Free polyominoes enumeration: Difference between revisions

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m (Use wp:… for wikipedia link (you can also use to remove "wp:" from the output if desired))
(+ second D entry)
Line 176:
===D: Count Only===
Translated and modified from C code:
<lang d>import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
import core.stdc.stdlib: atoi;
__gshared ulong[] g_pnCountNH;
__gshared uint[] g_pnFieldCheck, g_pnFieldCheckR;
__gshared uint g_nFieldSize, g_nFieldWidth;
__gshared uint[4] g_anLinkData;
__gshared uint[8] g_anRotationOffset, g_anRotationX, g_anRotationY;
void countMain(in uint n) nothrow {
g_nFieldWidth = n * 2 - 2;
g_nFieldSize = (n - 1) * (n - 1) * 2 + 1;
g_pnCountNH = new ulong[n + 1];
auto pnField = new uint[g_nFieldSize];
auto pnPutList = new uint[g_nFieldSize];
g_pnFieldCheck = new uint[n ^^ 2];
g_pnFieldCheckR = new uint[n ^^ 2];
g_anLinkData[0] = 1;
g_anLinkData[1] = g_nFieldWidth;
g_anLinkData[2] = -1;
g_anLinkData[3] = -g_nFieldWidth;
countSub(n, 0, pnField, pnPutList, 0, 1);
void countSub(in uint n, in uint lv, uint[] field, uint[] putlist,
in uint putno, in uint putlast) nothrow /*@nogc*/ {
check(field, n, lv);
if (n == lv) {
foreach (immutable uint i; putno .. putlast) {
immutable pos = putlist[i];
field[pos] |= 1;
uint k = 0;
foreach (immutable uint j; 0 .. 4) {
immutable pos2 = pos + g_anLinkData[j];
if (0 <= pos2 && pos2 < g_nFieldSize && !field[pos2]) {
field[pos2] = 2;
putlist[putlast + k] = pos2;
countSub(n, lv + 1, field, putlist, i + 1, putlast + k);
foreach (immutable uint j; 0 .. k)
field[putlist[putlast + j]] = 0;
field[pos] = 2;
foreach (immutable uint i; putno .. putlast) {
immutable pos = putlist[i];
field[pos] &= -2;
void initOffset(in uint n) nothrow /*@nogc*/ {
g_anRotationOffset[0] = 0;
g_anRotationX[0] = 1;
g_anRotationY[0] = n;
// 90
g_anRotationOffset[1] = n - 1;
g_anRotationX[1] = n;
g_anRotationY[1] = -1;
// 180
g_anRotationOffset[2] = n ^^ 2 - 1;
g_anRotationX[2] = -1;
g_anRotationY[2] = -n;
// 270
g_anRotationOffset[3] = n ^^ 2 - n;
g_anRotationX[3] = -n;
g_anRotationY[3] = 1;
g_anRotationOffset[4] = n - 1;
g_anRotationX[4] = -1;
g_anRotationY[4] = n;
// 90
g_anRotationOffset[5] = 0;
g_anRotationX[5] = n;
g_anRotationY[5] = 1;
// 180
g_anRotationOffset[6] = n ^^ 2 - n;
g_anRotationX[6] = 1;
g_anRotationY[6] = -n;
// 270
g_anRotationOffset[7] = n ^^ 2 - 1;
g_anRotationX[7] = -n;
g_anRotationY[7] = -1;
void check(in uint[] field, in uint n, in uint lv) nothrow /*@nogc*/ {
g_pnFieldCheck[0 .. n ^^ 2] = 0;
uint x, y;
for (x = n; x < n * 2 - 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y + x < g_nFieldSize; y += g_nFieldWidth)
if (field[x + y] & 1)
break outer;
immutable uint x2 = n - x;
foreach (immutable uint i; 0 .. g_nFieldSize) {
x = (i + n - 2) % g_nFieldWidth;
y = (i + n - 2) / g_nFieldWidth * n;
if (field[i] & 1)
g_pnFieldCheck[x + x2 + y] = 1;
uint of1;
for (of1 = 0; of1 < g_pnFieldCheck.length && !g_pnFieldCheck[of1]; of1++) {}
bool c = true;
for (uint r = 1; r < 8 && c; r++) {
for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < n; y++) {
immutable pos = g_anRotationOffset[r] +
g_anRotationX[r] * x + g_anRotationY[r] * y;
g_pnFieldCheckR[pos] = g_pnFieldCheck[x + y * n];
uint of2;
for (of2 = 0; of2 < g_pnFieldCheckR.length && !g_pnFieldCheckR[of2]; of2++) {}
of2 -= of1;
immutable ed = (of2 > 0) ? (n ^^ 2 - of2) : (n ^^ 2);
foreach (immutable uint i; of1 .. ed) {
if (g_pnFieldCheck[i] > g_pnFieldCheckR[i + of2])
if (g_pnFieldCheck[i] < g_pnFieldCheckR[i + of2]) {
c = false;
if (c) {
uint parity;
if (!(lv & 1)) {
parity = (lv & 2) >> 1;
for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
for (y = 0; y < n; y++)
parity ^= (x + y) & g_pnFieldCheck[x + y * n];
parity &= 1;
} else
parity = 0;
int main(in string[] args) {
immutable n = (args.length == 2) ? (args[1] ~ '\0').ptr.atoi : 11;
if (n < 1)
return 1;
if (n == 1)
foreach (immutable i; 1 .. n + 1)
printf("%llu\n", g_pnCountNH[i]);
return 0;
Output with n=14 (run-time about 36 seconds):

