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See [[Hunt_The_Wumpus/CSharp]].
See [[Hunt_The_Wumpus/CSharp]].

I've tried to stick as closely as possible to the task description but, as some points are unclear, I've had to make the following assumptions:

1. The bats and the pits are in separate rooms but the Wumpus can be in any room whether there's another hazard in it or not.

2. The game starts with the player in room 1 which initially contains no hazards.

3. If a bat transports the player to a random empty room, it returns to its original room.

4. If the Wumpus wakes up and moves to an 'adjacent' room, it means a room adjacent to the Wumpus not necessarily the player.
<lang go>package main

import (

var cave = map[int][3]int{
1: {2, 3, 4}, 2: {1, 5, 6}, 3: {1, 7, 8}, 4: {1, 9, 10}, 5: {2, 9, 11},
6: {2, 7, 12}, 7: {3, 6, 13}, 8: {3, 10, 14}, 9: {4, 5, 15}, 10: {4, 8, 16},
11: {5, 12, 17}, 12: {6, 11, 18}, 13: {7, 14, 18}, 14: {8, 13, 19},
15: {9, 16, 17}, 16: {10, 15, 19}, 17: {11, 20, 15}, 18: {12, 13, 20},
19: {14, 16, 20}, 20: {17, 18, 19},

var player, wumpus, bat1, bat2, pit1, pit2 int

var arrows = 5

func isEmpty(r int) bool {
if r != player && r != wumpus && r != bat1 && r != bat2 && r != pit1 && r != pit2 {
return true
return false

func sense(adj [3]int) {
bat := false
pit := false
for _, ar := range adj {
if ar == wumpus {
fmt.Println("You smell something terrible nearby.")
switch ar {
case bat1, bat2:
if !bat {
fmt.Println("You hear a rustling.")
bat = true
case pit1, pit2:
if !pit {
fmt.Println("You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern.")
pit = true

func check(err error) {
if err != nil {

func plural(n int) string {
if n != 1 {
return "s"
return ""

func main() {
player = 1
wumpus = rand.Intn(19) + 2 // 2 to 20
bat1 = rand.Intn(19) + 2
for {
bat2 = rand.Intn(19) + 2
if bat2 != bat1 {
for {
pit1 = rand.Intn(19) + 2
if pit1 != bat1 && pit1 != bat2 {
for {
pit2 = rand.Intn(19) + 2
if pit2 != bat1 && pit2 != bat2 && pit2 != pit1 {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for {
fmt.Printf("\nYou are in room %d with %d arrow%s left\n", player, arrows, plural(arrows))
adj := cave[player]
fmt.Printf("The adjacent rooms are %v\n", adj)
var room int
for {
fmt.Print("Choose an adjacent room : ")
room, _ = strconv.Atoi(scanner.Text())
if room != adj[0] && room != adj[1] && room != adj[2] {
fmt.Println("Invalid response, try again")
} else {
var action byte
for {
fmt.Print("Walk or shoot w/s : ")
reply := strings.ToLower(scanner.Text())
if len(reply) != 1 || (len(reply) == 1 && reply[0] != 'w' && reply[0] != 's') {
fmt.Println("Invalid response, try again")
} else {
action = reply[0]
if action == 'w' {
player = room
switch player {
case wumpus:
fmt.Println("You have been eaten by the Wumpus and lost the game!")
case pit1, pit2:
fmt.Println("You have fallen down a bottomless pit and lost the game!")
case bat1, bat2:
for {
room = rand.Intn(19) + 2
if isEmpty(room) {
fmt.Println("A bat has transported you to a random empty room")
player = room
} else {
if room == wumpus {
fmt.Println("You have killed the Wumpus and won the game!!")
} else {
chance := rand.Intn(4) // 0 to 3
if chance > 0 { // 75% probability
wumpus = cave[wumpus][rand.Intn(3)]
if player == wumpus {
fmt.Println("You have been eaten by the Wumpus and lost the game!")
if arrows == 0 {
fmt.Println("You have run out of arrows and lost the game!")
