        L---+ 3 (BLACK)
        |   |   L--- 4 (RED)
        |   R---+ 5 (BLACK)
    L---+ 6 (RED)
    |   |       L--- 7 (RED)
    |   |   L---+ 8 (BLACK)
    |   R---+ 9 (BLACK)
    |       |   L---+ 10 (BLACK)
    |       |   |   R--- 11 (RED)
    |       R---+ 12 (RED)
    |           R---+ 13 (BLACK)
    |               R--- 14 (RED)
+---+ 15 (BLACK)
    |               L--- 16 (RED)
    |           L---+ 17 (BLACK)
    |           |   R--- 18 (RED)
    |       L---+ 19 (RED)
    |       |   R--- 20 (BLACK)
    |   L---+ 21 (BLACK)
    |   |   |   L--- 22 (RED)
    |   |   R---+ 23 (BLACK)
    |   |       R--- 24 (RED)
    R---+ 25 (RED)
        |       L--- 26 (RED)
        |   L---+ 27 (BLACK)
        |   |   R--- 28 (RED)
        R---+ 29 (BLACK)
            R--- 30 (BLACK)

State of the tree after deleting 15 keys:
        L--- 3 (BLACK)
    L---+ 6 (BLACK)
    |   |       L--- 7 (RED)
    |   |   L---+ 8 (BLACK)
    |   R---+ 10 (RED)
    |       R--- 11 (BLACK)
+---+ 17 (BLACK)
    |       L--- 19 (BLACK)
    |   L---+ 20 (BLACK)
    |   |   R--- 24 (BLACK)
    R---+ 25 (RED)
        |       L--- 26 (RED)
        |   L---+ 27 (BLACK)
        R---+ 29 (BLACK)
            R--- 30 (BLACK)