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Note that since jq is a purely functional language, the entity
Since jq is a purely functional language, the entities chosen to represent queues
representing a queue must be presented as an input to any function
must somehow be presented to the functions that operate on them.
The approach taken here is to use a JSON object with a key named "queue"
that is to operate on it.
to hold the contents of the queue. This allows us to "pop" a queue by modifying
.queue while returning the popped item in the same object under a different key.
The definition of pop as given below is idiomatic in jq but implies
that popping an empty queue yields [null, []] rather than an error. An
alternative definition, pop_or_error, is also given to illustrate
how an error condition can be generated.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq"># An empty queue:
def fifo: [];

There are three possibilities for defining `pop` on an empty queue:
def push(e): [e] + .;

# Do not make a special case of it, which in our case would mean that `{queue: []} | pop` would emit `{queue: [], item: null}`
def pop: [.[0], .[1:]];
# Raise an error
# Emit nothing

Here (1), is questionable as the queue might contain null, so here we define
def pop_or_error: if length == 0 then error("pop_or_error") else pop end;
`pop_or_error`, which raises an error when given an empty queue, and `pop`, which
emits the empty stream when given an empty queue.
In order to facilitate observing the evolving states of queues during processing,
we use the same `observe` function defined at [[Stack]].

<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def empty: length == 0;</syntaxhighlight>
# Input: an object
# Output: the updated object with .emit filled in from `update|emit`.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">fifo | pop # produces [null,[]]
# `emit` may produce a stream of values, which need not be strings.
def observe(update; emit):
def s(stream): reduce stream as $_ (null;
if $_ == null then .
elif . == null then "\($_)"
else . + "\n\($_)"
.emit as $x
| update
| .emit = s($x // null, emit);

| push(42) # enqueue
| push(43) # enqueue
| pop # dequeue
| .[0] # the value
# produces 43

fifo|push(1) as $q1
def fifo: {queue: []};

| fifo|push(2) as $q2
# Is the input an object that represents the empty queue?
| [($q1|pop|.[0]), ($q2|pop|.[0])]
def isempty:
# produces: [1, 2]</syntaxhighlight>
type == "object"
and (.queue | length == 0); # so .queue == null and .queue == [] are equivalent

def push(e): .queue += [e];

def pop: if isempty then empty else .item = .queue[0] | .queue |= .[1:] end;

def pop_or_error: if isempty then error("pop_or_error") else pop end;

# Examples
# fifo | pop // "nothing" # produces the string "nothing"

| observe(push(42); "length after pushing: \(.queue | length)" )
| observe(push(43); "length after pushing: \(.queue | length)" )
| pop # dequeue
| .emit, .item
length after pushing: 1
length after pushing: 2
