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<lang clojure>
(ns test-project-intellij.core
(defn find-matches [s t]
" find match locations in the two strings "
" s_matches is set to true wherever there is a match in t and t_matches is set conversely "
(let [s_len (count s)
t_len (count t)
match_distance (int (- (/ (max s_len t_len) 2) 1))
matches 0
transpositions 0
fn-start (fn [i] (max 0 (- i match_distance))) ; function to compute starting position
fn-end (fn [i] (min (+ i match_distance 1) (- t_len 1))) ] ; function to compute end position
(loop [i 0
start (fn-start i)
end (fn-end i)
k start
s_matches (vec (repeat (count s) false))
t_matches (vec (repeat (count t) false))
matches 0]
(if (< i s_len)
(if (<= k end)
(if (get t_matches k)
; continue with next k
(recur i start end (inc k) s_matches t_matches matches)
(if (= (get s i) (get t k))
; match a position, so update matches, s_matches, t_matches to reflect match
(recur (inc i) (fn-start (inc i)) (fn-end (inc i)) (fn-start (inc i)) (assoc s_matches i true) (assoc t_matches k true) (inc matches))
; no match so try next k
(recur i start end (inc k) s_matches t_matches matches)))
; End of k iterations, so increment i and set k to start based upon i
(recur (inc i) (fn-start (inc i)) (fn-end (inc i)) (fn-start (inc i)) s_matches t_matches matches))
; End of i iterations
[matches s_matches t_matches]))))
(defn count-transpositions [s t s_matches t_matches]
" Utility function to count the number of transpositions "
(let [s_len (count s)]
(loop [i 0
k 0
transpositions 0]
(if (< i s_len)
; still elements in s (since i < s_len)
(if (not (get s_matches i nil))
; skip to next i since there are no matches in s
(recur (inc i) k transpositions)
; checking for match in t
(if (not (get t_matches k nil))
; keeping looping around as long as there are no matches in t
(recur i (inc k) transpositions)
(if (not= (get s i) (get t k))
; increment transposition count (if strings don't equal at match location)
(recur (inc i) (inc k) (inc transpositions))
; was a match, so advance i and k without increasing transpositions count
(recur (inc i) (inc k) transpositions))))
; Return count
(defn jaro [s t]
" jaro distance measure routine"
(if (= s t)
(let [[matches s_matches t_matches] (find-matches s t)]
(if (= 0 matches)
(let [s_len (count s)
t_len (count t)
transpositions (count-transpositions s t s_matches t_matches)]
(float (/ (+ (/ matches s_len) (/ matches t_len) (/ (- matches (/ transpositions 2)) matches)) 3)))))))
(println (jaro "MARTHA" "MARHTA"))
(println (jaro "DIXON" "DICKSONX"))
(println (jaro "JELLYFISH" "SMELLYFISH"))