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It's not clear, though, why anyone would think that this is any better than lookups against an unmodified symbol table.
It's not clear, though, why anyone would think that this is any better than lookups against an unmodified symbol table.
{{works with|Java|1.5+}}
<lang java5>import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class MTF{
public static List<Integer> encode(String msg, String symTable){
List<Integer> output = new LinkedList<Integer>();
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(symTable);
for(char c : msg.toCharArray()){
int idx = s.indexOf("" + c);
s = s.deleteCharAt(idx).insert(0, c);
return output;
public static String decode(List<Integer> idxs, String symTable){
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(symTable);
for(int idx : idxs){
char c = s.charAt(idx);
output = output.append(c);
s = s.deleteCharAt(idx).insert(0, c);
return output.toString();
private static void test(String toEncode, String symTable){
List<Integer> encoded = encode(toEncode, symTable);
System.out.println(toEncode + ": " + encoded);
String decoded = decode(encoded, symTable);
System.out.println((toEncode.equals(decoded) ? "correctly " : "incorrectly") + "decoded to " + decoded);
public static void main(String[] args){
String symTable = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
test("broood", symTable);
test("bananaaa", symTable);
test("hiphophiphop", symTable);
<pre>broood: [1, 17, 15, 0, 0, 5]
correctly decoded to broood
bananaaa: [1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
correctly decoded to bananaaa
hiphophiphop: [7, 8, 15, 2, 15, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2]
correctly decoded to hiphophiphop</pre>
<lang pli>*process source attributes xref or(!);
<lang pli>*process source attributes xref or(!);

Revision as of 19:02, 27 May 2014

Move-to-front algorithm
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given a symbol table of a zero-indexed array of all possible input symbols this algorithm reversibly transforms a sequence of input symbols into an array of output numbers (indices).
The transform in many cases acts to give frequently repeated input symbols lower indices which is useful in some compression algorithms.

Encoding algorithm
    for each symbol of the input sequence:
        output the index of the symbol in the symbol table
        move that symbol to the front of the symbol table
Decoding algorithm
    # Using the same starting symbol table
    for each index of the input sequence:
        output the symbol at that index of the symbol table
        move that symbol to the front of the symbol table

Encoding the string of character symbols 'broood' using a symbol table of the characters 'a'-to-'z'

Input Output SymbolTable
broood 1 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
broood 1 17 'bacdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
broood 1 17 15 'rbacdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz'
broood 1 17 15 0 'orbacdefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz'
broood 1 17 15 0 0 'orbacdefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz'
broood 1 17 15 0 0 5 'orbacdefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz'

Decoding the indices back to the original symbol order:

Input Output SymbolTable
1 17 15 0 0 5 b 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
1 17 15 0 0 5 br 'bacdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
1 17 15 0 0 5 bro 'rbacdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz'
1 17 15 0 0 5 broo 'orbacdefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz'
1 17 15 0 0 5 brooo 'orbacdefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz'
1 17 15 0 0 5 broood 'orbacdefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz'
  • Encode and decode the following three strings of characters using the symbol table of the

characters 'a'-to-'z' as above.

  • Show the strings and their encoding here.
  • Add a check to ensure that the decoded string is the same as the original.

The strings are: 'broood', 'bananaaa', and 'hiphophiphop'. (Note the spellings).


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Move_To_Front is

  subtype Lower_Case is Character range 'a' .. 'z';
  subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 25;
  type Table is array (Index) of Lower_Case;
  Alphabet: constant Table := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  type Number_String is array(Positive range <>) of Natural;
  function Encode(S: String) return Number_String is
     Key: Table := Alphabet;
     function Encode(S: String; Tab: in out Table) return Number_String is

procedure Look_Up(A: in out Table; Ch: Lower_Case; Pos: out Index) is begin for I in A'Range loop if A(I) = Ch then Pos := I; A := A(Pos) & A(A'First .. Pos-1) & A(Pos+1 .. A'Last); return; end if; end loop; raise Program_Error with "unknown character"; end Look_Up;

