Priority queue: Difference between revisions

Priority queue en FreeBASIC
(Added Wren)
(Priority queue en FreeBASIC)
Line 2,566:
! 1 -> Solve RC tasks
<lang freebasic>Type Tupla
Prioridad As Integer
Tarea As String
End Type
Dim Shared As Tupla a()
Dim Shared As Integer n 'número de eltos. en la matriz, el último elto. es n-1
Function Izda(i As Integer) As Integer
Izda = 2 * i + 1
End Function
Function Dcha(i As Integer) As Integer
Dcha = 2 * i + 2
End Function
Function Parent(i As Integer) As Integer
Parent = (i - 1) \ 2
End Function
Sub Intercambio(i As Integer, j As Integer)
Dim t As Tupla
t = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = t
End Sub
Sub bubbleUp(i As Integer)
Dim As Integer p = Parent(i)
Do While i > 0 And a(i).Prioridad < a(p).Prioridad
Intercambio i, p
i = p
p = Parent(i)
End Sub
Sub Annadir(fPrioridad As Integer, fTarea As String)
n += 1
If n > Ubound(a) Then Redim Preserve a(2 * n)
a(n - 1).Prioridad = fPrioridad
a(n - 1).Tarea = fTarea
bubbleUp (n - 1)
End Sub
Sub trickleDown(i As Integer)
Dim As Integer j, l, r
j = -1
r = Dcha(i)
If r < n And a(r).Prioridad < a(i).Prioridad Then
l = Izda(i)
If a(l).Prioridad < a(r).Prioridad Then
j = l
j = r
End If
l = Izda(i)
If l < n And a(l).Prioridad < a(i).Prioridad Then j = l
End If
If j >= 0 Then Intercambio i, j
i = j
Loop While i >= 0
End Sub
Function Remove() As Tupla
Dim As Tupla x = a(0)
a(0) = a(n - 1)
n = n - 1
trickleDown 0
If 3 * n < Ubound(a) Then Redim Preserve a(Ubound(a) \ 2)
Remove = x
End Function
Redim a(4)
Annadir (3, "Clear drains")
Annadir (4, "Feed cat")
Annadir (5, "Make tea")
Annadir (1, "Solve RC tasks")
Annadir (2, "Tax return")
Dim t As Tupla
Do While n > 0
t = Remove
Print t.Prioridad; " "; t.Tarea
Igual que la entrada de VBA.