Revision as of 09:15, 29 October 2014

Free polyominoes enumeration is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

A Polyomino is a plane geometric figure formed by joining one or more equal squares edge to edge. Free polyominoes are distinct when none is translation, rotation, reflection or glide reflection of another: wp:Polyomino.

Task: generate all the free polyominoes with n cells.

You can visualize them just as a sequence of the coordinate pairs of their cells (rank 5):

[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 1)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (2, 0)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 1)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (1, 3)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
[(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)]

But a better basic visualization is using ASCII art (rank 5):

#    ##   #    ##  ##  ###  #     #    #    #    #      #
#    #    ##   ##  #   #    ###   #    ###  ##   ###   ###
#    #    #    #   ##  #    #     ##    #    ##    #    #
#    #    #                        #

For a slow but clear solution see this Haskell Wiki page:

Bonus Task: you can create an alternative program (or specialize your first program) to generate very quickly just the number of distinct free polyominoes, and to show a sequence like:

1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 12, 35, 108, 369, 1285, 4655, 17073, 63600, 238591, 901971, 3426576, ...

Number of free polyominoes (or square animals) with n cells:


Translation of: Haskell

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.typecons, std.conv;

alias Coord = byte; alias Point = Tuple!(Coord,"x", Coord,"y"); alias Polyomino = Point[];

/// Finds the min x and y coordiate of a Polyomino. enum minima = (in Polyomino poly) pure @safe =>

   Point(!q{ a.x }.reduce!min,!q{ a.y }.reduce!min);

Polyomino translateToOrigin(in Polyomino poly) {

   const minP = poly.minima;
   return!(p => Point(cast(Coord)(p.x - minP.x), cast(Coord)(p.y - minP.y))).array;


enum Point function(in Point p) pure nothrow @safe @nogc

   rotate90  = p => Point( p.y, -p.x),
   rotate180 = p => Point(-p.x, -p.y),
   rotate270 = p => Point(-p.y,  p.x),
   reflect   = p => Point(-p.x,  p.y);

/// All the plane symmetries of a rectangular region. auto rotationsAndReflections(in Polyomino poly) pure nothrow {

   return only(poly,
     !(pt => pt.rotate90.reflect).array,
     !(pt => pt.rotate180.reflect).array,
     !(pt => pt.rotate270.reflect).array);


enum canonical = (in Polyomino poly) =>!(pl => pl.translateToOrigin.sort().release).reduce!min;

auto unique(T)(T[] seq) pure nothrow {

   return seq.sort().uniq;


/// All four points in Von Neumann neighborhood. enum contiguous = (in Point pt) pure nothrow @safe @nogc =>

   only(Point(cast(Coord)(pt.x - 1), pt.y), Point(cast(Coord)(pt.x + 1), pt.y),
        Point(pt.x, cast(Coord)(pt.y - 1)), Point(pt.x, cast(Coord)(pt.y + 1)));

/// Finds all distinct points that can be added to a Polyomino. enum newPoints = (in Polyomino poly) nothrow =>!contiguous.joiner.filter!(pt => !poly.canFind(pt)).array.unique;

enum newPolys = (in Polyomino poly) =>!(pt => canonical(poly ~ pt)).array.unique;