Empty: Number_String(1 .. 0); Result: Natural;


if S'Length = 0 then return Empty; else Look_Up(Tab, S(S'First), Result); return Result & Encode(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last), Tab); end if;

     end Encode;
     return Encode(S, Key);
  end Encode;
  function Decode(N: Number_String) return String is
     Key: Table := Alphabet;
     function Decode(N: Number_String; Tab: in out Table) return String is

procedure Look_Up(A: in out Table; Pos: Index; Ch: out Lower_Case) is begin Ch := A(Pos); A := A(Pos) & A(A'First .. Pos-1) & A(Pos+1 .. A'Last); end Look_Up;

Result: String(N'Range);


for I in N'Range loop Look_Up(Tab, N(I), Result(I)); end loop; return Result;

     end Decode;
     return Decode(N, Key);
  end Decode;
  procedure Encode_Write_Check(S: String) is
     N: Number_String := Encode(S);
     T: String := Decode(N);
     Check: String := (if S=T then "Correct!" else "*WRONG*!");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put("'" & S & "' encodes to");
     for Num of N loop


     end loop;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(". This decodes to '" & T & "'. " & Check);
  end Encode_Write_Check;



end Move_To_Front;</lang>

'broood' encodes to 1 17 15 0 0 5. This decodes to 'broood'. Correct!
'bananaaa' encodes to 1 1 13 1 1 1 0 0. This decodes to 'bananaaa'. Correct!
'hiphophiphop' encodes to 7 8 15 2 15 2 2 3 2 2 3 2. This decodes to 'hiphophiphop'. Correct!


Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 2.8.win32

<lang algol68># move the character at text pos to the front of text #

  1. note text pos is based from 0 #

PROC move to front = ( STRING text, INT text pos )STRING:

   IF text pos < 1
       # the character is already at the front (or not in the string)        #
       # the character isn't already at the front - construct the new string #
       INT    char pos = LWB text + text pos;
       ( text[ char pos     : char pos     ]
       + text[              : char pos - 1 ]
       + text[ char pos + 1 :              ]

  1. encode the string "text", using "initial table" as the starting symbol table#

PROC encode = ( STRING text, STRING initial table )[]INT: BEGIN

   [ 1 : ( UPB text - LWB text ) + 1 ]INT result;
   STRING symbol table := initial table;
   FOR text pos FROM LWB text TO UPB text
       INT    symbol pos := 0;
       result[ text pos ]
           := IF char in string( text[ text pos ], symbol pos, symbol table )
                  # the character is in the symbol table at symbol pos       #
                  # (indexed from LWB text) - we store the positions         #
                  # indexed from 0                                           #
                  symbol pos - LWB text
                  # the character isn't in the symbol table                  #
       # modify the symbol table so the latest character is at the front     #
       symbol table := move to front( symbol table, result[ text pos ] )

END; # encode #

  1. decode "encoded", using "initial table" as the starting symbol table #

PROC decode = ( []INT encoded, STRING initial table )STRING: BEGIN

   STRING result       := "";
   STRING symbol table := initial table;
   FOR text pos FROM LWB encoded TO UPB encoded
          +:= IF encoded[ text pos ] < 0
                  # the encoded character wasn't in the string               #
                 # the character is in the symbol table                      #
                 symbol table[ encoded[ text pos ] + LWB symbol table ]
       # modify the symbol table so the latest character is at the front     #
       symbol table := move to front( symbol table, encoded[ text pos ] )

END; # decode #

  1. routine to test the encode and decode routines #

PROC test encode and decode = ( STRING text )VOID: BEGIN

   # initial value for the symbol table                                      #
   []CHAR initial table = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
   # procedure to format the encoded value                                   #
   PROC format encoded value = ( []INT values )STRING:
       STRING result := "";
       FOR value pos FROM LWB values TO UPB values
           result +:= ( " " + whole( values[ value pos ], 0 ) )
   END; # format encoded value #
   []INT  encoded = encode( text,    initial table );
   STRING decoded = decode( encoded, initial table );
   print( ( ( text
            + " encodes to ["
            + format encoded value( encoded )
            + " ] which "
            + IF text = decoded
            + " decodes to """
            + decoded
            + """"
          , newline

