Magic 8-ball: Difference between revisions

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; to make it more exciting.
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
This procedure when run displays a random Magic 8-Ball phrase (the list was shortened to 16 different phrases to simplify the random number generation) and outputs it to the console, then exits back to MS-DOS. A 32 bit [[wp:Xorshift|Xorshift]] routine was used to create the random numbers, and it was seeded using the computer's current time.
<lang asm>
.model small
.stack 1024
UserRam BYTE 256 DUP(0)
xorshift32_state_lo equ UserRam
xorshift32_state_hi equ UserRam+2
Ans0 byte "It is certain.",0
Ans1 byte "It is decidedly so.",0
Ans2 byte "Signs point to yes.",0
Ans3 byte "You can rely on it.",0
Ans4 byte "Most likely.",0
Ans5 byte "Cannot predict now.",0
Ans6 byte "Reply hazy, try again.",0
Ans7 byte "Outlook not so good.",0
Ans8 byte "My sources say no.",0
Ans9 byte "Very doubtful.",0
AnsA byte "Without a doubt.",0
AnsB byte "Outlook good.",0
AnsC byte "Ask again later.",0
AnsD byte "Better not tell you now.",0
AnsE byte "Don't count on it.",0
AnsF byte "Yes.",0
AnswerLookup word Ans0,Ans1,Ans2,Ans3,Ans4,Ans5,Ans6,Ans7
word Ans8,Ans9,AnsA,AnsB,AnsC,AnsD,AnsE,AnsF
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,@code
mov es,ax
CLD ;have LODSB,MOVSB,STOSB,etc. auto-increment
mov ax,03h
int 10h
mov ah,2Ch
int 21h
xchg cx,ax
xchg ax,dx ;ax = seconds, 100ths of seconds; dx = hours,minutes
call seedXorshift32
call doXorshift32
call doXorshift32
call doXorshift32
mov ax,word ptr[ds:xorshift32_state_lo]
and al,0Fh
;keep only the bottom nibble of al, there are only 16 possible messages.
mov bx,offset AnswerLookup
call XLATW
;translates AX using a table of words as a lookup table.
mov si,ax
call PrintString
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ;return to DOS
;input: ds:bx = the table you wish to look up
;AL= the raw index into this table as if it were byte data.
;So don't left shift prior to calling this.
;AH is destroyed.
mov ah,al ;copy AL to AH
XLAT ;returns low byte in al
inc ah
xchg al,ah ;XLAT only works with AL
XLAT ;returns high byte in al (old ah)
xchg al,ah
;now the word is loaded into ax, big-endian.
This is the output after three separate runs of the program.
Cannot predict now.
Signs point to yes.
Better not tell you now.