/// Generates polyominoes of rank n recursively. Polyomino[] rank(in uint n) {

   static immutable Polyomino monomino = [Point(0, 0)];
   static Polyomino[] monominoes = [monomino]; // Mutable.
   if (n == 0) return [];
   if (n == 1) return monominoes;
   return rank(n - 1).map!newPolys.join.unique.array;


/// Generates a textual representation of a Polyomino. char[][] textRepresentation(in Polyomino poly) pure @safe {

   immutable minPt = poly.minima;
   immutable maxPt = Point(!q{ a.x }.reduce!max,!q{ a.y }.reduce!max);
   auto table = new char[][](maxPt.y - minPt.y + 1, maxPt.x - minPt.x + 1);
   foreach (row; table)
       row[] = ' ';
   foreach (immutable pt; poly)
       table[pt.y - minPt.y][pt.x - minPt.x] = '#';
   return table;


void main(in string[] args) {

   iota(1, 11).map!(n => n.rank.length).writeln;
   immutable n = (args.length == 2) ? args[1].to!uint : 5;
   writefln("\nAll free polyominoes of rank %d:", n);
   foreach (const poly; n.rank)
       writefln("%-(%s\n%)\n", poly.textRepresentation);


[1, 1, 2, 5, 12, 35, 108, 369, 1285, 4655]

All free polyominoes of rank 5:












D: Count Only

Translated and modified from C code:

<lang d>import core.stdc.stdio: printf; import core.stdc.stdlib: atoi;

__gshared ulong[] g_pnCountNH; __gshared uint[] g_pnFieldCheck, g_pnFieldCheckR; __gshared uint g_nFieldSize, g_nFieldWidth; __gshared uint[4] g_anLinkData; __gshared uint[8] g_anRotationOffset, g_anRotationX, g_anRotationY;

void countMain(in uint n) nothrow {

   g_nFieldWidth = n * 2 - 2;
   g_nFieldSize = (n - 1) * (n - 1) * 2 + 1;
   g_pnCountNH = new ulong[n + 1];
   auto pnField = new uint[g_nFieldSize];
   auto pnPutList = new uint[g_nFieldSize];
   g_pnFieldCheck = new uint[n ^^ 2];
   g_pnFieldCheckR = new uint[n ^^ 2];
   g_anLinkData[0] = 1;
   g_anLinkData[1] = g_nFieldWidth;
   g_anLinkData[2] = -1;
   g_anLinkData[3] = -g_nFieldWidth;
   countSub(n, 0, pnField, pnPutList, 0, 1);


void countSub(in uint n, in uint lv, uint[] field, uint[] putlist,

             in uint putno, in uint putlast) nothrow /*@nogc*/ {
   check(field, n, lv);
   if (n == lv) {
   foreach (immutable uint i; putno .. putlast) {
       immutable pos = putlist[i];
       field[pos] |= 1;
       uint k = 0;
       foreach (immutable uint j; 0 .. 4) {
           immutable pos2 = pos + g_anLinkData[j];
           if (0 <= pos2 && pos2 < g_nFieldSize && !field[pos2]) {
               field[pos2] = 2;
               putlist[putlast + k] = pos2;
       countSub(n, lv + 1, field, putlist, i + 1, putlast + k);
       foreach (immutable uint j; 0 .. k)
           field[putlist[putlast + j]] = 0;
       field[pos] = 2;
   foreach (immutable uint i; putno .. putlast) {
       immutable pos = putlist[i];
       field[pos] &= -2;


void initOffset(in uint n) nothrow /*@nogc*/ {

   g_anRotationOffset[0] = 0;
   g_anRotationX[0] = 1;
   g_anRotationY[0] = n;
   // 90
   g_anRotationOffset[1] = n - 1;
   g_anRotationX[1] = n;
   g_anRotationY[1] = -1;
   // 180
   g_anRotationOffset[2] = n ^^ 2 - 1;
   g_anRotationX[2] = -1;
   g_anRotationY[2] = -n;
   // 270
   g_anRotationOffset[3] = n ^^ 2 - n;
   g_anRotationX[3] = -n;
   g_anRotationY[3] = 1;
   g_anRotationOffset[4] = n - 1;
   g_anRotationX[4] = -1;
   g_anRotationY[4] = n;
   // 90
   g_anRotationOffset[5] = 0;
   g_anRotationX[5] = n;
   g_anRotationY[5] = 1;
   // 180
   g_anRotationOffset[6] = n ^^ 2 - n;
   g_anRotationX[6] = 1;
   g_anRotationY[6] = -n;
   // 270
   g_anRotationOffset[7] = n ^^ 2 - 1;
   g_anRotationX[7] = -n;
   g_anRotationY[7] = -1;


