Neighbour primes

Revision as of 16:50, 14 April 2021 by Nigel Galloway (talk | contribs) (Realize in F#)

Find and show primes p such that p*q+2 is prime, where q is next prime after p and p < 500

Neighbour primes is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


<lang algolw>begin % find some primes where ( p*q ) + 2 is also a prime ( where p and q are adjacent primes ) %

   % sets p( 1 :: n ) to a sieve of primes up to n %
   procedure sieve ( logical array p( * ) ; integer value n ) ;
       p( 1 ) := false; p( 2 ) := true;
       for i := 3 step 2 until n do p( i ) := true;
       for i := 4 step 2 until n do p( i ) := false;
       for i := 3 step 2 until truncate( sqrt( n ) ) do begin
           integer ii; ii := i + i;
           if p( i ) then for np := i * i step ii until n do p( np ) := false
       end for_i ;
   end sieve ;
   MAX_NUMBER := 500;
       logical array prime( 1 :: MAX_PRIME );
       integer       pCount, thisPrime, nextPrime;
       % sieve the primes to MAX_PRIME %
       sieve( prime, MAX_PRIME );
       % find the neighbour primes %
       pCount    := 0;
       thisPrime := 2; % 2 is the lowest prime %
       while thisPrime > 0 do begin
           % find the next prime after this one %
           nextPrime := thisPrime + 1;
           while nextPrime <= MAX_NUMBER and not prime( nextPrime ) do nextPrime := nextPrime + 1;
           if nextPrime > MAX_NUMBER then thisPrime := 0
           else begin
               if prime( ( thisPrime * nextPrime ) + 2 ) then begin
                   % have another neighbour prime %
                   writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, " ", thisPrime );
                   pCount := pCount + 1
               end if_prime__thisPrime_x_nextPrime_plus_2 ;
               thisPrime := nextPrime
           end if_nextPrime_gt_MAX_NUMBER__
       end while_thisPrime_gt_0 ;
       write( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "Found ", pCount, " neighbour primes up to 500" )


 3 5 7 13 19 67 149 179 229 239 241 269 277 307 313 397 401 419 439 487
Found 20 neighbour primes up to 500


This task uses Extensible Prime Generator (F#) <lang fsharp> // Nigel Galloway. April 13th., 2021 primes32()|>Seq.pairwise|>Seq.takeWhile(fun(n,_)->n<500)|>Seq.filter(fun(n,g)->isPrime(n*g+2))|>Seq.iter(fun(n,g)->printfn "%d*%d=%d" n g (n*g+2)) </lang>

Real: 00:00:00.029


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-02-05

<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel math math.primes ;

"p q p*q+2" print 2 3 [ over 500 < ] [

   2dup * 2 + dup prime?
   [ 3dup "%-4d %-4d %-6d\n" printf ] when
   drop nip dup next-prime

] while 2drop</lang>

p    q    p*q+2
3    5    17    
5    7    37    
7    11   79    
13   17   223   
19   23   439   
67   71   4759  
149  151  22501 
179  181  32401 
229  233  53359 
239  241  57601 
241  251  60493 
269  271  72901 
277  281  77839 
307  311  95479 
313  317  99223 
397  401  159199
401  409  164011
419  421  176401
439  443  194479
487  491  239119


Translation of: PARI/GP

<lang fermat>for i = 1 to 95 do if Isprime(2+Prime(i)*Prime(i+1)) then !!Prime(i) fi od</lang>


<lang freebasic>#include "isprime.bas"

dim as uinteger q

print "p q pq+2" print "--------------------------------" for p as uinteger = 2 to 499

    if not isprime(p) then continue for
    q = p + 1
    while not isprime(q)
    if not isprime( 2 + p*q ) then continue for
    print p,q,2+p*q

next p</lang>

p             q             pq+2
3             5             17
5             7             37
7             11            79
13            17            223
19            23            439
67            71            4759
149           151           22501
179           181           32401
229           233           53359
239           241           57601
241           251           60493
269           271           72901
277           281           77839
307           311           95479
313           317           99223
397           401           159199
401           409           164011
419           421           176401
439           443           194479
487           491           239119


