Long primes

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Long primes
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A   long prime   (the definition that will be used here)   are primes whose reciprocals   (in decimal)   have a   period length   of one less than the prime number   (also expressed in decimal).

Long primes   are also known as:

  •   base ten cyclic numbers
  •   full reptend primes
  •   golden primes
  •   long period primes
  •   maximal period primes
  •   proper primes


7   is the first long prime,   the reciprocal of seven is   1/7,   which is equal to the repeating decimal fraction   0.142857142857···

The length of the   repeating   part of the decimal fraction is six,   (the underlined part)   which is one less than the (decimal) prime number   7.
Thus   7   is a long prime.

There are other (more) general definitions of a   long prime   which include wording/verbiage for bases other than ten.

  •   Show all long primes up to   500   (preferably on one line).
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to        500
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to     1,000
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to     2,000
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to     4,000
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to     8,000
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to   16,000
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to   32,000
  •   Show the   number   of long primes up to   64,000   (optional)
  •   Show all output here.

Also see


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>F sieve(limit)

  [Int] primes
  V c = [0B] * (limit + 1)
  V p = 3
     V p2 = p * p
     I p2 > limit
     L(i) (p2 .< limit).step(2 * p)
        c[i] = 1B
        p += 2
        I !c[p]
  L(i) (3 .< limit).step(2)
     I !(c[i])
  R primes

F findPeriod(n)

  V r = 1
  L(i) 1 .< n
     r = (10 * r) % n
  V rr = r
  V period = 0
     r = (10 * r) % n
     I r == rr
  R period

V primes = sieve(64000) [Int] longPrimes L(prime) primes

  I findPeriod(prime) == prime - 1

V numbers = [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000] V count = 0 V index = 0 V totals = [0] * numbers.len L(longPrime) longPrimes

  I longPrime > numbers[index]
     totals[index] = count

totals.last = count print(‘The long primes up to 500 are:’) print(String(longPrimes[0 .< totals[0]]).replace(‘,’, ‘’)) print("\nThe number of long primes up to:") L(total) totals

  print(‘  #5 is #.’.format(numbers[L.index], total))</lang>
The long primes up to 500 are:
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


The isLongPrime(n) handler here is a translation of the faster Phix one.

<lang applescript>on sieveOfEratosthenes(limit)

   script o
       property numberList : {missing value}
   end script
   repeat with n from 2 to limit
       set end of o's numberList to n
   end repeat
   repeat with n from 2 to (limit ^ 0.5 div 1)
       if (item n of o's numberList is n) then
           repeat with multiple from (n * n) to limit by n
               set item multiple of o's numberList to missing value
           end repeat
       end if
   end repeat
   return o's numberList's numbers

end sieveOfEratosthenes

on factors(n)

   set output to {}
   if (n < 0) then set n to -n
   set sqrt to n ^ 0.5
   set limit to sqrt div 1
   if (limit = sqrt) then
       set end of output to limit
       set limit to limit - 1
   end if
   repeat with i from limit to 1 by -1
       if (n mod i is 0) then
           set beginning of output to i
           set end of output to n div i
       end if
   end repeat
   return output

end factors

on isLongPrime(n)

   if (n < 3) then return false
   script o
       property f : factors(n - 1)
   end script
   set counter to 0
   repeat with fi in o's f
       set fi to fi's contents
       set e to 1
       set base to 10
       repeat until (fi = 0)
           if (fi mod 2 = 1) then set e to e * base mod n
           set base to base * base mod n
           set fi to fi div 2
       end repeat
       if (e = 1) then
           set counter to counter + 1
           if (counter > 1) then exit repeat
       end if
   end repeat
   return (counter = 1)

end isLongPrime

-- Task code: on longPrimesTask()

   script o
       -- The isLongPrime() handler above returns the correct result for any number
       -- passed to it, but feeeding it only primes in the first place speeds things up.
       property primes : sieveOfEratosthenes(64000)
       property longs : {}
   end script
   set output to {}
   set counter to 0
   set mileposts to {500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000}
   set m to 1
   set nextMilepost to beginning of mileposts
   set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
   repeat with p in o's primes
       set p to p's contents
       if (isLongPrime(p)) then
           -- p being odd, it's never exactly one of the even mileposts.
           if (p < 500) then
               set end of o's longs to p
           else if (p > nextMilepost) then
               if (nextMilepost = 500) then
                   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
                   set end of output to "Long primes up to 500:"
                   set end of output to o's longs as text
               end if
               set end of output to "Number of long primes up to " & nextMilepost & ":  " & counter
               set m to m + 1
               set nextMilepost to item m of mileposts
           end if
           set counter to counter + 1
       end if
   end repeat
   set end of output to "Number of long primes up to " & nextMilepost & ":  " & counter
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
   set output to output as text
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
   return output

end longPrimesTask


"Long primes up to 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
Number of long primes up to 500:  35
Number of long primes up to 1000:  60
Number of long primes up to 2000:  116
Number of long primes up to 4000:  218
Number of long primes up to 8000:  390
Number of long primes up to 16000:  716
Number of long primes up to 32000:  1300
Number of long primes up to 64000:  2430"


Translation of: Go

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  1. define TRUE 1
  2. define FALSE 0

typedef int bool;

void sieve(int limit, int primes[], int *count) {

   bool *c = calloc(limit + 1, sizeof(bool)); /* composite = TRUE */
   /* no need to process even numbers */
   int i, p = 3, p2, n = 0;
   p2 = p * p;
   while (p2 <= limit) {
       for (i = p2; i <= limit; i += 2 * p) 
           c[i] = TRUE;
       do {
           p += 2;
       } while (c[p]);
       p2 = p * p;
   for (i = 3; i <= limit; i += 2) {
       if (!c[i]) primes[n++] = i;
   *count = n;


/* finds the period of the reciprocal of n */ int findPeriod(int n) {

   int i, r = 1, rr, period = 0;
   for (i = 1; i <= n + 1; ++i) {
       r = (10 * r) % n;
   rr = r;
   do {
       r = (10 * r) % n;
   } while (r != rr);
   return period;


int main() {

   int i, prime, count = 0, index = 0, primeCount, longCount = 0, numberCount;
   int *primes, *longPrimes, *totals;
   int numbers[] = {500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000};
   primes = calloc(6500, sizeof(int));
   numberCount = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int);
   totals = calloc(numberCount, sizeof(int));
   sieve(64000, primes, &primeCount);
   longPrimes = calloc(primeCount, sizeof(int)); 
   /* Surely longCount < primeCount */
   for (i = 0; i < primeCount; ++i) {
       prime = primes[i];
       if (findPeriod(prime) == prime - 1) {
           longPrimes[longCount++] = prime;
   for (i = 0; i < longCount; ++i, ++count) {
       if (longPrimes[i] > numbers[index]) {
           totals[index++] = count;
   totals[numberCount - 1] = count;
   printf("The long primes up to %d are:\n", numbers[0]);
   for (i = 0; i < totals[0]; ++i) {
       printf("%d ", longPrimes[i]);

   printf("\nThe number of long primes up to:\n");
   for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
       printf("  %5d is %d\n", numbers[i], totals[i]);
   return 0;


The long primes up to 500 are:
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


Works with: C sharp version 7

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;

public static class LongPrimes {

   public static void Main() {
       var primes = SomePrimeGenerator.Primes(64000).Skip(1).Where(p => Period(p) == p - 1).Append(99999);
       Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", primes.TakeWhile(p => p <= 500)));
       int count = 0, limit = 500;
       foreach (int prime in primes) {
           if (prime > limit) {
               Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} long primes below {limit}");
               limit *= 2;
       int Period(int n) {
           int r = 1, rr;
           for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) r = 10 * r % n;
           rr = r;
           for (int period = 1;; period++) {
               r = (10 * r) % n;
               if (r == rr) return period;


static class SomePrimeGenerator {

   public static IEnumerable<int> Primes(int lim) {
       bool [] flags = new bool[lim + 1]; int j = 2;
       for (int d = 3, sq = 4; sq <= lim; j++, sq += d += 2)
           if (!flags[j]) {
               yield return j; for (int k = sq; k <= lim; k += j)
                   flags[k] = true;
       for (; j<= lim; j++) if (!flags[j]) yield return j;


7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
There are 35 long primes below 500
There are 60 long primes below 1000
There are 116 long primes below 2000
There are 218 long primes below 4000
There are 390 long primes below 8000
There are 716 long primes below 16000
There are 1300 long primes below 32000
There are 2430 long primes below 64000


Translation of: C

<lang cpp>

  1. include <iomanip>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <list>

using namespace std;

void sieve(int limit, list<int> &primes) {

 bool *c = new bool[limit + 1];
 for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++)
   c[i] = false;
 // No need to process even numbers
 int p = 3, n = 0;
 int p2 = p * p;
 while (p2 <= limit)
   for (int i = p2; i <= limit; i += 2 * p)
     c[i] = true;
     p += 2;
   while (c[p]);
   p2 = p * p;
 for (int i = 3; i <= limit; i += 2) 
   if (!c[i]) 
 delete [] c;


// Finds the period of the reciprocal of n int findPeriod(int n) {

 int r = 1, rr, period = 0;
 for (int i = 1; i <= n + 1; ++i)
   r = (10 * r) % n;
 rr = r;
   r = (10 * r) % n;
 while (r != rr);
 return period;


int main() {

 int count = 0, index = 0;
 int numbers[] = {500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000};
 list<int> primes;
 list<int> longPrimes;
 int numberCount = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int);
 int *totals = new int[numberCount];
 cout << "Please wait." << endl << endl;
 sieve(64000, primes);  
 for (list<int>::iterator iterPrime = primes.begin();  
   iterPrime != primes.end(); 
   if (findPeriod(*iterPrime) == *iterPrime - 1)
 for (list<int>::iterator iterLongPrime = longPrimes.begin();
   iterLongPrime != longPrimes.end(); 
   if (*iterLongPrime > numbers[index])
     totals[index++] = count;
 totals[numberCount - 1] = count;
 cout << "The long primes up to " << totals[0] << " are:" << endl;
 cout << "[";
 int i = 0;
 for (list<int>::iterator iterLongPrime = longPrimes.begin(); 
   iterLongPrime != longPrimes.end() && i < totals[0]; 
   iterLongPrime++, i++)
   cout << *iterLongPrime << " ";
 cout << "\b]" << endl;
 cout << endl << "The number of long primes up to:" << endl;
 for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
   cout << "  " << setw(5) << numbers[i] << " is " << totals[i] << endl;
 delete [] totals;

} </lang>

Please wait.

