Metered concurrency: Difference between revisions

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work(i, 2000, semaphore, timer, println)
<lang scheme>
(require 'tasks) ;; tasks library
(define (task id)
(wait S) ;; acquire, p-op
(printf "task %d acquires semaphore @ %a" id (date->time-string (current-date)))
(sleep 2000)
(signal S) ;; release, v-op
(define S (make-semaphore 4)) ;; semaphore with init count 4
;; run 10 // tasks
(for ([i 10]) (task-run (make-task task i ) (random 500)))
task 1 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 6 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 4 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 7 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 8 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 9 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 0 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 3 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 2 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:07
task 1 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:07
task 6 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:07
task 5 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:08
task 7 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:09
task 4 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:09
task 9 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:10
task 8 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:10
task 0 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:11
;; etc.

Revision as of 18:30, 3 January 2016

Metered concurrency
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The goal of this task is to create a counting semaphore used to control the execution of a set of concurrent units. This task intends to demonstrate coordination of active concurrent units through the use of a passive concurrent unit. The operations for a counting semaphore are acquire, release, and count. Each active concurrent unit should attempt to acquire the counting semaphore before executing its assigned duties. In this case the active concurrent unit should report that it has acquired the semaphore. It should sleep for 2 seconds and then release the semaphore.


Works with: GNAT version GPL 2006

The interface for the counting semaphore is defined in an Ada package specification: <lang ada>package Semaphores is

  protected type Counting_Semaphore(Max : Positive) is
     entry Acquire;
     procedure Release;
     function Count return Natural;
     Lock_Count : Natural := 0;
  end Counting_Semaphore;

end Semaphores;</lang> The Acquire entry has a condition associated with it. A task can only execute the Acquire entry when Lock_Count is less than Max. This is the key to making this structure behave as a counting semaphore. This condition, and all the other aspects of Counting_Semaphore are contained in the package body. <lang ada>package body Semaphores is

  -- Counting_Semaphore --
  protected body Counting_Semaphore is
     -- Acquire --
     entry Acquire when Lock_Count < Max is
        Lock_Count := Lock_Count + 1;
     end Acquire;
     -- Count --
     function Count return Natural is
        return Lock_Count;
     end Count;
     -- Release --
     procedure Release is
        if Lock_Count > 0 then
           Lock_Count := Lock_Count - 1;
        end if;
     end Release;
  end Counting_Semaphore;

end Semaphores;</lang> We now need a set of tasks to properly call an instance of Counting_Semaphore. <lang ada>with Semaphores; with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Semaphores_Main is

  -- Create an instance of a Counting_Semaphore with Max set to 3
  Lock : Semaphores.Counting_Semaphore(3);
  -- Define a task type to interact with the Lock object declared above
  task type Worker is
     entry Start (Sleep : in Duration; Id : in Positive);
  end Worker;
  task body Worker is
     Sleep_Time : Duration;
     My_Id : Positive;
     accept Start(Sleep : in Duration; Id : in Positive) do
        My_Id := Id;
        Sleep_Time := Sleep;
     end Start;
     --Acquire the lock. The task will suspend until the Acquire call completes
     Put_Line("Task #" & Positive'Image(My_Id) & " acquired the lock.");
     -- Suspend the task for Sleep_Time seconds
     delay Sleep_Time;
     -- Release the lock. Release is unconditional and happens without suspension
  end Worker;
  -- Create an array of 5 Workers
  type Staff is array(Positive range 1..5) of Worker;
  Crew : Staff;


  for I in Crew'range loop
     Crew(I).Start(2.0, I);
  end loop;

end Semaphores_Main;</lang>


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny

<lang algol68>SEMA sem = LEVEL 1;

PROC job = (INT n)VOID: (

  printf(($" Job "d" acquired Semaphore ..."$,n));
  TO 10000000 DO SKIP OD;
  printf(($" Job "d" releasing Semaphore"l$,n))



 ( DOWN sem ; job(1) ; UP sem ) ,
 ( DOWN sem ; job(2) ; UP sem ) ,
 ( DOWN sem ; job(3) ; UP sem )

)</lang> Output:

 Job 3 acquired Semaphore ... Job 3 releasing Semaphore
 Job 1 acquired Semaphore ... Job 1 releasing Semaphore
 Job 2 acquired Semaphore ... Job 2 releasing Semaphore


In BBC BASIC concurrency can only be achieved by timer events (short of running multiple processes). <lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"TIMERLIB"

     DIM tID%(6)
     REM Two workers may be concurrent
     DIM Semaphore%(2)
     tID%(6) = FN_ontimer(11, PROCtimer6, 1)
     tID%(5) = FN_ontimer(10, PROCtimer5, 1)
     tID%(4) = FN_ontimer(11, PROCtimer4, 1)
     tID%(3) = FN_ontimer(10, PROCtimer3, 1)
     tID%(2) = FN_ontimer(11, PROCtimer2, 1)
     tID%(1) = FN_ontimer(10, PROCtimer1, 1)
     ON CLOSE PROCcleanup : QUIT
     sc% = 0
       oldsc% = sc%
       sc% = -SUM(Semaphore%())
       IF sc%<>oldsc% PRINT "Semaphore count now ";sc%
       WAIT 0
     DEF PROCtimer1 : PROCtask(1) : ENDPROC
     DEF PROCtimer2 : PROCtask(2) : ENDPROC
     DEF PROCtimer3 : PROCtask(3) : ENDPROC
     DEF PROCtimer4 : PROCtask(4) : ENDPROC
     DEF PROCtimer5 : PROCtask(5) : ENDPROC
     DEF PROCtimer6 : PROCtask(6) : ENDPROC
     DEF PROCtask(n%)
     LOCAL i%, temp%
     PRIVATE delay%(), sem%()
     DIM delay%(6), sem%(6)
     IF delay%(n%) THEN
       delay%(n%) -= 1
       IF delay%(n%) = 0 THEN
         SWAP Semaphore%(sem%(n%)),temp%
         delay%(n%) = -1
         PRINT "Task " ; n% " released semaphore"
     FOR i% = 1 TO DIM(Semaphore%(),1)
       temp% = TRUE
       SWAP Semaphore%(i%),temp%
       IF NOT temp% EXIT FOR
     IF temp% THEN ENDPROC : REM Waiting to acquire semaphore
     sem%(n%) = i%
     delay%(n%) = 200
     PRINT "Task "; n% " acquired semaphore"
     DEF PROCcleanup
     LOCAL i%
     FOR i% = 1 TO 6


Task 1 acquired semaphore
Task 2 acquired semaphore
Semaphore count now 2
Task 1 released semaphore
Task 3 acquired semaphore
Task 2 released semaphore
Task 4 acquired semaphore
Task 3 released semaphore
Task 5 acquired semaphore
Task 4 released semaphore
Task 6 acquired semaphore
Task 5 released semaphore
Semaphore count now 1
Task 6 released semaphore
Semaphore count now 0


Works with: POSIX

<lang c>#include <semaphore.h>

  1. include <pthread.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <stdio.h>
  4. include <unistd.h>

sem_t sem; int count = 3;

/* the whole point of a semaphore is that you don't count it:

* p/v are atomic.  Unless it's locked while you are doing
* something with the count, the value is only informative */
  1. define getcount() count

void acquire() { sem_wait(&sem); count--; }

void release() { count++; sem_post(&sem); }

void* work(void * id) { int i = 10; while (i--) { acquire(); printf("#%d acquired sema at %d\n", *(int*)id, getcount()); usleep(rand() % 4000000); /* sleep 2 sec on average */ release(); usleep(0); /* effectively yield */ } return 0; }

int main() { pthread_t th[4]; int i, ids[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

sem_init(&sem, 0, count);

for (i = 4; i--;) pthread_create(th + i, 0, work, ids + i); for (i = 4; i--;) pthread_join(th[i], 0); printf("all workers done\n");

return sem_destroy(&sem); }</lang>


C# has built in semaphore system where acquire is called via Wait(), release with Release() and count with semaphore.CurrentCount. <lang csharp>using System; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace RosettaCode {

 internal sealed class Program
   private static void Worker(object arg, int id)
     var sem = arg as SemaphoreSlim;
     Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} has a semaphore & is now working.", id);
     Console.WriteLine("#{0} done.", id);
   private static void Main()
     var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(Environment.ProcessorCount*2, int.MaxValue);
     Console.WriteLine("You have {0} processors availiabe", Environment.ProcessorCount);
     Console.WriteLine("This program will use {0} semaphores.\n", semaphore.CurrentCount);
     Parallel.For(0, Environment.ProcessorCount*3, y => Worker(semaphore, y));