void check(in uint[] field, in uint n, in uint lv) nothrow /*@nogc*/ {

   g_pnFieldCheck[0 .. n ^^ 2] = 0;
   uint x, y;
   for (x = n; x < n * 2 - 2; x++)
       for (y = 0; y + x < g_nFieldSize; y += g_nFieldWidth)
           if (field[x + y] & 1)
               break outer;
   immutable uint x2 = n - x;
   foreach (immutable uint i; 0 .. g_nFieldSize) {
       x = (i + n - 2) % g_nFieldWidth;
       y = (i + n - 2) / g_nFieldWidth * n;
       if (field[i] & 1)
           g_pnFieldCheck[x + x2 + y] = 1;
   uint of1;
   for (of1 = 0; of1 < g_pnFieldCheck.length && !g_pnFieldCheck[of1]; of1++) {}
   bool c = true;
   for (uint r = 1; r < 8 && c; r++) {
       for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
           for (y = 0; y < n; y++) {
               immutable pos = g_anRotationOffset[r] +
                               g_anRotationX[r] * x + g_anRotationY[r] * y;
               g_pnFieldCheckR[pos] = g_pnFieldCheck[x + y * n];
       uint of2;
       for (of2 = 0; of2 < g_pnFieldCheckR.length && !g_pnFieldCheckR[of2]; of2++) {}
       of2 -= of1;
       immutable ed = (of2 > 0) ? (n ^^ 2 - of2) : (n ^^ 2);
       foreach (immutable uint i; of1 .. ed) {
           if (g_pnFieldCheck[i] > g_pnFieldCheckR[i + of2])
           if (g_pnFieldCheck[i] < g_pnFieldCheckR[i + of2]) {
               c = false;
   if (c) {
       uint parity;
       if (!(lv & 1)) {
           parity = (lv & 2) >> 1;
           for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
               for (y = 0; y < n; y++)
                   parity ^= (x + y) & g_pnFieldCheck[x + y * n];
           parity &= 1;
       } else
           parity = 0;


int main(in string[] args) {

   immutable n = (args.length == 2) ? (args[1] ~ '\0').ptr.atoi : 11;
   if (n < 1)
       return 1;
   if (n == 1)
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. n + 1)
       printf("%llu\n", g_pnCountNH[i]);
   return 0;



Output with n=14 (run-time about 36 seconds):



This Haskell solution is relatively slow, it's meant to be readable and as manifestly correct as possible.

Code updated and slightly improved from: <lang haskell>import Data.List (sort) import Data.Set (toList, fromList) import System.Environment (getArgs)

type Coord = Int type Point = (Coord, Coord) type Polyomino = [Point]

-- Finds the min x and y coordiate of a Polyomino. minima :: Polyomino -> Point minima (p:ps) = foldr (\(x, y) (mx, my) -> (min x mx, min y my)) p ps

translateToOrigin :: Polyomino -> Polyomino translateToOrigin p =

   let (minx, miny) = minima p in
       map (\(x, y) -> (x - minx, y - miny)) p

rotate90, rotate180, rotate270, reflect :: Point -> Point rotate90 (x, y) = ( y, -x) rotate180 (x, y) = (-x, -y) rotate270 (x, y) = (-y, x) reflect (x, y) = (-x, y)

-- All the plane symmetries of a rectangular region. rotationsAndReflections :: Polyomino -> [Polyomino] rotationsAndReflections p =

    map rotate90 p,
    map rotate180 p,
    map rotate270 p,
    map reflect p,
    map (rotate90 . reflect) p,
    map (rotate180 . reflect) p,
    map (rotate270 . reflect) p]

canonical :: Polyomino -> Polyomino canonical = minimum . map (sort . translateToOrigin) . rotationsAndReflections

unique :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] unique = toList . fromList