The long primes up to 35 are:
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


Translation of: Sidef

Simpler but slower. <lang ruby>require "big"

def prime?(n) # P3 Prime Generator primality test

 return n | 1 == 3 if n < 5      # n: 2,3|true; 0,1,4|false 
 return false if n.gcd(6) != 1   # this filters out 2/3 of all integers
 pc = typeof(n).new(5)           # first P3 prime candidates sequence value
 until pc*pc > n
   return false if n % pc == 0 || n % (pc + 2) == 0  # if n is composite
   pc += 6                       # 1st prime candidate for next residues group


  1. The smallest divisor d of p-1 such that 10^d = 1 (mod p),
  2. is the length of the period of the decimal expansion of 1/p.

def long_prime?(p)

 return false unless prime? p
 (2...p).each do |d|
   return d == (p - 1) if (p - 1) % d == 0 && (10.to_big_i ** d) % p == 1


start = Time.monotonic # time of starting puts "Long primes ≤ 500:" (2..500).each { |pc| print "#{pc} " if long_prime? pc } puts [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000].each do |n|

 puts "Number of long primes ≤ #{n}: #{(7..n).count { |pc| long_prime? pc }}"

end puts "\nTime: #{(Time.monotonic - start).total_seconds} secs"</lang>

Long primes ≤ 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35
Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60
Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116
Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218
Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390
Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716
Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300
Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430
System: I7-6700HQ, 3.5 GHz, Linux Kernel 5.6.17, Crystal 0.35
Run as: $ crystal run longprimes.cr --release
Time: 1.090748711 secs

Faster: using divisors of (p - 1) and powmod(). <lang ruby>require "big"

def prime?(n) # P3 Prime Generator primality test

 n = n.to_big_i
 return n | 1 == 3 if n < 5      # n: 0,1,4|false, 2,3|true 
 return false if n.gcd(6) != 1   # 1/3 (2/6) of integers are P3 pc
 p = typeof(n).new(5)            # first P3 sequence value
 until p*p > n
   return false if n % p == 0 || n % (p + 2) == 0  # if n is composite
   p += 6      # first prime candidate for next kth residues group


def powmod(b, e, m) # Compute b**e mod m

 r, b = 1, b.to_big_i
 while e > 0
   r = (b * r) % m if e.odd?
   b = (b * b) % m
   e >>= 1


def divisors(n) # divisors of n -> [1,..,n]

 f = [] of Int32
 (1..Math.sqrt(n)).each { |i| (n % i).zero? && (f << i; f << n // i if n // i != i) }


  1. The smallest divisor d of p-1 such that 10^d = 1 (mod p),
  2. is the length of the period of the decimal expansion of 1/p.

def long_prime?(p)

 return false unless prime? p
 divisors(p - 1).each { |d| return d == (p - 1) if powmod(10, d, p) == 1 }


start = Time.monotonic # time of starting puts "Long primes ≤ 500:" (7..500).each { |pc| print "#{pc} " if long_prime? pc } puts [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000].each do |n|

 puts "Number of long primes ≤ #{n}: #{(7..n).count { |pc| long_prime? pc }}"

end puts "\nTime: #{(Time.monotonic - start).total_seconds} secs"</lang>

Long primes ≤ 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35
Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60
Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116
Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218
Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390
Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716
Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300
Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430
System: I7-6700HQ, 3.5 GHz, Linux Kernel 5.6.17, Crystal 0.35
Run as: $ crystal run longprimes.cr --release
Time: 0.28927228 secs


See Pascal.


The Functions

This task uses Extensible Prime Generator (F#)
This task uses Factors_of_an_integer#F.23 <lang fsharp> // Return true if prime n is a long prime. Nigel Galloway: September 25th., 2018 let fN n g = let rec fN i g e l = match e with | 0UL -> i

                                              | _ when e%2UL = 1UL -> fN ((i*g)%l) ((g*g)%l) (e/2UL) l
                                              | _                  -> fN i ((g*g)%l) (e/2UL) l
            fN 1UL 10UL (uint64 g) (uint64 n)

let isLongPrime n=Seq.length (factors (n-1) |> Seq.filter(fun g->(fN n g)=1UL))=1 </lang>

The Task

<lang fsharp> primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<500) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.iter(printf "%d ") </lang>

7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499 

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 500" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<500) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 35 long primes less than 500

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 1000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<1000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 60 long primes less than 1000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 2000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<2000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 116 long primes less than 2000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 4000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<4000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime|> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 218 long primes less than 4000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 8000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<8000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 390 long primes less than 8000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 16000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<16000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 716 long primes less than 16000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 32000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<32000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime |> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 1300 long primes less than 32000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 64000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<64000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime|> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 2430 long primes less than 64000

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 128000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<128000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime|> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 4498 long primes less than 128000
Real: 00:00:01.294, CPU: 00:00:01.300, GC gen0: 27, gen1: 0

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 256000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<256000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime|> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 8434 long primes less than 256000
Real: 00:00:03.434, CPU: 00:00:03.440, GC gen0: 58, gen1: 0

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 512000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<512000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime|> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 15920 long primes less than 512000
Real: 00:00:09.248, CPU: 00:00:09.260, GC gen0: 128, gen1: 0

<lang fsharp> printfn "There are %d long primes less than 1024000" (primes |> Seq.skip 3 |> Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<1024000) |> Seq.filter isLongPrime|> Seq.length) </lang>

There are 30171 long primes less than 1024000
Real: 00:00:24.959, CPU: 00:00:25.020, GC gen0: 278, gen1: 1


<lang factor>USING: formatting fry io kernel math math.functions math.primes math.primes.factors memoize prettyprint sequences ; IN: rosetta-code.long-primes

period-length ( p -- len )
   [ 1 - divisors ] [ '[ 10 swap _ ^mod 1 = ] ] bi find nip ;

MEMO: long-prime? ( p -- ? ) [ period-length ] [ 1 - ] bi = ;

.lp<=500 ( -- )
   500 primes-upto [ long-prime? ] filter
   "Long primes <= 500:" print [ pprint bl ] each nl ;
.#lp<=n ( n -- )
   dup primes-upto [ long-prime? t = ] count swap
   "%-4d long primes <= %d\n" printf ;
long-primes-demo ( -- )
   .lp<=500 nl
   { 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 32,000 64,000 }
   [ .#lp<=n ] each ;

MAIN: long-primes-demo</lang>

Long primes <= 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499 

35   long primes <= 500
60   long primes <= 1000
116  long primes <= 2000
218  long primes <= 4000
390  long primes <= 8000
716  long primes <= 16000
1300 long primes <= 32000
2430 long primes <= 64000


Works with: Gforth

The prime sieve code was borrowed from Sieve of Eratosthenes#Forth. <lang forth>: prime? ( n -- ? ) here + c@ 0= ;

notprime! ( n -- ) here + 1 swap c! ;
sieve ( n -- )
 here over erase
 0 notprime!
 1 notprime!
   2dup dup * >
   dup prime? if
     2dup dup * do
       i notprime!
     dup +loop
 2drop ;
modpow { c b a -- a^b mod c }
 c 1 = if 0 exit then
 a c mod to a
   b 0>
   b 1 and 1 = if
     a * c mod
   a a * c mod to a
   b 2/ to b
 repeat ;
divide_out ( n1 n2 -- n )
   2dup mod 0=
   tuck / swap
 repeat drop ;
long_prime? ( n -- ? )
 dup prime? invert if drop false exit then
 10 over mod 0= if drop false exit then
 dup 1-
 2 >r
   over r@ dup * >
   r@ prime? if
     dup r@ mod 0= if
       over dup 1- r@ / 10 modpow 1 = if
         2drop rdrop false exit
       r@ divide_out
   r> 1+ >r
 dup 1 = if 2drop true exit then
 over 1- swap / 10 modpow 1 <> ;
next_long_prime ( n -- n )
 begin 2 + dup long_prime? until ;

500 constant limit1 512000 constant limit2

 limit2 1+ sieve
 limit2 limit1 3
 0 >r
 ." Long primes up to " over 1 .r ." :" cr
   2 pick over >
   dup limit1 < if dup . then
   dup 2 pick > if
     over limit1 = if cr then
     ." Number of long primes up to " over 6 .r ." : " r@ 5 .r cr
     swap 2* swap
   r> 1+ >r
 2drop drop rdrop ;

main bye</lang>


Execution time is about 1.1 seconds on my machine (3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5).

Long primes up to 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499 
Number of long primes up to    500:    35
Number of long primes up to   1000:    60
Number of long primes up to   2000:   116
Number of long primes up to   4000:   218
Number of long primes up to   8000:   390
Number of long primes up to  16000:   716
Number of long primes up to  32000:  1300
Number of long primes up to  64000:  2430
Number of long primes up to 128000:  4498
Number of long primes up to 256000:  8434
Number of long primes up to 512000: 15920


<lang freebasic>' version 01-02-2019 ' compile with: fbc -s console

Dim Shared As UByte prime()

Sub find_primes(n As UInteger)

   ReDim prime(n)
   Dim As UInteger i, k
   ' need only to consider odd primes, 2 has no repetion
   For i = 3 To n Step 2
       If prime(i) = 0 Then
           For k = i * i To n Step i + i
               prime(k) = 1
       End If

End Sub

Function find_period(p As UInteger) As UInteger

   ' finds period for every positive number
   Dim As UInteger period, r = 1
       r = (r * 10) Mod p
       period += 1
       If r <= 1 Then Return period

End Function

' ------=< MAIN >=------

  1. Define max 64000

Dim As UInteger p = 3, n1 = 3, n2 = 500, i, n50, count

find_primes(max) Print "Long primes upto 500 are ";

For i = n1 To n2 Step 2

   If prime(i) = 0 Then
       If i -1 = find_period(i) Then
           If n50 <= 50 Then
               Print Str(i); " ";
           End If
           count += 1
       End If
   End If


Print : Print


   Print "There are "; Str(count); " long primes upto "; Str(n2)
   n1 = n2 +1
   n2 += n2
   If n1 > max Then Exit Do
   For i = n1 To n2 Step 2
       If prime(i) = 0 Then
           If i -1 = find_period(i) Then
               count += 1
           End If
       End If


' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

Long primes upto 500 are 7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

There are 35 long primes upto 500
There are 60 long primes upto 1000
There are 116 long primes upto 2000
There are 218 long primes upto 4000
There are 390 long primes upto 8000
There are 716 long primes upto 16000
There are 1300 long primes upto 32000
There are 2430 long primes upto 64000