<lang d>module meteredconcurrency ; import std.stdio ; import std.thread ; import std.c.time ;

class Semaphore {

 private int lockCnt, maxCnt ;
 this(int count) { maxCnt = lockCnt = count ;}
 void acquire() {
   if(lockCnt < 0 || maxCnt <= 0)
     throw new Exception("Negative Lock or Zero init. Lock") ;
   while(lockCnt == 0)
     Thread.getThis.yield ; // let other threads release lock
   synchronized lockCnt-- ;  
 void release() {
     if (lockCnt < maxCnt)
       lockCnt++ ;
       throw new Exception("Release lock before acquire") ;    
 int getCnt() { synchronized return lockCnt ; }


class Worker : Thread {

 private static int Id = 0 ;
 private Semaphore lock ;
 private int myId ;
 this (Semaphore l) { super() ; lock = l ; myId = Id++ ; }
 override int run() {
   lock.acquire ;  
   writefln("Worker %d got a lock(%d left).", myId, lock.getCnt) ;
   msleep(2000) ;  // wait 2.0 sec
   lock.release ; 
   writefln("Worker %d released a lock(%d left).", myId, lock.getCnt) ;
   return 0 ;


void main() {

 Worker[10] crew ;
 Semaphore lock = new Semaphore(4) ;
 foreach(inout c ; crew)
   (c = new Worker(lock)).start ;
 foreach(inout c ; crew)
   c.wait ;


Phobos with tools

Using the extension library for Phobos .. <lang d>module metered;

import tools.threads, tools.log, tools.time, tools.threadpool;

void main() {

 log_threads = false;
 auto done = new Semaphore, lock = new Semaphore(4);
 auto tp = new Threadpool(10);
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
   tp.addTask(i /apply/ (int i) {
     scope(exit) done.release;
     logln(i, ": lock acquired");
     logln(i, ": lock released");
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)



This semaphore slightly differs from the task description; the release operation is not on the semaphore itself but given out with each acquisition, and cannot be invoked too many times.

<lang e>def makeSemaphore(maximum :(int > 0)) {

   var current := 0
   def waiters := <elib:vat.makeQueue>()
   def notify() {
       while (current < maximum && waiters.hasMoreElements()) {
           current += 1
           waiters.optDequeue().resolve(def released)
           when (released) -> {
               current -= 1
   def semaphore {
       to acquire() {
           waiters.enqueue(def response)
           return response
       to count() { return current }
   return semaphore


def work(label, interval, semaphore, timer, println) {

   when (def releaser := semaphore <- acquire()) -> {
       println(`$label: I have acquired the lock.`)
           timer.whenPast( + interval, fn {
               println(`$label: I will have released the lock.`)


def semaphore := makeSemaphore(3) for i in 1..5 {

   work(i, 2000, semaphore, timer, println)



<lang scheme> (require 'tasks) ;; tasks library

(define (task id) (wait S) ;; acquire, p-op (printf "task %d acquires semaphore @ %a" id (date->time-string (current-date))) (sleep 2000) (signal S) ;; release, v-op id)

(define S (make-semaphore 4)) ;; semaphore with init count 4

run 10 // tasks

(for ([i 10]) (task-run (make-task task i ) (random 500))) </lang>

task 1 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 6 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 4 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 7 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:03
task 8 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 9 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 0 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 3 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:05
task 2 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:07
task 1 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:07
task 6 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:07
task 5 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:08
task 7 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:09
task 4 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:09
task 9 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:10
task 8 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:10
task 0 acquires semaphore @ 19:23:11
;; etc.