END; # test encode and decode #

main: (

    test encode and decode( "broood" )
 ;  test encode and decode( "bananaaa" )
 ;  test encode and decode( "hiphophiphop" )
  1. ; test encode and decode( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ) #
  2. ; test encode and decode( "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" ) #


broood encodes to [ 1 17 15 0 0 5 ] which correctly decodes to "broood"
bananaaa encodes to [ 1 1 13 1 1 1 0 0 ] which correctly decodes to "bananaaa"
hiphophiphop encodes to [ 7 8 15 2 15 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 ] which correctly decodes to "hiphophiphop"


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.ascii, std.algorithm;

ptrdiff_t[] mtfEncoder(in string data) pure nothrow @safe in {

   assert(data.countchars("a-z") == data.length);

} out(result) {

   assert(result.length == data.length);
   assert(result.all!(e => e >= 0 && e < lowercase.length));

} body {

   ubyte[lowercase.length] order = lowercase.representation;
   auto encoded = new typeof(return)(data.length);
   size_t i = 0;
   foreach (immutable b; data) {
       immutable j = encoded[i++] = order[].countUntil(b);
       bringToFront(order[0 .. j], order[j .. j + 1]);
   return encoded;


string mtfDecoder(in ptrdiff_t[] encoded) pure nothrow @safe in {

   assert(encoded.all!(e => e >= 0 && e < lowercase.length));

} out(result) {

   assert(result.length == encoded.length);
   assert(result.countchars("a-z") == result.length);

} body {

   ubyte[lowercase.length] order = lowercase.representation;
   auto decoded = new char[encoded.length];
   size_t i = 0;
   foreach (immutable code; encoded) {
       decoded[i++] = order[code];
       bringToFront(order[0 .. code], order[code .. code + 1]);
   return decoded;


void main() {

   foreach (immutable word; ["broood", "bananaaa", "hiphophiphop"]) {
       immutable encoded = word.mtfEncoder;
       immutable decoded = encoded.mtfDecoder;
       writefln("'%s' encodes to %s, which decodes back to '%s'",
                word, encoded, decoded);
       assert(word == decoded);


'broood' encodes to [1, 17, 15, 0, 0, 5], which decodes back to 'broood'
'bananaaa' encodes to [1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], which decodes back to 'bananaaa'
'hiphophiphop' encodes to [7, 8, 15, 2, 15, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2], which decodes back to 'hiphophiphop'


Translation of: Python

<lang go>package main

import (



type moveToFront string

func (symbols moveToFront) encode(s string) []int {

   seq := make([]int, len(s))
   pad := []byte(symbols)
   c1 := []byte{0}
   for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
       c := s[i]
       c1[0] = c
       x := bytes.Index(pad, c1)
       seq[i] = x
       copy(pad[1:], pad[:x])
       pad[0] = c
   return seq

} func (symbols moveToFront) decode(seq []int) string {

   chars := make([]byte, len(seq))
   pad := []byte(symbols)
   for i, x := range seq {
       c := pad[x]
       chars[i] = c
       copy(pad[1:], pad[:x])
       pad[0] = c
   return string(chars)


func main() {

   m := moveToFront("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
   for _, s := range []string{"broood", "bananaaa", "hiphophiphop"} {
       enc := m.encode(s)
       dec := m.decode(enc)
       fmt.Println(s, enc, dec)
       if dec != s {


broood [1 17 15 0 0 5] broood
bananaaa [1 1 13 1 1 1 0 0] bananaaa
hiphophiphop [7 8 15 2 15 2 2 3 2 2 3 2] hiphophiphop

Icon and Unicon

Works in both languages: <lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   every writes(s := !A, " -> [") do {
       every writes(!(enc := encode(&lcase,s))," ")
       writes("] -> ",s2 := decode(&lcase,enc))
       write((s == s2, " (Correct)") | " (Incorrect)")


procedure encode(m,s)

   enc := []
   every c := !s do {
       m ?:= reorder(tab(i := upto(c)),move(1),tab(0))
       put(enc,i-1)   # Strings are 1-based
   return enc


procedure decode(m,enc)

   dec := ""
   every i := 1 + !enc do {	# Lists are 1-based
       dec ||:= m[i]
       m ?:= reorder(tab(i),move(1),tab(0))
   return dec


procedure reorder(s1,s2,s3)

   return s2||s1||s3


Sample run:

->mtfa broood bananaaa hiphophiphop
broood -> [1 17 15 0 0 5 ] -> broood (Correct)
bananaaa -> [1 1 13 1 1 1 0 0 ] -> bananaaa (Correct)
hiphophiphop -> [7 8 15 2 15 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 ] -> hiphophiphop (Correct)


<lang J>spindizzy=:3 :0

 'seq table'=. y
 orig=. table
 for_sym. seq do.
   ndx=.ndx,table i.sym
   table=. sym,table-.sym
 assert. seq-:yzzidnips ndx;orig


yzzidnips=:3 :0

 'ndx table'=. y
 for_n. ndx do.
   seq=.seq,sym=. n{table
   table=. sym,table-.sym


Required examples:

<lang J> spindizzy 'broood';'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 1 17 15 0 0 5

  spindizzy 'bananaaa';'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

1 1 13 1 1 1 0 0

  spindizzy 'hiphophiphop';'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

7 8 15 2 15 2 2 3 2 2 3 2</lang>

It's not clear, though, why anyone would think that this is any better than lookups against an unmodified symbol table.


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List;

public class MTF{ public static List<Integer> encode(String msg, String symTable){ List<Integer> output = new LinkedList<Integer>(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(symTable); for(char c : msg.toCharArray()){ int idx = s.indexOf("" + c); output.add(idx); s = s.deleteCharAt(idx).insert(0, c); } return output; }

public static String decode(List<Integer> idxs, String symTable){ StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(symTable); for(int idx : idxs){ char c = s.charAt(idx); output = output.append(c); s = s.deleteCharAt(idx).insert(0, c); } return output.toString(); }

private static void test(String toEncode, String symTable){ List<Integer> encoded = encode(toEncode, symTable); System.out.println(toEncode + ": " + encoded); String decoded = decode(encoded, symTable); System.out.println((toEncode.equals(decoded) ? "correctly " : "incorrectly") + "decoded to " + decoded); }

public static void main(String[] args){ String symTable = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; test("broood", symTable); test("bananaaa", symTable); test("hiphophiphop", symTable); } }</lang>

broood: [1, 17, 15, 0, 0, 5]
correctly decoded to broood
bananaaa: [1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
correctly decoded to bananaaa
hiphophiphop: [7, 8, 15, 2, 15, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2]
correctly decoded to hiphophiphop


<lang pli>*process source attributes xref or(!);

* 25.5.2014 Walter Pachl translated from REXX
ed: Proc Options(main);
Call enc_dec('broood');
Call enc_dec('bananaaa');
Call enc_dec('hiphophiphop');
enc_dec: Proc(in);
Dcl in  Char(*);
Dcl out Char(20) Var Init();
Dcl st Char(26) Init('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
Dcl sta Char(26) Init((st));
Dcl enc(20) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl encn Bin Fixed(31) Init(0);
Dcl (i,p.k) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl c       Char(1);
Do i=1 To length(in);
Put Skip List(' in='!!in);
Put Skip List('sta='!!sta!!' original symbol table');
Put Skip Edit('enc=',(enc(i) do i=1 To encn))(a,20(F(3)));
Put Skip List(' st='!!st!!' symbol table after encoding');
Do i=1 To encn;
Put Skip List('out='!!out);
Put Skip List(' ');
If out=in Then;
  Put Skip List('all wrong!!');
sta=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz original symbol table
enc=  1 17 15  0  0  5
 st=dorbacefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz symbol table after encoding

sta=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz original symbol table
enc=  1  1 13  1  1  1  0  0
 st=anbcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz symbol table after encoding

sta=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz original symbol table
enc=  7  8 15  2 15  2  2  3  2  2  3  2
 st=pohiabcdefgjklmnqrstuvwxyz symbol table after encoding


Python: Procedural

<lang python>from __future__ import print_function from string import ascii_lowercase