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func sieve(limit int) []int {

   var primes []int
   c := make([]bool, limit + 1) // composite = true
   // no need to process even numbers
   p := 3
   p2 := p * p
   for p2 <= limit {
       for i := p2; i <= limit; i += 2 * p {
           c[i] = true
       for ok := true; ok; ok = c[p] {
           p += 2
       p2 = p * p
   for i := 3; i <= limit; i += 2 {
       if !c[i] {
           primes = append(primes, i)
   return primes


// finds the period of the reciprocal of n func findPeriod(n int) int {

   r := 1
   for i := 1; i <= n + 1; i++ {
       r = (10 * r) % n
   rr := r
   period := 0
   for ok := true; ok; ok = r != rr {
       r = (10 * r) % n
   return period


func main() {

   primes := sieve(64000)
   var longPrimes []int
   for _, prime := range primes {
       if findPeriod(prime) == prime - 1 {
           longPrimes = append(longPrimes, prime)
   numbers := []int{500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000}
   index := 0
   count := 0
   totals := make([]int, len(numbers))
   for _, longPrime := range longPrimes {
       if longPrime > numbers[index] {
           totals[index] = count
   totals[len(numbers)-1] = count
   fmt.Println("The long primes up to", numbers[0], "are: ")

   fmt.Println("\nThe number of long primes up to: ")
   for i, total := range totals {
       fmt.Printf("  %5d is %d\n", numbers[i], total)


The long primes up to 500 are: 
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to: 
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


<lang Haskell>import Data.List (elemIndex)

longPrimesUpTo :: Int -> [Int] longPrimesUpTo n =

 filter isLongPrime $
   takeWhile (< n) primes
   sieve (p : xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]
   primes = sieve [2 ..]
   isLongPrime n = found
       cycles = take n (iterate ((`mod` n) . (10 *)) 1)
       index = elemIndex (head cycles) $ tail cycles
       found = case index of
         (Just i) -> n - i == 2
         _ -> False

display :: Int -> IO () display n =

 if n <= 64000
   then do
       ( show n <> " is "
           <> show (length $ longPrimesUpTo n)
     display (n * 2)
   else pure ()

main :: IO () main = do

 let fiveHundred = longPrimesUpTo 500
   ( "The long primes up to 35 are:\n"
       <> show fiveHundred
       <> "\n"
 putStrLn ("500 is " <> show (length fiveHundred))
 display 1000</lang>
The long primes up to 35 are:

500 is 35
1000 is 60
2000 is 116
4000 is 218
8000 is 390
16000 is 716
32000 is 1300
64000 is 2430


   NB. define the verb long
   NB. long is true iff the prime input greater than 2
   NB. is a rosettacode long prime.
   NB. 0 is false, 1 is true.

   long =: ( <:@:[ = #@~.@( [: }. ( | 10&* )^:( <@[ ) ) )&1&>

   NB. demonstration of the long verb
   NB. long applied to integers 3 through 9 inclusively

   (,: long) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 1 0 0

   NB. find the number of primes through 64000

  [ N =: p:^:_1 ] 64000

   NB. copy the long primes, excluding 2, the first.

   LONG_PRIMES =: (#~ long) p: >: i. N

   NB. those less than 500

   ( #~ <&500) LONG_PRIMES
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

   NB. counts

   [ MEASURE =: 500 * 2 ^ i. 8
500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000

   LONG_PRIMES ( ] ,: [: +/ </ ) MEASURE
500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000
35   60  116  218  390   716  1300  2430


Translation of: C

<lang java> import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List;

public class LongPrimes {

   private static void sieve(int limit, List<Integer> primes)
       boolean[] c = new boolean[limit];
       for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
           c[i] = false;
       // No need to process even numbers
       int p = 3, n = 0;
       int p2 = p * p;
       while (p2 <= limit)
           for (int i = p2; i <= limit; i += 2 * p)
               c[i] = true;
               p += 2;
           while (c[p]);
           p2 = p * p;
       for (int i = 3; i <= limit; i += 2)
           if (!c[i])
   // Finds the period of the reciprocal of n
   private static int findPeriod(int n)
       int r = 1, period = 0;
       for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
           r = (10 * r) % n;
       int rr = r;
           r = (10 * r) % n;
       while (r != rr);
       return period;
   public static void main(String[] args)
       int[] numbers = new int[]{500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000};
       int[] totals = new int[numbers.length]; 
       List<Integer> primes = new LinkedList<Integer>();
       List<Integer> longPrimes = new LinkedList<Integer>();
       sieve(64000, primes);
       for (int prime : primes)
           if (findPeriod(prime) == prime - 1)
       int count = 0, index = 0;
       for (int longPrime : longPrimes)
           if (longPrime > numbers[index])
               totals[index++] = count;
       totals[numbers.length - 1] = count;
       System.out.println("The long primes up to " + numbers[0] + " are:");
       System.out.println(longPrimes.subList(0, totals[0]));
       System.out.println("The number of long primes up to:");
       for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
           System.out.printf("  %5d is %d\n", numbers[i], totals[i]);

} </lang>

The long primes up to 500 are:
[7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 47, 59, 61, 97, 109, 113, 131, 149, 167, 179, 181, 193, 223, 229, 233, 257, 263, 269, 313, 337, 367, 379, 383, 389, 419, 433, 461, 487, 491, 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


Adapted from Wren

Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq (*)

This entry does not attempt to avoid the redundancy involved in the subtasks, but instead includes a prime number generator intended for efficiently generating large numbers of primes.

(*) For the computationally intensive subtasks, gojq will require too much memory.

Preliminaries <lang jq> def count(s): reduce s as $x (0; .+1);

  1. Is the input integer a prime?
  2. "previous" should be a sorted array of consecutive primes
  3. from 2 on that includes the greatest prime less than (.|sqrt)

def is_prime(previous):

 . as $in
 | (($in + 1) | sqrt) as $sqrt
 | first(previous[]
         | if . > $sqrt then 1
           elif 0 == ($in % .) then 0
           else empty
           end) // 1
 | . == 1;
  1. This assumes . is an array of consecutive primes beginning with [2,3]

def next_prime:

 . as $previous
 | (2 +  .[-1] ) 
 | until(is_prime($previous); . + 2) ;
  1. Emit primes from 2 up

def primes:

 # The helper function has arity 0 for TCO
 # It expects its input to be an array of previously found primes, in order:
 def next:
    . as $previous
    | ($previous|next_prime) as $next
    | $next, (($previous + [$next]) | next) ;
 2, 3, ([2,3] | next);

</lang> Long Primes <lang jq>

  1. finds the period of the reciprocal of .
  2. (The following definition does not make a special case of 2
  3. but yields a justifiable result for 2, namely 1.)

def findPeriod:

 . as $n
 | (reduce range(1; $n+2) as $i (1; (. * 10) % $n)) as $rr
 | {r: $rr, period:0, ok:true}
 | until( .ok|not;
     .r = (10 * .r) % $n
     | .period += 1
     | .ok = (.r != $rr) )
 | .period ;
  1. This definition takes into account the
  2. claim in the preamble that the first long prime is 7:

def long_primes_less_than($n):

 label $out
 | primes
 | if . >= $n then break $out else . end
 | select(. > 2 and (findPeriod == . - 1));

def count_long_primes:

  1. Since 2 is not a "long prime" for the purposes of this
  2. article, we can begin searching at 3:

"Long primes ≤ 500: ", long_primes_less_than(500),


(500,1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000 | "Number of long primes ≤ \(.): \(count_long_primes)" )


Long primes ≤ 500:

Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35
Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60
Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116
Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218
Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390
Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716
Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300


Translation of: Sidef

<lang julia> using Primes

function divisors(n)

   f = [one(n)]
   for (p,e) in factor(n)
       f = reduce(vcat, [f*p^j for j in 1:e], init=f)
   return length(f) == 1 ? [one(n), n] : sort!(f)


function islongprime(p)

   for i in divisors(p-1)
       if powermod(10, i, p) == 1
           return i + 1 == p


println("Long primes ≤ 500: ") for i in 2:500

   if islongprime(i)
       i == 229 ? println(i) : print(i, "  ")

end print("\n\n")

for i in [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000]

   println("Number of long primes ≤ $i: $(sum(map(x->islongprime(x), 1:i)))")

end </lang>


Long primes ≤ 500: 7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35 Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60 Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116 Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218 Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390 Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716 Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300 Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430


Translation of: Go

<lang scala>// Version 1.2.60

fun sieve(limit: Int): List<Int> {

   val primes = mutableListOf<Int>()
   val c = BooleanArray(limit + 1)  // composite = true
   // no need to process even numbers
   var p = 3
   var p2 = p * p
   while (p2 <= limit) {
       for (i in p2..limit step 2 * p) c[i] = true
       do {
           p += 2
       } while (c[p])
       p2 = p * p
   for (i in 3..limit step 2) {
       if (!c[i]) primes.add(i)
   return primes


// finds the period of the reciprocal of n fun findPeriod(n: Int): Int {

   var r = 1
   for (i in 1..n + 1) r = (10 * r) % n
   val rr = r
   var period = 0
   do {
       r = (10 * r) % n
   } while (r != rr)
   return period


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val primes = sieve(64000)
   val longPrimes = mutableListOf<Int>()
   for (prime in primes) {
       if (findPeriod(prime) == prime - 1) {
   val numbers = listOf(500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000)
   var index = 0
   var count = 0
   val totals = IntArray(numbers.size)
   for (longPrime in longPrimes) {
       if (longPrime > numbers[index]) {
           totals[index++] = count
   totals[numbers.lastIndex] = count
   println("The long primes up to " + numbers[0] + " are:")

   println("\nThe number of long primes up to:")
   for ((i, total) in totals.withIndex()) {
       System.out.printf("  %5d is %d\n", numbers[i], total)


The long primes up to 500 are:
[7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 47, 59, 61, 97, 109, 113, 131, 149, 167, 179, 181, 193, 223, 229, 233, 257, 263, 269, 313, 337, 367, 379, 383, 389, 419, 433, 461, 487, 491, 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430

M2000 Interpreter

Translation of: Go

Sieve leave to stack of values primes. This happen because we call the function as a module, so we pass the current stack (modules call modules passing own stack of values). We can place value to stack using Push to the top (as LIFO) or using Data to bottom (as FIFO). Variable Number read a number from stack and drop it.