In this implementation the semaphore is handled as its own process. Taking advantage of erlang's receive queues, which act as a FIFO queue for 'acquire' requests. As workers come online and request the semaphore they will receive it in order. 'receive' has the effect of pausing the process until a message is matched, so there's no idle looping. <lang erlang> -module(metered). -compile(export_all).

create_semaphore(N) ->

   spawn(?MODULE, sem_loop, [N,N]).

sem_loop(0,Max) ->

   io:format("Resources exhausted~n"),
       {release, PID} ->
           PID ! released,
       {stop, _PID} ->

sem_loop(N,N) ->

       {acquire, PID} ->
           PID ! acquired,
       {stop, _PID} ->

sem_loop(N,Max) ->

       {release, PID} ->
           PID ! released,
       {acquire, PID} ->
           PID ! acquired,
       {stop, _PID} ->

release(Sem) ->

   Sem ! {release, self()},
       released ->

acquire(Sem) ->

   Sem ! {acquire, self()},
       acquired ->

start() -> create_semaphore(10).

stop(Sem) -> Sem ! {stop, self()}.

worker(P,N,Sem) ->

   io:format("Worker ~b has the acquired semaphore~n",[N]),
   timer:sleep(500 * random:uniform(4)),
   io:format("Worker ~b has released the semaphore~n",[N]),
   P ! {done, self()}.

test() ->

   Sem = start(),
   Pids = lists:map(fun (N) ->
                            spawn(?MODULE, worker, [self(),N,Sem])
                    end, lists:seq(1,20)),
   lists:foreach(fun (P) -> receive {done, P} -> ok end end, Pids),



<lang euphoria>sequence sems sems = {} constant COUNTER = 1, QUEUE = 2

function semaphore(integer n)

   if n > 0 then
       sems = append(sems,{n,{}})
       return length(sems)
       return 0
   end if

end function

procedure acquire(integer id)

   if sems[id][COUNTER] = 0 then
       sems[id][QUEUE] &= task_self()
   end if
   sems[id][COUNTER] -= 1

end procedure

procedure release(integer id)

   sems[id][COUNTER] += 1
   if length(sems[id][QUEUE])>0 then
       sems[id][QUEUE] = sems[id][QUEUE][2..$]
   end if

end procedure

function count(integer id)

   return sems[id][COUNTER]

end function

procedure delay(atom delaytime)

   atom t
   t = time()
   while time() - t < delaytime do
   end while

end procedure

integer sem

procedure worker()

       printf(1,"- Task %d acquired semaphore.\n",task_self())
   printf(1,"+ Task %d released semaphore.\n",task_self())

end procedure

integer task

sem = semaphore(4)

for i = 1 to 10 do

   task = task_create(routine_id("worker"),{})

end for

while length(task_list())>1 do


end while</lang>


- Task 1 acquired semaphore.
- Task 2 acquired semaphore.
- Task 3 acquired semaphore.
- Task 4 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 1 released semaphore.
- Task 5 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 4 released semaphore.
- Task 6 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 3 released semaphore.
- Task 7 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 2 released semaphore.
- Task 8 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 7 released semaphore.
- Task 9 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 6 released semaphore.
- Task 10 acquired semaphore.
+ Task 5 released semaphore.
+ Task 8 released semaphore.
+ Task 10 released semaphore.
+ Task 9 released semaphore.


Buffered channel

Recommended solution for simplicity. Acquire operation is channel send, release is channel receive, and count is provided with len(channel). Also WaitGroup used as a completion checkpoint. <lang go>package main

import (



// log package serializes output var fmt = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)

// library analogy per WP article const nRooms = 10 const nStudents = 20

func main() {

   // buffered channel used as a counting semaphore
   rooms := make(chan int, nRooms)
   for i := 0; i < nRooms; i++ {
       rooms <- 1
   // WaitGroup used to wait for all students to have studied
   // before terminating program
   var studied sync.WaitGroup
   // nStudents run concurrently
   for i := 0; i < nStudents; i++ {
       go student(rooms, &studied)


func student(rooms chan int, studied *sync.WaitGroup) {

   <-rooms         // acquire operation
   // report per task descrption.  also exercise count operation
   fmt.Printf("Room entered.  Count is %d.  Studying...\n",
       len(rooms)) // len function provides count operation
   time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // sleep per task description
   rooms <- 1      // release operation
   studied.Done()  // signal that student is done

}</lang> Output for this and the other Go programs here shows 10 students studying immediately, about a 2 second pause, 10 more students studying, then another pause of about 2 seconds before returning to the command prompt.


