Montgomery reduction: Difference between revisions

Line 473:
<lang java>import java.math.BigInteger;
public class MontgomeryReduction {
private static final BigInteger ZERO = BigInteger.ZERO;
private static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.ONE;
private static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
public static class Montgomery {
public static final int BASE = 2;
BigInteger m;
BigInteger rrm;
int n;
public Montgomery(BigInteger m) {
if (m.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0 || !m.testBit(0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.m = m;
this.n = m.bitLength();
this.rrm = ONE.shiftLeft(n * 2).mod(m);
public BigInteger reduce(BigInteger t) {
BigInteger a = t;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (a.testBit(0)) a = a.add(this.m);
a = a.shiftRight(1);
if (a.compareTo(m) >= 0) a = a.subtract(this.m);
return a;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigInteger m = new BigInteger("750791094644726559640638407699");
BigInteger x1 = new BigInteger("540019781128412936473322405310");
BigInteger x2 = new BigInteger("515692107665463680305819378593");
Montgomery mont = new Montgomery(m);
BigInteger t1 = x1.multiply(mont.rrm);
BigInteger t2 = x2.multiply(mont.rrm);
BigInteger r1 = mont.reduce(t1);
BigInteger r2 = mont.reduce(t2);
BigInteger r = ONE.shiftLeft(mont.n);
System.out.printf("b : %s\n", Montgomery.BASE);
System.out.printf("n : %s\n", mont.n);
System.out.printf("r : %s\n", r);
System.out.printf("m : %s\n", mont.m);
System.out.printf("t1: %s\n", t1);
System.out.printf("t2: %s\n", t2);
System.out.printf("r1: %s\n", r1);
System.out.printf("r2: %s\n", r2);
System.out.printf("Original x1 : %s\n", x1);
System.out.printf("Recovered from r1 : %s\n", mont.reduce(r1));
System.out.printf("Original x2 : %s\n", x2);
System.out.printf("Recovered from r2 : %s\n", mont.reduce(r2));
System.out.println("Montgomery computation of x1 ^ x2 mod m :");
BigInteger prod = mont.reduce(mont.rrm);
BigInteger base = mont.reduce(x1.multiply(mont.rrm));
BigInteger exp = x2;
while (exp.bitLength()>0) {
if (exp.testBit(0)) prod=mont.reduce(prod.multiply(base));
exp = exp.shiftRight(1);
base = mont.reduce(base.multiply(base));
System.out.println("Library-based computation of x1 ^ x2 mod m :");
System.out.println(x1.modPow(x2, m));
<pre>b : 2
n : 100
r : 1267650600228229401496703205376
m : 750791094644726559640638407699
t1: 323165824550862327179367294465482435542970161392400401329100
t2: 308607334419945011411837686695175944083084270671482464168730
r1: 440160025148131680164261562101
r2: 435362628198191204145287283255
Original x1 : 540019781128412936473322405310
Recovered from r1 : 540019781128412936473322405310
Original x2 : 515692107665463680305819378593
Recovered from r2 : 515692107665463680305819378593
Montgomery computation of x1 ^ x2 mod m :
Library-based computation of x1 ^ x2 mod m :