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module LongPrimes {

     Sieve=lambda (limit)->{
           Buffer clear c as byte*limit+1
           \\ no need to process even numbers
                 if p2>limit then exit
                 while i<=limit
                       Return c, i:=1
                 end While
                 Until not eval(c,p)
           for i = 3 to limit step 2
             if  eval(c,i) else data i
           next i
     findPeriod=lambda (n) -> {
           r = 1
           for i = 1 to n+1 {r = (10 * r) mod n}
           rr = r : period = 0
                   r = (10 * r) mod n
                   if r == rr then exit
     Call sieve(64000)  ' leave stack with primes
     limit=array(stops, stp)
     p=number  ' pop one
     Print "Long primes up to 500:"
     document lp500$
     for i=1 to 500
           if i=p then
                 if findPeriod(i)=i-1 then acc++ :lp500$=str$(i)
           end if
           if empty then exit for
     next i
     insert 1,1 lp500$="["
     Print lp500$
     Print "The number of long primes up to:"
     print i," is ";acc
     while m
           for i=array(m)+1 to array(m,m^+1)
                 if i=p then
                       if findPeriod(i)=i-1 then acc++
                 end if
                 if empty then exit for
           next i
           print array(m,m^+1)," is ";acc
     end While      

} LongPrimes </lang>

The long primes up to 500 are: 
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to: 
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


<lang Maple> with(NumberTheory): with(ArrayTools):

isLong := proc(x::integer)

if irem(10^(x - 1) - 1, x) = 0 then
 for local count from 1 to x - 2 do
  if irem(10^(count) - 1, x) = 0 then
   return false;
  end if;
 end do;
 return false;
end if;
 return true;

end proc:

longPrimes := Array([]):

for number from 1 to PrimeCounting(500) do

if isLong(ithprime(number)) then Append(longPrimes, ithprime(number)): end if:


longPrimes; lpcount := ArrayNumElems(longPrimes): numOfLongPrimes := Array([lpcount]): for expon from 1 to 7 do

for number from PrimeCounting(500 * 2^(expon - 1)) + 1 to PrimeCounting(500 * 2^expon) do
 if isLong(ithprime(number)) then lpcount += 1: end if:
Append(numOfLongPrimes, lpcount):





[7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 47, 59, 61, 97, 109, 113, 131, 149, 167, 179, 181, 193,

   223, 229, 233, 257, 263, 269, 313, 337, 367, 379, 383, 389, 419, 433, 461,
   487, 491, 499]
                  [35, 60, 116, 218, 390, 716, 1300, 2430]

Mathematica/Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>lPrimes[n_] := Select[Range[2, n], Length[RealDigits[1/#]1, 1] == # - 1 &]; lPrimes[500] Length /@ lPrimes /@ ( 250*2^Range[8])</lang>

{7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 47, 59, 61, 97, 109, 113, 131, 149, 167, 179,
181, 193, 223, 229, 233, 257, 263, 269, 313, 337, 367, 379, 383, 389,
419, 433, 461, 487, 491, 499}

{35, 60, 116, 218, 390, 716, 1300, 2430}


<lang NewLISP>

Using the fact that 10 has to be a primitive root mod p
for p to be a reptend/long prime.
p supposed prime and >= 7

(define (cycle-mod p) (let (n 10 tally 1) (while (!= n 1) (++ tally) (setq n (% (* n 10) p)) tally)))

Primality test

(define (prime? n) (= (length (factor n)) 1))

Reptend test (p >= 7)

(define (reptend? p) (if (prime? p) (= (- p (cycle-mod p)) 1) false))

Find reptends in interval 7 .. n

(define (find-reptends n) (filter reptend? (sequence 7 n)))


(println (find-reptends 500)) (println (map (fn(n) (println n " --> " (length (find-reptends n)))) '(500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000))) </lang>

(7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499)
500 --> 35
1000 --> 60
2000 --> 116
4000 --> 218
8000 --> 390
16000 --> 716
32000 --> 1300
64000 --> 2430


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang Nim>import strformat

func sieve(limit: int): seq[int] =

 var composite = newSeq[bool](limit + 1)
 var p = 3
 var p2 = p * p
 while p2 < limit:
   if not composite[p]:
     for n in countup(p2, limit, 2 * p):
       composite[n] = true
   inc p, 2
   p2 = p * p
 for n in countup(3, limit, 2):
   if not composite[n]:
     result.add n

func period(n: int): int =

 ## Find the period of the reciprocal of "n".
 var r = 1
 for i in 1..(n + 1):
   r = 10 * r mod n
 let r1 = r
 while true:
   r = 10 * r mod n
   inc result
   if r == r1: break

let primes = sieve(64000) var longPrimes: seq[int] for prime in primes:

 if prime.period() == prime - 1:
   longPrimes.add prime

const Numbers = [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000] var index, count = 0 var totals = newSeq[int](Numbers.len) for longPrime in longPrimes:

 if longPrime > Numbers[index]:
   totals[index] = count
   inc index
 inc count

totals[^1] = count

echo &"The long primes up to {Numbers[0]} are:" for i in 0..<totals[0]:

 stdout.write ' ', longPrimes[i]

stdout.write '\n'

echo "\nThe number of long primes up to:" for i, total in totals:

 echo &"  {Numbers[i]:>5} is {total}"</lang>
The long primes up to 500 are:
 7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


first post.old program modified. Using Euler Phi

  www . arndt-bruenner.de/mathe/scripts/periodenlaenge.htm

<lang pascal> program Periode;


 {$MODE Delphi}


 {$Apptype Console}





 cBASIS = 10;
 {Das sind alle Primzahlen bis 2^16}
 {Das reicht fuer al8le Primzahlen bis 2^32}
 TESTZAHL = 500; //429496709;//High(Cardinal) DIV cBasis;


 tPrimFeld = array[1..PRIMFELDOBERGRENZE] of Word;
 tFaktorPotenz = record
   Faktor, Potenz: Cardinal;
  //2*3*5*7*11*13*17*19*23  *29 > Cardinal also maximal 9 Faktoren
 tFaktorFeld = array[1..9] of TFaktorPotenz; //Cardinal

// tFaktorFeld = array [1..15] of TFaktorPotenz;//QWord

 tFaktorisieren = class(TObject)
   fFakZahl: Cardinal;
   fFakBasis: Cardinal;
   fFakAnzahl: Cardinal;
   fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler: Cardinal;
   fEulerPhi: Cardinal;
   fStartPeriode: Cardinal;
   fPeriodenLaenge: Cardinal;
   fTeiler: array of Cardinal;
   fFaktoren: tFaktorFeld;
   fBasFakt: tFaktorFeld;
   fPrimfeld: tPrimFeld;
   procedure PrimFeldAufbauen;
   procedure Fakteinfuegen(var Zahl: Cardinal; inFak: Cardinal);
   function BasisPeriodeExtrahieren(var inZahl: Cardinal): Cardinal;
   procedure NachkommaPeriode(var OutText: string);
   constructor create; overload;
   function Prim(inZahl: Cardinal): Boolean;
   procedure AusgabeFaktorfeld(n: Cardinal);
   procedure Faktorisierung(inZahl: Cardinal);
   procedure TeilerErmitteln;
   procedure PeriodeErmitteln(inZahl: Cardinal);
   function BasExpMod(b, e, m: Cardinal): Cardinal;
   property EulerPhi: Cardinal read fEulerPhi;
   property PeriodenLaenge: Cardinal read fPeriodenLaenge;
   property StartPeriode: Cardinal read fStartPeriode;

constructor tFaktorisieren.create; begin

 fFakZahl := 0;
 fFakBasis := cBASIS;
 fBasFakt := fFaktoren;
 fFakZahl := 0;
 fEulerPhi := 1;
 fPeriodenLaenge := 0;
 fFakZahl := 0;
 fFakAnzahl := 0;
 fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler := 0;


function tFaktorisieren.Prim(inZahl: Cardinal): Boolean; {Testet auf PrimZahl} var

 Wurzel, pos: Cardinal;


 if fFakZahl = inZahl then
   result := (fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler = 2);
 result := false;
 if inZahl > 1 then
   result := true;
   pos := 1;
   Wurzel := trunc(sqrt(inZahl));
   while fPrimFeld[pos] <= Wurzel do
     if (inZahl mod fPrimFeld[pos]) = 0 then
       result := false;
     if pos > High(fPrimFeld) then


procedure tFaktorisieren.PrimFeldAufbauen; {Baut die Liste der Primzahlen bis Obergrenze auf} const

 MAX = 65536;


 TestaufPrim, Zaehler, delta: Cardinal;


 Zaehler := 1;
 fPrimFeld[Zaehler] := 2;
 fPrimFeld[Zaehler] := 3;
 delta := 2;
 TestaufPrim := 5;
   if prim(TestaufPrim) then
     fPrimFeld[Zaehler] := TestaufPrim;
   inc(TestaufPrim, delta);
   delta := 6 - delta; // 2,4,2,4,2,4,2,
 until (TestaufPrim >= MAX);

end; {PrimfeldAufbauen}

procedure tFaktorisieren.Fakteinfuegen(var Zahl: Cardinal; inFak: Cardinal); var

 i: Cardinal;


 with fFaktoren[fFakAnzahl] do
   fEulerPhi := fEulerPhi * (inFak - 1);
   Faktor := inFak;
   Potenz := 0;
   while (Zahl mod inFak) = 0 do
     Zahl := Zahl div inFak;
   for i := 2 to Potenz do
     fEulerPhi := fEulerPhi * inFak;
 fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler := fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler * (1 + fFaktoren[fFakAnzahl].Potenz);


procedure tFaktorisieren.Faktorisierung(inZahl: Cardinal); var

 j, og: longint;


 if fFakZahl = inZahl then
 fPeriodenLaenge := 0;
 fFakZahl := inZahl;
 fEulerPhi := 1;
 fFakAnzahl := 0;
 fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler := 1;
 setlength(fTeiler, 0);
 if inZahl < 2 then
 og := round(sqrt(inZahl) + 1.0);

{Suche Teiler von inZahl}

 for j := 1 to High(fPrimfeld) do
   if fPrimfeld[j] > og then
   if (inZahl mod fPrimfeld[j]) = 0 then
     Fakteinfuegen(inZahl, fPrimfeld[j]);
 if inZahl > 1 then
   Fakteinfuegen(inZahl, inZahl);

end; {Faktorisierung}

procedure tFaktorisieren.AusgabeFaktorfeld(n: Cardinal); var

 i: integer;


 if fFakZahl <> n then
 write(fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler: 5, ' Faktoren ');
 for i := 1 to fFakAnzahl - 1 do
   with fFaktoren[i] do
     if potenz > 1 then
       write(Faktor, '^', Potenz, '*')
       write(Faktor, '*');
 with fFaktoren[fFakAnzahl] do
   if potenz > 1 then
     write(Faktor, '^', Potenz)
 writeln('  Euler Phi: ', fEulerPhi: 12, PeriodenLaenge: 12);


procedure tFaktorisieren.TeilerErmitteln; var

 Position: Cardinal;
 i, j: Cardinal;
 procedure FaktorAufbauen(Faktor: Cardinal; n: Cardinal);
   i, Pot: Cardinal;
   Pot := 1;
   i := 0;
     if n > Low(fFaktoren) then
       FaktorAufbauen(Pot * Faktor, n - 1)
       FTeiler[Position] := Pot * Faktor;
     Pot := Pot * fFaktoren[n].Faktor;
   until i > fFaktoren[n].Potenz;