A more traditional approach implementing a counting semaphore object with sync.Cond. It has a constructor and methods for the three operations requested by the task. <lang go>package main

import (



var fmt = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)

type countSem struct {

   c    int32
   cond *sync.Cond


func newCount(n int) *countSem {

   return &countSem{int32(n), sync.NewCond(new(sync.Mutex))}


func (cs *countSem) count() int {

   return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&cs.c))


func (cs *countSem) acquire() {

   if atomic.AddInt32(&cs.c, -1) < 0 {
       atomic.AddInt32(&cs.c, 1)
       for atomic.AddInt32(&cs.c, -1) < 0 {
           atomic.AddInt32(&cs.c, 1)


func (cs *countSem) release() {

   atomic.AddInt32(&cs.c, 1)


func main() {

   librarian := newCount(10) 
   nStudents := 20
   var studied sync.WaitGroup
   for i := 0; i < nStudents; i++ {
       go student(librarian, &studied)


func student(studyRoom *countSem, studied *sync.WaitGroup) {

   fmt.Printf("Room entered.  Count is %d.  Studying...\n", studyRoom.count())
   time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)



Monitor-style solution implements counting semaphore as a monitor goroutine encapsulating the count. It implements semaphore operations with separate Go channels. <lang go>package main

import (



var fmt = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)

func main() {

   // three operations per task description
   acquire := make(chan int)
   release := make(chan int)
   count := make(chan chan int)
   // library analogy per WP article
   go librarian(acquire, release, count, 10)
   nStudents := 20
   var studied sync.WaitGroup
   for i := 0; i < nStudents; i++ {
       go student(acquire, release, count, &studied)
   // wait until all students have studied before terminating program


func librarian(a, r chan int, c chan chan int, count int) {

   p := a // acquire operation is served or not depending on count
   for {
       select {
       case <-p:       // acquire/p/wait operation
           if count == 0 {
               p = nil
       case <-r:       // release/v operation
           p = a
       case cc := <-c: // count operation
           cc <- count


func student(a, r chan int, c chan chan int, studied *sync.WaitGroup) {

   cc := make(chan int)
   a <- 0                      // acquire
   c <- cc                     // request count
   fmt.Printf("Room entered.  Count is %d.  Studying...\n", <-cc)
   time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // sleep per task description
   r <- 0                      // release
   studied.Done()              // signal done



Solution: <lang groovy>class CountingSemaphore {

   private int count = 0
   private final int max
   CountingSemaphore(int max) { this.max = max }
   synchronized int acquire() {
       while (count >= max) { wait() }
   synchronized int release() {
       if (count) { count--; notifyAll() }
   synchronized int getCount() { count }


Test: <lang groovy>def cs = new CountingSemaphore(4) (1..12).each { threadID ->

   Thread.start {
       def id = "Thread #${(threadID as String).padLeft(2,'0')}"
       try {
           def sCount = cs.acquire()
           println("${id} has acquired Semaphore at count = ${sCount}")
       } finally {
           println("${id} is releasing Semaphore at count = ${cs.count}")



Thread #03 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #07 has acquired Semaphore at count = 2
Thread #02 has acquired Semaphore at count = 1
Thread #09 has acquired Semaphore at count = 3
Thread #03 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #02 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #09 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #07 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #12 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #05 has acquired Semaphore at count = 3
Thread #06 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #08 has acquired Semaphore at count = 2
Thread #12 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #06 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #05 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #10 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #11 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #08 is releasing Semaphore at count = 3
Thread #01 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #04 has acquired Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #11 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #10 is releasing Semaphore at count = 4
Thread #04 is releasing Semaphore at count = 2
Thread #01 is releasing Semaphore at count = 2


The QSem (quantity semaphore) waitQSem and signalQSem functions are the Haskell acquire and release equivalents, and the MVar (synchronizing variable) functions are used to put the workers statuses on the main thread for printing. Note that this code is likely only compatible with GHC due to the use of "threadDelay" from Control.Concurrent.