-- All four points in Von Neumann neighborhood. contiguous :: Point -> [Point] contiguous (x, y) = [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)]

-- Finds all distinct points that can be added to a Polyomino. newPoints :: Polyomino -> [Point] newPoints p =

   let notInP = filter (not . flip elem p) in
       unique . notInP . concatMap contiguous $ p

newPolys :: Polyomino -> [Polyomino] newPolys p = unique . map (canonical . flip (:) p) $ newPoints p

monomino = [(0, 0)] monominoes = [monomino]

-- Generates polyominoes of rank n recursively. rank :: Int -> [Polyomino] rank 0 = [] rank 1 = monominoes rank n = unique . concatMap newPolys $ rank (n - 1)

-- Generates a textual representation of a Polyomino. textRepresentaton :: Polyomino -> String textRepresentaton p =

   unlines  x <- [0 .. maxx - minx
            | y <- [0 .. maxy - miny]]
       maxima :: Polyomino -> Point
       maxima (p:ps) = foldr (\(x, y) (mx, my) -> (max x mx, max y my)) p ps
       (minx, miny) = minima p
       (maxx, maxy) = maxima p

main = do

   print $ map (length . rank) [1 .. 10]
   args <- getArgs
   let n = if null args then 5 else read $ head args :: Int
   putStrLn ("\nAll free polyominoes of rank " ++ show n ++ ":")
   mapM_ putStrLn $ map textRepresentaton $ rank n</lang>

All free polyominoes of rank 5:













Translation of: Haskell

<lang python>from itertools import imap, imap, groupby, chain, imap from operator import itemgetter from sys import argv from array import array

def concat_map(func, it):

   return list(chain.from_iterable(imap(func, it)))

def minima(poly):

   """Finds the min x and y coordiate of a Polyomino."""
   return (min(pt[0] for pt in poly), min(pt[1] for pt in poly))

def translate_to_origin(poly):

   (minx, miny) = minima(poly)
   return [(x - minx, y - miny) for (x, y) in poly]

rotate90 = lambda (x, y): ( y, -x) rotate180 = lambda (x, y): (-x, -y) rotate270 = lambda (x, y): (-y, x) reflect = lambda (x, y): (-x, y)

def rotations_and_reflections(poly):

   """All the plane symmetries of a rectangular region."""
   return (poly,
           map(rotate90, poly),
           map(rotate180, poly),
           map(rotate270, poly),
           map(reflect, poly),
           [reflect(rotate90(pt)) for pt in poly],
           [reflect(rotate180(pt)) for pt in poly],
           [reflect(rotate270(pt)) for pt in poly])

def canonical(poly):

   return min(sorted(translate_to_origin(pl)) for pl in rotations_and_reflections(poly))

def unique(lst):

   return map(next, imap(itemgetter(1), groupby(lst)))
  1. All four points in Von Neumann neighborhood.

contiguous = lambda (x, y): [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)]

def new_points(poly):

   """Finds all distinct points that can be added to a Polyomino."""
   return unique([pt for pt in concat_map(contiguous, poly) if pt not in poly])

def new_polys(poly):

   return unique([canonical(poly + [pt]) for pt in new_points(poly)])

monomino = [(0, 0)] monominoes = [monomino]

def rank(n):

   """Generates polyominoes of rank n recursively."""
   assert n >= 0
   if n == 0: return []
   if n == 1: return monominoes
   return unique(concat_map(new_polys, rank(n - 1)))

def text_representation(poly):

   """Generates a textual representation of a Polyomino."""
   min_pt = minima(poly)
   max_pt = (max(p[0] for p in poly), max(p[1] for p in poly))
   table = [array('c', ' ') * (max_pt[1] - min_pt[1] + 1)
            for _ in xrange(max_pt[0] - min_pt[0] + 1)]
   for pt in poly:
       table[pt[0] - min_pt[0]][pt[1] - min_pt[1]] = '#'
   return "\n".join(row.tostring() for row in table)

def main():

   print [len(rank(n)) for n in xrange(1, 11)]
   n = int(argv[1]) if (len(argv) == 2) else 5
   print "\nAll free polyominoes of rank %d:" % n
   for poly in rank(n):
       print text_representation(poly), "\n"


[1, 1, 2, 5, 12, 35, 108, 369, 1285, 4655]

All free polyominoes of rank 5:




# # 