 Position := 0;
 setlength(FTeiler, fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler);
 FaktorAufbauen(1, fFakAnzahl);
 for i := Low(fTeiler) to fAnzahlMoeglicherTeiler - 2 do
   j := i;
   while (j >= Low(fTeiler)) and (fTeiler[j] > fTeiler[j + 1]) do
     Position := fTeiler[j];
     fTeiler[j] := fTeiler[j + 1];
     fTeiler[j + 1] := Position;


function tFaktorisieren.BasisPeriodeExtrahieren(var inZahl: Cardinal): Cardinal; var

 i, cnt, Teiler: Cardinal;


 cnt := 0;
 result := 0;
 for i := Low(fBasFakt) to High(fBasFakt) do
   with fBasFakt[i] do
     if Faktor = 0 then
     Teiler := Faktor;
     for cnt := 2 to Potenz do
       Teiler := Teiler * Faktor;
   cnt := 0;
   while (inZahl <> 0) and (inZahl mod Teiler = 0) do
     inZahl := inZahl div Teiler;
   if cnt > result then
     result := cnt;


procedure tFaktorisieren.PeriodeErmitteln(inZahl: Cardinal); var

 i, TempZahl, TempPhi, TempPer, TempBasPer: Cardinal;


 TempZahl := inZahl;
 //Die Basis_Nicht_Periode ermitteln
 TempBasPer := BasisPeriodeExtrahieren(TempZahl);
 TempPer := 0;
 if TempZahl > 1 then
   TempPhi := fEulerPhi;
   if (TempPhi > 1) then
     i := 0;
       TempPer := fTeiler[i];
       if BasExpMod(fFakBasis, TempPer, TempZahl) = 1 then
     until i >= Length(fTeiler);
     if i >= Length(fTeiler) then
       TempPer := inZahl - 1;
 fPeriodenlaenge := TempPer;
 fStartPeriode := TempBasPer;


procedure tFaktorisieren.NachkommaPeriode(var OutText: string); var

 i, limit: integer;
 Rest, Rest1, Divi, basis: Cardinal;
 pText: pChar;
 procedure Ziffernfolge(Ende: longint);
   j: longint;
   j := i - Ende;
   while j < 0 do
     Rest := Rest * basis;
     Rest1 := Rest div Divi;
     Rest := Rest - Rest1 * Divi; //== Rest1 Mod Divi
     pText^ := chr(Rest1 + Ord('0'));
   i := Ende;


 limit := fStartPeriode + fPeriodenlaenge;
 setlength(OutText, limit + 2 + 2 + 5);
 OutText[1] := '0';
 OutText[2] := '.';
 pText := @OutText[3];
 Rest := 1;
 Divi := fFakZahl;
 basis := fFakBasis;
 i := 0;
 if fPeriodenlaenge = 0 then
   setlength(OutText, fStartPeriode + 2);
 pText^ := '_';
 pText^ := '_';
 Ziffernfolge(limit + 5);



 tZahl = integer;
 tRestFeld = array[0..31] of integer;


 F: tFaktorisieren;

function tFaktorisieren.BasExpMod(b, e, m: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin

 Result := 1;
 if m = 0 then
 Result := 1;
 while (e > 0) do
   if (e and 1) <> 0 then
     Result := (Result * int64(b)) mod m;
   b := (int64(b) * b) mod m;
   e := e shr 1;


procedure start; var

 Limit, Testzahl: Cardinal;
 longPrimCount: int64;
 t1, t0: TDateTime;


 Limit := 500;
 Testzahl := 2;
 longPrimCount := 0;
 t0 := time;
   write(Limit: 8, ': ');
     if F.Prim(Testzahl) then
       if F.PeriodenLaenge = Testzahl - 1 then
         if Limit = 500 then
           write(Testzahl, ',');
   until Testzahl = Limit;
   inc(Limit, Limit);
   write('  .. count ', longPrimCount: 8, ' ');
   t1 := time;
   if (t1 - t0) > 1 / 864000 then
     write(FormatDateTime('HH:NN:SS.ZZZ', t1 - t0));
 until Limit > 10 * 1000 * 1000;
 t1 := time;
 writeln('count of long primes ', longPrimCount);
 writeln('Benoetigte Zeit ', FormatDateTime('HH:NN:SS.ZZZ', t1 - t0));



 F := tFaktorisieren.create;


sh-4.4# ./Periode
     500: 7,17,19,23,29,47,59,61,97,109,113,131,149,167,179,181,193,223,229,233,257,263,269,313,337,367,379,383,389,419,433,461,487,491,499,  .. count       35 
    1000:   .. count       60 
    2000:   .. count      116 
    4000:   .. count      218 
    8000:   .. count      390 
   16000:   .. count      716 
   32000:   .. count     1300 
   64000:   .. count     2430 
  128000:   .. count     4498 
  256000:   .. count     8434 00:00:00.100
  512000:   .. count    15920 00:00:00.220
 1024000:   .. count    30171 00:00:00.494
 2048000:   .. count    57115 00:00:01.140
 4096000:   .. count   108381 00:00:02.578
 8192000:   .. count   206594 00:00:06.073

count of long primes 206594
Benoetigte Zeit 00:00:06.073


Translation of: Sidef
Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use ntheory qw/divisors powmod is_prime/;

sub is_long_prime {

   my($p) = @_;
   return 0 unless is_prime($p);
   for my $d (divisors($p-1)) {
       return $d+1 == $p if powmod(10, $d, $p) == 1;


print "Long primes ≤ 500:\n"; print join(' ', grep {is_long_prime($_) } 1 .. 500), "\n\n";

for my $n (500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000) {

   printf "Number of long primes ≤ $n: %d\n",  scalar grep { is_long_prime($_) } 1 .. $n;


Long primes ≤ 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35
Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60
Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116
Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218
Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390
Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716
Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300
Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430

Using znorder

Faster due to going directly over primes and using znorder. Takes one second to count to 8,192,000. <lang perl>use ntheory qw/forprimes znorder/; my($t,$z)=(0,0); forprimes {

 $z = znorder(10, $_);
 $t++ if defined $z && $z+1 == $_;

} 8192000; print "$t\n";</lang>



Slow version:

function is_long_prime(integer n)
    integer r = 1, rr, period = 0
    for i=1 to n+1 do
        r = mod(10*r,n)
    end for
    rr = r
    while true do
        r = mod(10*r,n)
        period += 1
        if period>=n then return false end if
        if r=rr then exit end if
    end while
    return period=n-1
end function

(use the same main() as below but limit maxN to 8 iterations)

Much faster version:

function is_long_prime(integer n)
    sequence f = factors(n-1,1)
    integer count = 0
    for i=1 to length(f) do
        integer fi = f[i], e=1, base=10
        while fi!=0 do
            if mod(fi,2)=1 then
                e = mod(e*base,n)
            end if
            base = mod(base*base,n)
            fi = floor(fi/2)
        end while
        if e=1 then
            count += 1
            if count>1 then exit end if
        end if
    end for
    return count=1
end function
procedure main()
atom t0 = time()
integer maxN = 500*power(2,14)
--integer maxN = 500*power(2,7) -- (slow version)
    sequence long_primes = {}
    integer count = 0,
            n = 500,
            i = 2
    while true do
        integer prime = get_prime(i)
        if is_long_prime(prime) then
            if prime<500 then
                long_primes &= prime
            end if      
            if prime>n then
                if n=500 then
                    printf(1,"The long primes up to 500 are:\n %V\n",{long_primes})
                    printf(1,"\nThe number of long primes up to:\n")
                end if
                printf(1,"  %7d is %d  (%s)\n", {n, count, elapsed(time()-t0)})
                if n=maxN then exit end if
                n *= 2
            end if
            count += 1
        end if
        i += 1
    end while
end procedure

slow version:

The long primes up to 500 are:

The number of long primes up to:
      500 is 35  (0.2s)
     1000 is 60  (0.2s)
     2000 is 116  (0.3s)
     4000 is 218  (0.5s)
     8000 is 390  (1.4s)
    16000 is 716  (4.5s)
    32000 is 1300  (16.0s)
    64000 is 2430  (59.5s)

fast version:

The long primes up to 500 are:

The number of long primes up to:
      500 is 35  (0.2s)
     1000 is 60  (0.3s)
     2000 is 116  (0.3s)
     4000 is 218  (0.3s)
     8000 is 390  (0.3s)
    16000 is 716  (0.4s)
    32000 is 1300  (0.5s)
    64000 is 2430  (0.7s)
   128000 is 4498  (1.4s)
   256000 is 8434  (2.7s)
   512000 is 15920  (5.8s)
  1024000 is 30171  (12.3s)
  2048000 is 57115  (26.3s)
  4096000 is 108381  (56.5s)
  8192000 is 206594  (1 minute and 60s)


Works with: SWI Prolog

<lang prolog>% See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_reptend_prime long_prime(Prime):-

   M is 10 mod Prime,
   M > 1,
   primitive_root(10, Prime).

% See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_root_modulo_n#Finding_primitive_roots primitive_root(Base, Prime):-

   Phi is Prime - 1,
   primitive_root(Phi, 2, Base, Prime).

primitive_root(1, _, _, _):-!. primitive_root(N, P, Base, Prime):-

   0 is N mod P,
   X is (Prime - 1) // P,
   R is powm(Base, X, Prime),
   R \= 1,
   divide_out(N, P, M),
   Q is P + 1,
   primitive_root(M, Q, Base, Prime).

primitive_root(N, P, Base, Prime):-

   Q is P + 1,
   Q * Q < Prime,
   primitive_root(N, Q, Base, Prime).

primitive_root(N, _, Base, Prime):-

   X is (Prime - 1) // N,
   R is powm(Base, X, Prime),
   R \= 1.

divide_out(N, P, M):-

   divmod(N, P, Q, 0),
   divide_out(Q, P, M).

divide_out(N, _, N).

print_long_primes([], _):-


print_long_primes([Prime|_], Limit):-

   Prime > Limit,

print_long_primes([Prime|Primes], Limit):-

   writef('%w ', [Prime]),
   print_long_primes(Primes, Limit).

count_long_primes(_, L, Limit, _):-

   L > Limit,

count_long_primes([], Limit, _, Count):-

   writef('Number of long primes up to %w: %w\n', [Limit, Count]),

count_long_primes([Prime|Primes], L, Limit, Count):-

   Prime > L,
   writef('Number of long primes up to %w: %w\n', [L, Count]),
   Count1 is Count + 1,
   L1 is L * 2,
   count_long_primes(Primes, L1, Limit, Count1).

count_long_primes([_|Primes], L, Limit, Count):-

   Count1 is Count + 1,
   count_long_primes(Primes, L, Limit, Count1).


   findall(Prime, long_prime(Prime), Primes),
   writef('Long primes up to 500:\n'),
   print_long_primes(Primes, 500),
   count_long_primes(Primes, 500, Limit, 0).