<lang Haskell>import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad

worker :: QSem -> MVar String -> Int -> IO () worker q m n = do

   waitQSem q
   putMVar m $ "Worker " ++ show n ++ " has acquired the lock."
   threadDelay 2000000 -- microseconds!
   signalQSem q
   putMVar m $ "Worker " ++ show n ++ " has released the lock."

main :: IO () main = do

   q <- newQSem 3
   m <- newEmptyMVar
   let workers = 5
       prints  = 2 * workers
   mapM_ (forkIO . worker q m) [1..workers]
   replicateM_ prints $ takeMVar m >>= print</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Icon doesn't support concurrency. A Unicon solution is: <lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   n := integer(A[1] | 3)    # Max. number of active tasks
   m := integer(A[2] | 2)    # Number of visits by each task
   k := integer(A[3] | 5)    # Number of tasks
   sem := [: |mutex([])\n :]
   every put(threads := [], (i := 1 to k, thread
             every 1 to m do {
                write("unit ",i," ready")
                until flag := trylock(!sem)
                write("unit ",i," running")
                write("unit ",i," done")
   every wait(!threads)


Sample run:

unit 2 ready
unit 2 running
unit 1 ready
unit 1 running
unit 3 ready
unit 3 running
unit 4 ready
unit 5 ready
unit 2 done
unit 2 ready
unit 5 running
unit 1 done
unit 2 running
unit 1 ready
unit 3 done
unit 3 ready
unit 4 running
unit 5 done
unit 5 ready
unit 1 running
unit 2 done
unit 5 running
unit 4 done
unit 3 running
unit 4 ready
unit 1 done
unit 4 running
unit 5 done
unit 3 done
unit 4 done


<lang java>public class CountingSemaphore{

  private int lockCount = 0;
  private int maxCount;
  CountingSemaphore(int Max){
     maxCount = Max;
  public synchronized void acquire() throws InterruptedException{
     while( lockCount >= maxCount){
  public synchronized void release(){
     if (lockCount > 0)
  public synchronized int getCount(){
     return lockCount;


public class Worker extends Thread{

  private CountingSemaphore lock;
  private int id;
  Worker(CountingSemaphore coordinator, int num){
     lock = coordinator;
     id = num;
  public void run(){
        System.out.println("Worker " + id + " has acquired the lock.");
     catch (InterruptedException e){
  public static void main(String[] args){
     CountingSemaphore lock = new CountingSemaphore(3);
     Worker crew[];
     crew = new Worker[5];
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
        crew[i] = new Worker(lock, i);



Using Logtalk's multi-threading notifications, which use a per-object FIFO message queue, thus avoiding the need of idle-loops. Works when using SWI-Prolog, XSB, or YAP as the backend compiler. <lang logtalk>

- object(metered_concurrency).
   :- threaded.
   :- public(run/2).
   run(Workers, Max) :-
       % start the semaphore and the workers
       threaded_ignore(semaphore(Max, Max)),
           integer::between(1, Workers, Worker),
       % wait for the workers to finish
           integer::between(1, Workers, Worker),
       % tell the semaphore thread to stop
       threaded_notify(worker(stop, _)).
   :- public(run/0).
   run :-
       % default values: 7 workers, 2 concurrent workers
       run(7, 2).
   semaphore(N, Max) :-
       threaded_wait(worker(Action, Worker)),
       (   Action == acquire, N > 0 ->
           M is N - 1,
           threaded_notify(semaphore(acquired, Worker)),
           semaphore(M, Max)
       ;   Action == release ->
           M is N + 1,
           threaded_notify(semaphore(released, Worker)),
           semaphore(M, Max)
       ;   Action == stop ->
       ;   % Action == acquire, N =:= 0,
           threaded_wait(worker(release, OtherWorker)),
           threaded_notify(semaphore(released, OtherWorker)),
           threaded_notify(semaphore(acquired, Worker)),
           semaphore(N, Max)
   worker(Worker) :-
       % use a random setup time for the worker
       random::random(0.0, 2.0, Setup),
       threaded_notify(worker(acquire, Worker)),
       threaded_wait(semaphore(acquired, Worker)),
       write('Worker '), write(Worker), write(' acquired semaphore\n'),
       threaded_notify(worker(release, Worker)),
       write('Worker '), write(Worker), write(' releasing semaphore\n'),
       threaded_wait(semaphore(released, Worker)).
- end_object.

