Particle swarm optimization: Difference between revisions

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and differs from published -1.9133</pre>
and differs from published -1.9133</pre>

<lang Phix>enum OMEGA, PHIP, PHIG

constant inf = 1e308*1e308

constant fmt = """
Test Function : %s
Iterations : %d
Global Best Position : %s
Global Best Value : %f

procedure report(sequence state, string testfunc)
end procedure

function psoInit(sequence mins, maxs, params, integer nParticles)
integer nDims = length(mins), iter=0
atom gbval = inf
sequence gbpos = repeat(inf,nDims),
pos = repeat(mins,nParticles),
vel = repeat(repeat(0,nDims),nParticles),
bpos = repeat(mins,nParticles),
bval = repeat(inf,nParticles)
return {iter,gbpos,gbval,mins,maxs,params,pos,vel,bpos,bval,nParticles,nDims}
end function
function pso(integer fn, sequence state)
integer particles = state[NPARTICLES],
dims = state[NDIMS]
sequence p = state[PARAMS],
v = repeat(0,particles),
bpos = repeat(state[MIN],particles),
bval = repeat(0,particles),
gbpos = repeat(0,dims)
atom gbval = inf
for j=1 to particles do
-- evaluate
v[j] = call_func(fn,{state[POS][j]})
-- update
if v[j] < state[BVAL][j] then
bpos[j] = state[POS][j]
bval[j] = v[j]
bpos[j] = state[BPOS][j]
bval[j] = state[BVAL][j]
end if
if bval[j] < gbval then
gbval = bval[j]
gbpos = bpos[j]
end if
end for
atom rg = rnd()
sequence pos = repeat(repeat(0,dims),particles),
vel = repeat(repeat(0,dims),particles)
for j=1 to particles do
-- migrate
atom rp = rnd()
bool ok = true
vel[j] = repeat(0,dims)
pos[j] = repeat(0,dims)
for k=1 to dims do
vel[j][k] = p[OMEGA] * state[VEL][j][k] +
p[PHIP] * rp * (bpos[j][k] - state[POS][j][k]) +
p[PHIG] * rg * (gbpos[k] - state[POS][j][k])
pos[j][k] = state[POS][j][k] + vel[j][k]
ok = ok and state[MIN][k] < pos[j][k] and state[MAX][k] > pos[j][k]
end for
if not ok then
for k=1 to dims do
pos[j][k]= state[MIN][k] + (state[MAX][k] - state[MIN][k]) * rnd()
end for
end if
end for
integer iter = 1 + state[ITER]
return {iter, gbpos, gbval, state[MIN], state[MAX], state[PARAMS],
pos, vel, bpos, bval, particles, dims}
end function
function iterate(integer fn, n, sequence state)
sequence r = state,
old = state
if n=-1 then
while true do
r = pso(fn, r)
if (r == old) then exit end if
old = r
end while
for i=1 to n do
r = pso(fn, r)
end for
end if
return r
end function
function mccormick(sequence x)
atom {a, b} = x
return sin(a + b) + (a - b) * (a - b) + 1.0 + 2.5 * b - 1.5 * a
end function
constant r_mccormick = routine_id("mccormick")
function michalewicz(sequence x)
integer m = 10,
d = length(x)
atom total = 0.0
for i=1 to d do
atom j = x[i],
k = sin(i * j * j / PI)
total += sin(j) * power(k, 2.0 * m)
end for
return -total
end function
constant r_michalewicz = routine_id("michalewicz")
procedure main()
sequence mins = {-1.5, -3.0},
maxs = {4.0, 4.0},
params = {0.0, 0.6, 0.3}
integer nParticles = 100
sequence state = psoInit(mins,maxs,params,nParticles)
state = iterate(r_mccormick, 40, state)
atom {x,y} = state[GBPOS]
printf(1,"f(%.4f, %.4f) : %f\n\n",{x,y,mccormick({x,y})})

mins = {0.0, 0.0}
maxs = {PI, PI}
params = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3}
nParticles = 1000
state = psoInit(mins,maxs,params,nParticles)
state = iterate(r_michalewicz, 30, state)
report(state,"Michalewicz (2D)")
{x,y} = state[GBPOS]
printf(1,"f(%.5f, %.5f) : %f\n\n",{x,y,michalewicz({x,y})})
end procedure
Test Function : McCormick
Iterations : 40
Global Best Position : {-0.5471808566,-1.547021879}
Global Best Value : -1.913223
f(-0.5472, -1.5470) : -1.913223

Test Function : Michalewicz (2D)
Iterations : 30
Global Best Position : {2.202905614,1.570796293}
Global Best Value : -1.801303
f(2.20291, 1.57080) : -1.801303