Module for finding prime numbers up to some limit: <lang prolog>:- module(prime_numbers, [find_prime_numbers/1, is_prime/1]).

- dynamic is_prime/1.


   init_sieve(N, 3),
   sieve(N, 3).

init_sieve(N, P):-

   P > N,

init_sieve(N, P):-

   Q is P + 2,
   init_sieve(N, Q).

sieve(N, P):-

   P * P > N,

sieve(N, P):-

   S is P * P,
   cross_out(S, N, P),
   Q is P + 2,
   sieve(N, Q).

sieve(N, P):-

   Q is P + 2,
   sieve(N, Q).

cross_out(S, N, _):-

   S > N,

cross_out(S, N, P):-

   Q is S + 2 * P,
   cross_out(Q, N, P).

cross_out(S, N, P):-

   Q is S + 2 * P,
   cross_out(Q, N, P).</lang>
?- time(main(256000)).
Long primes up to 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499 
Number of long primes up to 500: 35
Number of long primes up to 1000: 60
Number of long primes up to 2000: 116
Number of long primes up to 4000: 218
Number of long primes up to 8000: 390
Number of long primes up to 16000: 716
Number of long primes up to 32000: 1300
Number of long primes up to 64000: 2430
Number of long primes up to 128000: 4498
Number of long primes up to 256000: 8434
% 8,564,024 inferences, 0.991 CPU in 1.040 seconds (95% CPU, 8641390 Lips)


<lang PureBasic>#MAX=64000 If OpenConsole()=0 : End 1 : EndIf

Dim p.b(#MAX) : FillMemory(@p(),#MAX,#True,#PB_Byte) For n=2 To Int(Sqr(#MAX))+1 : If p(n) : m=n*n : While m<=#MAX : p(m)=#False : m+n : Wend : EndIf : Next

Procedure.i periodic(v.i)

 r=1 : Repeat : r=(r*10)%v : c+1 : If r<=1 : ProcedureReturn c : EndIf : ForEver


n=500 PrintN(LSet("_",15,"_")+"Long primes upto "+Str(n)+LSet("_",15,"_")) For i=3 To 500 Step 2

 If p(i) And (i-1)=periodic(i)    
   Print(RSet(Str(i),5)) : c+1 : If c%10=0 : PrintN("") : EndIf     


PrintN(~"\n") PrintN("The number of long primes up to:") PrintN(RSet(Str(n),8)+" is "+Str(c)) : n+n For i=501 To #MAX+1 Step 2

 If p(i) And (i-1)=periodic(i) : c+1 : EndIf
 If i>n : PrintN(RSet(Str(n),8)+" is "+Str(c)) : n+n : EndIf

Next Input()</lang>

_______________Long primes upto 500_______________
    7   17   19   23   29   47   59   61   97  109
  113  131  149  167  179  181  193  223  229  233
  257  263  269  313  337  367  379  383  389  419
  433  461  487  491  499

The number of long primes up to:
     500 is 35
    1000 is 60
    2000 is 116
    4000 is 218
    8000 is 390
   16000 is 716
   32000 is 1300
   64000 is 2430


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang python>def sieve(limit):

   primes = []
   c = [False] * (limit + 1) # composite = true
   # no need to process even numbers
   p = 3
   while True:
       p2 = p * p
       if p2 > limit: break
       for i in range(p2, limit, 2 * p): c[i] = True
       while True:
           p += 2
           if not c[p]: break
   for i in range(3, limit, 2):
       if not c[i]: primes.append(i)
   return primes
  1. finds the period of the reciprocal of n

def findPeriod(n):

   r = 1
   for i in range(1, n): r = (10 * r) % n
   rr = r
   period = 0
   while True:
       r = (10 * r) % n
       period += 1
       if r == rr: break
   return period

primes = sieve(64000) longPrimes = [] for prime in primes:

   if findPeriod(prime) == prime - 1:

numbers = [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000] count = 0 index = 0 totals = [0] * len(numbers) for longPrime in longPrimes:

   if longPrime > numbers[index]:
       totals[index] = count
       index += 1
   count += 1

totals[-1] = count print('The long primes up to 500 are:') print(str(longPrimes[:totals[0]]).replace(',', )) print('\nThe number of long primes up to:') for (i, total) in enumerate(totals):

   print('  %5d is %d' % (numbers[i], total))</lang>
The long primes up to 500 are:
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


Translation of: Go

(at least find-period)

<lang racket>#lang racket (require math/number-theory)

(define (find-period n)

 (let ((rr (for/fold ((r 1))
                     ((i (in-range 1 (+ n 2))))
             (modulo (* 10 r) n))))
   (let period-loop ((r rr) (p 1))
     (let ((r′ (modulo (* 10 r) n)))
       (if (= r′ rr) p (period-loop r′ (add1 p)))))))

(define (long-prime? n)

 (and (prime? n) (= (find-period n) (sub1 n))))

(define memoised-long-prime? (let ((h# (make-hash))) (λ (n) (hash-ref! h# n (λ () (long-prime? n))))))

(module+ main

 ;; strictly, won't test 500 itself... but does it look prime to you?
 (filter memoised-long-prime? (range 7 500 2))
  (λ (n) (displayln (cons n (for/sum ((i (in-range 7 n 2))) (if (memoised-long-prime? i) 1 0)))))
  '(500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000)))

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)
 (check-equal? (map find-period '(7 11 977)) '(6 2 976)))</lang>
'(7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499)
(500 . 35)
(1000 . 60)
(2000 . 116)
(4000 . 218)
(8000 . 390)
(16000 . 716)
(32000 . 1300)
(64000 . 2430)


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.06

Not very fast as the numbers get larger. <lang perl6>use Math::Primesieve; my $sieve = Math::Primesieve.new;

sub is-long (Int $p) {

   my $r = 1;
   my $rr = $r = (10 * $r) % $p for ^$p;
   my $period;
   loop {
       $r = (10 * $r) % $p;
       last if $period >= $p or $r == $rr;
   $period == $p - 1 and $p > 2;


my @primes = $sieve.primes(500); my @long-primes = @primes.grep: {.&is-long};

put "Long primes ≤ 500:\n", @long-primes;

@long-primes = ();

for 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000 -> $upto {

   state $from = 0;
   my @extend = $sieve.primes($from, $upto);
   @long-primes.append: @extend.hyper(:8degree).grep: {.&is-long};
   say "\nNumber of long primes ≤ $upto: ", +@long-primes;
   $from = $upto;


Long primes ≤ 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35

Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60

Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116

Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218

Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390

Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716

Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300

Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430


For every   doubling   of the limit, it takes about roughly   5   times longer to compute the long primes.

uses odd numbers

<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates/displays base ten long primes (AKA golden primes, proper primes,*/ /*───────────────────── maximal period primes, long period primes, full reptend primes).*/ parse arg a /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if a= | a="," then a= '500 -500 -1000 -2000 -4000 -8000 -16000' , /*Not specified? */

                        '-32000 -64000 -128000 -512000 -1024000'     /*Then use default*/
   do k=1  for words(a);     H=word(a, k)       /*step through the list of high limits.*/
   neg= H<1                                     /*used as an indicator to display count*/
   H= abs(H)                                    /*obtain the absolute value of  H.     */
   $=                                           /*the list of  long primes   (so far). */
      do j=7  to H  by 2                        /*start with 7,  just use odd integers.*/
      if .len(j) + 1 \== j  then iterate        /*Period length wrong?   Then skip it. */
      $=$ j                                     /*add the   long prime   to the $ list.*/
      end   /*j*/
   if neg  then do;  say 'number of long primes ≤ '    H     " is: "     words($);    end
           else do;  say   'list of long primes ≤ '    H":";         say strip($);    end
   end      /*k*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ .len: procedure; parse arg x; r=1; do x; r= 10*r // x; end /*x*/

                             rr=r;   do p=1  until r==rr;    r= 10*r // x;     end  /*p*/
     return p</lang>
output   when using the internal default inputs:
list of long primes ≤  500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

number of long primes ≤  500  is:  35

number of long primes ≤  1000  is:  60

number of long primes ≤  2000  is:  116

number of long primes ≤  4000  is:  218

number of long primes ≤  8000  is:  390

number of long primes ≤  16000  is:  716

number of long primes ≤  32000  is:  1300

number of long primes ≤  64000  is:  2430

number of long primes ≤  128000  is:  4498

number of long primes ≤  512000  is:  15920

number of long primes ≤  1024000  is:  30171

uses odd numbers, some prime tests

This REXX version is about   2   times faster than the 1st REXX version   (because it does some primality testing). <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates/displays base ten long primes (AKA golden primes, proper primes,*/ /*───────────────────── maximal period primes, long period primes, full reptend primes).*/ parse arg a /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if a= | a="," then a= '500 -500 -1000 -2000 -4000 -8000 -16000' , /*Not specified? */

                        '-32000 -64000 -128000 -512000 -1024000'     /*Then use default*/
   do k=1  for words(a);     H=word(a, k)       /*step through the list of high limits.*/
   neg= H<1                                     /*used as an indicator to display count*/
   H= abs(H)                                    /*obtain the absolute value of  H.     */
   $=                                           /*the list of  long primes   (so far). */
      do j=7  to H  by 2;  parse var j  -1 _  /*start with 7,  just use odd integers.*/
                      if     _==5  then iterate /*last digit a five?  Then not a prime.*/
                      if j// 3==0  then iterate /*Is divisible by  3?   "   "  "   "   */
      if j\==11  then if j//11==0  then iterate /* "     "      " 11?   "   "  "   "   */
      if j\==13  then if j//13==0  then iterate /* "     "      " 13?   "   "  "   "   */
      if j\==17  then if j//17==0  then iterate /* "     "      " 17?   "   "  "   "   */
      if j\==19  then if j//19==0  then iterate /* "     "      " 19?   "   "  "   "   */
      if .len(j) + 1 \== j  then iterate        /*Period length wrong?   Then skip it. */
      $=$ j                                     /*add the   long prime   to the $ list.*/
      end   /*j*/
   if neg  then do;  say 'number of long primes ≤ '    H     " is: "     words($);    end
           else do;  say   'list of long primes ≤ '    H":";         say strip($);    end
   end      /*k*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ .len: procedure; parse arg x; r=1; do x; r= 10*r // x; end /*x*/