</lang> Output: <lang text> | ?- metered_concurrency::run. Worker 1 acquired semaphore Worker 6 acquired semaphore Worker 1 releasing semaphore Worker 2 acquired semaphore Worker 6 releasing semaphore Worker 5 acquired semaphore Worker 2 releasing semaphore Worker 7 acquired semaphore Worker 5 releasing semaphore Worker 3 acquired semaphore Worker 7 releasing semaphore Worker 4 acquired semaphore Worker 3 releasing semaphore Worker 4 releasing semaphore yes </lang>


Counting semaphores can be implemented in terms of mutexes (called "locks" in Oz) and dataflow variables (used as condition variables here). The mutex protects both the counter and the mutable reference to the dataflow variable. <lang oz>declare

 fun {NewSemaphore N}
    sem(max:N count:{NewCell 0} 'lock':{NewLock} sync:{NewCell _})
 proc {Acquire Sem=sem(max:N count:C 'lock':L sync:S)}
    lock L then
       if @C < N then
        C := @C + 1
        Acquired = true
        Sync = @S
        Acquired = false
    if {Not Acquired} then
       {Wait Sync}
       {Acquire Sem}
 proc {Release sem(count:C 'lock':L sync:S ...)}
    lock L then
       C := @C - 1
       @S = unit %% wake up waiting threads
       S := _ %% prepare for new waiters
 proc {WithSemaphore Sem Proc}
    {Acquire Sem}
       {Release Sem}
 S = {NewSemaphore 4}
 proc {StartWorker Name}

for do {WithSemaphore S proc {$} {System.showInfo Name#" acquired semaphore"} {Delay 2000} end } {Delay 100} end



 for I in 1..10 do
    {StartWorker I}


See Coro::Semaphore.

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo/JVM version 2013-11-24

Uses a buffered channel to hand out a limited number of tickets. <lang perl6>class Semaphore {

   has $.tickets =;
   method new ($max) {
       my $s = self.bless; 
       $ xx $max;
   method acquire { $.tickets.receive }
   method release { $.tickets.send(True) }


sub MAIN ($units = 5, $max = 2) {

   my $sem =$max);
   my @units = do for ^$units -> $u {
       start {
           $sem.acquire; say "unit $u acquired";
           sleep 2;
           $sem.release; say "unit $u released";
   await @units;


unit 0 acquired
unit 1 acquired
unit 0 released
unit 1 released
unit 3 acquired
unit 2 acquired
unit 3 released
unit 2 released
unit 4 acquired
unit 4 released


<lang PicoLisp>(let Sem (tmp "sem")

  (for U 4  # Create 4 concurrent units
     (unless (fork)
        (ctl Sem
           (prinl "Unit " U " aquired the semaphore")
           (wait 2000)
           (prinl "Unit " U " releasing the semaphore") )
        (bye) ) ) )</lang>


This launches a few threads in parallel, but restricted by the counter. After a thread has completed it releases the Semaphore and a new thread will be able to start. <lang PureBasic>#Threads=10

  1. Parallels=3

Global Semaphore=CreateSemaphore(#Parallels)

Procedure Worker(*arg.i)

 Debug "Thread #"+Str(*arg)+" active."


Start a multi-thread based work

Dim thread(#Threads) For i=0 To #Threads


Next Debug "Launcher done."

Wait for all threads to finish before closing down

For i=0 To #Threads

 If IsThread(i)

Next</lang> Sample output

Thread #0 active.
Thread #2 active.
Thread #4 active.
Launcher done.
Thread #1 active.
Thread #3 active.
Thread #5 active.
Thread #7 active.
Thread #9 active.
Thread #6 active.
Thread #8 active.
Thread #10 active.


Python threading module includes a semaphore implementation. This code show how to use it.