SYMBOLTABLE = list(ascii_lowercase)

def move2front_encode(strng, symboltable):

   sequence, pad = [], symboltable[::]
   for char in strng:
       indx = pad.index(char)
       pad = [pad.pop(indx)] + pad
   return sequence

def move2front_decode(sequence, symboltable):

   chars, pad = [], symboltable[::]
   for indx in sequence:
       char = pad[indx]
       pad = [pad.pop(indx)] + pad
   return .join(chars)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   for s in ['broood', 'bananaaa', 'hiphophiphop']:
       encode = move2front_encode(s, SYMBOLTABLE)
       print('%14r encodes to %r' % (s, encode), end=', ')
       decode = move2front_decode(encode, SYMBOLTABLE)
       print('which decodes back to %r' % decode)
       assert s == decode, 'Whoops!'</lang>
      'broood' encodes to [1, 17, 15, 0, 0, 5], which decodes back to 'broood'
    'bananaaa' encodes to [1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], which decodes back to 'bananaaa'
'hiphophiphop' encodes to [7, 8, 15, 2, 15, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2], which decodes back to 'hiphophiphop'

Python: Functional

From the procedural version note that through the encoding or decoding loops both the final output is accumulated as well as the symbol table being rearranged.
For the functional forms a 2-item list of output to be accumulated and symboltable manipulation is calculated then only the former accumulated as the later works to transform the symbol table in-place.

<lang python>def m2f_e(s, st):

   return [[st.index(ch), st.insert(0, st.pop(st.index(ch)))][0] for ch in s]

def m2f_d(sq, st):

   return .join([st[i], st.insert(0, st.pop(i))][0] for i in sq)

ST = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for s in ['broood', 'bananaaa', 'hiphophiphop']:

   encode = m2f_e(s, ST[::])
   print('%14r encodes to %r' % (s, encode), end=', ')
   decode = m2f_d(encode, ST[::])
   print('decodes back to %r' % decode)
   assert s == decode, 'Whoops!'</lang>

Similar to that of the procedural version above.


<lang rexx>/* REXX ***************************************************************

  • 25.05.2014 Walter Pachl
  • REXX strings start with position 1
                                                                                                                                            • /

Call enc_dec 'broood' Call enc_dec 'bananaaa' Call enc_dec 'hiphophiphop' Exit enc_dec: Procedure Parse Arg in st='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' sta=st /* remember this for decoding */ enc= Do i=1 To length(in)

 enc=enc (p-1)

Say ' in='in Say 'sta='sta 'original symbol table' Say 'enc='enc Say ' st='st 'symbol table after encoding' out= Do i=1 To words(enc)


Say 'out='out Say ' ' If out==in Then Nop Else

 Say 'all wrong!!'

Return </lang>

sta=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz original symbol table
enc= 1 17 15 0 0 5
 st=dorbacefghijklmnpqstuvwxyz symbol table after encoding

sta=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz original symbol table
enc= 1 1 13 1 1 1 0 0
 st=anbcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz symbol table after encoding

sta=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz original symbol table
enc= 7 8 15 2 15 2 2 3 2 2 3 2
 st=pohiabcdefgjklmnqrstuvwxyz symbol table after encoding


<lang zkl>fcn encode(text){ //-->List

  st:=["a".."z"].aggregate(String).walk().toData().copy();	//"abcd..z"
     n:=st.index(c); sink.write(n); st.del(n).insert(0,c); },st,sink:=L());

}</lang> String are immutable so we create a bit bucket (which is mutable) to hold the symbol table which can then be modified in place. <lang zkl>fcn decode(list){ //-->String

  st:=["a".."z"].aggregate(String).walk();	//"abcd..z"
  list.reduce('wrap(st,n){ c:=st[n]; sink.write(c); c+st.del(n); },st);

}></lang> Here, we create a new symbol table each round as we would have to convert the byte we got from the bit bucket to string (so it is a wash garbage wise). <lang zkl>texts:=T("broood","bananaaa","hiphophiphop"); out:=texts.apply(encode); texts.zipWith(fcn(t,e){ println(t,"-->",e) },out);

out.apply(decode).println(); texts.zipWith('==,out.apply(decode)).println();</lang>
