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This code generates a fully playable 3-ocatave piano keyboard with Middle C on the eighth white key.
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
output file "FB Piano Keyboard"
include "Tlbx AudioToolbox.incl"
_window = 1
begin enum output 1
end enum
begin enum output
_kMidiMessageControlChange = 0xB
_kMidiMessageProgramChange = 0xC
_kMidiMessageBankMSBControl = 0
_kMidiMessageBankLSBControl = 32
_kMidiMessageNoteOn = 0x9
end enum
AudioUnit synthUnit;
AUGraph graph;
void local fn PlayNote( noteNum as UInt32 )
UInt8 midiChannelInUse = 0;
MusicDeviceMIDIEvent( synthUnit, kMidiMessageControlChange << 4 | midiChannelInUse, kMidiMessageBankMSBControl, 0, 0 ); //2022-Jan-04 Brian
MusicDeviceMIDIEvent( synthUnit, kMidiMessageProgramChange << 4 | midiChannelInUse, 0, 0, 0 );
AUGraphStart( graph );
UInt32 onVelocity = 127;
UInt32 noteOnCommand = kMidiMessageNoteOn << 4 | midiChannelInUse; //2022-Jan-04 Brian
MusicDeviceMIDIEvent( synthUnit, noteOnCommand, noteNum, onVelocity, 0 );
usleep ( 1 * 500 * 600 ); // 0.6 second sleep
MusicDeviceMIDIEvent( synthUnit, noteOnCommand, noteNum, 0, 0);
end fn
void local fn InitializeSynth
AUNode synthNode, limiterNode, outNode;
AudioComponentDescription cd;
graph = 0;
synthUnit = 0;
cd.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
cd.componentFlags = 0;
cd.componentFlagsMask = 0;
NewAUGraph (&graph);
cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice;
cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth;
AUGraphAddNode (graph, &cd, &synthNode);
cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect;
cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_PeakLimiter;
AUGraphAddNode (graph, &cd, &limiterNode);
cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput;
AUGraphAddNode (graph, &cd, &outNode);
AUGraphOpen (graph);
AUGraphConnectNodeInput (graph, synthNode, 0, limiterNode, 0);
AUGraphConnectNodeInput (graph, limiterNode, 0, outNode, 0);
AUGraphNodeInfo ( graph, synthNode, 0, &synthUnit );
AUGraphInitialize (graph);
end fn
local fn CreateKeyImage
CGRect r = {0,0,28,162}
ImageRef image = fn ImageWithSize( fn CGSizeMake( 28.0, 162.0 ) )
ImageLockFocus( image )
BezierPathFillRect( r, fn ColorBlack )
ImageUnlockFocus( image )
ImageSetName( image, @"KeyImage" )
end fn
void local fn BuildWindow
NSInteger i, count
NSInteger wndStyleMask = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled
wndStyleMask += NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
wndStyleMask += NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
CGRect r = {0,0,850,340}
window _window, @"FB Piano Keyboard", r, wndStyleMask
WindowSetBackgroundColor( _window, fn ColorWithRGB( 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 1.0 ) )
// White keys
r = fn CGRectMake( 30, 30, 38, 250 )
for i = _whiteKey01 to _whiteKey22
button i,,,@"", r, NSButtonTypeMomentaryLight, NSBezelStyleTexturedSquare, _window
CALayerRef layer = fn CALayerInit
CALayerSetBackgroundColor( layer, fn ColorWithRGB( 0.800, 0.800, 0.800, 1.0 ) )
ViewSetWantsLayer( i, YES )
ViewSetLayer( i, layer )
r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 36, 0 )
// Black keys
r = fn CGRectMake( 52, 110, 28, 169 )
for i = _blackKey23 to _blackKey37
button i,,,@"", r, NSButtonTypeMomentaryLight, NSBezelStyleShadowlessSquare, _window
ButtonSetImageNamed( i, @"KeyImage" )
if ( i == 24 ) or ( i == 27 ) or ( i == 29 ) or ( i == 32 ) or ( i == 34 )
r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 72, 0 )
r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 36, 0 )
end if
r = fn CGRectMake( 30, 290, 240, 24 )
textfield _infoField,,,r, _window
TextFieldSetEditable( _infoField, NO )
TextFieldSetSelectable( _infoField, NO )
TextFieldSetDrawsBackground( _infoField, NO )
TextFieldSetBordered( _infoField, NO )
CFStringRef s = @"C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C"
CFArrayRef a = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( s, @"," )
r = fn CGRectMake( 30, 10, 38, 19 )
count = 0
for i = _note01 to _note22
textfield i,, fn ArrayObjectAtIndex( a, count ), r, _window
TextFieldSetDrawsBackground( i, NO )
TextFieldSetBordered( i, NO )
TextFieldSetEditable( i, NO )
TextFieldSetSelectable( i, NO )
TextSetAlignment( i, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
TextSetFontWithName( i, @"Menlo", 14.0 )
r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 36, 0 )
end fn
local fn DoDialog( ev as NSUInteger, tag as NSUInteger, wnd as NSUInteger )
select (ev)
case _btnClick
