Knapsack problem/Continuous: Difference between revisions

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Knapsack problem/Continuous
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

See also: Knapsack problem and Wikipedia

A robber burgles in a butcher`s, wher he can select from some items. He knows the weights and prices of each items. Because he has a knapsack with 15 kg maximal capacity, he want to select from the items, that he would have the profit maximised. He may cut the items. Of course the item has a reduced price after cutting. The reduced item has proportional price with original price. That means: a half item has a half price of original.

This is the item list in the butcher`s:

Table of potential knapsack items
Item Weight (kg) Price (Value)
beef 3.8 36
pork 5.4 43
ham 3.6 90
greaves 2.4 45
flitch 4.0 30
brawn 2.5 56
welt 3.7 67
salami 3.0 95
sausage 5.9 98
Knapsack <=15 kg ?

Which items does the robber carry in his knapsack so that their total weight does not exceed 15 kg, and their total value is maximised?


Greedy solution.

<lang java> package hu.pj.alg.test;

import hu.pj.alg.ContinuousKnapsack; import hu.pj.obj.Item; import java.util.*; import java.text.*;

public class ContinousKnapsackForRobber {

   final private double tolerance = 0.0005;
   public ContinousKnapsackForRobber() {
       ContinuousKnapsack cok = new ContinuousKnapsack(15); // 15 kg
       // making the list of items that you want to bring
       cok.add("beef",     3.8, 36); // marhahús
       cok.add("pork",     5.4, 43); // disznóhús
       cok.add("ham",      3.6, 90); // sonka
       cok.add("greaves",  2.4, 45); // tepertő
       cok.add("flitch",   4.0, 30); // oldalas
       cok.add("brawn",    2.5, 56); // disznósajt
       cok.add("welt",     3.7, 67); // hurka
       cok.add("salami",   3.0, 95); // szalámi
       cok.add("sausage",  5.9, 98); // kolbász
       // calculate the solution:
       List<Item> itemList = cok.calcSolution();
       // write out the solution in the standard output
       if (cok.isCalculated()) {
           NumberFormat nf  = NumberFormat.getInstance();
               "Maximal weight           = " +
               nf.format(cok.getMaxWeight()) + " kg"
               "Total weight of solution = " +
               nf.format(cok.getSolutionWeight()) + " kg"
               "Total value (profit)     = " +
               "You can carry te following materials " +
               "in the knapsack:"
           for (Item item : itemList) {
               if (item.getInKnapsack() > tolerance) {
                       "%1$-10s %2$-15s %3$-15s \n",
                       nf.format(item.getInKnapsack()) + " kg ",
                       "(value = " + nf.format(item.getInKnapsack() * (item.getValue() / item.getWeight())) + ")"
       } else {
               "The problem is not solved. " +
               "Maybe you gave wrong data."
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       new ContinousKnapsackForRobber();

} // class</lang>

<lang java> package hu.pj.alg;

import hu.pj.obj.Item; import java.util.*;

public class ContinuousKnapsack {

   protected List<Item> itemList   = new ArrayList<Item>();
   protected double maxWeight      = 0;
   protected double solutionWeight = 0;
   protected double profit         = 0;
   protected boolean calculated    = false;
   public ContinuousKnapsack() {}
   public ContinuousKnapsack(double _maxWeight) {
   public List<Item> calcSolution() {
       int n = itemList.size();
       if (n > 0  &&  maxWeight > 0) {
           for (int i = 0; (maxWeight - solutionWeight) > 0.0  &&  i < n; i++) {
               Item item = itemList.get(i);
               if (item.getWeight() >= (maxWeight - solutionWeight)) {
                   item.setInKnapsack(maxWeight - solutionWeight);
                   solutionWeight = maxWeight;
                   profit += item.getInKnapsack() / item.getWeight() * item.getValue();
               } else {
                   solutionWeight += item.getInKnapsack();
                   profit += item.getValue();
           calculated = true;
       return itemList;
   // add an item to the item list
   public void add(String name, double weight, double value) {
       if (name.equals(""))
           name = "" + (itemList.size() + 1);
       itemList.add(new Item(name, weight, value));
   public double getMaxWeight() {return maxWeight;}
   public double getProfit() {return profit;}
   public double getSolutionWeight() {return solutionWeight;}
   public boolean isCalculated() {return calculated;}
   public void setMaxWeight(double _maxWeight) {
       maxWeight = Math.max(_maxWeight, 0);
   // set the member with name "inKnapsack" by all items:
   private void setInKnapsackByAll(double inKnapsack) {
       for (Item item : itemList)
   // set the data members of class in the state of starting the calculation:
   protected void setInitialStateForCalculation() {
       calculated     = false;
       profit         = 0.0;
       solutionWeight = 0.0;

} // class</lang>

<lang java> package hu.pj.obj;

public class Item implements Comparable {

   protected String name       = "";
   protected double weight     = 0;
   protected double value      = 0;
   protected double inKnapsack = 0; // the weight of item in solution
   public Item() {}
   public Item(Item item) {
   public Item(double _weight, double _value) {
   public Item(String _name, double _weight, double _value) {
   public void setName(String _name) {name = _name;}
   public void setWeight(double _weight) {weight = Math.max(_weight, 0);}
   public void setValue(double _value) {value = Math.max(_value, 0);}
   public void setInKnapsack(double _inKnapsack) {
       inKnapsack = Math.max(_inKnapsack, 0);
   public void checkMembers() {
   public String getName() {return name;}
   public double getWeight() {return weight;}
   public double getValue() {return value;}
   public double getInKnapsack() {return inKnapsack;}
   // implementing of Comparable interface:
   public int compareTo(Object item) {
       int result = 0;
       Item i2 = (Item)item;
       double rate1 = value / weight;
       double rate2 = i2.value / i2.weight;
       if (rate1 > rate2) result = -1;  // if greater, put it previously
       else if (rate1 < rate2) result = 1;
       return result;

} // class</lang>


Maximal weight           = 15 kg
Total weight of solution = 15 kg
Total value (profit)     = 349,378

You can carry te following materials in the knapsack:
3 kg       salami          (value = 95)    
3,6 kg     ham             (value = 90)    
2,5 kg     brawn           (value = 56)    
2,4 kg     greaves         (value = 45)    
3,5 kg     welt            (value = 63,378)