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   primes := rcu.Primes(504)
   var nprimes []int
   fmt.Println("Neighbour primes < 500:")
   for i := 0; i < len(primes)-1; i++ {
       p := primes[i]*primes[i+1] + 2
       if rcu.IsPrime(p) {
           nprimes = append(nprimes, primes[i])
   rcu.PrintTable(nprimes, 10, 3, false)
   fmt.Println("\nFound", len(nprimes), "such primes.")


Neighbour primes < 500:
  3   5   7  13  19  67 149 179 229 239 
241 269 277 307 313 397 401 419 439 487 

Found 20 such primes.


<lang julia>using Primes

isneiprime(known) = isprime(known) && isprime(known * nextprime(known + 1) + 2) println(filter(isneiprime, primes(500)))


[3, 5, 7, 13, 19, 67, 149, 179, 229, 239, 241, 269, 277, 307, 313, 397, 401, 419, 439, 487]


Cheats a little in the sense that it requires knowing the 95th prime is 499 beforehand. <lang parigp>for(i=1, 95, if(isprime(2+prime(i)*prime(i+1)),print(prime(i))))</lang>


function np(integer p) return is_prime(get_prime(p)*get_prime(p+1)+2) end function
constant N = length(get_primes_le(500))
sequence res = apply(apply(filter(tagset(N),np),get_prime),sprint)
printf(1,"Found %d such primes: %s\n",{length(res),join(shorten(res,"",5),", ")})
Found 20 such primes: 3, 5, 7, 13, 19, ..., 397, 401, 419, 439, 487


<lang perl6>my @primes = grep &is-prime, ^Inf; my $last_p = @primes.first: :k, * >= 500; my $last_q = $last_p + 1;

my @cousins = @primes.head( $last_q )

                    .rotor( 2 => -1 )
                    .map(-> (\p, \q) { p, q, p*q+2 } )
                    .grep( *.[2].is-prime );

say .fmt('%6d') for @cousins;</lang>

     3      5     17
     5      7     37
     7     11     79
    13     17    223
    19     23    439
    67     71   4759
   149    151  22501
   179    181  32401
   229    233  53359
   239    241  57601
   241    251  60493
   269    271  72901
   277    281  77839
   307    311  95479
   313    317  99223
   397    401 159199
   401    409 164011
   419    421 176401
   439    443 194479
   487    491 239119


<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds neighbor primes: P, Q, P*Q+2 are primes, and P < some specified N.*/ parse arg hi cols . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if hi== | hi=="," then hi= 500 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if cols== | cols=="," then cols= 10 /* " " " " " " */ call genP hi+50 /*build semaphore array for low primes.*/

    do p=1  while @.p<hi
    end  /*p*/;           lim= p-1;   q= p+1    /*set LIM to prime for P; calc. 2nd HI.*/

call genP @.p * @.q + 2 /*build semaphore array for high primes*/ w= 10 /*width of a number in any column. */

              @neig= ' neighbor primes:  p, q, p*q+2  are primes,  and p  < '  commas(hi)

if cols>0 then say ' index │'center(@neig, 1 + cols*(w+1) ) if cols>0 then say '───────┼'center("" , 1 + cols*(w+1), '─') Nprimes= 0; idx= 1 /*initialize # neighbor primes & index.*/ $= /*a list of neighbor primes (so far).*/

