Matrix digital rain: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: zkl header)
(→‎{{header|zkl}}: added code)
Line 96:
<lang zkl></lang>
<lang zkl>var [const] codes=Walker.chain( // a bunch of UTF non ascii chars
<lang zkl></lang>
[0x0391..0x03a0], [0x03a3..0x0475], [0x0400..0x0475],
[0x048a..0x052f], [0x03e2..0x03ef], [0x2c80..0x2ce9],
[0x2200..0x2217], [0x2100..0x213a], [0x2a00..0x2aff])
.apply(fcn(utf){ utf.toString(-8) }), // jeez this is lame
codeSz=codes.len(), // 970
csz=c.len(); // 267, c is ANSI escape code fg colors: 38;2;<r;g;b>m
// query the ANSI terminal
rows,cols := System.popen("stty size","r").readln().split().apply("toInt");
o,s,fg := buildScreen(rows,cols);
print("\e[?25l\e[48;5;232m"); // hide the cursor, set background color to dark
while(1){ // ignore screen resizes
print("\e[1;1H"); // move cursor to 1,1
foreach n in (ssz){ // print a screen full
print( c[fg[n]], s[n] ); // forground color, character
fg[n]=(fg[n] + 1)%csz; // fade to black
do(100){ s[(0).random(ssz)]=codes[(0).random(codeSz)] } // some new chars
Atomic.sleep(0.1); // frame rate for my system
fcn buildScreen(rows,cols){ // build a row major array as list
// s --> screen full of characters
s:=(rows*cols).pump(List(), fcn{ codes[(0).random(codeSz)]});
// array fb-->( fg color, fg ..) where fg is an ANSI term 48;5;<n>m color
o:=csz.pump(List()).shuffle()[0,cols]; // cols random #s
foreach row in (rows){ // set fg indices
foreach col in (cols){ fg[row*cols + col] = o[col] }
o=o.apply(fcn(n){ n-=1; if(n<0) n=csz-1; n%csz }); // fade out
<lang zkl>}</lang>
Offsite Image: [ Matrix rain dance]
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