Nonoblock: Difference between revisions

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(Added solution for Pascal)
Line 2,021: Line 2,021:
blocks [2, 3] cells 5
blocks [2, 3] cells 5
No solution</pre>
No solution</pre>

A console application in Free Pascal, created with the Lazarus IDE.

With 15 cells and [2,3,2,3] blocks, it's a question of how to distribute 5 gap characters among 5 gaps (including the 2 gaps at the ends). To allow for the requirement that the 3 inner gaps must be strictly positive, we can reduce the size of each inner gap by 1, provided we remember to restore the deleted gap character when printing the result. Then 2 gap characters need to be distributed among 5 non-negative gaps. In general, for integers n > 0 and s, the task amounts to finding all arrays of n non-negative integers that sum to s. An iterative method is shown below.
<lang pascal>
program Nonoblock;
uses SysUtils;

// Working through solutions to the problem:
// Fill an array z[] with non-negative integers
// whose sum is the passed-in integer s.
function GetFirstSolution( var z : array of integer;
s : integer) : boolean;
j : integer;
result := (s >= 0) and (High(z) >= 0); // failed if s < 0 or array is empty
if result then begin // else initialize to solution 0, ..., 0, s
j := High(z); z[j] := s;
while (j > 0) do begin
dec(j); z[j] := 0;

// Next solution: return true for success, false if no more solutions.
// Solutions are generated in lexicographic order.
function GetNextSolution( var z : array of integer) : boolean;
h, j : integer;
h := High(z);
j := h; // find highest index j such that z[j] > 0.
while (j > 0) and (z[j] = 0) do dec(j);
result := (j > 0); // if index is 0, or there is no such index, failed
if result then begin // else update caller's array to give next solution
inc(z[j - 1]);
z[h] := z[j] - 1;
while (j < h) do begin
z[j] := 0; inc(j);

// Procedure to print solutions to nonoblock task on RosettaCode
procedure PrintSolutions( nrCells : integer;
blockSizes : array of integer);
const // cosmetic
GAP_CHAR = '.';
sb : SysUtils.TStringBuilder;
nrBlocks, blockSum, gapSum : integer;
gapSizes : array of integer;
i, nrSolutions : integer;
nrBlocks := Length( blockSizes);

// Print a title, showing the number of cells and the block sizes
sb := SysUtils.TStringBuilder.Create();
sb.AppendFormat('%d cells; blocks [', [nrCells]);
for i := 0 to nrBlocks - 1 do begin
if (i > 0) then sb.Append(',');
sb.Append( blockSizes[i]);
WriteLn( sb.ToString());

blockSum := 0; // total of block sizes
for i := 0 to nrBlocks - 1 do inc( blockSum, blockSizes[i]);

gapSum := nrCells - blockSum;
// Except in the trivial case of no blocks,
// we reduce the size of each inner gap by 1.
if nrBlocks > 0 then dec( gapSum, nrBlocks - 1);

// Work through all solutions and print them nicely.
nrSolutions := 0;
SetLength( gapSizes, nrBlocks + 1); // include the gap at each end
if GetFirstSolution( gapSizes, gapSum) then begin
inc( nrSolutions);
sb.Append( ' ', MARGIN);
for i := 0 to nrBlocks - 1 do begin
sb.Append( GAP_CHAR, gapSizes[i]);
// We reduced the inner gaps by 1; now we restore the deleted char.
if (i > 0) then sb.Append( GAP_CHAR);
sb.Append( BLOCK_CHAR, blockSizes[i]);
sb.Append( GAP_CHAR, gapSizes[nrBlocks]);
WriteLn( sb.ToString());
until not GetNextSolution( gapSizes);
WriteLn( SysUtils.Format( 'Number of solutions = %d', [nrSolutions]));

// Main program
PrintSolutions( 5, [2,1]);
PrintSolutions( 5, []);
PrintSolutions( 10, [8]);
PrintSolutions( 15, [2,3,2,3]);
PrintSolutions( 5, [2,3]);
5 cells; blocks [2,1]
Number of solutions = 3

5 cells; blocks []
Number of solutions = 1

10 cells; blocks [8]
Number of solutions = 3

15 cells; blocks [2,3,2,3]
Number of solutions = 15

5 cells; blocks [2,3]
Number of solutions = 0