                             rr=r;   do p=1  until r==rr;    r= 10*r // x;     end  /*p*/
     return p</lang>
output   is identical to the 1st REXX version.

uses primes

This REXX version is about   5   times faster than the 1st REXX version   (because it only tests primes). <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates/displays base ten long primes (AKA golden primes, proper primes,*/ /*───────────────────── maximal period primes, long period primes, full reptend primes).*/ parse arg a /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if a= | a="," then a= '500 -500 -1000 -2000 -4000 -8000 -16000' , /*Not specified? */

                        '-32000 -64000 -128000 -512000 -1024000'     /*Then use default*/

m=0; aa= words(a) /* [↑] two list types of low primes. */

   do j=1  for aa;   m= max(m, abs(word(a, j))) /*find the maximum argument in the list*/
   end   /*j*/

call genP /*go and generate some primes. */

   do k=1  for aa;           H= word(a, k)      /*step through the list of high limits.*/
   neg= H<1                                     /*used as an indicator to display count*/
   H= abs(H)                                    /*obtain the absolute value of  H.     */
   $=                                           /*the list of  long primes   (so far). */
      do j=7  to H  by 2
      if \@.j               then iterate        /*Is  J  not a prime?    Then skip it. */
      if .len(j) + 1 \== j  then iterate        /*Period length wrong?     "    "   "  */
      $= $ j                                    /*add the   long prime   to the $ list.*/
      end   /*j*/                               /* [↑]  some pretty weak prime testing.*/
   if neg  then      say 'number of long primes ≤ '    H     " is: "     words($)
           else do;  say   'list of long primes ≤ '    H":";         say strip($);    end
   end      /*k*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ genP: @.=0; @.2=1; @.3=1; @.5=1; @.7=1; @.11=1;  !.=0; !.1=2; !.2=3; !.3=5; !.4=7; !.5=11

     #= 5                                       /*the number of primes  (so far).      */
         do g=!.#+2  by 2  until g>=m           /*gen enough primes to satisfy max  A. */
         if @.g\==0  then iterate               /*Is it not a prime?     Then skip it. */
                do d=2  until !.d**2>g          /*only divide up to square root of  X. */
                if g//!.d==0  then iterate g    /*Divisible?   Then skip this integer. */
                end   /*d*/                     /* [↓]  a spanking new prime was found.*/
         #= #+1               @.g= 1;  !.#= g   /*bump P counter; assign P, add to P's.*/
         end            /*g*/

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ .len: procedure; parse arg x; r=1; do x; r= 10*r // x; end /*x*/

                             rr=r;   do p=1  until r==rr;    r= 10*r // x;     end  /*p*/
     return p</lang>
output   is identical to the 1st REXX version.


System: I7-6700HQ, 3.5 GHz, Linux Kernel 5.6.17
Run as: $ ruby longprimes.rb

Finding long prime numbers using finding period location (translation of Python's module def findPeriod(n)) <lang Ruby>require 'prime'

batas = 64_000 # limit number start = Time.now # time of starting lp_array = [] # array of long-prime numbers

def find_period(n)

 r, period = 1, 0
 (1...n).each {r = (10 * r) % n}
 rr = r
 loop do 
   r = (10 * r) % n
   period += 1
   break if r == rr
 return period


Prime.each(batas).each do |prime|

 lp_array.push(prime) if find_period(prime) == prime-1 && prime != 2


[500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000].each do |s|

 if s == 500
   puts "\nAll long primes up to  #{s} are: #{lp_array.count {|x| x < s}}. They are:"
   lp_array.each {|x| print x, " " if x < s}
   print "\nAll long primes up to #{s} are: #{lp_array.count {|x| x < s}}"


puts "\n\nTime: #{Time.now - start}"</lang>

All long primes up to  500 are: 35. They are:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
All long primes up to 1000 are: 60
All long primes up to 2000 are: 116
All long primes up to 4000 are: 218
All long primes up to 8000 are: 390
All long primes up to 16000 are: 716
All long primes up to 32000 are: 1300
All long primes up to 64000 are: 2430
Time: 16.212039    # Ruby 2.7.1 
Time: 18.664795    # JRuby
Time: 3.198        # Truffleruby 20.1.0

Alternatively, by using primitive way: converting value into string and make assessment for proper repetend position. Indeed produce same information, but with longer time. <lang Ruby>require 'prime' require 'bigdecimal' require 'strscan'

batas = 64_000 # limit number start = Time.now # time of starting lp_array = [] # array of long-prime numbers a = BigDecimal.("1") # number being divided, that is 1.

Prime.each(batas).each do |prime|

 cek = a.div(prime, (prime-1)*2).truncate((prime-1)*2).to_s('F')[2..-1] # Dividing 1 with prime and take its value as string.
 if (cek[0, prime-1] == cek[prime-1, prime-1])
   i = prime-2
   until i < 5
     break if cek[0, i] == cek[i, i]
     cek.slice!(-2, 2) # Shortening checked string to reduce checking process load
   until i == 0
     break if cek[0, (cek.size/i)*i].scan(/.{#{i}}/).uniq.length == 1
   lp_array.push(prime) if i == 0


[500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000].each do |s|

 if s == 500
   puts "\nAll long primes up to  #{s} are: #{lp_array.count {|x| x < s}}. They are:"
   lp_array.each {|x| print x, " " if x < s}
   print "\nAll long primes up to #{s} are: #{lp_array.count {|x| x < s}}"


puts "\n\nTime: #{Time.now - start}"</lang>

(same output with previous version, but longer time elapse)

Time: 629.360075011 secs # Ruby 2.7.1
Translation of: Crystal of Sidef

Fastest version. <lang ruby>def prime?(n) # P3 Prime Generator primality test

 return n | 1 == 3 if n < 5      # n: 2,3|true; 0,1,4|false 
 return false if n.gcd(6) != 1   # this filters out 2/3 of all integers
 pc, sqrtn = 5, Integer.sqrt(n)  # first P3 prime candidates sequence value
 until pc > sqrtn
   return false if n % pc == 0 || n % (pc + 2) == 0  # if n is composite
   pc += 6                       # 1st prime candidate for next residues group


def divisors(n) # divisors of n -> [1,..,n]

 f = []
 (1..Integer.sqrt(n)).each { |i| (n % i).zero? && (f << i; f << n / i if n / i != i) }


  1. The smallest divisor d of p-1 such that 10^d = 1 (mod p),
  2. is the length of the period of the decimal expansion of 1/p.

def long_prime?(p)

 return false unless prime? p
 divisors(p - 1).each { |d| return d == (p - 1) if 10.pow(d, p) == 1 }


start = Time.now puts "Long primes ≤ 500:" (7..500).each { |pc| print "#{pc} " if long_prime? pc } puts [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000].each do |n|

 puts "Number of long primes ≤ #{n}: #{(7..n).count { |pc| long_prime? pc }}"

end puts "\nTime: #{(Time.now - start)} secs"</lang>

Long primes ≤ 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35
Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60
Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116
Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218
Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390
Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716
Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300
Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430
Time: 0.228912772 secs  # Ruby 2.7.1
Time: 0.544648 secs     # JRuby
Time: 11.985 secs       # Truffleruby 20.1.0


<lang rust>// main.rs // References: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_reptend_prime // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_root_modulo_n#Finding_primitive_roots

mod bit_array; mod prime_sieve;

use prime_sieve::PrimeSieve;

fn modpow(mut base: usize, mut exp: usize, n: usize) -> usize {

   if n == 1 {
       return 0;
   let mut result = 1;
   base %= n;
   while exp > 0 {
       if (exp & 1) == 1 {
           result = (result * base) % n;
       base = (base * base) % n;
       exp >>= 1;


fn is_long_prime(sieve: &PrimeSieve, prime: usize) -> bool {

   if !sieve.is_prime(prime) {
       return false;
   if 10 % prime == 0 {
       return false;
   let n = prime - 1;
   let mut m = n;
   let mut p = 2;
   while p * p <= n {
       if sieve.is_prime(p) && m % p == 0 {
           if modpow(10, n / p, prime) == 1 {
               return false;
           while m % p == 0 {
               m /= p;
       p += 1;
   if m == 1 {
       return true;
   modpow(10, n / m, prime) != 1


fn long_primes(limit1: usize, limit2: usize) {

   let sieve = PrimeSieve::new(limit2);
   let mut count = 0;
   let mut limit = limit1;
   let mut prime = 3;
   while prime < limit2 {
       if is_long_prime(&sieve, prime) {
           if prime < limit1 {
               print!("{} ", prime);
           if prime > limit {
               print!("\nNumber of long primes up to {}: {}", limit, count);
               limit *= 2;
           count += 1;
       prime += 2;
   println!("\nNumber of long primes up to {}: {}", limit, count);


fn main() {

   long_primes(500, 8192000);


<lang rust>// prime_sieve.rs use crate::bit_array;

pub struct PrimeSieve {

   composite: bit_array::BitArray,


impl PrimeSieve {

   pub fn new(limit: usize) -> PrimeSieve {
       let mut sieve = PrimeSieve {
           composite: bit_array::BitArray::new(limit / 2),
       let mut p = 3;
       while p * p <= limit {
           if !sieve.composite.get(p / 2 - 1) {
               let inc = p * 2;
               let mut q = p * p;
               while q <= limit {
                   sieve.composite.set(q / 2 - 1, true);
                   q += inc;
           p += 2;
   pub fn is_prime(&self, n: usize) -> bool {
       if n < 2 {
           return false;
       if n % 2 == 0 {
           return n == 2;
       !self.composite.get(n / 2 - 1)


<lang rust>// bit_array.rs pub struct BitArray {

   array: Vec<u32>,


impl BitArray {

   pub fn new(size: usize) -> BitArray {
       BitArray {
           array: vec![0; (size + 31) / 32],
   pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
       let bit = 1 << (index & 31);
       (self.array[index >> 5] & bit) != 0
   pub fn set(&mut self, index: usize, new_val: bool) {
       let bit = 1 << (index & 31);
       if new_val {
           self.array[index >> 5] |= bit;
       } else {
           self.array[index >> 5] &= !bit;



Execution time is just over 1.5 seconds on my system (macOS 10.15, 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5)