<lang python>import time import threading

  1. Only 4 workers can run in the same time

sem = threading.Semaphore(4)

workers = [] running = 1

def worker():

   me = threading.currentThread()
   while 1:
           if not running:
           print '%s acquired semaphore' % me.getName()
       time.sleep(0.01) # Let others acquire
  1. Start 10 workers

for i in range(10):

   t = threading.Thread(name=str(i), target=worker)
  1. Main loop


   while 1:

except KeyboardInterrupt:

   running = 0
   for t in workers:


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define sema (make-semaphore 4)) ; allow 4 concurrent jobs

start 20 jobs and wait for all of them to end


(for/list ([i 20])
  (thread (λ() (semaphore-wait sema)
               (printf "Job #~a acquired semaphore\n" i)
               (sleep 2)
               (printf "Job #~a done\n" i)
               (semaphore-post sema)))))



Counting semaphores are built in:

<lang raven># four workers may be concurrent 4 semaphore as sem

thread worker

   5 each as i
       sem acquire
       # tid is thread id
       tid "%d acquired semaphore\n" print
       2000 ms
       sem release
       # let others acquire
       100 ms
  1. start 10 threads


   10 each drop worker

list as workers</lang>

Thread joining is automatic by default.


Works with: Tcl version 8.6

Uses the Thread package, which is expected to form part of the overall Tcl 8.6 release. <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6 package require Thread

  1. Create the global shared state of the semaphore

set handle semaphore0 tsv::set $handle mutex [thread::mutex create] tsv::set $handle cv [thread::cond create] tsv::set $handle count 0 tsv::set $handle max 3

  1. Make five worker tasks

for {set i 0} {$i<5} {incr i} {

   lappend threads [thread::create -preserved {

# Not bothering to wrap this in an object for demonstration proc init {handle} { global mutex cv count max set mutex [tsv::object $handle mutex] set cv [tsv::object $handle cv] set count [tsv::object $handle count] set max [tsv::get $handle max] } proc acquire {} { global mutex cv count max thread::mutex lock [$mutex get] while {[$count get] >= $max} { thread::cond wait [$cv get] [$mutex get] } $count incr thread::mutex unlock [$mutex get] } proc release {} { global mutex cv count max thread::mutex lock [$mutex get] if {[$count get] > 0} { $count incr -1 thread::cond notify [$cv get] } thread::mutex unlock [$mutex get] }

       # The core task of the worker

proc run {handle id} { init $handle acquire puts "worker $id has acquired the lock" after 2000 release puts "worker $id is done" }

       # Wait for further instructions from the main thread




  1. Start the workers doing useful work, giving each a unique id for pretty printing

set i 0 foreach t $threads {

   puts "starting thread [incr i]"
   thread::send -async $t [list run $handle $i]


  1. Wait for all the workers to finish

foreach t $threads {

   thread::release -wait $t



The number of concurrent jobs can be set by issuing that many echo '1s at the begining to sem.

<lang bash>rm -f sem ; mkfifo sem

acquire() {

  x=;while test -z "$x"; do read x; done;


release() {

  echo '1'


job() {

  n=$1; echo "Job $n acquired Semaphore">&2 ; sleep 2; echo "Job $n released Semaphore">&2 ;


( acquire < sem ; job 1 ; release > sem ) & ( acquire < sem ; job 2 ; release > sem ) & ( acquire < sem ; job 3 ; release > sem ) &

echo 'Initialize Jobs' >&2 ; echo '1' > sem</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

This code shows using a local semaphore. Semaphores can also be named, in which case they will be shared system wide.

<lang vbnet>Dim sem As New Semaphore(5, 5) 'Indicates that up to 5 resources can be aquired sem.WaitOne() 'Blocks until a resouce can be aquired Dim oldCount = sem.Release() 'Returns a resource to the pool 'oldCount has the Semaphore's count before Release was called</lang>


Semaphores are built in. <lang zkl>fcn job(name,sem){

  name.println(" wait"); sem.acquire(); 
  name.println(" go"); Atomic.sleep(2); 
  sem.release(); name.println(" done")


  // start 3 threads using the same semphore

s:=Thread.Semaphore(1); job.launch("1",s); job.launch("2",s); job.launch("3",s);</lang>

2 wait
2 go
1 wait
3 wait
2 done
1 go
1 done
3 go
3 done