    do j=1  to  lim;      jp= j+1;   q=    /*look for neighbor primes within range*/
    x= @.j * q  +  2;     if \!.x  then iterate /*is X also a prime?  No, then skip it.*/
    Nprimes= Nprimes + 1                        /*bump the number of  neighbor primes. */
    if cols==0            then iterate          /*Build the list  (to be shown later)? */
    $= $ right( commas(@.j), w)                 /*add neighbor prime ──► the  $  list. */
    if Nprimes//cols\==0  then iterate          /*have we populated a line of output?  */
    say center(idx, 7)'│'  substr($, 2);   $=   /*display what we have so far  (cols). */
    idx= idx + cols                             /*bump the  index  count for the output*/
    end   /*j*/

if $\== then say center(idx, 7)"│" substr($, 2) /*possible display residual output.*/ if cols>0 then say '───────┴'center("" , 1 + cols*(w+1), '─') say say 'Found ' commas(Nprimes) @neig exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ? /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ genP: !.= 0; parse arg limit /*placeholders for primes (semaphores).*/

     @.1=2;  @.2=3;  @.3=5;  @.4=7;  @.5=11     /*define some low primes.              */
     !.2=1;  !.3=1;  !.5=1;  !.7=1;  !.11=1     /*   "     "   "    "     flags.       */
                       #=5;     s.#= @.# **2    /*number of primes so far;     prime². */
                                                /* [↓]  generate more  primes  ≤  high.*/
       do j=@.#+2  by 2  to limit               /*find odd primes from here on.        */
       parse var j  -1 _; if     _==5  then iterate  /*J divisible by 5?  (right dig)*/
                            if j// 3==0  then iterate  /*"     "      " 3?             */
                            if j// 7==0  then iterate  /*"     "      " 7?             */
                                                /* [↑]  the above  3  lines saves time.*/
              do k=5  while s.k<=j              /* [↓]  divide by the known odd primes.*/
              if j // @.k == 0  then iterate j  /*Is  J ÷ X?  Then not prime.     ___  */
              end   /*k*/                       /* [↑]  only process numbers  ≤  √ J   */
       #= #+1;    @.#= j;    s.#= j*j;   !.j= 1 /*bump # of Ps; assign next P;  P²; P# */
       end          /*j*/;   return</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
 index │                           neighbor primes:  p, q, p*q+2  are primes,  and p  <  500
   1   │          3          5          7         13         19         67        149        179        229        239
  11   │        241        269        277        307        313        397        401        419        439        487

Found  20  neighbor primes:  p, q, p*q+2  are primes,  and p  <  500


<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring" see "working..." + nl see "Neighbour primes are:" + nl see "p q p*q+2" + nl

row = 0 num = 0 pr = 0 limit = 100 Primes = []

while true

   pr = pr + 1
   if isprime(pr)
      num = num + 1
      if num = limit 


for n = 1 to limit-1

   prim = Primes[n]*Primes[n+1]+2
   if isprime(prim)
      row = row + 1
      see "" + Primes[n] + " " + Primes[n+1] + " " + prim + nl


see "Found " + row + " neighbour primes" + nl see "done..." + nl </lang>

Neighbour primes are:
p q p*q+2
3 5 17
5 7 37
7 11 79
13 17 223
19 23 439
67 71 4759
149 151 22501
179 181 32401
229 233 53359
239 241 57601
241 251 60493
269 271 72901
277 281 77839
307 311 95479
313 317 99223
397 401 159199
401 409 164011
419 421 176401
439 443 194479
487 491 239119
Found 20 neighbour primes


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-seq
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int import "/seq" for Lst import "/fmt" for Fmt

var primes = Int.primeSieve(504) var nprimes = [] System.print("Neighbour primes < 500:") for (i in 0...primes.count-1) {

   var p = primes[i] * primes[i+1] + 2
   if (Int.isPrime(p)) nprimes.add(primes[i])

} for (chunk in Lst.chunks(nprimes, 10)) Fmt.print("$3d", chunk) System.print("\nFound %(nprimes.count) such primes.")</lang>

Neighbour primes < 500:
  3   5   7  13  19  67 149 179 229 239
241 269 277 307 313 397 401 419 439 487

Found 20 such primes.