select (tag)
case 1 : fn PlayNote( 53 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C, Note 53, White key No. 1" )
case 2 : fn PlayNote( 55 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"D, Note 55, White key No. 2" )
case 3 : fn PlayNote( 57 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"E, Note 57, White key No. 3" )
case 4 : fn PlayNote( 58 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"F, Note 58, White key No. 4" )
case 5 : fn PlayNote( 60 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"G, Note 60, White key No. 5" )
case 6 : fn PlayNote( 62 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"A, Note 62, White key No. 6" )
case 7 : fn PlayNote( 64 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"B, Note 64, White key No. 7" )
case 8 : fn PlayNote( 65 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C, Note 65, White key No. 8" )
case 9 : fn PlayNote( 67 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"D, Note 67, White key No. 9" )
case 10 : fn PlayNote( 69 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"E, Note 69, White key No. 10" )
case 11 : fn PlayNote( 70 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"F, Note 70, White key No. 11" )
case 12 : fn PlayNote( 72 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"G, Note 72, White key No. 12" )
case 13 : fn PlayNote( 74 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"A, Note 74, White key No. 13" )
case 14 : fn PlayNote( 76 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"B, Note 76, White key No. 14" )
case 15 : fn PlayNote( 77 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C, Note 77, White key No. 15" )
case 16 : fn PlayNote( 79 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"D, Note 79, White key No. 16" )
case 17 : fn PlayNote( 81 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"E, Note 81, White key No. 17" )
case 18 : fn PlayNote( 82 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"F, Note 82, White key No. 18" )
case 19 : fn PlayNote( 84 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"G, Note 84, White key No. 19" )
case 20 : fn PlayNote( 86 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"A, Note 86, White key No. 20" )
case 21 : fn PlayNote( 88 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"B, Note 88, White key No. 21" )
case 22 : fn PlayNote( 89 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C, Note 88, White key No. 22" )
case 23 : fn PlayNote( 54 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C#/D\u266D, Note 54, Black key No. 23" )
case 24 : fn PlayNote( 56 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"D#/E\u266D, Note 56, Black key No. 24" )
case 25 : fn PlayNote( 59 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"F#/G\u266D, Note 59, Black key No. 25" )
case 26 : fn PlayNote( 61 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"G#/A\u266D, Note 61, Black key No. 26" )
case 27 : fn PlayNote( 63 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"A#/B\u266D, Note 63, Black key No. 27" )
case 28 : fn PlayNote( 66 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C#/D\u266D, Note 66, Black key No. 28" )
case 29 : fn PlayNote( 68 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"D#/E\u266D, Note 68, Black key No. 29" )
case 30 : fn PlayNote( 71 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"F#/G\u266D, Note 71, Black key No. 30" )
case 31 : fn PlayNote( 73 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"G#/A\u266D, Note 73, Black key No. 31" )
case 32 : fn PlayNote( 75 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"A#/B\u266D, Note 75, Black key No. 32" )
case 33 : fn PlayNote( 78 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"C#/C\u266D, Note 78, Black key No. 33" )
case 34 : fn PlayNote( 80 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"D#/E\u266D, Note 80, Black key No. 34" )
case 35 : fn PlayNote( 83 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"F#/G\u266D, Note 83, Black key No. 35" )
case 36 : fn PlayNote( 85 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"G#/A\u266D, Note 85, Black key No. 36" )
case 37 : fn PlayNote( 87 ) : ControlSetStringValue( _infoField, @"A#/B\u266D, Note 87, Black key No. 37" )
end select
case _windowWillClose : end
end select
end fn
void local fn DoAppEvent( ev as long )
select (ev)
case _appWillFinishLaunching
fn InitializeSynth
fn CreateKeyImage
fn BuildWindow
end select
end fn
on appevent fn DoAppEvent
on dialog fn DoDialog
[[File:FB Piano Keyboard.png]]
