Longest common prefix: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Added Wren)
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Test case 4 = No Matching Prefix
Test case 5 prefix,suffix = No Matching Prefix</pre>
<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt
var lcp = Fn.new { |sa|
var size = sa.count
if (size == 0) return ""
if (size == 1) return sa[0]
var minLen = sa.skip(1).reduce(sa[0].count) { |min, s| s.count < min ? s.count : min }
var oldPrefix = ""
for (i in 1..minLen) {
var newPrefix = sa[0][0...i]
for (j in 1...size) if (!sa[j].startsWith(newPrefix)) return oldPrefix
oldPrefix = newPrefix
return oldPrefix
var lists = [
System.print("The longest common prefixes of the following collections of strings are:\n")
for (sa in lists) {
Fmt.print(" $-46s = $q", Fmt.v("q", 0, sa), lcp.call(sa))
The longest common prefixes of the following collections of strings are:
["interspecies", "interstellar", "interstate"] = "inters"
["throne", "throne"] = "throne"
["throne", "dungeon"] = ""
["throne", "", "throne"] = ""
["cheese"] = "cheese"
[""] = ""
[] = ""
["prefix", "suffix"] = ""
["foo", "foobar"] = "foo"
