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<lang Nim>import os, re, sequtils, strformat, strutils
import nimcrypto
# One-time pad file signature.
const Magic = "#one-time pad"
# Suffix for pad files.
const Suffix = ".1tp"
proc log(msg: string) =
## Log a message.
stderr.write msg
stderr.write '\n'
proc makeKeys(n, size: Positive): seq[string] =
## Generate "n" secure, random keys of "size" bytes.
# We're generating and storing keys in their hexadecimal form to make
# one-time pad files a little more human readable and to ensure a key
# can not start with a hyphen.
var bytes = newSeq[byte](size)
for _ in 1..n:
if randomBytes(bytes) != size:
raise newException(ValueError, "unable to build keys.")
result.add bytes.mapIt(it.toHex).join()
proc makePad(name: string; padSize, keySize: Positive): string =
## Create a new one-time pad identified by the given name.
## Args:
## name: unique one-time pad identifier.
## padSize: the number of keys (or pages) in the pad.
## keySize: the number of bytes per key.
## Returns:
## the new one-time pad as a string.
let pad = @[Magic, &"#name={name}", &"#size={padSize}"] & makeKeys(padSize, keySize)
result = pad.join("\n")
proc `xor`(message, key: string): string =
## Return "message" XOR-ed with "key".
## Args:
## message: plaintext or cyphertext to be encrypted or decrypted.
## key: encryption and decryption key.
## Returns:
## plaintext or cyphertext as a string.
if key.len < message.len:
quit("Key size is too short to encrypt/decrypt the message.", QuitFailure)
result = newStringOfCap(message.len)
var keyIndex = 0
for msgChar in message:
result.add chr(ord(msgChar) xor ord(key[keyIndex]))
inc keyIndex
proc useKey(pad: var string): string =
## Use the next available key from the given one-time pad.
## Args:
## pad: a one-time pad, updated.
## Returns:
## the key.
var matches: array[1, string]
let pos = pad.find(re"(?m)(^[A-F0-9]+$)", matches)
if pos < 0:
quit("Pad is all used up.", QuitFailure)
pad.insert("-", pos)
result = matches[0]
proc writePad(path: string; padSize, keySize: Positive) =
## Write a new one-time pad to the given path.
## Args:
## path: path to write one-time pad to.
## padSize: the number of keys (or pages) in the pad.
## keySize: the number of bytes per key.
if fileExists(path):
quit("Pad " & path & " already exists", QuitFailure)
path.writeFile(makePad(path.extractFilename(), padSize, keySize))
except IOError:
quit("Unable to write file " & path, QuitFailure)
log("New one-time pad written to " & path)
proc process(pad, message: string; outfile: File) =
## Encrypt or decrypt "message" using the given pad.
## Args:
## pad: path to one-time pad.
## message: plaintext or ciphertext message to encrypt or decrypt.
## outfile: file-like object to write to.
if not fileExists(pad):
quit("No such pad: " & pad, QuitFailure)
let start = pad.readLines(1)
if start.len == 0 or start[0] != Magic:
quit(&"file '{pad}' does not look like a one-time pad", QuitFailure)
# Rewrites the entire one-time pad every time
var padData = pad.readFile()
let key = padData.useKey().parseHexStr()
outfile.write(message xor key)
when isMainModule:
import parseopt
proc printUsage() =
echo "Usage: ", getAppFilename().lastPathPart,
" [-h] [--length LENGTH] [--key-size KEY_SIZE] [-o OUTFILE]"
echo " [--encrypt FILE | --decrypt FILE] pad"
echo ""
echo """One-time pad.
positional arguments:
pad Path to one-time pad. If neither --encrypt or --decrypt
are given, will create a new pad.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--length LENGTH Pad size. Ignored if --encrypt or --decrypt are given.
Defaults to 10.
--key-size KEY_SIZE Key size in bytes. Ignored if --encrypt or --decrypt
are given. Defaults to 64.
--outfile OUTFILE Write encoded/decoded message to a file. Ignored if
--encrypt or --decrypt is not given. Defaults to
--encrypt FILE Encrypt FILE using the next available key from pad.
--decrypt FILE Decrypt FILE using the next available key from pad.
parser = initOptParser(shortNoVal = {'h'}, longNoval = @["help"])
padPath: string
length = 10
outpath = ""
encryptPath = ""
decryptPath = ""
keySize = 64
encrypt = false
decrypt = false
for kind, key, val in parser.getopt():
case kind
of cmdShortOption:
if key != "h":
quit("Wrong option: " & key, QuitFailure)
elif val.len != 0:
quit("Wrong value for option -h", QuitFailure)
of cmdLongOption:
case key
of "help":
of "length":
length = parseInt(val)
if length < 2: raise newException(ValueError, "")
except ValueError:
quit("Wrong length: " & val, QuitFailure)
of "encrypt":
encryptPath = val
encrypt = true
of "decrypt":
decryptPath = val
decrypt = true
of "outfile":
outPath = val
of "key-size":
keySize = parseInt(val)
if length < 2: raise newException(ValueError, "")
except ValueError:
quit("Wrong key size: " & val, QuitFailure)
quit("Invalid option: " & key, QuitFailure)
of cmdArgument:
padPath = if key.endsWith(Suffix): key else: key & Suffix
of cmdEnd:
discard # Cannot not occur.
if padPath.len == 0:
quit("Missing pad file.", QuitFailure)
if encrypt and decrypt:
quit("Incompatible options: encrypt and decrypt", QuitFailure)
if encrypt or decrypt:
var outfile: File
if outpath.len == 0:
outfile = stdout
outfile =
except IOError:
quit("Unable to open output file.", QuitFailure)
let message = try:
if encrypt: encryptPath.readFile()
else: decryptPath.readFile()
except IOError:
quit("Unable to open file to encrypt or decrypt.", QuitFailure)
padPath.process(message, outfile)
if outfile != stdout: outfile.close()
padPath.writePad(length, keySize)</lang>
Show the help message and exit:
<pre>$ ./one_time_pad --help
Usage: one_time_pad [-h] [--length LENGTH] [--key-size KEY_SIZE] [-o OUTFILE]
[--encrypt FILE | --decrypt FILE] pad
One-time pad.
positional arguments:
pad Path to one-time pad. If neither --encrypt or --decrypt
are given, will create a new pad.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--length LENGTH Pad size. Ignored if --encrypt or --decrypt are given.
Defaults to 10.
--key-size KEY_SIZE Key size in bytes. Ignored if --encrypt or --decrypt
are given. Defaults to 64.
--outfile OUTFILE Write encoded/decoded message to a file. Ignored if
--encrypt or --decrypt is not given. Defaults to
--encrypt FILE Encrypt FILE using the next available key from pad.
--decrypt FILE Decrypt FILE using the next available key from pad.</pre>
Create a new one-time pad in the current working directory:
<pre>$ ./one_time_pad --length 5 --key-size 128 mypad
New one-time pad written to mypad.1tp
$ head mypad.1tp
#one-time pad
Distribute our new one-time pad and use it to encrypt a message:
<pre>$ cp mypad.1tp shared.1tp
$ echo "like all shared secrets, the pad has to be at least as long as the message" > message.txt
$ ./one_time_pad --encrypt message.txt --outfile secret.dat mypad</pre>
Decrypt the message using the shared copy of the one-time pad:
<pre>$ ./one_time_pad --decrypt secret.dat --outfile plaintext.txt shared.1tp
$ cat plaintext.txt
like all shared secrets, the pad has to be at least as long as the message</pre>
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