7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499 
Number of long primes up to 500: 35
Number of long primes up to 1000: 60
Number of long primes up to 2000: 116
Number of long primes up to 4000: 218
Number of long primes up to 8000: 390
Number of long primes up to 16000: 716
Number of long primes up to 32000: 1300
Number of long primes up to 64000: 2430
Number of long primes up to 128000: 4498
Number of long primes up to 256000: 8434
Number of long primes up to 512000: 15920
Number of long primes up to 1024000: 30171
Number of long primes up to 2048000: 57115
Number of long primes up to 4096000: 108381
Number of long primes up to 8192000: 206594


The smallest divisor d of p-1 such that 10^d = 1 (mod p), is the length of the period of the decimal expansion of 1/p. <lang ruby>func is_long_prime(p) {

   for d in (divisors(p-1)) {
       if (powmod(10, d, p) == 1) {
           return (d+1 == p)
   return false


say "Long primes ≤ 500:" say primes(500).grep(is_long_prime).join(' ')

for n in ([500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000]) {

   say ("Number of long primes ≤ #{n}: ", primes(n).count_by(is_long_prime))


Long primes ≤ 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
Number of long primes ≤ 500: 35
Number of long primes ≤ 1000: 60
Number of long primes ≤ 2000: 116
Number of long primes ≤ 4000: 218
Number of long primes ≤ 8000: 390
Number of long primes ≤ 16000: 716
Number of long primes ≤ 32000: 1300
Number of long primes ≤ 64000: 2430

Alternatively, we can implement the is_long_prime(p) function using the `znorder(a, p)` built-in method, which is considerably faster:

<lang ruby>func is_long_prime(p) {

   znorder(10, p) == p-1



<lang swift>public struct Eratosthenes: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {

 private let n: Int
 private let limit: Int
 private var i = 2
 private var sieve: [Int]
 public init(upTo: Int) {
   if upTo <= 1 {
     self.n = 0
     self.limit = -1
     self.sieve = []
   } else {
     self.n = upTo
     self.limit = Int(Double(n).squareRoot())
     self.sieve = Array(0...n)
 public mutating func next() -> Int? {
   while i < n {
     defer { i += 1 }
     if sieve[i] != 0 {
       if i <= limit {
         for notPrime in stride(from: i * i, through: n, by: i) {
           sieve[notPrime] = 0
       return i
   return nil


func findPeriod(n: Int) -> Int {

 let r = (1...n+1).reduce(1, {res, _ in (10 * res) % n })
 var rr = r
 var period = 0
 repeat {
   rr = (10 * rr) % n
   period += 1
 } while r != rr
 return period


let longPrimes = Eratosthenes(upTo: 64000).dropFirst().lazy.filter({ findPeriod(n: $0) == $0 - 1 })

print("Long primes less than 500: \(Array(longPrimes.prefix(while: { $0 <= 500 })))")

let counts =

 longPrimes.reduce(into: [500: 0, 1000: 0, 2000: 0, 4000: 0, 8000: 0, 16000: 0, 32000: 0, 64000: 0], {counts, n in
   for key in counts.keys where n < key {
     counts[key]! += 1

for key in counts.keys.sorted() {

 print("There are \(counts[key]!) long primes less than \(key)")


Long primes less than 500: [7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 47, 59, 61, 97, 109, 113, 131, 149, 167, 179, 181, 193, 223, 229, 233, 257, 263, 269, 313, 337, 367, 379, 383, 389, 419, 433, 461, 487, 491, 499]
There are 35 long primes less than 500
There are 60 long primes less than 1000
There are 116 long primes less than 2000
There are 218 long primes less than 4000
There are 390 long primes less than 8000
There are 716 long primes less than 16000
There are 1300 long primes less than 32000
There are 2430 long primes less than 64000

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: C#

<lang vbnet>Imports System, System.Collections.Generic, System.Linq, System.Console

Module LongPrimes

   Function Period(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
       Dim m As Integer, r As Integer = 1
       For i As Integer = 0 To n : r = 10 * r Mod n : Next
       m = r : Period = 1 : While True
           r = (10 * r) Mod n : If r = m Then Return Period
           Period += 1 : End While
   End Function
   Sub Main()
       Dim primes As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = SomePrimeGenerator.Primes(64000).Skip(1).Where(Function(p) Period(p) = p - 1).Append(99999)
       Dim count As Integer = 0, limit As Integer = 500
       WriteLine(String.Join(" ", primes.TakeWhile(Function(p) p <= limit)))
       For Each prime As Integer In primes
           If prime > limit Then
               WriteLine($"There are {count} long primes below {limit}")
               limit <<= 1 : End If : count += 1 : Next
   End Sub

End Module

Module SomePrimeGenerator

   Iterator Function Primes(lim As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
       Dim flags As Boolean() = New Boolean(lim) {},
           j As Integer = 2, d As Integer = 3, sq As Integer = 4
       While sq <= lim
           If Not flags(j) Then
               Yield j : For k As Integer = sq To lim step j
                   flags(k) = True : Next
           End If : j += 1 : d += 2 : sq += d
       End While : While j <= lim
           If Not flags(j) Then Yield j
           j += 1 : End While
   End Function

End Module</lang>


Same output as C#.


Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-math

<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt import "/math" for Int

// finds the period of the reciprocal of n var findPeriod = Fn.new { |n|

   var r = 1
   for (i in 1..n+1) r = (10*r) % n
   var rr = r
   var period = 0
   var ok = true
   while (ok) {
       r = (10*r) % n
       period = period + 1
       ok = (r != rr)
   return period


var primes = Int.primeSieve(64000).skip(1) var longPrimes = [] for (prime in primes) {

   if (findPeriod.call(prime) == prime - 1) longPrimes.add(prime)

} var numbers = [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000] var index = 0 var count = 0 var totals = List.filled(numbers.count, 0) for (longPrime in longPrimes) {

   if (longPrime > numbers[index]) {
       totals[index] = count
       index = index + 1
   count = count + 1

} totals[-1] = count System.print("The long primes up to %(numbers[0]) are: ") System.print(longPrimes[0...totals[0]].join(" "))

System.print("\nThe number of long primes up to: ") var i = 0 for (total in totals) {

   System.print("  %(Fmt.d(5, numbers[i])) is %(total)")
   i = i + 1


The long primes up to 500 are: 
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499

The number of long primes up to: 
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


Translation of: C
Works with: Windows XBasic

<lang xbasic> PROGRAM "longprimes" VERSION "0.0002"

DECLARE FUNCTION Entry() INTERNAL FUNCTION Sieve(limit&, primes&[], count%) INTERNAL FUNCTION FindPeriod(n&)


 DIM numbers&[7]
 numbers&[0] = 500
 numbers&[1] = 1000
 numbers&[2] = 2000
 numbers&[3] = 4000
 numbers&[4] = 8000
 numbers&[5] = 16000
 numbers&[6] = 32000
 numbers&[7] = 64000
 numberUpperBound% = UBOUND(numbers&[])
 DIM totals%[numberUpperBound%]
 DIM primes&[6499]
 PRINT "Please wait."
 Sieve(64000, @primes&[], @primeCount%)
 DIM longPrimes&[primeCount% - 1] ' Surely longCount% < primeCount%
 longCount% = 0
 FOR i% = 0 TO primeCount% - 1
   prime& = primes&[i%]
   IF FindPeriod(prime&) = prime& - 1 THEN
     longPrimes&[longCount%] = prime&
     INC longCount%
 NEXT i%
 count% = 0
 index% = 0
 FOR i% = 0 TO longCount% - 1
   IF longPrimes&[i%] > numbers&[index%] THEN
     totals%[index%] = count%
     INC index%
   INC count%
 NEXT i%
 totals%[numberUpperBound%] = count%
 PRINT "The long primes up to"; numbers&[0]; " are:"
 PRINT "[";
 FOR i% = 0 TO totals%[0] - 2
   PRINT STRING$(longPrimes&[i%]); " ";
 NEXT i%
 IF totals%[0] > 0 THEN
   PRINT STRING$(longPrimes&[totals%[0] - 1]);
 PRINT "]"
 PRINT "The number of long primes up to:"
 FOR i% = 0 TO numberUpperBound%
   PRINT FORMAT$("  #####", numbers&[i%]); " is"; totals%[i%]
 NEXT i%


FUNCTION Sieve(limit&, primes&[], count%)

 DIM c@[limit&]
 FOR i& = 0 TO limit&
   c@[i&] = 0
 NEXT i&
 ' No need to process even numbers
 p% = 3
 n% = 0
 p2& = p% * p%
 DO WHILE p2& <= limit&
   FOR i& = p2& TO limit& STEP 2 * p%
     c@[i&] = 1
   NEXT i&
     p% = p% + 2
   LOOP UNTIL !c@[p%]
   p2& = p% * p%
 FOR i& = 3 TO limit& STEP 2
   IFZ c@[i&] THEN
     primes&[n%] = i&
     INC n%
 NEXT i&
 count% = n%


' Finds the period of the reciprocal of n& FUNCTION FindPeriod(n&)

 r& = 1
 period& = 0
 FOR i& = 1 TO n& + 1
   r& = (10 * r&) MOD n&
 NEXT i&
 rr& = r&
   r& = (10 * r&) MOD n&
   INC period&
 LOOP UNTIL r& = rr&



Please wait.

The long primes up to 500 are:
[7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499]

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430


Using GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, probabilistic primes), because it is easy and fast to generate primes. <lang zkl>var [const] BN=Import("zklBigNum"); // libGMP primes,p := List.createLong(7_000), BN(3); // one big alloc vs lots of allocs while(p.nextPrime()<=64_000){ primes.append(p.toInt()) } // 6412 of them, skipped 2 primes.append(p.toInt()); // and one more so tail prime is >64_000

longPrimes:=primes.filter(fcn(p){ findPeriod(p)==p-1 }); // yawn fcn findPeriod(n){

  r,period := 1,0;
  do(n){ r=(10*r)%n }
  while(True){   // reduce is more concise but 2.5 times slower
     if(r==rr) break;


<lang zkl>fiveHundred:=longPrimes.filter('<(500)); println("The long primes up to 500 are:\n",longPrimes.filter('<(500)).concat(","));

println("\nThe number of long primes up to:"); foreach n in (T(500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000)){

  println("  %5d is %d".fmt( n, longPrimes.filter1n('>(n)) ));


The long primes up to 500 are:

The number of long primes up to:
    500 is 35
   1000 is 60
   2000 is 116
   4000 is 218
   8000 is 390
  16000 is 716
  32000 is 1300
  64000 is 2430